
v2 CHAPTER SIXTY: (18+) In which two partnerships under scrutiny reach new heights of troubled collaboration.

Content Warning: group sex, F/F sex, tail sex, brief descriptions of other sex (M/F, F/F/F, M/M)

Both Maria and Una had discarded their clothes some time earlier. Their naked bodies, scarlet red and creamy pale, interlocked as their hands roamed over one another and their tails coiled together. They lay on the floor, side by side, surrounded by writhing bodies in every human shade and a few others besides.

Una ran her fingers lightly across Maria’s skin, tracing circles around the blonde’s nipples, teasing and pinching them. Maria arched her back, pressing her breasts towards Una, moaning softly. Una’s tail slipped up Maria’s leg and between her thighs, brushing against her wet slit.

The blonde succubus shuddered, and her hands moved lower on Una’s torso, finding the folds of Una’s cunt with her fingers. “Maybe we should just… fuck more often, Una. I missed this.” Maria’s tone sounded petulant, her voice breathy and soft, but her fingers moved expertly, slipping into Una’s wet heat.

Are you saying… you did this because… unhh!” Una gasped as Maria thrust her fingers deeper inside, and her hips bucked involuntarily against the other succubus’ touch. “Because I wasn’t paying enough attention to you?”

“No, I just… oh god!” Maria’s words trailed off into a groan. Una’s own tail was sliding inside the blonde succubus, probing her depths with its sinuous length. “I mean, yes! Sure… I admit it. It’s been a lot, the powers and the hunger. I couldn’t keep it all bottled up.”

Una’s tail writhed in Maria’s pussy, and her hips rolled, grinding against it. “I understand, Maria. Maybe I shouldn’t… have… oh, fuck, that’s good. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so strict with you. And so… distracted.” She paused, closing her golden eyes and letting out a sigh of pleasure as Maria’s fingers found the sensitive spot on her inner walls.

“And I… oh my God! I’m sorry for things getting out of hand. But I’m not going… to be exactly like you.” Maria’s words were strained, and her hips jerked against Una’s touch.

Nearby, a moan from Tina grew in pitch until it was nearly shrieking, followed by gasping breaths. Una glanced over and saw that X had the newly changed woman pinned against a wall, her legs wrapped around his waist while his hips pumped against her. His muscular arms held her up effortlessly while she clung to him.

The sub-cellar had grown even more crowded before, with bodies pressed against each other and everywhere. In the shadows beyond X and Tina, she could see two feminine figures straddling Mary’s prone form—one was muscular and blonde, certainly Alexa, but the other looked like… Is that Susan? When did she get here?

Maria’s teeth on her nipple drew Una’s attention back to her partner. The blonde sucked on one nipple, her tongue swirling over its surface while her fingers teased the other one. Her free hand stroked Una’s thigh even as her hips rolled against the slick surface of Una’s tail.

“I don’t want you to be… just like me, Maria. I just—unnnh!—I just want us all to stay safe. To stay together. Fuck… oh fuck…

Maria shook her head with some effort, but smiled, and then leaned in to kiss Una. Una responded, sucking hard on Maria’s tongue, her own hands moving across the other woman’s pale, luscious breasts.

“Here,” Maria breathed. “I want to try something.” She drew her tail in front of her with some effort. It didn’t seem to be as agile as Una’s own tail, but it whipped back and forth lazily in Maria’s fingers. Maria ran her hand along it with a sigh, then slid it around the dark length of the other sinuous member, extending from Una’s backside into Maria’s cunt.

Una’s hips rolled semi-consciously as she watched Maria twine the shafts around each other in a helix. The tip of Maria’s tail had a spade-shaped fin, which Maria now folded into a fleshy arrow aimed between Una’s legs. Understanding what the other woman wanted, Una silently spread her knees and let Maria slide the tip of her tail up to the lips of Una’s sex.

The pointed tip felt warm and slippery against Una, and her own tail quivered in response, pulsing inside Maria. Maria let out a soft cry; the two demonesses stared at one another for a moment, then Maria pushed her tail forward. Mutually impaled, they rocked their bodies, their hips bucking, their tails thrusting, while their hands explored one another with urgent caresses.

Una’s hands slid across the smooth curves of Maria’s hips and ass as she felt her own body respond, the heat in the pit of her stomach flaring into a bonfire as Maria’s tail squirmed inside her. Maria’s fingers ran through Una’s hair, pulling her close, and their lips met in another kiss. The sounds of grunts, cries and whimpers rose from all around them as the partygoers coupled and fucked in every way imaginable. Maria moaned into Una’s mouth, and Una returned her kiss, feeling Maria shudder against her.

This is… different…” Una’s thought began, then fled into sensation as Maria’s sharp nails dug into her skin, drawing delicate lines of pain that only heightened the pleasure of Maria’s tail in her cunt. Una’s own hands roamed to trace patterns across the other demoness’s pale skin, to squeeze and stroke her nipples. Their hips ground together, and Una felt her body tense. “But I think… I’m going to come soon,” she managed. Her words came in short, gasping bursts.

Maria’s eyes flashed in response. The blonde’s hips bucked harder, and her tail thrashed inside Una, sending waves of pleasure coursing through Una’s body and making her toes curl in a cramping ache.

“Where do you end and I begin?” Maria wondered, her eyes rolling back. Una knew she was close to the peak as well, could feel the tension building in her body. Her own hips bucked in time with the rhythm of their tails, and Maria’s hands gripped her tighter as she moaned in response.

“I don’t… I don’t know…” She could feel Maria’s orgasm approaching like an earthquake beneath her, the vibrations building in intensity. Her own climax pressed against the base of her spine, coiling and uncoiling. She tossed her head back, feeling her hair whip about, and closed her eyes, letting the sensations overwhelm her, letting her senses take in the scents of sweat, blood, semen, musk and desire, and the tastes of salty skin on her lips and tongue.

She opened one eye and peered at the surrounding scene. For a moment, she thought she saw many faces turned towards them, eyes peering through the shadows glowing with lambent, reflected light—as if a hundred cats surrounded them. Then she blinked, even as she clenched the walls of her cunt around the thickness of Maria’s tail, and the scene resolved into what she’d seen before: X and Tina, kissing in a passionate embrace; Susan, her head bent to lap at Mary’s sex while Alexa straddled the voluptuous woman’s chest. Nearby, her twin brother Xander was pounding his hips against a lanky figure that looked like Jay Sigma.

“Everyone’s here,” Una said with a moan. Maria murmured in a response—then let out a sharp cry of pleasure as Una’s tail wormed deep inside her.

“They’re here… for you, Una.” Maria’s eyes were closed, her head thrown back as her hips swiveled, and Una could see the blonde’s muscles tensing and releasing. “For us… oh fuck… I’m so… close!”

Maria’s words triggered something in Una. She let her mind expand, taking in sensations of desire all around her. At one level, she was conscious of her body: her tail pistoning in and out of the beautiful woman beside her; her hips rocking rhythmically along the pressure of Maria’s length. She knew the way they fit together, like puzzle pieces interlocking; the heat rising from their skin; and the spiced-honey scent of Maria filling her nostrils.

At another, she felt herself spreading outward to touch the minds of those around her. Maria joined her, their intertwined awareness reaching out and enveloping the partygoers. The succubae heard and smelled and felt every reveler’s pleasure as they touched themselves and each other in ways both familiar and new. Una and Maria tasted the tang of sweat and blood, the salt and sweet of kisses and caresses.

“Fuck!” Maria’s scream was high-pitched and piercing, and her hips jerked spasmodically. “Fuck me harder, bitch!” Their hips and tails bucked in unison, and Una could feel Maria’s pelvic muscles clenching around her length even as her own cunt throbbed and squeezed. Maria’s hands gripped Una’s shoulders hard enough to bruise as her body stiffened, and her head fell forward to touch Una’s shoulder. Una’s own back arched, her spine twisting as her orgasm tore through her.

The two succubae cried out together, their voices blending, their bodies locked in a tangle of limbs, tails, tongues, teeth and hair. The shared climax crashed over them both, sending waves of pure feeling through them as muscles contracted and bodies shook.

“Hani-yuo-toa,” said two voices in perfect synchronization, and Una and Maria shuddered together, the words echoing through their minds. “Ead-ahneyen.” In front of her, Una saw only Maria’s face, wild and golden, with eyes like amber stones slit down the middle. Maria saw only Una’s strong scarlet features, her yellow irises burning with the tremors of passion. The pair stared at each other, frozen in time and space, as their orgasms rolled over them and subsided into afterglow.

Una opened her mouth to speak, but found she couldn’t make a sound. Maria tried to raise her hand, but couldn’t move it. They stared at each other in confusion and alarm, unable to move or speak as their shared ecstasy slowly drained away. The surrounding room seemed to have vanished; they spun in a smoky void.

Around them, voices murmured, and shapes kneeled and bowed their heads. “Una,” said one. “Una,” another repeated. “Una, Una…. Una.” Soon, all the voices were chanting in unison, and the kneeling shadows swayed from side to side. The words echoed in Una’s head, growing louder until the noise rang in her hears. Maria cried out, her eyes wide.

Abruptly, the light changed again, plunging into darkness and then growing bright once more. Una and Maria lay naked and tangled, surrounded by the bodies of their lovers. The partygoers lay sprawled on the floor and the furniture of the sub-basement, motionless. Una sat up, and Maria stirred with tension.

Holy shit! What was that!? Are they…” Una raised a hand, stilling Maria’s torrent of words. On all fours, the crimson succubus crawled across the concrete floor towards X. The young man lay on his back, with Tina curled against his muscular chest. Una put her hand in front of X’s face, then sighed with relief and sat back on her heels. He was breathing, with the quiet rhythm of sleep.

They’re all asleep.” Una kept her voice low and calm. Maria relaxed, and the pair of succubae looked around the room together. Their friends lay in embraces and exhausted tangles: Susan, Jay, Xander, Alexa, among many others. Now they could hear the rumbles of snoring, filling the room?

“When did that happen? They all just… passed out? And did you hear all those voices calling out…?” Maria was fumbling for her clothes, her expression bewildered.

Una reached over and grabbed her friend’s hand, squeezing it. Yeah. Calling my name. It wasn’t just you… but I don’t know exactly how real it was, either. More like a vision?”

Maria shivered. “All right.” She hunched over, hugging her knees, then met her friend’s gaze. “I really am sorry, Una. There’s obviously a lot more at work than just… sex and transformations.”

Una wrapped an arm and a tail around her friend’s waist and pulled her into an embrace. The pair sat quietly, holding one another as they recovered. “I’m sorry too. I ought to listen to you more.”

Maria raised an eyebrow. “I’m not so sure. I started joking about a sex cult a couple of weeks ago, and look at us now!” Una chuckled, but the laugh died in her throat. Around them, friends and strangers slept on, oblivious.


Una groaned and rubbed her forehead again, tracing a line from the base of one gracefully arcing horn to her right eyebrow. The lights in the waiting area seemed far too bright, and even the faint noises filtering in—agents and office staff pacing the hallways, the chime of an elevator—felt like needles in her brain.

“I can’t believe you’re not suffering from this hangover, or whatever it is,” she muttered, not for the first time that morning. Susan looked up from her notebook. The scholar was as bright-eyed as usual, though after their very late night, she was once again wearing her dark hair loose and unadorned, letting her bangs fall over her face. She frowned in concerned, her pretty features clouding for a minute, then reached for a fluted pitcher on the table.

“You should drink some more water, sweetheart. That always helps.” Susan poured a glass, then passed it over. Una sighed and took the cup, sipping from it. Susan tapped her lower lip with a pen. “Although it’s not like you had anything alcoholic to drink, right? You think it was the, ah…”

“The basement gathering of people hoping succubae would transform them? The intense waves of sexual energy that kept washing over me? Transforming Tina? Or maybe the climax, when everyone started having sex until Maria and I created some kind of feedback loop that gave us strange visions and knocked everyone else out?” Una leaned back into the couch cushions and closed her eyes, pressing the cool glass against her forehead. “Take your fucking pick, I guess.”

Susan laughed, a light musical sound. Her voice still had the strange overtones of the day before, when her human personality seemed to retreat into something more angelic and less human. But today, her brown eyes glowed with warmth. “Well, I enjoyed the last part. Maria’s transformation of that girl Mary was… wild. She’s like a human blow-up doll.”

Una squeezed her temples. “Don’t remind me. I guess we have to put her on the list with Cesar and Bill.”

“Already done,” noted Susan. “Hmm, I wonder how long Victoria’s going to keep us waiting? And I wonder whether it’s deliberate…”

“I see no need to rush,” said the recuperating succubus. “Especially if it’s some mind game. Nobody’s even explained what this is about. And maybe if I keep my eyes closed for ten more minutes, my headache will pass. You really don’t feel sick at all? I thought you were having a drink upstairs when I went to explore the sub-cellar.”

“Oh yes,” said Susan brightly. “I really like the current bartender’s rendition of a Moscow Mule. I had three before coming downstairs.”

Una opened her eyes and stared at her girlfriend. “And you’re completely fine? I hate you.”

“Awww,” said Susan. “You love me.”

“I do,” Una admitted. “But what’s your secret? Hydration?”

“Hmm. Yes, drink lots of water. I take a B-vitamin and a zinc supplement every day, and prickly pear cactus extract before alcohol.” Una raised an eyebrow at the long list, and Susan turned her nose up. “What? I like to go out late and have fun! But I’m also very prepared.”

“Really, though. That angelic seed inside of you protects you from harm, right? Maybe it’s also filtering toxins out of your bloodstream faster than normal? Maybe Jay should check you out next time.”

Susan looked discomfited. Una could see her trying to formulate a reply, but the door to the inner office opened and a tall, elegant figure appeared: Gabriella, Director Lombardi’s personal secretary. Immaculately coiffed as ever, Gabriella wore an ivory silk blouse tucked into a long black skirt, with a single lengthy string of lustrous pearls looping around and around her neck.

Una felt underdressed next to Gabriella, although the woman’s poise made her feel that way during their last meeting as well. Today, in a rush to get to Manhattan, she’d quickly thrown on a pair of yoga pants and a stretchy white tank top, with her hair tied in a ponytail. At least the yoga pants were a fancy pair, with a subtle design of leaves and vines climbing the sides of her scarlet legs.

Gabriella regarded the pair of them with a cool, dark-eyed gaze. Her gaze lingered on Una a second longer than it should, and a small smile flickered briefly at the corner of her mouth. The woman cleared her throat delicately with a lace-gloved fist. “They’re ready for you now.”

Susan got to her feet; she was wearing her typical work attire of a button-down shirt with dark slacks. Una sighed and followed her, setting her half-empty glass on the coffee table as she stood.

As the pair entered the inner office, Una glimpsed Gabriella watching them from the waiting area with a broad smile before closing the door behind them and shutting her view off.

Una had never set foot in the executive office of the director of a government agency. The closest she’d gotten, at least in living memory, was the suite of offices used by the Cardinals of the Archdiocese of New York, full of bookshelves, meeting rooms and suitably impressive ecclesiastical decor.

This office was quite different. Potted plants and paintings hung along the walls, and a miniature battery-powered fountain topped by a spinning jade ball burbled in the corner. Sunlight streamed through a row of windows that looked out across downtown Manhattan; a few mismatched armchairs seemed to be in rotating use as reading nooks. The overall effect was cozy and cluttered, especially since piles of paper, bound reports and books covered most available surfaces.

A collection of desks dominated the center of the room, all pushed together in a horseshoe shape; more paperwork covered each one. A pair of computer monitors sat atop one desk, and Victoria Lombardi herself sat on the front of another, looking expectantly at Susan and Una.

The Director of the Office of Supernatural Affairs was a slender and surprisingly youthful woman—without a closer look, Una might have mistaken her for one of her subordinates, a junior government functionary of the sort that roamed these halls. She wore a black jacket over a red dress; an unusual combination, but one that looked tailored to complement and fit, at least to Una’s unconsciously practiced eye.

Upon scrutiny, however, Victoria created a very different impression: the corners of her eyes had small crow’s feet, betraying experience greater than her smooth, milky complexion would otherwise suggest, and her expression was all competence and no nonsense. Her clothes, understated but expensive, complemented by a delicate French manicure, gave the same impression. Victoria Lombardi was not to be underestimated—but Una knew that much from Susan’s limited accounts of her work here.

The Director, perched in a central position with one dark-stockinged leg crossed over the other, had easily captured Una’s attention. As she raised her gaze to look around, the second figure standing behind the assemblage of desks made her start in surprise. Monsignor Ludovic Albert, looking as out of place as a boulder in a rose garden, hovered stiffly in front of the windows, arms at his sides, his eyes boring into hers.

Albert’s face drooped in its characteristic scowl, his lips drawn down into a curving line across his jaw. He wore a black priest’s jacket under another black coat, creating an oddly bulking silhouette; for some reason, he’d foregone his white clerical collar. Albert adjusted his glasses, still staring at Una. He hasn’t seen me looking like this, Una realized. When we met at the Cathedral, I wore my human guise.

“At least you’re both on time,” Albert said with a sniff, then broke eye contact to look at something higher; he was staring at Una’s horns, she realized. “But you’ve the ability to shapeshift now, have you not? Why move around the city looking so…” He gestured at her, waving his hands vaguely. “Conspicuous.”

Albert’s last word made it clear he wasn’t asking a question. Still, Una opened her mouth in protest—to point out what a waste of energy it would be, or that she had a right to look as she pleased.

Then Victoria Lombardi shifted slightly and tilted her head to look at the priest. With the woman’s presence, even this slight movement seemed perfectly orchestrated to capture the room’s attention. She fixed Albert with a stare, a faint smile playing on her lipsthe smile a cat might wear in human form.

“Ludo,” she murmured, and the tone of her voice was almost teasing. “Didn’t we just agree that I’d handle this part—here at the outset?

Albert flushed, then fidgeted at his shirt, near the absence of his clerical collar. Una felt her own face heat by association, as if watching an elderly relative do something embarrassing. Albert had been Father Michael’s immediate superior for years, after all—and he was still the superior of Sister Mona Caprioni, the fabricated identity the Church used to pay her a stipend. Oh dear, Una realized with a start. No collar, an extra jacket, and… is that hair gel? Is he the one trying to look inconspicuous? Or… damnation, is he trying to impress her?

Victoria Lombardi’s smile grew broader, and her dark brown eyes glittered as they met Una’s, seeming to grasp the nature of the succubus’ thoughts. Una felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

“Besides,” the Director continued, “I find Miss Belmont’s choice of appearance quite appropriate. A demon in athleisure wear, hmm? You could be a poster girl for the post-portal New York City. I wouldn’t expect the Vatican to approve, but I do.”

The Director’s eyes slid over Una’s body, lingering on the tight lines of her yoga pants and the curve of the succubus’s breasts. Una, her senses still raw from the night before, felt a tendril of desire brush gently across her consciousness. Her nipples stiffened involuntarily, dark points pressing against her thin top, and Una hastily folded her arms over her chest. The Director smiled wider still and winked at her, while Albert’s eyes widened in a disapproving glare.

Victoria’s gaze swung to Susan, settling into the cool assessment of a superior towards a subordinate. The Director pursed her lips. “Agent Miller, your assessment of why we’ve called you here?”

Una’s mouth quirked. She’s going to make Susan guess why they summoned us here?

Susan nodded briskly, her bangs falling over her face. “Director. Monsignor Albert. I assume this isn’t about…”

Oh no, Susan! Don’t mention last night… that’s the last thing we need! Una’s thoughts raced through her mind, and for a rueful moment she considered the purse resting on her hip. Two pairs of Jay’s silent-communication earbuds nestled inside, but it wasn’t as if they could slip them on now.

Still, Susan glanced sideways at Una, as if understanding what the succubus might be thinking even without technological aid. The glance hadn’t gone unnoticed by Lombardi, who raised an eyebrow.

“No,” Susan continued. “We received your meeting request yesterday, so…” Una saw Susan blink, and knew her girlfriend was thinking, considering and discarding possibilities rapidly. Then her expression cleared. “My best guess isn’t all that certain, Director, but I assume we’re looking at a situation where the OSA needs Una Belmont. You wanted us to come in right away. Monsignor Albert is here, of course. And I assume you needed me to get Una here. That’s all consistent with previous intentions you’ve laid out.”

Victoria Lombardi inclined her head slightly. She uncrossed her legs and hopped lightly off her perch on the desk. Her simple pumps clicked against the parquet floor with surprising force.

“Close enough.” Victoria paced slowly towards Susan and Una. “We’re looking at not one situation but multiple. And I would like both of you involved. Whether or not you realize it, the two of you each represent a significant asset in our… mutual efforts.”

Una’s eyebrows raised fractionally with each successive revelation from the Director. “Assets?” The word came out sounding more irritable than she’d intended.

Yes, Sister Belmont.” Albert paced around the desk, pushing aside a pile of folders as he did so. “You recall our arrangement. The Church still has need of you, despite your… lack of fitness to perform the sacraments.”

“What you mean is, you’re loaning me out to Lombardi here?” Una no longer bothered to conceal her annoyance. The idea of being moved around like a pawn rankled her, despite her sense that the Director’s attitude was far warmer towards her than Albert’s. “Should I ask what the Curia for Supernatural Warfare is receiving for my services?”

Victoria shook her head. “Nothing so simple, Ms. Belmont. We’re not trading you like a horse, if that’s what you’re worried about. We have shared goals, so we’re sharing personnel as well. I hope you can understand that.”

Her tone was mild, but Una sensed a steel rod running through those words. I’m to understand these are orders, not a suggestion, Una realized. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled, and she had to suppress a burst of anti-authoritarian feeling—an impulse certainly inherited from Yael.

Susan, uncharacteristically silent until now, coughed politely. Three pairs of eyes turned in her direction. “I understand, Director. Una’s developed a range of powers, although I want to note they’re unpredictable. And I already know why you wanted me as an agent… the invulnerability, and all that.”

Albert raised one bushy eyebrow but said nothing. How much does he know about Susan? Una wondered. More than I’d like and more than I can control, obviously.

“But if I may ask, what’s the situation that led to this… sharing of resources?” Susan’s voice remained calm and level.

Victoria nodded. “To the point: it’s the sort of thing you’re already dealing with, Agent Miller. Unexplained phenomena, sightings of supernatural activity with elevated risk. But we’re seeing… an uptick in events which require a response from the OSA. And despite your abilities, I’d like you to have backup.”

Una couldn’t suppress her surprise. “You want me… to work as Susan’s partner?”

Albert nodded. “The two of you have worked together before. And at this point, you’re both considerably more… Mmm, should we say ‘talented?’ Sister Una Belmont, the Archdiocese formally requests that you continue your work as a consultant under the supervision of Agent Susan Sunghi Miller of the Office of Supernatural Affairs.”

Susan clapped Una on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, rookie! I’ll show ya the ropes.”

Next time: Agents Miller and Belmont, reporting for duty.

Do you remember way back when these two first investigated the mysterious disappearance of an elderly priest? Seems like a long time ago. What do you think, will they fare better this time?

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods. A different and motherly form of demonic possession...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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