Stop it, Bro~

A Fiery Bonding of the Devils (2)

"Can you hear them?" Alvida whispered as Nami, still pressing her ears against the door shook her head. A little annoyed, Carmen couldn't help but speak up, "What's with this? Can't you even give the captain you chose to follow a bit of privacy?"

"We didn't choose to follow him," Nami pouted and huffed, "He and my sister kidnapped me while Brody drowned Alvida until she decided to join. Only you, Nojiko, and possibly this Reiju decided on your own to join. But... look around you. Do you see any other man? Most likely, Captain Brody is a beast in human skin that would want nothing more than to ravage our young, beautiful bodies in the dead of night until we can barely whimper while being pushed against the ground and—" Nami quietened down as she found Nojiko, Carmen, and Alvida looking at her with a weird expression.

"T-That's quite the imagination, Nami... maybe I really don't know you as well as I thought..." Nojiko smiled wryly.

"No!" Nami blushed, "I just meant—"

"It is highly possible that Captain may even not look at your twig-like appearance. How can you even think of being pushed against the ground when you have nothing enticing to be pushed into the ground for," Alvida narrowed her eyes, "Dumb arrogance."

"Bitch, who're you calling ugly?!" Nami hissed.

"I shall remain more fearful of you at night than the captain. Even if he has manly urges, are you saying that none of us can have urges of our own by being on the same ship for foreseeable future? How stereotypical can you be?" Carmen berated while taking a dancing pose commonly known as Salsa in East Blue.

Nami blushed heavily, unable to vent in any manner as the trio piled on her.


Opening the door with an annoyed expression, and thoroughly naked, Brody shouted, "Shut up and let me have my check-up in peace!"

His expression soon turned ugly and grim as he held his chest and huffed deeply while a trickle of blood escaped his nostrils.

"Brody, didn't I tell you not to be agitated while being medicated?" Reiju smiled calmly and gently helped Brody back to the bed before letting him lie on the bed and then covering him with their bedsheet.

"Do come in," Reiju looked at the four who still watched on with a strange expression, "Better to make things clear now than let this misunderstanding fester on."

Once they all settled down, Brody remained stubbornly silent as Reiju explained, "He... Brody contracted an illness when he destroyed the Kingdom I had authority over as a Princess. The Germa Kingdom of North Blue. That is also when he got his bounty of 90 Million as Brody 'Ruin' Hanma."

Brody's eyelids jumped in surprise as Reiju's smile broadened, "And as you guessed it back then, Nojiko-san, I am related to Sanji. But that doesn't matter." Turning her gaze to look at Brody who seemed even more annoyed, she continued, "We hoped to enter Grand Line right then and there to find ingredients that would deal with his illness once and for all. But, I accidentally told him about a certain someone who could be here in East Blue."

"You mean that's the same person who caused that strange storm in Loguetown?" Nami questioned.

"Who knows," Reiju shrugged, "Anyway, now you know my reason to join Devil Back Pirates. Not only did I want to be free from my Kingdom... but I also want to help Brody achieve his goals. And he can only do that when alive."

"... What kind of illness is it?" Nojiko inquired.

"Its symptoms are not like any ordinary illness. And it certainly doesn't show up usually. In fact, its symptoms won't show up until they are accumulated for years. Right now, I'm just helping him cleanse his body. But... even if the symptoms can be reduced, he'll most probably..." Reiju whispered while taking a handkerchief and cleaning the blood around his nostrils.

"I'll live forever, no need to worry!" Brody suddenly grinned and waved at the group, "Now you know what's what. And the only reason why someone strange, like you described, maybe after us is because of the Germa Kingdom incident. Now let me at least get treated. If you wanna get pushed against the wall or the ground, I'll be happy to oblige," he looked at Nami with a smirk that didn't seem 'right' for their 'innocent' foody captain.

Heaving a deep sigh with a nerve popping over her head, Nami shouted, "Like hell, I'd want that!"

"Fan of spooning, are we?" Brody laughed while Nami left with a huff and others followed soon after.

Once the door was closed, Brody's smile vanished as he looked at Reiju with an annoyed gaze, "You're a liar..."

"That makes the two of us," Reiju smiled as she leaned forward, "You can keep on saying that weak people can never be responsible for anything and thus, can never hope to shoulder anyone's trust either... but I see that you recruited some weaklings, too."

Angered, Brody growled, "They are plenty strong! You don't know—"

"What did he say?" Reiju interacted with a smirk, "I don't know why but I was knocked out cold. But I assume you didn't, right? Did he give you the same assessment as you gave yourself?"

Brody lost all his frustration in an instant, his smile grew almost child-like as he snickered, "I saw him laugh for the first time! Man, Reiju, you should have seen it! The world was laughing alongside him!"

Reiju's smile broadened, too, "Well, if that man is so eager then there should be no reason for you to feel so down." Letting her hand stroke his cheek, she whispered while leaning forward, "You've always got my trust, Captain~"

"Damn right, I do. And I never called myself weak," Brody scoffed.

"Ah, I remember it was the term failure."

"Hey! I didn't even know what it meant! That's what she called me all the time!" He snorted but did have his arms around Reiju who promptly sat on top of him while his body gave positive feedback pitching within the sheet. Feeling him so excited, Reiju gently whispered while brushing her lips against his, "Time for my favorite meal."

Their lips pressed together as Reiju wasn't the least bit shy from sticking her tongue into his mouth while visibly sucking on his tongue as her gaze narrowed with pleasure. What should have been just a treatment, like usual, turned into something more. It always did. Both of his hands eagerly flipped the edge of the oversized white shirt over Reiju's pale but round and comely buttcheeks adorned with lacy, transparent purple panties as his fingers gave her cheeks a good and filling squeeze, making her succumb to his embrace with a muffled moan escaping through their kiss.

"Brody! Marine ships in sigh— What the hell are you doing?!" Nami issued a sharp and surprised yelp as her gaze couldn't help but wander toward the healing device her captain was poking her with during their spoon.

Utterly calm, Reiju pulled back while sucking in the last bit of saliva and finally licking her full, pillowy lips, "I was sucking away the toxins and cleansing his body, of course, Nami."

As if to indicate that she didn't believe them, Nami looked at the erection in the sheets as Reiju smiled, "That was the next area of administration to remove all the toxins from."

"Yoh liars!!" Nami snorted and shut the door close with a loud bang.

"Well, Marines are here. Good thing we actually did get all of it out. It really feels like shit bleeding from my nose and having my lungs shudder whenever the treatment is interrupted," Brody shrugged.

"And what about this?" Reiju smirked while flicking the tip of his steering stick.

"Eh? You know, maybe push Nami against a wall or, ooh! I could try and do a split while—"

"Let's not do any of that..." Reiju narrowed her eyes, "And don't you pull that innocent act in front of me."

"I'm innocent?" Brody tilted his head and blinked innocuously, "I've been called a Failure, stupid, idiot, inferior, and lots more but... damn, nobody called me innocent. Ever."

Reiju pursed her lips and finally huffed in annoyance.

For someone related to the 'Strongest', their Captain could seriously be considered... sigh... 'foody.'


"Where are the marines?" Brody questioned while adjusting his pants with Reiju walking alongside him who was—

"Wait... is that my shirt and Capri?" Alvida frowned as she saw Reiju in a pink, yellow-stripped shirt with the edges tied directly under her breasts, exposing her somewhat built abdomen while wearing dark yellow Capri Pants that almost reached Reiju's ankles given the difference in their heights.

"Oh, yeah," Reiju nodded, "My clothes were all within Loguetown. I never got a chance to pack them... and the Captain's belonged to you once—"

"It's still mine! I'm just lending it to Captain. I expected him to raid my drawers, not you," Alvida scoffed.

"Oh, I did," Brody nodded, "Your old clothes can fit me... but I'd rather not try on your old panties. Damn, you were really tanky back then."

"Was I?" Alvida frowned and questioned, "I don't remember it."

'So fat...' Nami agreed but kept it to herself while Brody walked past them and looked towards the distant marine ships, "Huh... where's Grand Line's Entrance?"

He questioned while Nami pointed in the direction where the marine ships were slowly parting from one another and then connecting their sides with thick metal chains that would capture any ship that crosses its path.

"A blockade... what should we do..." Brody muttered before smiling, "Ah... that's right, after this, we need a weapon's master, too!"

"You already have one!" Alvida smirked.

"Not you. Can you operate all kinds of weapons? Oh, a shipwright and a musician, too! And we also need to think of my Jolly Roger's design... so much to do..."

"Is it really the time to be thinking all that?" Nojiko inquired curiously.

"He's right," Carmen nodded, "The kitchen is barely equipped and food always tastes better with good music!"

"Oh, I've heard of a popular musician. Maybe we can find her later," Reiju smiled.


"There are? Oh, right, wait a minute," Brody suddenly jogged down the deck and finally came out while holding two cannon balls in each of his arms before gently setting them on the deck's surface.

"Heh! I've heard of a famous marine who actually throws cannon balls instead of shooting them. I always wanted to give it a shot!"

Holding the cannonball in his palm and inhaling deeply, Brody's back clenched and pressed against the grey jacket he took from Smoker. His body visibly grew and 'bulged'.

"Let's see if this much is good enough..." Brody whispered and then—


Others in the ship held back their hair as a massive gust was generated around them while a sharp whistling sound filled the region.


A cannonball suddenly tore the main mast of the marine ship and continued forward without stopping, leaving the marines on the ship dumbstruck as they heard no sound of a cannon being launched.

"Too much power..." Brody frowned when Nami pointed out, "Wait, Captain, we're being surrounded!"

They were being attacked by all directions but one— South.



Cannonballs slammed into the water around the ship before causing explosions that rocked the ship and made others hold the railings. Quick to pick up, the cannonballs, Brody's eyes glinted as he grinned, "There!"

Seeing him throw a cannonball into the air instead of the ships, the crew got curious when they heard a sharp explosion above them and finally, a large figure in a black suit with his green hair now a little disheveled 'appeared' in front of them.

"How did you know I was here, Chapa?" The man questioned as Nami, Nojiko, Carmen, and Alvida realized that this was the same man who attacked them yesterday.

"Shut the fuck up!" Brody snapped instead, "I'm training to stop ignoring those weaker than me and you also kept on repeating Chapapa, Chapapa!"

The figure blinked and tried to rub the back of his head but his arms were short and stubbly so he instead chose to rub the side of his face, "I see... chapapa... Brody Hanma. Reiju Vinsmoke. The two of you are in World Government's pursuit! Surrender—"

The round individual blinked as Brody disappeared from the deck with a short puff of air and appeared in front of the strange individual who was still bouncing in the air.

"I just told you didn't I? No mercy even for the weak..." Brody whispered as his slap sunk the man's face in and sent him shooting into the ocean.

"Now..." Brody muttered, "How do I jump on air like he was doing? Oh, wait... I'm falling..."



If you guys have nothing else to read then do give Paradise of Infinity (slow start; multiverse ff with avatar as the first world.), filthy gamer in narutoverse (Naruto, oc, partial gamer) and Quest Maker (Soul land, not available in qq forums alone) a try~~

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