Stolen Love

Chapter 57 - Life and death

“Your specific location?” The cold tone passed through the communicator, with majesty, with the landslide and the calmness of the eyes.

The heart of the glass listened to the sound of Qi Mo. The heart suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The words quickly returned like a bead: “I don’t know, I only know that there are many containers in the cabin, all of which are metal-based gunpowder. The door was completely sealed, and I couldn’t get out, hurry up, no time.”

The Qi Mo of the captain’s room and the essays and other people connected by several parties, the words have changed color, and even the face of Qi Mo has become more gloomy.

Yan Wenyi gnawed his teeth: “Metal properties, what are they doing?”

“Be a master, hurry down, hurry.” On the fast-moving submarine, the red eagle and the new screamer shouted, and on the window next to the eye, you can see the dive that popped out from the water. The boat and the submarine have not fully surfaced, and the water at the top of the head has opened, and the red eagle has been drilled from above.

Qi Mo’s look is cold and cold, and the chilling gas inside his eyes is chilling. He ignores the submarine that has already surfaced. Shen Sheng said: “Track her position, fast.”

White Eagle and the settler quickly searched quickly, and the other side looked up according to the channel provided by Bai Ying, while anxiously said: “I will do my best, be a master, you will come down, hurry, the metal property of the explosive is not talking about playing, Faster.”

At the same time, Yan Wen is also full of eagerness: “Qi, leave soon…”

“Hurry up.” Qi Mo’s roar directly interrupted everyone’s anxious voice. Qi Mo cold eyes glanced at the watch in his hand and saw the entire ship’s surveillance screen. He suddenly appeared at the place where the family passed, and glanced at the watch. On the rest of the time, Qi Mozhen stood up and said: “The red eagle left, how far the essay is far away, all the people, leaving.” The side quickly disappeared into the captain’s room.

On the screen, the text flashed a trace of surprise, and the complexion was calm and anxious. The scary fist of the eyes was on the control panel, and Shen said: “Back.”

“No, the master is still…” I don’t know when the yellow eagle ran out and grabbed the joystick, and refused.

Yan Wen didn’t look at Huang Ying, and his look was cold as all the expressions were frozen. Cold voice: “Retreat, he is Qi Mo, his words are orders.”

The short five words made the yellow eagle’s anxious expression calm down. After a moment of indulgence, Huang Ying pulled the lever down and smashed the control bar. The warship was fully opened and quickly retreated backwards. Yes, he is Qi Mo, he is their head of the family, since he will issue such an order, then he has the perfect preparation, then his safety does not have to worry, because he is Qi Mo, the family of the family, Qi Ink, as long as these two words, it means everything.

The yellow eagle quickly retreated, and the red eagle was tightly attached to the edge of the ship. The other people on the boat quickly put down their hands under the order of Qimo, and quickly rushed toward the red eagle. The submarine gathered, the Red Eagle and the settler were doing the preparations in their hands without saying a word. His words were absolute orders. Even if they faced death, they could not cringe.

The glass heart trapped in the cabin, listening to the words of Qi Mo and Yu Wen, all passed through the connection, listening to the anxious voice of several people, Qi Mo’s cold command, the heart of the glass flowing down the forehead While persistently dividing the thick and outrageous steel gates.

There is still less than a minute left, and the sound of ticking and ticking is clear and incomprehensible. It is so suffocating in the quiet space. The heartbeat of the heart is gradually synchronizing with the ticking, step by step. To jump out of the chest, there is no control and no ability to control.

Fifty seconds, forty-five seconds, time passed by little, the heart of the glass didn’t want to look at the time in his hand, but he couldn’t stop looking at it. The more he saw it, the more his heart beat faster, the calmer face and the calm heart. Outrageous, but that beating and shaking is not an increase in consciousness.

Hey, hey, Qi Mo is flying like a fly in the cabin. The other side of the ear is the clear and steady commanding voice of the settler. He directs the Qi Mo to turn, forward and turn, and the side is the beating sound. In the feeling of silence outside, this small almost negligible sound is the most real feeling of the heart of the glass, that is the heartbeat.

“What?” The cold and overbearing voice came, and the heart of the glass suddenly shook his teeth and said: “Know.”

“Retreat, leave the gate about ten meters.”

The heart of the glass listened to the ink and said that it immediately ran away without stopping for a moment, while the other side calmly said: “The lower left corner is relatively weak.” There was a big square-shaped mouth opened by her, definitely better than Other places are much weaker. The more critical the crisis is, the more calm it is. The heart of the glass can’t hear its heartbeat at this time. It only knows that the most accurate information should be given to Qimo at the first time. The hope of life, the waste of one second is the call of death.

Forty seconds, thirty-five seconds, the ticking sound represents the rapid disappearance of time, and the glass heart clings to the front-end container and tightly clenches the fist.

“Climb down.” Qi Mo suddenly came a cold drink, and the glass thought quickly and threw himself to the ground. At the same time, at the gate of the seal, there was a small but powerful blasting sound, only to hear the steel. The door was made, and in a moment, the iron piece was shot, and the splashing sound of the table tennis was thrown. The iron piece was hit and hit on the container under the four, and the flame that suddenly burst in the darkness made the dark space bright. stand up.

After the burst of the explosion, the glass heart only paused for a second, waiting for the iron piece to splash, and then waited for the ink to jump up and rush toward the burning iron gate.

In the lower left corner, a hole was blown out by Qimo, but it was not big, but it was just enough for one person to pass. At this time, the dazzling flame was still on the iron door, and the glass heart could not be managed so much, and one rushed up.

Qi Mo, who was standing outside, rushed up at the same time. Seeing the glass heart revealing it, and holding the back neck of the glass heart, and pulling it out, the whole heart of the glass heart was pulled out.

Grasping the heart of the glass, Qi Mo does not care about the position of the glass heart. When he returns, he rushes out toward the front. The glass heart is facing down and is smothered by the neck. It is like the power of Qimo and the unparalleled speed. Flying up in general, the glass heart can not care for so many, eagerly said: “There are still twenty seconds.”

Qi Mo did not answer the words of the glass heart, Shen Sheng: “Prepare.”

“Yes.” The voice of the red eagle and the settler sounded at the same time. Outside the ship, the submarine had begun to sink slowly. The red eagle standing at the top of the stern looked seriously at the direction in which the ink and the heart would come out. How much time is left.

The stand in the submarine began to operate straight, the lever was pulled up, the water level dropped, the vents began to seal, and the speed increased. All the people in the submarine did not say a word, sitting in their own positions, and the face was calm and respectful. statue.

On the ship, Qimo buckled the neck of the glass heart, like a flying rampage, quickly approaching the submarine, the submarine slowly sinking, with the speed and time of Qimo, simultaneously flooding down.

Fifteen seconds, incredible speed, unimaginable power, Qi Mo with a glass heart straight through the other side of the cabin, rushed out at the position of the glass heart, Qi Mo looked at the submarine with only one top on top, The red eagle was standing at the top of the mouth waiting. When the wrist was moving across the heart of the glass, it was thrown toward the red eagle. The red eagle quickly reached out and hugged, and at the same time, the position of the top of the sink was given to the ink. Come out.

Qi Mo did not say anything, one hand on the ship’s edge, a dive jumped to the top of the mouth, while quickly reaching out to grab the top of the cover, the force of the cockroaches turned off loudly, the seawater flooded the top at the same time, the submarine has all Sneaked into the water, time is a second of mastery.

The red eagle hugged the glass heart that fell into the cabin. At the same time as the ground fell, the person waiting next to it quickly grabbed the two people and pulled them together, so that the two people rolled to the side to make a position for Qi Mo, and the glass heart was still in the cabin. On the ground, screamed: “Quickly open, they don’t just have to blow a boat, fast.”

The founder in the captain’s room had already opened the motor. When the two of them entered, they fell down with one shot, and the speed immediately came up. As if flying, they rushed forward toward the front.

Three seconds, two seconds, one second, and a bang, I couldn’t hear any sound, but the people in the submarine passed through the transparent fluoroscopy port, and the sea water violently rolled up in a moment, the waves in the sea like a tsunami in all directions. The rushing, the space in the sea water suddenly twisted, countless forces were crushed, and the big sharks that watched the eyelids were instantly turned into nothing, and the sudden increase of pressure, such as the pressure of the Mount Taishan, was generally over.

Pressure, never before the strong water pressure, rolling violent blisters, behind the submarine like a bomb, and seeing that it is approaching the submarine, thousands of tons, tons, tons of water level suddenly attacked, that The power of terror is not something that any force can resist.

Fully armed, the speed has been upgraded to the ultimate submarine, only a moment of effort, the ship constantly trembles, creaking, creaking sounds in all parts of the ship, under the strong water pressure, the ship can see the outside tempering The window, unable to withstand the pressure of its own ability to resist, burst into tears, and suddenly the sea water rushed in.

“The sea water is poured in from the 173 degree angle…”

“After the warehouse can’t withstand the pressure, it is melting…”

“Seventy degrees on the front, see through the channel into the water…”

“The bottom of the warehouse suddenly heats up…”

A series of squeaking sounds, Qi Modun’s face was like a thousand years of ice, speeding up the steps and heading toward the captain’s room, the glass heart quickly joined the crowd, filling the sea of ​​crazy infusion.

The strength of the sea is huge. The deeper the pressure, the more crazy the water will enter. Although the submarine sneaked into the water is not deep, but the crazy oppressive force behind it makes the whole force of the sea area crazy. Crazy poured in.

There is nothing in the hands of the glass heart. The mirror on the side of the glass has just broken the big hole in the finger. It can be torn by pressure for a moment, and the surrounding steel is beginning to have signs of cracking. Not so much, grabbed the inside of the warehouse, directly plugged it up with the back, and shouted: “Quickly open, hurry.” While being pushed forward by the powerful force behind, it is a step. Step by bite your teeth and hold your position, and block the flow of water that is madly poured into it. It can be less and less. This is the hope of a little life.

Seen here by the subordinates of the essays, they all blocked up with the body. These people are brought out by the essays. They are the people who are connected with Qimo on weekdays. They naturally understand some ordinary munitions and know this. Using the body to block things can’t be done, and it hurts the body a lot, but I think it’s one thing, it’s one thing, it hasn’t reflected it, the body has blocked it, and it’s only a moment of time. What can be done is only a delay.

“Mom, what is this?” The hand in the captain’s room holding the lever of the hand kept shaking, the pressure was too great, the meter almost stopped for a moment, and the pressure was not detected. How powerful, many instruments are starting to swing, the grip can not hold, the danger is coming quickly.

At this time, Yu Wen and Huang Ying on the sea, because Qi Mo ordered the warships to start to retreat, at this time has already retired more than a dozen nautical miles, far away from the several ships parked on the sea.

Boom, Yan Wen and Huang Ying, standing in the captain’s room, were watching the ships parked together seriously. Suddenly an explosion of earth-shattering sound came through the telescope. Yan Wen and Huang Ying saw only three moments. The ship was torn apart from the middle by a huge force. The crazy flame tongue swallowed a few old warships parked on the side.

There was a violent wave in the sea, and the water column was stirred up by a hundred meters. The crazy flame tongue was instantly extinguished by the high water column. The huge water column that was pressed from the bottom of the sea, like the appearance of an atomic bomb, instantly After rising, it stopped for a long time on the water, and the waves in the surrounding layers, the surging radiation, generally rushed in all directions.

The dark blue water is now filled with turbid light. For example, the sound waves are generally spread out. The faint roar, the Yan Wen and Huang Ying standing in the captain’s room have changed their faces.

“Retreat, speed up and retreat.” Yan Wen’s face is quite ugly, the telescope in his hand, the sound is cold like the cold wind from hell.

The yellow eagle standing on the side did not need to swear by the instructions. When he pressed the lever, he stopped the floating warship and turned his head quickly and quickly, and retreated quickly toward the rear.

“Good means, good means, really willing to pay the cost, actually uranium is used.” Yu Wen is full of gloomy, watching the rushing waves of the waves flying over, the whistling sounds on the sea like dragons are getting bigger and bigger. More and more loud, and gradually overwhelming, the oppressed voice in the air makes people grow up, even in warships.

“What kind of metal-based explosives, this is obviously…” Huang Ying said that half of it was swallowed again. The glass heart knows what uranium is. This thing has been processed, and the pollution is serious, the source and power are not mentioned. They are quite horrible. If they are not arms experts and producers, who knows these things, the glass heart can recognize that the explosives are quite good.

“Qi may have already guessed it, or else it won’t let us back.” Yan Wen looked at the huge scene in front of him, cold channel.

Huang Ying listened to the essay, saying that he nodded slightly after sinking. The explosives of metal properties were powerful, but they were sitting on warships. The defense against explosions was first-class, even if it was a few ships of explosives, they couldn’t help them. Qi Mo will let them back, it must be judged from the language of the glass heart is the processing of this chemical raw materials, their warships are strong, the speed can not match the submarine they are sitting on, if not Avoiding it first, under such power, the warship will not leave anything.

“The location of the contact.” The water splashing in front of him quickly splashed, and the sullen face of Yan Wen suddenly frowned. Soon it quickly came to him, and the submarine they were sitting on The speed is very fast, but the calculation time is also fast, but this wave of such a powerful attack.

The words of Yu Wen were spoken. Huang Ying’s hand had already been placed on the contact device. The two thought of a point and they all began to hesitate.

“When is the home, how are you? How are you?” Huang Ying quickly drove the warship back and kept in touch with the settler.

No answer, the sound came from only the noise, Huang Ying’s heart suddenly stunned, and the brows were more wrinkled and deeper. Seeing the yellow eagle’s look slightly shaking, Yan Wen’s palm patted the back of the yellow eagle. Cold and cold: “He is Qi Mo, he can go, he has the ability to come back.”

Just now, Qi Mo and Hong Ying and other contacts, this party can also hear all of them, so both Qi Wen and Huang Ying know that everyone has been on the submarine, but at this time they can’t be contacted. Huang Ying listens to the words of Yi Wen. Can’t help but frown.

Right, Qi Mo is not the kind of person who will be impulsive to do things. Since he chooses to go, then there must be a perfect grasp. This is the nature of Qi Motie.

At this time, the fluctuation of the underwater submarine is more severe, and the hand of the settler has almost been unable to hold the operating lever that is constantly beating. The bad reports in all aspects have also been concentrated, and all parts of the submarine have failed. Under such tremendous pressure, there are irreparable faults.

“Stop the oxygen supply.”

“Stop the drain.”

“Uplift the hull and reduce the water pressure.” A series of orders were issued from the mouth of the settler, and the rest of the captain’s room calmly and quickly responded.

“Stop all equipment.” A cold voice suddenly came, and the waiter would not know if he would return, and Qi Mo came.

“Stop all auxiliary equipment.” The settler did not hesitate, immediately ordered, and quickly got up and exchanged positions with Qimo.

Qi Mo sat in the position of the captain, holding the lever that was constantly beating in one hand, pressing all the way to the next pressure, holding it down and letting go, while quickly operating the light spots in front of them, and sinking the channel: “Remove The captain’s room, all other lighting stopped, and strive to increase the speed.”


“The operation stops.”

“Lighting stops.”

“The docking stops.”

“Power starts, all accelerates.” The simple and calm voice sounds in an orderly manner. In the back, like a tiger, it is thousands of times more powerful than a tiger. Under the 10,000-fold water magic, it is obviously calm.

In the cabin, the crack behind the glass heart keeps expanding. The body that has been hit by the crazy water column has lost consciousness. The light is extinguished instantly. The temperature-regulating equipment stops running. The heat inside is almost impossible to breathe. Quickly poured in, has spread from the calf to the waist, and quickly moved toward the chest, the heart of the glass bite his teeth, at this moment, the **** of death is waiting in front, can only rely on Qi Mo.

All other auxiliary equipments were stopped, and the submarine with only the power equipment was upgraded to the extreme speed. The strong and steady action lever was pressed and the eyes were red and staring at the heading indicators that were constantly struggling to stop. Shen Sheng: “Contact Huang Ying, meet us.”

The stand-up nodded and saw that all the systems on the console had stopped. Nowadays, the communication facilities worn by the ear are quickly adjusted. This is the internal communication channel between him and the white eagle. Now the connection channel between the submarine and the warship has been hung. Broken, the submarine could not support the signal connection, only connected to the channel between him and the white eagle that was just established.

“When the family, the master, received the signal? Didn’t receive the signal?” On the warship, Huang Ying quickly retreated, while constantly contacting the submarine where Qi Mo was located, no response noise, let Yu Wen and Huang The eagle’s brow wrinkled more and more tightly.

“Yellow Eagle.” Another signal suddenly passed over, and Huang Ying saw that the white eagle’s picture suddenly flashed out.

“Southwest, at the forty-three degree angle, the boat will arrive in a minute. You need your response. Hurry up, the ship that has been leaking is quite serious, and can only support one minute at most.” The white eagle keeps on The patrol looked at the signal in front of the other side, and looked at the yellow eagle with a serious face.

Huang Ying listened to the words and did not say anything. He directly adjusted the course and started to drive toward the direction of the White Eagle. He said: “Keep in touch, I need to know the specific situation.”

“Okay.” The White Eagle didn’t have any extra words. He quickly tapped the keyboard and talked to the tenants, and turned the book’s text over.

“When the house is home, there are still fourty-four seconds left to meet with the Yellow Eagle. The giant waves behind us are close to us at speed for five seconds.” The settler glanced at the watch calmly.

Qi Mo did not say anything, listening to the squeaking sound of the hull, feeling the violent shaking of the hull, Shen Sheng: “Prepare.”

No one answered, only the quiet breathing sound, everyone in the captain’s room silently counted down, four, three, two, one, one word and one exit at the same time all the operations are simultaneously pressed, and the ink is silent. Instantly raise the propeller to the apex, grab a second between the arrival of the huge waves, all the energy that just paused the device, all burst out in an instant, only heard a slamming sound, just like the submarine that did not fall into the mire Suddenly jumped off, as the arrow usually flew forward and shot.

**, feeling the violent shock of the hull, the thick feeling suddenly loosened, the sound of the hull stopped momentarily, the pressure suddenly disappeared, the glass in the cabin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, I felt already The sea of ​​the throat is cold and cold, but the heart is already warm.

“Notify Huang Ying, do a good job of docking.” Qi Mo’s face is cold and old like the old voice, the hull has been leaking quite seriously. If the yellow eagle can’t catch up, then swim back from the Atlantic one by one.

Raise the hull and start to float. The submarine flies upwards like a flying slanting water, and the light is getting stronger and stronger, and the sea is approaching quickly.

At this point, Huang Ying tried his best to drive the warship and rushed over. At the forty-three degree angle, he pointed the boat’s **** to the direction that Qimo would come out, quickly opened the rear of the warship, and saw the huge warship tail quickly pick up and separate. A spacious docked cabin was exposed to the water.

Yan Wen looked at the surveillance video on the warship, seeing that the cabin was all open, and the time in his hand was only two seconds left. He suddenly said to Huang Ying: “Accelerate, rush.” ​​Huang Ying heard the power equipment 啪Going down, the speed of the warship is instantly increased to the extreme.

At the same time, the submarine driving in the air, slanting from the water, slanting out of the water, rushing toward the docked dock opened by the warship, seeing the speed of the warship is slow, the speed of the submarine is fast, so a collision, two ships Absolutely the same destruction, the captain and Huang Ying in the captain’s room are holding their fists tightly, and they are watching the completion of the docking.

Qimo in the submarine closed all the ancillary facilities, completely unable to see the outside situation, only to calculate the outside situation according to the time, see a minute just arrived, Qi Modun when the joystick is lifted back, turn off the power The speed of the submarine suddenly slowed down and rushed forward according to the inertia. The speed of the submarine was the same as that of the warship. Yan Wen and Huang Ying suddenly waved their fists and completed.

The submarine entered the dock of the warship in good condition. The yellow eagle directly put down the tail of the warship, carried the submarine in the abdomen, and drove away in the distance.

In the submarine that was eaten into the belly of the warship, the settler sighed with a sigh of relief: “Be a master, complete the docking.” Qi Mo nodded his face and swept his own clothes that had been soaked in the sea. As soon as he stood up, he walked toward the cabin.

The settler immediately followed, and the eyes swept to the hands of Yan Wen. The face was shocked and admired and looked at Qi Mo. The arrogance of the eyebrows was not enough. Only Qi Mo could open the boat so well, and only Qi Mo would finish it. Things that seem impossible to accomplish, calm, calm, and extraordinary, and unconditionally believe in them, this is their head, they are admired and swearing to death.

In the cabin, watching the sea water go backwards, the glass heart sits on the bottom of the boat, only to find that he is sweating. She is sure that the sweat is not water, too nervous, it is too nervous, just did not feel, just now Relaxed and felt that what is the feeling of death, this is, too horrible, irritating.

The light flashed instantly, the glass heart could not help but slightly frown, slightly adapted to the light, watching the door at the door with a faint face and looking at her, another moment of fear through the body, finished, she died, all for Save her.

………………………………………….. ………………………………………….. …………..

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