Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 1023

Chapter 1000: The Situation Is Stronger Than The People

Shen Huai and Xiong Dini stared at the approaching traffic, intently trying to find a taxi without passengers, but did not notice that Dai Ling and her classmates were passing by in front of the bus.

More than a dozen taxis passed by, but none of them were empty. Shen Huai was too anxious to wait, so he took his car out of the parking lot and took Xiong Dini to the east end of Yanjing Road without caring about the possibility of being seen. , There are still two alleys away from Xiong Dini’s house to put her down, and he will drive back to his residence to pack his luggage – he will spend the next week in Hong Kong.

The “Hong Kong Huaihai Week” investment promotion event will be held in Hong Kong for a week. The entire investment promotion group plus the Hong Kong guests returning to Hong Kong together, there are four or five hundred people, and everyone will take two special planes to fly from Xucheng International Airport to Hong Kong.

Although Shen Huai and Zhou Yu were on the same special plane, and when they met again in the afternoon, Zhou Yu never gave Shen Huai a face.

After the madness last night, his mind has not yet struggled from the confusion. Shen Huai was also afraid that others would see some traces of the beaded horses, and he did not dare to “harass” Zhou Yu, but sat with Jiang Yibin and the provincial state-owned assets. The people in charge of the company participating in this investment promotion activity discussed the activities and project negotiation.

Although the provincial state-owned enterprises have always been the highlight of investment promotion activities, the manufacturing industry in Hong Kong has been solidified, and the restructuring and reorganization of provincial state-owned enterprises is mainly to develop technology and capital-intensive advanced manufacturing industries as well as energy, infrastructure and other industries that control the lifeline of the local economy. .

Even if the provincial state-owned enterprises have not officially signed the projects in the nearly one year of negotiation, they are concentrated in this investment promotion activity, and they do not account for a large proportion.

Cui Weiping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Xucheng Municipal Party Committee, promoted Rongxin and Baohe to jointly undertake two key projects of the East Ring Expressway and the Nanwan Lake International Expo Park.

The East Ring Expressway and the bridge across the Zhujiang River have a budget investment of more than 2 billion yuan. The Nanwan Lake International Expo Park covers an area of more than 2,000 mu, and the budget investment is as high as 6 to 7 billion yuan—everyone became a foil all of a sudden The theatergoers, who were in high spirits yesterday, have almost all been beaten down by now.

More importantly, the two projects of the East Ring Expressway and the International Expo Park have not been heard at all before. It just happened that the veil was unveiled when the investment group went to Hong Kong. Everyone is not a fool, how can they not see it? What does it mean behind?

It is precisely because the candidates participating in the “Hong Kong Huaihai Week” investment promotion activities are all “carefully selected”, and the atmosphere is even more depressing, and people like Ge Yongqiu, even if they gloat over misfortune, they will not be superficial. The smugness in my heart was manifested.

Even though Xu Pei and others took the later special plane, everyone on this special plane was depressed, and they were careful what they said, for fear that some inappropriate words would be passed on to the ears of Governor Xu Pei, which would provoke the province. Chang Xu Pei was extremely irritable.

When I arrived in Hong Kong, it was already evening. The setting sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows and fell into the spacious hall, illuminating everyone’s faces with radiance, but it couldn’t illuminate everyone’s emotions.

Jiang Yibin and Guo Chengze walked over to Shen Huai and asked, “Should we wait for Governor Xu’s plane to come over, and then go to the hotel together?”

Although Shen Huai had made an appointment to meet in Hong Kong with Song Hongjun, Sun Qiyi and others, it was not easy to leave the group and act alone on the first day of arriving in Hong Kong. Seeing Guo Chengze and Jiang Yibin, they were looking forward to him staying and waiting for the next special flight. When Xu Pei and the others arrived, he thought that Li Gu should have told Xu Pei about university science and technology and the establishment of a provincial state-owned asset management company in the morning.

The second special plane took off from Xucheng International Airport nearly an hour later, and they should have arrived at Hong Kong Kai Tak Airport about an hour after them. Everyone else took the bus to the hotel first, and Shen Huai accompanied Guo Chengze and Jiang Yibin. They stayed at the airport and waited for Xu Pei, Cui Weiping, and Li Gu to come over by the second special plane.

The staff who planned the activities in the early stage stayed at the exit, and sent people to entertain Jiang Yibin, Guo Chengze, and Shen Huai to sit down at the coffee shop on the east side of the pick-up hall.

Shen Huai and the others went to the corner of the cafe by the window, watching the airport outside the window shimmering in the sunset light – Su Ping, Feng Zhichu and other entourages did not move forward, but scattered around the tables with other staff members. Avoid unrelated people sitting over and listening to Shen Huai, Jiang Yibin, and Guo Chengze talking about things.

After being seated, Jiang Yibin opened the chat box and asked Shen Huai:

“You mentioned to Mayor Li last night that the state-owned capital of our province will undertake the construction of the University Science and Technology Park. What do you think specifically?”

When Jiang Yibin asked at this time, Shen Huai also knew that Xu Pei wanted Jiang Yibin to communicate with him about these issues first. Although he had plenty of time to visit Hong Kong, Xu Pei was surrounded by the main leaders of various cities. , but also to contact all aspects of Hong Kong, but there is no time to talk to Shen Huai alone.

Jiang Yibin is the party secretary and director of the Provincial State-owned Assets Office. Whether it is the Provincial State-owned Assets Office’s establishment of an investment company to build a university science park, or the implementation of the Temasek model and the establishment of a provincial state-owned assets management company, Jiang Yibin’s opinion definitely counts; he talked to Shen Huai. It can also be said that the provincial state-owned assets office first communicated and unified opinions.

Shen Huai thought that Xu Pei would become the provincial governor, and he was still arguing with Cui Weiping and Hu officials about the gains and losses of one city and one place. It seemed that he was more alert to Cui Weiping’s attack than he thought.

Of course, promoting the construction of the University Science Park now is definitely a good thing for the long-term development of Huaihai Province, and the significance is not limited to the development of Nanwan Lake New Area or Xucheng City.

Education is the foundation of an industrial society. Although Huaihai failed to fully develop this advantage in the past and its economic development lags behind, the level of higher education ranks among the top in China. In the past few years, the development of Donghua and Xucheng has not encountered the bottleneck of talents, and the potential is full. It can be said that the education resources of Huaihai Province have accumulated for decades.

There are a large number of cloud schools in Xucheng. There are nine national-level key colleges and universities, and there are as many as twenty-seven if other key undergraduate colleges and colleges are counted; There are more than 100,000 teachers and students living and studying in colleges and universities.

Although Xucheng has an enlarged university scale, the old city alone can accommodate hundreds of thousands of teachers and students to study and live. However, with the integration of colleges and universities in recent years, expansion of enrollment, and economic development, the living and learning conditions of teachers and students have also continued. To improve, colleges and universities in Xucheng are faced with the current situation of shortage of resources, which is first manifested in the shortage of school buildings.

Huai University of Technology, Huai Normal University and other colleges and universities have long had more than 10,000 students in total, but Huai Gong University, Huai Normal University and other colleges and universities in the urban area only have a campus area of 1,000 mu, which has long been crowded.

Although Huai University of Technology, Huai Normal University and other schools should merge, expand enrollment and education development in Zhunan as early as 1995 and 1996 and start the construction of new school concentration areas, the Ministry of Education and the provincial financial appropriation and the colleges and universities themselves Financial resources are greatly limited, and at the same time, there is no adequate forecast for the development of higher education in the next two thousand years. Since 1995, the concentration of colleges and universities started in Zhunan now seems to have traffic congestion and infrastructure investment. Insufficient, the planned construction area is small and many other problems, it is far from meeting the needs of the rapid expansion and development of higher education in the province.

Xiong Wenbin proposed a new urban construction plan for Xucheng in 1998, and also mentioned the construction of a new concentration area for colleges and universities. In the newly adjusted plan, both the province and Xucheng planned to delineate a larger area to the east of Nanwan Lake. University Science Park.

In the past two years, the Provincial Education Commission, together with various colleges and universities, together with the Xucheng Urban Planning Commission and the Urban Planning and Design Institute, have also come up with a detailed planning plan for the University Science and Technology Park.

As the most important part of the Nanwan Lake New District and the education park of Nanwan Lake, the University Science and Technology Park is planned to build a university concentration area that can accommodate 250,000 teachers and students to study and live in the future, supplemented by supporting residential, commercial As well as the innovation industrial park, the total area is as high as 40 square kilometers.

The original plan is that the colleges will undertake the construction of their new campuses, and Xucheng will undertake the construction of public infrastructure; in addition to the student dormitory area, the supporting residential and commercial areas will be handed over to the market for development, and Xucheng will cooperate with various colleges and universities to promote innovative industries. Construction of the garden.

It is said that colleges and universities undertake the construction of their new campuses, but each college does not have many operating industries and has limited financial resources, such as Huai Institute of Technology, Huai Division, Huaihai University of Technology, Huaihai Medical University and other domestic first-class key colleges and universities, get education The appropriation is relatively more, but it is mainly used for the construction of the new campus in Zhunan, and there is no spare energy to start the construction of a larger new campus in Nanwan Lake at the same time.

In fact, the funding for the construction of the University Science and Technology Park in the Nanwan Lake New Area will ultimately fall on the financial allocations from the province and the Xucheng government.

Provincial and Xucheng, the finances of the past two years have been much looser than before, but there is too much homework to make up. How can it be possible to spend 10 to 20 billion yuan to build a university science and technology park east of Nanwan Lake?

In fact, for the entire Nanwan Lake New District, the province and Xucheng District are not in a hurry to start construction in the next two years. It is planned that the finance will be further improved. Generally speaking, around 2003, the provincial and municipal finance will raise 35 billion dollars a year. Great efforts to promote the construction of new districts.

At other times, Xu Pei presided over the work of the provincial government, and there was really no need to compete with Cui Weiping, who was fully responsible for the work of Xucheng, for the gain and loss of one city and one place; as the mayor of Xucheng, Li Gu did not have to cover Cui Weiping’s edge. . The problem is that this large-scale investment promotion activity, this time to focus on signing the project, Xu Pei had the intention to put money on his face, Cui Weiping engaged in such a “raid”, Xu Pei’s face is definitely embarrassed, but in Cui Weiping’s **** for tat. Under the “advancement”, if Xu Pei behaves weakly, the province is likely to be like a domino, producing a series of chain reactions and changes in the situation.

This is the last thing Xu Pei wants to see.

Now Cui Weiping is pulling Rongxin, Bao and Gu Jia to take the lead in the Nanwan Lake New District. Even if Xu Pei does not need to rush to respond to this investment promotion activity, he must do so as soon as possible.

The University Science and Technology Park project, whether in terms of the construction of Nanwan Lake New District, the development scale of Xucheng New Town, or the promotion of the development of higher education, culture, innovation and high-tech industries in the province, will undoubtedly surpass the Expo Park and its popularity in terms of significance and limelight. The East Ring Expressway project was constructed.

Promoting the construction of the University Science and Technology Park is also in line with Xu Pei’s identity at this time; Xu Pei can also gather more people’s reputation and prestige, and can more smoothly replace Zhong Limin as the secretary of the provincial party committee.

However, the University Science Park, except for some residential and commercial facilities, is a hard investment, and there is no way to introduce investment capital.

How to raise the tens of billions of construction funds that need to be invested in the first phase when the province and Xucheng City cannot provide much financial funding?

Jiang Yibin stopped Shen Huai just to represent Xu Pei and wanted to ask Shen Huai, a ‘smart woman”, how to cook without rice?

After last night, Shen Huai didn’t have time to think about these issues. When Jiang Yibin asked, he simply said: “Provincial state-owned enterprises are restructured and restructured, and the next step is to reduce their reliance on bank loans, and more is to conduct extensive cooperation with overseas enterprises. I estimate that in the next three to five years, the demand for bank loans from the provincial state-owned assets system will not drop rapidly, and there will be no significant growth. This is actually a win for the provincial state-owned assets construction of university science and technology parks. A certain amount of construction loan…”

Hearing what Shen Huai said, Jiang Yibin also nodded convincingly. A considerable amount of new loans from banks in the province went to state-owned enterprises in the province. This is the current policy and political need of insisting on the economy of ownership by the whole people.

On the one hand, the proportion of new loans from banks to the provincial state-owned assets system does not decrease—in fact, the amount of new loans each year increases by hundreds of millions to billions depending on the local economic development—while the provincial state-owned assets system controls internal control over banks. The reliance on loans and the newly increased loan amount can indeed flow to the University Science and Technology Park Holding Company established under the provincial state-owned assets system for the construction of university towns.

As for how to control the reliance on bank loans within the provincial state-owned assets system, this is Shen Huai’s responsibility and professional scope; and the provincial branches of several major state-owned commercial banks and industry credit banks still have a more inclination towards Shen Huai as a provincial state-owned asset trader. Trust, this is also a fact Jiang Yibin has to admit.

“The provincial state-owned assets set up a holding company to undertake the investment and construction of the University Science and Technology Park. Even if there is a provincial financial endorsement, a certain amount of loans can be directly obtained, but the amount of loans squeezed out from the provincial financial system is limited every year. In the province and Xucheng, the finances are abundant. Before getting up, the provincial state-owned assets need to inject more capital from other places to ensure the uninterrupted construction of the university science park,” Shen Huai continued, “and in order to facilitate the overall coordination and operation of capital, a provincial state-owned assets management company has also been established. necessary…”

Jiang Yibin glanced at Guo Chengze, and split the provincial state-owned equity in Huaihai Financial Investment, Dongjiang Electric Power, Dongjiang Real Estate, Dongshi Group, Huaihai Electric and other enterprises from various provincial state-owned enterprises and placed them under the unified management of the provincial state-owned assets management company. , and in the future, more and more restructured and restructured provincial state-owned assets and provincial state-owned enterprises will be placed under the provincial state-owned asset management company, which can indeed help the overall coordination and operation of provincial state-owned capital. With Shen Huai’s ability and his ability to influence It is indeed possible to undertake the additional construction of the University Science and Technology Park…

Furthermore, the University Town is a non-profit engineering project, and the invested construction funds cannot be recovered, but the bank loans used for construction must be repaid with interest.

Before the finance of the province and Xucheng City has grown to a certain scale, the repayment of the principal and interest of the loan for the construction of the university city still needs to be arranged within the provincial state-owned assets, which also strengthens the necessity of establishing a provincial state-owned assets management company.

Otherwise, in the future, provincial state-owned capital groups such as Provincial Steel, Huai Coal, and Yidian will be required to share the principal and interest repayment of the loan for the construction of the university town together with the colleges and universities. Not to mention the chaos, it may also induce a financial and financial crisis in the whole province. Opponents have an opportunity.

Although it is said that Shen Huai tied the University City project with the establishment of a provincial state-owned asset management company, it is suspected that he would take the opportunity to expand his power, but in a pragmatic way, it must be tied together to make it possible to operate.

At the same time, just establishing a provincial state-owned asset management company and collecting power from various provincial state-owned enterprises will inevitably lead to great resistance. However, if the two things are tied together, most of the forces that hope to promote the construction of the university town will also become the promotion of the provincial government. The strength of the formation of state-owned asset management companies can greatly reduce resistance.

Shen Huai, Jiang Yibin, and Guo Chengze sat in a corner of the airport cafe, secretly discussing matters.

Seeing that the next special plane was about to arrive, the staff of the investment promotion activity ran over from the outside, and did not directly come to disturb Shen Huai and Jiang Yibin’s conversation, but told them through Su Ping, director of the General Office of the Provincial State-owned Assets Office:

“Gu Zejun, chairman of the board of directors of Baohe Real Estate, Ma Zhiming, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, and the person in charge of the Hong Kong co-organizer, have all come to the airport to pick up Governor Xu and the others…”

Xu Pei, Cui Weiping, Li Gu, and others all took the second special plane; the first special plane that Shen Huai and the others took had no “important people”. Welcome ceremony.

Shen Huai didn’t meet with the Gu family very much before. He walked out of the coffee shop with Jiang Yibin and Guo Chengze, and saw that the people who were greeted by the Hong Kong side were already in the pick-up hall.

Seeing them coming out of the cafe here, the people who greeted them at the airport in the direction of Hong Kong also greeted them here.

There was a tall man in the middle, who looked almost sixty years old. Although this man was a lot younger than Gu Zexiong’s age, but their faces were similar, Shen Huai guessed that he was Gu Zejun. Although the old man of the Gu family is still there, he has been lying in the hospital for several years. At present, Gu Zhengyuan’s eldest son Gu Zejun is in charge of the Gu family. He is not only the chairman of the board of directors of Baohe Real Estate, but also the president of Baohe Group, the parent company of Baohe Group.

The staff who arrived earlier introduced Shen Huai, Jiang Yibin, Guo Chengze, Gu Zejun, and others. The big screen above the pick-up hall showed that the special plane taken by Xu Pei and others was landing, and everyone stood in the hall to greet each other.

Gu Zejun is a man of few words. Regardless of his personality, just from the moment he stepped on the second special plane and rushed to the airport, he could know that he did not take Shen Huai, Jiang Yibin, Guo Chengze and others into his heart. Xu Pei and Cui Weiping were the only people who could bring his driver to the airport to greet him in person.

After nearly a century of colonial rule, Hong Kong returned to the mainland in 1997. In fact, there are extremely complex and subtle psychological factors for the mainland. Economically, Hong Kong is much more developed than the mainland. In recent years, it has gradually moved out of Asia. Affected by the financial turmoil, while Huaihai gave the impression to outsiders that it was still an inland province with a lagging development, Shen Huai looked at the staff around Gu Zejun and seemed to have a sense of superiority in looking at poor relatives.

On the other hand, Ma Zhiming, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the CPC Central Committee. Although he is a deputy provincial and ministerial-level official, he has a good temper. He is also an official of the Department of Planning and Economics. Talk to Jiang Yibin, Guo Chengze, and Shen Huai.

But seeing Ma Zhiming’s frown, Shen Huai guessed that he should also know the reason why Gu Zejun appeared at the airport to greet him.


Soon a large group of people came out from the inside, and two or three planes landed at about the same time. Xu Pei, Cui Weiping, Li Gu, and other members of the investment promotion group were among the large group of people, walking towards this side.

Only then did Shen Huai see that Kou Xuan was also in the crowd, a distance away from her mother Yu Wei, but when she saw him standing outside, she only showed a bright smile and did not come over.

After all, there are so many officials in the province and city, and Shen Huai doesn’t know how to explain their relationship to outsiders after Kou Xuan comes over. It seems that Kou Xuan raises the hand holding the mobile phone unintentionally, probably saying that they will call again. .

People came and went, and they stayed in the pick-up hall for a while. After a brief greeting, everyone walked out of the hall.

Everyone rushed to the hotel by bus. Shen Huai guarded his duty of “deputy office and bureau level” did not approach Xu Pei, Cui Weiping and the others, but stood behind and watched Gu Zejun and others accompanied Xu Pei and the others. Taking the first bus, he waited until the second bus came over before pushing everyone to board the bus, but he did not expect Yu Wei and the entourage to follow from behind.

“Why does President Yu squeeze the bus with us?” Feng Zhichu asked Yu Wei with a smile. He glanced at Kou Xuan, and secretly said that the mother and daughter are really beautiful. He was going to sit in the back row of Shen Huai, but he knew that Shen Huai had a close relationship with Kou Xuan, so he walked back and left Shen Huai’s back seat to Yu Wei and her daughter.

“You can ask Secretary Feng for some questions on the bus…” Yu Wei smiled.

Although a whole team of cars followed, in this case, even Gu Zejun, Feng Zhiming and others accompanied Xu Pei and the others on the bus, otherwise the question of who would take the bus with whom would be a toss-up. However, Yu Wei squeezed over to take the bus, thinking that she was worried that the cooperation between the Gu family and Hu Xi would threaten her.

“Mr. Song, President Sun and the others will also come to the hotel for the dinner today?” Yu Wei leaned over and was about to take a seat, and asked Shen Huai who was sitting in the front row.

Seeing Yu Wei asking about the movements of Song Hongjun and Sun Qiyi, Shen Huai smiled and said, “I don’t know if I have arranged to invite them. I just got off the plane and haven’t contacted them yet…”

The Huaihai Chinese Chamber of Commerce organized and established by Song Hongjun and Sun Qiyi has nearly 400 Hong Kong member companies. It should have been the best co-organizer for the provincial government to organize this large-scale investment promotion event. However, some people did not want the Meigang Department to steal the limelight. Song Hongjun and Sun Qiyi were not invited to be the co-organizers. Shen Huai wanted to be Xu Pei, Cao Zhengjiang and other people who specifically handled the event. What was his feeling at this time?

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