Stealing the Hero’s Cool Script

Chapter 6

Chapter 5 – Kashadika

Yan Yu forced herself to quickly digest the current situation, the most important thing now is Lu Jia’s safety.

“You can take me to see Lu Jia now.”

“In such a hurry?” Yin Beiqing got up slowly, and it took more than ten seconds to walk from the bed to the table. She poured herself a cup of tea, “Are you in a hurry to see it one last time?”

“I might be able to save it.” Seeing her unhurried appearance, Yan Yu felt heartbroken, and somehow got the courage to grab her wrist and pull it out, “Hurry up, you can drink tea anytime. “

Yin Beiqing was very jealous of others touching her body at will, but when she was held by Yan Yu’s wrist, she didn’t shake it off immediately, and even froze for a moment.

This person’s hands are completely different from his own, there are no calluses, and the fingertips and palms are soft to the touch, but the temperature is a bit cold.

“You’re quite courageous, sick child.”

If it was the first time they met, Yan Yu would have shown weakness and begged for mercy, but now she is focused on saving Lu Jia, let alone holding her wrist, she would dare to ride on Yin Beiqing’s head.

I still remember that when she was intern, when the gangster held a dagger on her waist and threatened to replace their leader with an experienced old doctor to deal with the trauma, she could continue to treat the wound without changing her expression.

“Isn’t it because you have kind thoughts in your heart and are approachable, that my little girl can speak out and not miss important things.”

Yin Beiqing raised her eyebrows, she understood the meaning of Yan Yu’s words, first set her up, and shut her mouth with these two words, so that she can do some overstepping things, after all, she can’t touch her now.

Who doesn’t know that Langdie Valley’s deed seal is better than the queen’s life-saving talisman.

“It’s not dead.”

Even if he is not dead now, he will definitely not be able to escape the fate of dying if he is treated twice by you.

“I know…cough!” Yin Beiqing walked too fast, and Yan Yu hurriedly followed, and couldn’t help but lowered his head and coughed a few times, with the smell of blood in his throat.

Hearing this voice, Yin Beiqing frowned and stopped. Yan Yu thought she was disgusted, and quickly said, “I covered it, and didn’t spit on the ground.”

“Raise your hand.” Yin Beiqing said with a cold face.


Seeing that Yan Yu hadn’t acted on his own words, Yin Beiqing lost his patience and directly lifted the man by the waist and put it across his shoulders.

The familiar posture caused Yan Yu’s fragile abdomen to be severely injured again, and she almost drove west without taking a breath.

You Langdie Valley people have specially unified the method of carrying people to harm me, right?

Yin Beiqing still had a conscience when dealing with non-human creatures. Not only did he give Lu Jia a elixir to invigorate Qi and stop bleeding in time, but he also invited someone to heal his injuries.

The silver-haired woman sitting next to the bed through a curtain was named Ruan Yuexuan, and she was called a puppeteer.

Langdie Valley has two guards and five little Vajras, both of which are first-class veterinarians, but the former is better, and their soul power is very close to that of super-class veterinarians. It is only a matter of time before they are promoted.

Ruan Yuexuan was one of the two guards. She was born with a special physique. Like a gecko, she possessed a powerful self-regeneration ability, and her speed was astonishing. Cut off her arm, and a new one could immediately grow back.

She used her own bones to grind into several thin needles, and then used blood soaked and dried silk threads to connect the severed limbs of living people. Regardless of hands, feet, heads, as long as the gaps were sewed up and rested for a few weeks, the injured would be able to recover as well. As flexible as before, he was given the nickname of Puppeteer.

No one outside the valley could even ask her to make a move even if they lost their fortunes, and only Yin Beiqing would treat her like a ruthless textile worker who would often come back with her hand and foot and order her to sew it up.

There were four or five medicine pots on the table. Yan Yu walked over and smelled them one by one, frowning and shaking his head. They were all strong tonics. Now that Lu Jia lost too much blood and his heart and lungs were damaged, taking these few mouthfuls of medicine to speed up the blood flow was equivalent to burning the fire. Add oil, if you don’t do anything, it probably won’t last until the evening.

“Is it stitched?” Yin Beiqing stood behind Ruan Yuexuan with her hands behind her back.

Hearing the sound, Ruan Yuexuan turned her head back, with slender eyebrows and high nose bridge, her light-colored thin lips showed her cool demeanor, those black eyes were as pure as ink soaked, and she couldn’t even distinguish the dividing line between pupils and irises. people.

“Yeah.” She packed up her stuff with a steady tone, “But I can’t live.”

Outsiders may misunderstand that Ruan Yuexuan is a doctor and give her an image of kindness and kindness. In fact, it is just the opposite. She is particularly indifferent to life and death. Let alone a beast pet, even if her blood relatives are lying there, she said, “I can’t live.” “Three words, there will be no emotional fluctuations.

For her, people and things are more troublesome because the former can walk and move.

“Let me see.” Yan Yu stepped forward and opened the curtain.

Lu Jia is curling up, his lips have changed color, and it seems that it is very difficult to breathe, and the scales on his back have lost their luster, are dry and damaged, indicating its exhausted vital signs.

The broken horn on the top of its head has been stitched up, and thanks to those elixir, the wound on the skin surface has also improved, but it still looks very painful.

Yan Yu first touched the broken corner and looked around, Ruan Yuexie was skilled in craftsmanship but the style was a bit rough, it is estimated that after it was healed, there would be a big unsightly scar.

The wound smelled of antiseptic grass, which was almost as effective as alcohol.

Lu Jia’s injury was too severe, and his own soul power was not high enough to heal, so Ruan Yuexuan was helpless, so he could only feed him a few pain-relieving pills, which was the last kindness.

Yan Yu pressed several places on Lu Jia’s abdomen, and found that it didn’t respond to much pain, so she nodded.

Considering that there is no time to delay, Yan Yu planned to perform an emergency non-sterile operation. She rolled up her sleeves, gently laid Lu Jia flat, wrapped her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and habitually stretched out her hands to those around her.

After a long time without putting anything on her palm, Yan Yu suddenly realized something and raised her head. She was not in the hospital, and the person standing next to her was not the colleague helping to hand over the tools.

Sure enough, Yin Beiqing and Ruan Yuexuan were staring at her expressionlessly, their eyes seemed to have concluded that there was something wrong with her mind.

“I want to ask, is there any smaller dagger or blade for me to borrow?”

Ruan Yuexuan said simply, “No.”

All her medical knives are made from her own bones, and she never lends these things to outsiders at will.

Yan Yu cast her hopeful eyes on Yin Beiqing, who snorted softly and flipped his wrist. The wide sleeves were like Doraemon’s pockets, and several blades and daggers of different sizes and various hidden weapons were poured out cracklingly.

Yan Yu got up and took them all, wiped them with disinfectant grass juice and arranged them in a word, then picked out the ones that were easy to use, raised her wrist and index finger to press on the back of the knife, and pressed her left hand a few times near Lu Jia’s sixth rib to find a good position.

Lu Jia’s whole body is covered with scales, especially on his back, which is as hard as a stone. Even his soft abdomen has a thin layer of scales. Yan Yu cleaned up a part of the skin, and sank his wrist lightly to sink the blade into it. The skin, because the skin is too thick, it is a bit useless to cut, but fortunately, the knife given by Yin Beiqing is sharp, and it does not affect the movement too much.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Ruan Yuexuan said.

Yan Yu’s expression remained unchanged, and his movements were still fast and steady, “Save it.”

She had a straight face, and her serious side face was a little more serious and alienated.

Smelling the smell of blood, Yin Beiqing frowned and took a step back, probably because he had seen the sick man’s ability to change his face quickly, and he would not be surprised by how outrageous things she did.

“I’ve seen no less than a hundred imperial guards, but there’s never been a lifesaver like you, think it didn’t die fast enough?” Ruan Yuexie said.

Yan Yu didn’t answer, she used a clean cotton cloth to **** up some of the accumulated fluid, and lowered her head to look for wounds in her lungs.

Several of Lu Jia’s ribs were broken, and with the large amount of pleural effusion, there is a high probability that his lungs were stabbed. A normal person probably wouldn’t last half an hour. Fortunately, the original body never treated this beast badly. Beloved, feed any rare spiritual herbal pills into it, so that its self-healing ability is better than that of ordinary beast pets, and it has lasted until now.

“Needle and thread.” Yan Yu stretched out his hand again.

Ruan Yuexi looked at the white palm stretched out in front of her eyes, hesitated for a moment, then turned her head and asked Yin Beiqing what she meant.

Each of her bone needles was painstakingly broken for a week, and one knuckle could only grind out five of them, and she used them with extreme care and preciousness.

If it was before, she wouldn’t have paid attention to Yan Yu, but now Yin Beiqing gave her the deed seal, which means that she is recognized as one of her own, and her attitude towards Yan Yu depends on Yin Beiqing’s mood.

“Give it to her.” Yin Beiqing raised her chin, she wanted to see what kind of tricks this sick man could do, whether it was a real goddess from heaven, or pretending to be a ghost.

Yan Yu took the needle and thread, thanked Ruan Yuexuan, and began to sew for Lu Jia.

The bone needles were a bit thick, and they affected her flexibility when using them. It was fine for suturing the skin, but she needed to be more cautious when suturing the lung wound, and she sweated a lot after the stitches were done carefully.

This time she was very careful, and she really didn’t dare to ask these two big men to hand her a handkerchief to wipe her sweat. After she lowered her head and wiped off the sweat on her shoulder, she used bone needles instead of brackets to tie it to her ribs and fix them.

After everything was dealt with, Lu Jia’s breathing was obviously much smoother, and his voice didn’t sound so dull.

Yan Yu asked for another thread to close the surgical incision for it.

After doing all this, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. Apart from relieving pain, the elixir that Ruan Yuexie gave to Lu Jia also had a drowsy effect. It would not wake up gradually until the middle of the night, so she estimated that she would not stay away from it tonight. With this little thing.

Yin Beiqing and Ruan Yuexuan looked at each other, the former changed his lazy look, and there was interest in his eyes.

Although the two of them couldn’t understand Yan Yu’s operation method, they also knew that she was stitching up the damaged wound for Lu Jia, but unlike Ruan Yuexuan, what she was stitching was internal organs.

Such a bold move, and the fact that she doesn’t seem to hesitate at all and is very proficient, shows that she has done such things a lot, but even the well-informed Ruan Yuexie has never heard of such a treatment method, is it really the same as recorded in ancient books? , the sick man in front of him has the ability to bring the dead back to life?

“What kind of acupuncture is this?” Ruan Yuexi moved closer to Yan Yu, staring straight at her.

Yan Yu met her dark eyes suddenly, and almost cried out in fright. He took a breath and said, “Do you want to learn?”

Ruan Yuexuan didn’t reply, she stared at her with black eyes for a few seconds, then coldly put them aside.

“One bone needle is ten Lu coins, and you used three, a total of thirty.” Ruan Yuexi walked out with her hands behind her back, and when she passed by Yin Beiqing, she turned her head and said to her, “Pay it to me directly from her monthly money.”

Yin Beiqing shrugged, “You don’t care about the money.”

“Let you tell her.”

Yan Yu pointed to herself, “I’m right here.”

Ruan Yuexuan left as if she didn’t hear anything.

Yan Yu just wanted to ask Yin Beiqing Ruan Yuexuan what this meant, but in the blink of an eye, the place where she was originally standing was empty.

She shook her head, not wanting to worry about what was going on with these two weirdos who turned their faces faster than turning the pages of a book, went to fetch a basin of water and came back to wipe the blood and mud on the surface of Lujia’s body.

It was not until evening that a maid came to bring her meals and medicine bottles.

Yan Yu took two simple bites, and gave Lu Jia another dose of medicine. This room didn’t look like a temporary warehouse, and the bed was also very small. Lu Jia slept on it, and Yan Yu had to curl up to lie down. Next, she lay on her side, facing Lujia, listening to its steady breathing, she felt more at ease.

I remember that when she was in high school, she picked up an orange cat from the side of the road and secretly raised it in the warehouse behind her parents’ backs, but it didn’t take long for it to leave because it was small.

Although he didn’t get along with that cat for a long time, Yan Yu remembered the feeling of powerlessness when he watched it haggard and died for a long time.

Fortunately, it is different now.

She put her fingers against Lu Jia’s protruding nose, and poked gently, “You will definitely get better, don’t be afraid.”

As if hearing her words in his sleep, Lu Jia opened his mouth and unconsciously uttered a few sleepy whispers, helpless and pitiful, as if he was seeking the support of his master.

“She’s gone, I’ll accompany you from now on.” Yan Yu pinched its scarred little paw and put it in the palm of his hand, “Are you afraid?”

In the story, the original body was captured and fed to the wolves on the day Yin Beiqing was assassinated. There was no reversal, no accident. He was a supporting role whose box lunch was given away by the author with just two sentences.

I don’t know if he really understood Yan Yu’s words, a line of tears rolled down the corner of Lu Jia’s eyes, but his body still instinctively searched for the familiar smell, and leaned towards Yan Yu.

Yan Yu breathed lightly, not wanting to disturb it, Judi remembered that it seemed to be written in the original book that Lu Jia liked the original body singing a lullaby to it very much, she cleared her throat and began to hum.

Yan Yu himself had listened to it before elementary school, and he didn’t remember the lyrics clearly, so he just hummed it out with a nasal voice.


Yan Yu stopped and looked around, but she didn’t find anything unusual, but she heard the voice clearly.

Like a child’s voice, crisp and energetic.

After waiting for a long time, the voice didn’t appear again. Yan Yu guessed that he might really be hallucinating, so he continued humming again.

“paaaaa! pan!”

This time Yan Yu was 100% sure that she had indeed heard it.

“Who are you?” She sat up and asked warily.

No one answered, but the beast mark on the forehead suddenly burned, and it seemed that something was trying to drill out.

Recalling that Yin Beiqing’s beast soul appeared in this way before, Yan Yu immediately looked up, and sure enough, he saw a white smoke forming rapidly in the air.

It was wrapped in a circle, turned quickly, swayed left and right, and the smoke from the outer shell floated, revealing a… meat dumpling inside?

The author has something to say:

Gold Finger No. 2 get! Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be 5,000-character big fat badges (kimbo)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-06-1918:00:22~2021-06-2018:00:22~

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: Xu Feng, Cang Sheng, Gu Gui, Cola, Oren 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 5976 bottles; 4 bottles of sugar-fried chestnuts;. . . , Shimo, Jiji 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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