Steal The Heroes’ Harems

70. Do Knights Dream of a Joust?

Edmund left Nysta in her room. She collapsed back on her bed, as all the exhaustion from the day returned like a bang. She feel asleep soon after, in her naked state. He already had recordings of her making lewd sounds, and that would be blackmail ammo. If needed he'd use it, but first, he felt there were other things to investigate. 


In the form of a rat, he snuck to Hannah's room. She was sleeping. Edmund, having spent quite a bit of his magic for the day, decided to let her rest. He then walked over to Wynn's room, to notice her pleasuring herself. He snuck closely, and activated a magical crystal meant to record her voices. 

She moaned, said dirty things while she masturbated herself to sleep. And Edmund had it all recorded. 


Then, he walked over to Kiara's room, to find her already asleep. Drat. He had missed her part where she was masturbating. But as he approached the knight, he noticed her body radiated huge amounts of lust. Earlier, the knight rushed to her room and pleasured herself, and overwhelmed by her bodily desires, she fell asleep.

Edmund approached the sleeping knight.

Kiara had been subject to stimulation and lust energies ever since the [stone phallus] was embedded in her body, and the vines only added even more lust energy. 

He felt her mind already bending. He approached her, and then, just gently touched her head. He injected even more lust energies into the sleeping knight and left her there.


Kiara was dreaming, and she was back-

"Where am I?" She looked around. It was a room that felt familiar. She stood, instantly, and then saw her mother walk in. Her mother smiled. 

"How are you, dear?"

Kiara froze. "-mother. I- I'm- I'm okay. I'm good."

Mother walked closer, and Kiara looked at her motherly smile. Her mother touched her face. "-You don't look so good, dear." 

Kiara watched as her mother's face change. There was a frown on her face. "-No. I'm good. I mean it. I- I'm just tired." 

Mother's hand touched her chin, her cheeks, then pushed her long hair aside. "-You're not being honest with yourself. You- you're feeling frustrated. You're feeling unwanted, isn't it?"

The knight paused, and she had no words for that. Her mother was always perceptive. She had an instinct of how she really felt all the time, as if she could read her mind. She looked around, and the room changed. They were suddenly in her mother's room. It was cozy. 

"Sit next to me, dear. Tell me the truth." Kiara did. 

This was a dream. She was sure of it. Yet why did it feel so real? The knight looked at her mother, and sighed. "-I guess, I guess I'm feeling a little overwhelmed lately. I feel like- I feel like I'm horny all the time-"

"You're a growing woman, my dear." Mother said. "You have needs, and you want to know a secret?"

Kiara didn't need to hear the answer to know what it was. "Me too." 


"I know. You can't imagine me having those kind of needs, correct? I'm always that composed, poised mother, the lady of the house, the noble. But that's something society expects of us. It is something we act, to remain as a member of our noble society." 

Kiara remembered this conversion. Mother once spoke to her about it when she was younger, before she left to join the hero's party to help the family. She thought she understood it then, and so that same conversation didn't really go through her mind, but somehow, listening to those words said in that conversation long ago, now felt different. No, after she saw what her mother indulged in, she suddenly felt like she had permission to behave the same way. 

Kiara grew up admiring both her parents. Her father, for his combat skills and mastery of the blade. Her mother, for her dignity and grace. She tried to hold herself to those standards, only to find her father flawed, and in his later years, an uncontrollable drug addict. Her mother, was always graceful and kind even despite the most difficult of circumstances. 

"It's a mask." Mother said. "We're all people. People have needs, and our needs are our base instincts." 

Kiara didn't want to admit it. 

"Sometimes-" Mother repeated. "We all have to satisfy our needs, in order to function."

The scene vanished, and Kiara was back in that room. Mother was naked once more, on the bed, and Edmund was there lying down, his penis hard and erect. It was as large as she saw it back when she was hidden. Mother rode that penis passionately. 

Kiara covered her mouth. She-

"I know you are there, dear." Mother said. "It's alright."

Kiara magically teleported nearer. 

"Watch me." Mother said in a voice that was so sultry and filled with desire. "Right, my dear count?"

Kiara froze, as she watched the dream of her mother riding the Count's penis. She moaned and screamed, and somehow, she couldn't even look away. Even though it was a dream, her own body burned with desire. She felt so wet.

Suddenly, she was naked, and mother smiled at her. "Come join us, my dear." 

"Mother- I can't." Kiara couldn't. Her genitals were wet and well lubricated. 

"Kiara, my sweet, sweet child." Mother said. "I give you permission to ride the Count's penis. I know you've been staring at it. Come- take it in."

Kiara shivered. Mother rarely gave permission. She felt her entire body shake. Yet, she was taking steps closer to the bed. Mother rose from her place, and the Count's dick was all for her to see-

"Count, please, my sweet daughter's needs are unsated. She is woman with needs, Like me. The kind, gentle hero would never be able to satisfy her."

The dream version of Edmund grinned at her, and somehow, rather than disgust, all Kiara felt was overwhelming desire. Mother helped guide her legs, and just as her lower, moist nether hole was about to touch the Count's monstrous appendage-

She woke up.

Kiara had drenched her bed. "-what-" 

The bird was chirping outside. It was already morning. She woke up feeling awfully, awfully unsatisfied. She- she was so close to getting some action! 

"What the hell." She cursed, the swirling lust in her body manifesting, making itself home. "Why'd the dream end so early-"

She rubbed her head. Her hair was messy. Her bed was wet. She needed a shower. Then, there was a small pamphlet on the table. One that she ignored previously. 

This time, she read it, and an idea hatched in her mind. 


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