Starting Wukong template, Weiwei, why are you blushing?

Chapter 42

Kingdom of Alabastan,

Under a patch of yellow sand.

A place where everyone laughed appeared in front of everyone

At the front of this square inch, a stone tablet engraved with strange words was erected.

And this stele is the historical text that records a blank history of a hundred years.

Robin had a serious look at him and hurried here led by several soldiers.

She stroked the text of history, and her eyes were excited and soft, as if she was caressing a child.

Her gaze gradually shifted towards the stele

But the more she looked, the tighter her brows wrinkled

"You go and inform the boss and tell him that there is information about the second ancient weapon here!".

Hear Robin's words,

The soldier was stunned!

The second ancient weapon!

That's a great thing!


The soldier hurriedly responded, rushed out of the gap under the desert, mounted the running duck, and hurried in the direction of the oak.

At this time,

Inside the royal palace

Oak Qi has already arranged for the others to rest the ship and stock up on food and other goods for tomorrow's departure.

Vivi lay on Liqi's shoulder with a smile

on her face

"If only we could keep doing this. "

Oak Qi smiled faintly and put her arm around Vivi's shoulder

"Why not!".

"When the outside affairs are settled, this kind of comfortable life is as much as you want. "

For Oak Oak,

He doesn't really like to worry about it.

However, he is not a man who allows danger to go unchecked.

As long as it is resolved, everything outside will be at ease.

Smile slightly

"I'm looking forward to that day, too!"

At this time,

Suddenly, someone came running in a hurry


"Your Highness Oak Qi, Miss Robin asked her subordinates to come and report that she had found the news of the second ancient weapon in the history text!".

Ancient Weapons!!

Hear the word,

Oak and Vivi's eyes looked out of the bed curtain at the same time.

For Oak, ancient weapons are nothing

It's a fun big toy at best

But for ordinary people, even the Seven Martial Seas, the Four Emperors, and even the entire world government

Ancient weapons, those are strategic weapons with powerful destructive power!

As long as you have ancient weapons, the victory rate of a battle can even be increased by more than half!

Vivi looked at Oak Qi with seriousness and inquiry

"Let's go check it out!".

Oak nodded


I don't know which ancient weapon appeared?


At the same time,

On the coastline of Alabastan, a large ship stopped.

There is a red-nosed pirate flag flying on the big ship

Judging by the wanted warrant, this pirate flag is the ship of the Bucky Pirates.

It's not far from the coastline

A group of pirates is heading in the direction of the town.

This group of pirates is at the forefront,

It's a clown-like pirate with a red nose

And he is none other than the captain of the Bucky Pirates, Bucky the Clown!

By his side,

A man dressed in a short sleeve of animal skins and holding a whip rides on a huge lion

This person is none other than the deputy leader of the Bucky Pirates, Mochi

And that lion is also his mount and pet niche.

On the other side of Bucky, there is another man,

He wore a cape, and the hair on the front side of his forehead was long, covering his eyes.

He held his pockets in both hands, looking very arrogant

And he is none other than the chief of staff of the Bucky Pirates, Kabaki.

Behind them, schools of trash fish, densely packed.

Bucky walked at the front and said with a laugh

"Brothers, our goal today is to take over this kingdom!".

"Let this place be our circus completely!".

With Bucky's order, his subordinates began to coax


"Long live Captain Bucky!".

"Long live Captain Bucky!".


Bucky grinned, and the clown makeup looked even more grim

"There's a town ahead, brothers, rush, take this town for me!"


With a sky-high call,

The group of them rushed forward in an instant

Some are riding bicycles, some are wearing makeup, and some even deliberately make fire rings, which are completely a circus posture.

Ahead of the town,

Such a huge movement naturally attracted the attention of the escort team.

Captain of the convoy, frowning,

"Pay attention to the vigilance, there seems to be a situation ahead!".


The Alabastani escort in robes assembled in an instant and was ready for battle!

But at this moment,

A dark figure suddenly appeared in the sky

The captain looked up, and his eyes suddenly enlarged

"Oh no! Get down!".


At the moment when his voice fell,

Bombs exploded in the sky

The terrifying air currents instantly knocked many people present to the ground!


"My legs!".

"My ears are ......".

The screams rang out instantly.

The next second,

Just listen to the clown's whisper,

"Hahahaha, how do our bucky shells taste?".

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