Starting With Batman

Chapter 112 – Hidden Room

Abandoning Ivan, Batman slipped out of the room and headed toward the exit he had prepared beforehand. Every movement was precise. As he moved, the flickering lights of the corridor cast long shadows, but none of them caught his sleek silhouette.

With the combination of detective mode and his universal decryptor, Batman moved undetected through what was supposed to be the "safest place in the world." Surveillance systems, guards, sensors—none of it posed a challenge. He had neutralized it all on his way in and now had complete freedom to exit without raising a single alarm.

As Batman passed by an office, his enhanced auditory sensors picked up a conversation from within. The voice was confident, yet there was an edge of uncertainty creeping through.

"I'm telling you, there's no security breach. No way. Everything's running perfectly this time. I guarantee it! There's no chance of a mistake, or else I'll eat—well... in any case, it's impossible."

Charlie, controlling Batman, immediately recognized the voice as Dr. Hines. The scientist, it seemed, was desperately trying to reassure someone—perhaps himself—that everything was fine.

At that moment, Charlie understood why Ivan had been so eager to see Dr. Hines's face when confronted with the reality that Batman had infiltrated the mothership undetected. The temptation to kick down the door and surprise the doctor was strong. Charlie could almost picture the look of disbelief on Dr. Hines's face, his calm facade crumbling in real time.

Of course, it was just a passing thought. Charlie wasn't about to waste time indulging his sense of humor, especially not now. There would be other opportunities to mess with the doctor later. After all, this fortress, which Dr. Hines regarded as impenetrable, was rapidly becoming Batman's revolving door.

I wonder how long it'll take for him to have a complete breakdown once he realizes how easily I come and go, Charlie mused.

Finally reaching the exit he had pre-set, Batman paused. The electronic door lock was already under his control. A simple command from the mobile computer mounted on his gauntlet, and the door silently slid open.

Waiting outside, the Batfighter hovered in the night, cloaked in invisibility and silence.

Dr. Hines had boldly claimed that no aircraft could escape the radar of the Ninth Division's mothership. But that was only because he was operating within the confines of conventional technology. The Batfighter, on the other hand, was anything but conventional. Its entire body was coated with the most advanced anti-radar material known to the DC universe, designed to scatter radar waves and render it invisible to even the most advanced tracking systems.

Wayne Enterprises spared no expense in the design of the Batfighter. Charlie, as Batman, had made sure of that. Add a touch of proprietary Wayne black-tech, and even the most sophisticated military radar systems around the globe wouldn't pick up its presence.

To top it off, Batman had once borrowed an invisibility enchantment from Wonder Woman, ensuring that not even Kryptonian eyes or alien technology could spot the Batfighter when it was in stealth mode.

Masterful ninja-level stealth, paired with high-level hacking, and a plane designed to deceive even extraterrestrial forces—it was no wonder the Ninth Division's security had crumbled so easily.

Even as Charlie executed Batman's "turn back" maneuver with his usual finesse, Ivan's offer still lingered in his mind. Yet, there was no intention to form a team with him anytime soon.

What would that even look like? Batman and some guy tagging along? Not a chance.

Besides, Ivan was hardly sidekick material, not anymore. More importantly, controlling Batman remotely while coordinating with a partner on the field would only complicate matters. Heroes like Batman were meant to work solo.

The next stop was Sloan Technology.

The Batfighter cut through the night sky, its engines silent, invisible to any prying eyes below. When Batman reached his destination, he leapt from the hovering craft, spreading his cape wide to catch the wind. Gliding down silently through the darkened streets below, he used his grappling gun to latch onto a nearby skyscraper, pulling himself to its roof with ease.

From this vantage point, Batman could clearly see the building he intended to infiltrate.

Sloan Technology.

The structure was sleek and modern, its glass reflecting the city's lights. But beneath its polished exterior, Batman knew there were secrets worth uncovering.

As was his custom, Batman began by scanning the building's layout from multiple angles. Moving between shadowy ledges, he scoped out every inch of the structure. His movements were a blur of precision—silent, quick, unseen.

Through detective mode, he mapped the entire building within moments, taking note of guard positions, patrol routes, and potential entry points.

For a technology company, the security was surprisingly tight. While it wasn't quite "three steps, one post; five steps, another," it was still impressive. There were security guards stationed on every floor, and patrols roamed regularly. Each guard was alert, scanning their surroundings with hawk-like focus. They weren't the usual distracted rent-a-cops. They seemed almost paranoid, as if they expected trouble at any moment.

Batman noted the high level of professionalism, especially from the guards at the main entrance. One of them had his eyes locked on every passerby, studying their movements like they were potential threats. Inside the building, the patrolling guards never lingered too long in one place, and their routes were carefully timed. It all seemed strangely meticulous for a tech company.

Still, as impressive as the security was, it wasn't enough to deter Batman. This wasn't a military base. The sheer number of people coming and going made it impossible to maintain airtight control.

More curious were the lights on in several offices, despite the late hour. Employees were still working, even though it was well past closing time.

People working this late? It's like they never leave, Charlie thought, remembering the classic line: "Have you ever seen the city at 4 a.m.?" Except here, it wasn't just the city—it was Sloan Technology itself that never seemed to sleep. Either these people are dedicated beyond reason or something else is keeping them here.

As Batman scanned the building, detective mode highlighted a suspicious area at the top of the structure.

Charlie raised an eyebrow. At first, he couldn't see anything particularly unusual about it. But then it hit him—Batman had knowledge in fields Charlie couldn't even begin to grasp. With multiple doctorates under his belt, Bruce Wayne had studied everything from criminology to structural engineering. Charlie, on the other hand, would've been lost if someone handed him the blueprints to this building.

Batman must have noticed something unusual in the building's design—perhaps an imbalance in the structure. It wasn't obvious to the untrained eye, but for someone like Batman, it stood out like a beacon.

Despite the security, Batman infiltrated the building with relative ease. His movements were fluid, every step calculated and silent. The guards were none the wiser.

The company had installed advanced sensors, rarer than most found on the market, but they posed no real threat. At most, they added an extra layer of security that Batman neutralized in seconds. After bypassing the sensors and disabling the surveillance systems, he made his way to the top floor, where the detective mode had flagged something suspicious.

Batman entered the chairman's office through the air ducts, landing softly on the plush, gray carpet. The room was elegantly decorated, with Sloan Technology's signature colors—red and gray—prominently displayed in the furnishings and decor. The office radiated power and authority, from the sleek desk to the minimalist design that screamed wealth and efficiency.

But Batman wasn't interested in the aesthetics.

What caught his attention was the entire wall on the far side of the office, which seemed to glow faintly under detective mode's enhanced view.

Batman scanned the wall, and the results came back almost instantly.

"The floor in this room is slightly offset," Batman muttered. "There's an imbalance in the structure, most likely caused by uneven weight distribution. There's something hidden behind this wall."

Charlie blinked, briefly impressed. Did he figure that out from the floor? But then again, compared to the 3D crime scene recreation Batman was capable of, this was a minor feat.

Further analysis revealed that the wall was filled with lead, a material that was commonly used in the DC universe to block all kinds of scans—even Kryptonian X-ray vision couldn't penetrate it.

Normal scanning methods wouldn't be able to reveal what was behind the wall, but Batman had other tools at his disposal.

Reaching into his utility belt, Batman retrieved a compact cylindrical device. The sleek black casing bore the bat symbol, and it hummed to life as he activated it. A pale blue laser shot out from the tip, slicing through the wall like butter.

Charlie couldn't help but notice that the laser traced the shape of a bat symbol. Does everything have to be a bat? he wondered, amused by Batman's insistence on branding. Wouldn't a circle be faster?

Within moments, the wall gave way, crumbling to reveal a hidden room.

Batman stepped through the opening into what was unmistakably a woman's room.

The signs were obvious—there was a vanity set up against one wall, filled with makeup and personal items. Clothes, distinctly feminine, hung neatly in the wardrobe. The air smelled faintly of perfume, a stark contrast to the sterile, corporate atmosphere outside.

But what immediately caught Batman's attention was the uniform draped casually over a chair near the dresser.

It was a Ninth Special Service Division uniform.

Charlie's pulse quickened. Jackpot.

In this highly secure company, a hidden room located in the chairman's office, and inside it, a uniform belonging to the Ninth Division. It was too much to be a coincidence.

Was the chairman complicit in hiding someone? Was there a darker connection between Sloan and the Ninth Division?

There were more questions than answers, but the clues were already starting to pile up.

Detective mode activated again, revealing several more points of interest scattered throughout the room. Each one represented something worth investigating.

Charlie's gaze drifted back to the Ninth Division uniform. If nothing else, it proved that whoever had been living here had direct ties to the Ninth Division.

There were additional clues: small details, fragments of evidence left behind. A single footprint on the floor stood out—a sign that the room's occupant had been here recently.

Batman scanned the shoe print, and detective mode began analyzing it, reconstructing the person's height, build, and likely physical characteristics. Within moments, a 3D model of the individual was generated, standing in the room before him.

Charlie compared the model to the information he had. The height, build, and other details matched with startling accuracy.

It was Melanie Chase.

As Batman completed the scan, detective mode highlighted a stray hair on the floor. It would be easy to conduct a DNA scan and confirm her identity for certain.

But just as Batman initiated the scan, the system flashed an urgent warning. A red exclamation mark appeared on the screen, indicating imminent danger.


A deafening explosion ripped through the room. Flames erupted from the walls, engulfing the space in an instant. The shockwave sent debris flying, and the force of the blast slammed into Batman, throwing him off his feet.

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