Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 29 Gold

According to the statement on the stone tablet, the entire village has a history of six to seven hundred years. The reason why this village is named after an angel is because legend has it that some kind of miracles were performed around this village and are thought to be related to the angel Michael.

"I see, I must have made a mistake before." After reading the content engraved on the stone slab, Liang En immediately came to his senses.

When he came to the ruins of this village before, he subconsciously thought that the third word "holy place" among the four words he found in the book before referred to the church in the village.

In fact, this judgment cannot be wrong, because in ordinary villages, the only thing that can be connected with the sacred is the church.

But if there is something related to miracles in this village, then the "holy place" will naturally not refer to the small church in the village, but the place where the miracles appeared.

After confirming this new clue, Liang En looked at the setting sun in the west, then put the previous tools on his back and walked down the path near the village.

Although it was getting dark now, considering that the destination was only a few hundred meters away, he decided to go and have a look instead of returning to the city.

Because it was not just the village that was abandoned, but the entire area. So not long after leaving the village, the path that could barely be recognized before had disappeared, leaving only grass that was knee-deep.

Fortunately, there are no dangerous snakes, insects or beasts on the island of Ireland. In addition, Liang En had considered going out today and wore clothing suitable for outdoor activities, so this situation did not cause him much trouble.

Twenty minutes later, after taking the wrong path many times and having to approach the destination several times, only to find that he was facing a steep cliff three to four meters high and had to take a detour, he finally arrived at the destination. .

This is a hillside that looks to be about five or six stories high, surrounded by a flat plain with only scattered shrubs dotted in between.

Right on the top of the mountain is a stone cross that looks quite old, about as tall as a person. At the same time, the overall look is very worn, and even the two cross arms have fallen off the cross and fallen to the side.

It was very quiet on the mountain. Apart from the occasional chirping of birds and the rustling of the wind blowing through the surrounding grass, the only sound left was Liang En's heavy breathing due to the strenuous exercise just now.

After briefly looking around the cross, he didn't find any other landmarks, only two or three stones the size of car tires scattered around.

Maybe it was because people who lived around had prayed or made pilgrimages here before, so Liang En found some cross symbols carved on those stones.

But other than that, there are no traces of human activity around.

"Now there is only the last 12 that has not been cracked." After finding a stone and sitting down, Liang En looked at the old cross that had turned into a stone pillar and thought about it.

Since the information in that book has now led him to this place, it must not be just to torment people.

When the previous three pieces of information all point to a certain place, this 12 should be no exception. It should indicate the specific location of what you are looking for by some means.

At this time, the sun began to slowly set toward the horizon. Because the sun was shining directly on his face, Liang En turned his face sideways to avoid the sunlight shining directly into his eyes. As a result, he happened to see the shadow of the cross falling next to him.

"Shadow - yes, shadow!" This shadow suddenly reminded Liang En. If the current dilapidated cross is used as a sundial pointer, then the 12 pointer is probably the position of the shadow of the cross at 12 noon.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward to check where the cross was broken. Sure enough, it was discovered that the arms of this cross fell because they were damaged by someone, rather than falling naturally.

Judging from the condition of the fracture of the cross, this thing has been damaged for more than a hundred years. Considering the power of religious forces at that time, the intentional destruction of the cross was obviously a highly unusual occurrence.

The deliberately damaged cross obviously verified from the side that there was indeed something unusual in this place, so Liang En took out his previous probe and started exploring northward little by little along the cross.

Because this is the northern hemisphere, the shadow must be north of those objects at 12 o'clock, so the area he needs to search is not large.

Soon, the probe in his hand poked something hard about one and a half meters away from the bottom of the cross. After realizing that the thing was only about half a meter away from the ground, Liang En immediately took out a shovel and started digging.

Fortunately, the top of this hill is all soft soil, so digging is not too difficult. Soon, he cleaned up the dirt on the ground, revealing a 1m square stone slab below.

"Finally found it." When he saw the stone slab, Liang En immediately put down the shovel in his hand, then took out his camera from his pocket and took pictures of the dug pit and the stone slab at the bottom of the pit.

Since the value of the pistol he sold last time increased due to photos, he began to consciously take photos of his excavation process for future use one day.

There is a symbol carved on the stone slab that Liang En does not recognize, but it must be the coat of arms of Jacques de Briand. At that time, French people with the word "virtue" in their middle names were basically aristocrats, so it was not surprising to have their own coat of arms.

He opened the stone slab forcefully, and a dark box appeared directly in front of him. The box was placed in a small pit the same size as the stone slab, and the surrounding area was deliberately filled with fine sand.

The box itself is not that big, it looks like a square box with a side length of 50 centimeters. After cleaning up the surrounding sand, Liang En discovered that it was a flat box, about as thick as an adult's hand.

"Huh?!" After cleaning the box completely, he tried to pick it up. As it turned out, the weight of the box was far greater than he imagined, and Liang En, who was not prepared in advance, almost lost his waist.

After standing with his hands on his waist for a few seconds, Liang En was ready to try to move the box again, but found that he could only drag the box away and could not pick it up at all.

However, during the process of carrying the box, he gradually felt that the weight of the box might exceed 100kg.

"It's so heavy, can't it be gold?" There are not many things with such density in this world, so Liang En immediately guessed what was probably in this box.

After judging that there was a high probability that the contents of the box would not oxidize, Liang En realized that it was absolutely impossible for him to move the box down the mountain by himself and started to unpack the box.

First, he used the knife he carried to scrape off the layer of asphalt on the outside of the box, revealing the box itself with an iron sheet underneath. Then he inserted the flat end of the stick into the gap in the box and pried it hard.

"Bang--" The already somewhat rotten lid of the box was pried aside in an instant, and the contents of the box shone golden in the afterglow of the setting sun.

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