Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 27 Clues

After spending a night and a morning at home. After lunch the next day, Liang En left home and drove the family car to the city center.

Because after comparing the map in his mind with the electronic map on the Internet yesterday, he was surprised to find that the light spot was actually located in the National Library of Ireland.

The National Library of Ireland is located on Kildare Street in Dublin. It is a classical-style building built of white stone. However, this building was built in 1890 and is not as old as it seems.

After looking at the rotunda of the main building of the library for a few times, he bypassed a group of tourist groups taking photos at the door, and then walked down the steps into the library.

Because he majored in history at university, he could use the long-term reader coupon he applied for through his tutor in order to write his graduation thesis, so after entering the library, he went straight to the reading room marked on the previous map.

As soon as he entered the door of the reading room, Liang En saw a white light that only he could see emitting from the bookshelf in the middle of the reading room.

When he walked to the bookshelf, he found that the book that was emitting light was a book that looked to be some years old.

However, what is different from ordinary books is that the size of this book is a little smaller and can even be placed in the palm of an adult, but it is much thicker than ordinary books.

"The Bible?" Liang En frowned as he looked at the almost completely faded gilt title on the obviously worn secretary.

This book is the most widely circulated book in the Western world, so it is normal for it to appear on the bookshelf of religious books. But he really didn't understand why the card led him to find this book.

After taking the book off the bookshelf, Liang En began to read this book in the nearby reading room, which may be one of the most read books in human history.

Although he is not very religious, in a place with a strong religious atmosphere like Ireland, it is impossible to say that he has not read this book. So he soon discovered that this book was actually no different from the ones he had read before.

If there is a difference, it is that modern Bibles are often written in the languages ​​of various countries, while this book is written in Latin.

Apart from that, the strangest thing about this book is that for some reason, starting from the first printed page, some of the letters have a black dot underneath them.

After Liang En saw these black dots, he tried to connect the letters with black dots at the bottom starting from the first page. As a result, all the various solutions resulted in a bunch of gibberish.

"If it's not a matter of content, then the book itself should be different." After briefly reading some of the content, Liang En focused on the book itself.

Soon, he found a name on the title page of the book - Jacques De Briand. On the last page of the book, it can be seen that the book was printed by the French Church in 1804.

If these findings are combined with the previously worn book itself and the content written in Latin, it can be inferred that this book is likely to be a religious book that a nobleman in the past carried with him for prayer.

This discovery cheered Liang En up, because such small prayer books are often people's personal belongings. So if there really is any secret, the probability of it being hidden in the book is not that small.

After careful inspection, he found that there was no interlayer or anything else in the book, but he could vaguely touch some uneven spots on the title page of the book.

"Sure enough, this book is not an ordinary book." Liang En smiled, and then checked the scratches on the page. Soon, he found that the scratches had a number and a French word written on it. --repent.

After turning to the page of the book according to the number shown by this scratch. Liang En saw that the main content on this page was Psalm 51:1-12, which was King David's prayer when he confessed to the gods.

"If the confession on the first page refers to this psalm -" After realizing what was written in this thing, Liang En immediately started recording from the first letter with a black dot below it in this psalm.

A few minutes later, a few scattered French words appeared before him: Cork, Michael, Holy of Holies, 12.

"Don't worry, mother. It's just a trip to Cork, and the whole journey is on the highway. There is really no danger -" An hour later, in a restaurant in Port Laois, Liang En whispered to the other end of the phone The mother promised to arrive.

"——I understand, I understand, I will take care of myself, don't worry, and I promise that I will call you to report that I am safe when I arrive."

After discovering the clue in the library, Liang En immediately took out his mobile phone and started looking for the computer map.

In his opinion, the two words Cork and Michael found in the book should refer to a place called Michael near Cork, the second largest city in the south of Ireland.

But the strange thing is that after searching for a long time using the satellite map on his mobile phone, he only found a forest called Michael near Cork.

Obviously, if this Michael is the place name that these words are intended to guide, then it is obviously abnormal that the destination is such a large forest.

Because the search range of this target is too large, if something is really hidden, it will be impossible for ordinary people to find it.

While thinking, Liang En subconsciously turned the pages of the book in front of him. In this case, the publication date printed on the last page of the book suddenly gave him an inspiration.

"What if the place called Michael only existed back then and no longer exists now?"

This is not an impossible thing, especially in Ireland. Because in the mid-19th century, a huge famine broke out on the island of Ireland. The famine resulted in the death of more than one million people, and nearly two million people chose to immigrate to other places.

At the same time, the famine also completely changed the population distribution of the Irish. Since then, the number of people in Ireland has not returned to its peak era in the 18th century.

However, because of this famine, Ireland's struggle for national liberation continued to rise. In subsequent history, they launched uprisings one after another, and finally gained independence from the empire on which the sun never set.

To this day, there are still a large number of abandoned and uninhabited villages scattered across the island of Ireland.

Therefore, if the Michael mentioned in this book is an abandoned village, it is indeed impossible to find it on the satellite map.

Thinking of this, Liang En immediately went to the electronic reading area of ​​the library to look for those old maps. As expected, he found the small village called Michael in an 1836 map of Cork and nearby areas.

After determining the target, Liang En immediately took a picture of the content on the screen with his mobile phone. Then he drove the family's Kodiak towards the target.

But when he felt hungry after driving for more than an hour and was about to eat something, he realized that he had forgotten to notify his family before going out.

So while eating, he had to spend a lot of time explaining to his angry mother why he let her go and didn't go home for dinner. Fortunately, after explaining for a long time, he finally gained my mother's forgiveness.

"It's done -" After hanging up the phone, Liang En clenched his fist and waved it in front of his chest, then ate his humble lunch in three bites, and then continued his journey.

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