Starting at Hogwarts

Chapter 62 School-wide implementation

The fight naturally cannot be carried out in the astronomy tower.

Not only is the place too small to perform, but it is also a high tower. If someone accidentally falls down during the fight, they can be sent away if they are not rescued in time.


The group turned to the lawn by the lake of the school.

It was night, so there was no one in the place, so there was no need to worry about accidentally involving other people during the fight.

After that!

Without much nonsense, Li William gave a look to the princess beside him, and the princess immediately flew to the heads of the class.

Although the heads of the class thought that it was just an owl and they could easily defeat it, they still took out their wands and aimed at the princess out of caution!

If they were accidentally defeated by the owl because of carelessness, it would be a shame for their whole life!

The next second!

"Let's start!" Li William said lightly.

The heads of the class who were about to cast a magic spell on the princess to end the battle only saw a flash of white light in front of them, and the princess disappeared on the spot.

At this time!

"One defeated!" Li William said faintly.

? ? ?

The class leaders were confused.

How did one lose?

"Who lost? Don't talk nonsense!" Percy couldn't help but say.

"The fat man next to Percy, touch your neck yourself!" Li William didn't answer directly, but said lightly.

The fat man next to him was a Hufflepuff class leader.

After hearing Li William's words, he subconsciously touched his neck.


He saw blood on his hand.


He was frightened and screamed.

It's not that he is timid, but the neck is connected to the brain. Once anything happens, it may cause fatal danger. He looked at the blood and thought his throat was cut!

"Don't scream, you won't die. The princess is controlling her power. It's just a small wound that barely cuts the skin!" Li William said lightly, and then added, "Of course, if you think this kind of wound is not fatal, then I can let it use a little more force, but I don't know if you can survive at that time!" The princess looks like an owl. But in fact, it is a Transformer! The wings under its feathers are not flesh, but pieces of metal blades. Its eyes can emit lasers, its claws can be opened to launch small missiles, and other parts have weapons with powerful lethality. However, it is naturally unnecessary to deal with these little wizards. So! Just now, the princess used her own extremely fast speed, plus the blades under her wings, to lightly scratch the fat man's neck. "Count, count, count!" Percy said hurriedly while sweating on his forehead while listening to Li William's words. Just kidding! He didn't even see it just now, and a scar appeared on the fat man's neck. What does this mean? It means that the opponent's speed is extremely terrifying! In this situation, if the other party uses more force, they will be sent away if they are not careful! They are just here to negotiate, not to risk their lives! "That's right!" "That's it!" "As long as there is a wound, we will be defeated!" Other class leaders also echoed. They are not stupid. They don't want to gamble with their lives. "In this case, let's continue!" Li William said lightly. As soon as the voice fell! The class leaders were no longer relaxed as before. They all showed a look of being in front of a great enemy and raised their wands to be alert. But sometimes being alert is not always useful! "Swish~" Another white light flashed. "Another defeat!" Li William said lightly. The class leaders were full of disbelief. But they still subconsciously touched their necks. Immediately! "I, I, I lost!" A female class leader of Ravenclaw looked at the blood on her hands and said a little bitterly. Seeing this, everyone became more nervous. But it was still useless! "One defeated!"

"One defeated!"

"One defeated!"

The white light continued to appear, and Li William kept saying.

His words were like the announcement of the god of death, and every time he appeared, a prefect was defeated.

Although the prefects wanted to resist and fight, the princess was too fast!

They could not catch the princess at all.

They could only see white lights flashing continuously.


After the prefects were defeated one by one, when only the last three prefects were left, the remaining three prefects could no longer hold on!

"I give up!"


"I lost!!"

They put down their wands one after another and said in a terrified tone.

It was not that they wanted to admit defeat, but they watched their companions around them fall one by one, but they had no ability to resist, and they could not even catch the enemy's figure. It was like falling into a bottomless abyss, and the feeling of being unable to struggle out was too depressing, too uncomfortable, and too desperate.

They could only admit defeat because they really couldn't stand it.

"Princess!" Seeing them admit defeat, Li William nodded and called out.



A flash of white light passed, and the princess appeared on Li William's body.

"Then follow my arrangement for the subsequent qualifying matches, no problem, right?" Li William asked lightly.

After the eighteen prefects looked at each other, their faces were a little ugly, but they all nodded.

Losing is losing!

To be prefects, they have some ability, and most capable people have their own pride.

They are no exception.

There will be no cheating after losing!

"Then let me briefly tell you how I will arrange it!"

Li William said lightly, "First, I will cancel the prefect qualifying matches for other colleges except Slytherin!"

As soon as these words came out!


"You won't lie to us, right!?"

"Really cancel it?"

The prefects, who were originally a little desperate, turned to ecstatic expressions after a moment of stunnedness.

They never thought that the conditions they originally wanted would be available after they lost.


What they didn't know was that William Lee had no intention of implementing this system in colleges other than Slytherin, because for colleges other than Slytherin, this system was not very attractive.

It doesn't matter whether it exists or not!

"I don't need to lie to you!"

After answering, William Lee continued, "However, if students from other colleges want to run for prefects in the future, they must first reach the top three in the same grade ranking competition, regardless of gender!"

This is reserved for those who yearn for power in the other three colleges.

Although most people in the other three colleges do not yearn for power, it is not ruled out that some people do.

For example, the prefects in front of him, especially Percy from the Weasley family.

It can be seen from the original plot that he yearns for power very much.

It is only because their yearning for power is not as strong as other aspects that they are assigned to other colleges.

For example, someone loves to study and also yearns for power, but he loves to study more deeply, so he will be assigned to Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin.

And listening to this!


"No problem!"


The prefects present nodded in approval!

As a class leader, you have to be excellent. If your combat effectiveness is not even in the top three in the grade, you are obviously not qualified to run for class leader!

"Secondly, because there is no class leader challenge, all class leaders also need to participate in the qualifying competition!" Li William said seriously.

The class leaders present thought about it and nodded.

In fact, they also want to participate in the qualifying competition.

It's just that the previous class leader challenge system affected their interests and made them resist, not that they don't want to participate.

"Finally, it's the most important reward system!" Li William said seriously, "Because there is no class leader challenge system, the rewards for the other three colleges are changed to the top three boys and girls in the grade in the qualifying competition at the time of graduation. They can choose to join Happy Farm or Panda Fast Food!"

Hearing this, many class leaders' eyes lit up.

Those who can be class leaders are relatively excellent. It is not too difficult for them to be the top three boys and girls in the grade.


This is also a good thing for them!

They also want to have a good job after graduation!

"Also, I will sponsor the qualifying competitions of the four colleges in the name of Happy Farm. As long as it is in the qualifying competition, the top three boys and girls every month will receive sponsorship!"

"And this sponsorship. The first place will receive 50 gold galleons, the second place will receive 30 gold galleons, and the fourth place will receive 10 gold galleons!"

"This is just a monthly sponsorship. At the end of each semester, the reward will be 100 gold galleons for the first place, 60 gold galleons for the second place, and 20 gold galleons for the third place!" Li William said again.

This is a supplement to the fact that the other three colleges do not have a prefect challenge system.

People always need motivation and temptation to move forward.

The prefect challenge is the motivation and temptation of the little wizards in Slytherin.

But most of the other three colleges are not interested in the position of prefect, so they need other motivations and temptations.

And money is undoubtedly the best choice!

No matter what kind of personality a person has, he will absolutely have no resistance to money.

After all, no matter what you want to do, you need money!

However, since the other three colleges have it, it would be a bit inappropriate if Slytherin doesn't have it, so Li William simply counted Slytherin as well, since he didn't need that little money anyway!

Listening to Li William's words, the joy on the faces of the eighteen prefects became even greater.

As for the top three in the grade, they all have a good chance!

After all, the prefects themselves are the best in each grade in each college!

Looking at their joyful expressions, Li William asked again, "Okay, do you have any other questions?"


The eighteen prefects shook their heads in unison.

"In that case, all colleges will start the qualifying competition starting tomorrow. I hope everyone here can help me get things done!" Li William said in a deep voice.


The prefects nodded one after another.

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