Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 497 Our world is full of tragedies!

If nothing else...

Everything is definitely under control.

Uchiha Sasuke is very confident in this. As long as Otsutsuki Kaguya has not been resurrected and the Six Paths Sage cannot interfere in this world, his power is invincible in this world and is enough to solve all the problems he encounters.


Power cannot solve everything.

For example, there was trouble in the preliminaries before the third exam.

Although Uchiha Sasuke killed many people, there were too many people participating in the second exam, and a group of genin still needed to be eliminated through an extra round.

The Chunin Exam is also a performance for noble daimyo. This performance does not require so many performers, only the best group of genin.

Uchiha Sasuke still felt that there were too few people participating in the third round of the Chunin Exam.

Because of the pressure from Akihara Kagura in the real world, Kirigakure Village also sent people to participate in the Chunin Exam. However, the relationship between Kirigakure Village and Konoha in this world is still hostile.


Nothing else has changed.

Even some things are moving in a good direction.

For example, the examiner of this extra round is Moonlight Hayate.

In the real world, Moonlight Gale is also an unlucky guy.

Because in the real world, because Moonlight Hayate often coughed when presiding over the exam, Akihara Kagura thought it was affecting the image of Konoha, and forcibly deprived him of his qualifications as an examiner. He even insulted Moonlight Hayate for being a sick man and ordered him to go away to Konoha. He received treatment in the hospital, which once made Moonlight Hayate's girlfriend Uohi Yuyan very angry...


Moonlight Hayate in this world is very lucky.

Since there was no such venomous guy as Akihara Kagura, Moonlight Hayate finally fulfilled his duties as an examiner.


The examiner, Moonlight Hayate, looked pale and thin, covering his lips with his fists, as if he was seriously ill. He slowly announced the contestants for the first extra round: "The opponent for the first round...ahem...Uchi Ha Sasuke vs. Red Bronze Armor!"


Uchiha Sasuke's expression was complicated.


The world without Akihara Kagura is not necessarily a bad thing for everyone...

At least some people's lives will take a better path and they won't be humiliated by someone for no reason...

never mind.

Let’s take the exam first!

Uchiha Sasuke's opponent is Orochimaru's subordinate Red Copper Armor. Red Copper Armor received Orochimaru's orders and immediately surrendered when facing Uchiha Sasuke to avoid being killed by Uchiha Sasuke. He did not have the guts to disobey Orochimaru's orders. Order.


"That guy is somewhat self-aware..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked in the direction of the Jonin leading the team in the Sound Ninja Village. He could see that the other party was Orochimaru in disguise. Obviously Orochimaru had suffered from him.

"Some sacrifices are unnecessary..."

Orochimaru noticed Uchiha Sasuke's gaze, and couldn't help but reveal a kind smile, hiding the conspiracy hidden deep in his heart.


Still proceeding in an orderly manner.


It all keeps happening like fate.

For example, during the clan division battle between cousins ​​Hyuga Hinata and Hyuga Neji, Hyuga Hinata almost died in the hands of Hyuga Neji just like in the real world. After Hyuga Hinata was rescued, Hinata That guy Neji started to question Konoha's preferential treatment to the clan again...

It’s really…

It makes people look a little angry.

Now Uchiha Sasuke has no time to pay attention to the troubles in the Hyuga family. He knows that under the pressure of powerful power, the Hyuga clan will easily succumb...

Now, Uchiha Sasuke just feels that this extra match is a bit boring, because all the people taking the exam are no different from bugs in his eyes.


But it happened soon...

Next game opponent!

Rock Lee from Team 3 faces Gaara from Sunagakure Village!

In the real world, Rock Lee is an unlucky guy. Because he contradicted Akihara Kagura, he was directly deprived of the qualification to continue taking the exam. He could only cry with his teacher Metkai...

In this world, the thirteen-year-old Rock Lee showed off his talent as a taijutsu ninja, and directly opened the eight armor-hiding arts, and launched a powerful duel with Gaara, which could even be called this. The most exciting one among the additional exams!


The price is extremely painful!

A flower that blooms too early to reveal its beauty often dies early.

Rock Lee blossomed into his youth in this exam, but he paid a very heavy price. Due to excessive physical exertion, he could not hold on for too long in the battle. His left leg and left hand were fucked by his opponent Gaara. The art of breaking...

A group of new-generation ninjas were all waiting for news outside Konoha Hospital, but they received shocking bad news. They were likely to lose a comrade...

"The medical ninja checked..."

Standing outside the hospital ward, Metkai took the initiative to talk about his favorite disciple's condition with a heavy face: "It is impossible to cure Li with their current medical level. Li's injuries cannot be fully recovered, and it will be impossible to continue on his own in the future." A ninja career..."


The new generation of ninjas in Konoha couldn't believe it.

A talented taijutsu ninja who is obviously close to their age can no longer continue to be a ninja just because of injuries sustained in a battle? From now on, he will completely quit the ranks of ninja and become an ordinary villager in the village?

"Are you kidding..."

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't believe it. He remembered Locke Lee's excitement after he opened the fifth gate of the Eight Gates: Dumen: "That guy Li is so strong..."


Uchiha Sasuke had to lament the strangeness of fate.

Uchiha Sasuke thought of Rock Lee in the real world.

Rock Lee in the real world was deprived of the qualification to take the exam, giving his opponent Gaara a direct bye to advance, but Rock Lee in the future soon shined in Konoha...

It seems…

Rock Lee in the real world may not be an unlucky guy...

If we compare this world with Rock Lee in the real world, maybe Rock Lee in his real world is still a lucky ghost!


Uchiha Sasuke took the initiative to find Yakushi Kabuto and asked Yakushi Kabuto if he had enough medical skills to treat Rock Lee, but got a negative answer.

"I can not do it."

Kabuto Yakushi is very self-aware, and he will not take the initiative to take on tasks that he cannot do: "Perhaps there is only one person in the entire ninja world who can do it, and that is one of the legendary three ninjas who is as famous as Orochimaru-sama. The strongest medical ninja in the world, Tsunade-sama."



Kabuto Yakushi held his glasses, a little modest but extremely confident about his medical ninjutsu: "If Tsunade-sama's medical ninjutsu level is within my understanding, or she has not developed more advanced ones. Technology may not be able to do it, unless her medical level breaks through the cognition of the ninja world and creates a miracle unknown to me..."


Uchiha Sasuke could only place his hope on Tsunade, hoping that the future fifth generation Hokage of Konoha would have a medical level beyond recognition.

"Sasuke-kun seems to be very concerned about Rock Lee's injury..."

Kabuto Yakushi brought up Rock Lee's question, and used this incident as an introduction to tentatively get information from Uchiha Sasuke: "It seems that in the world Sasuke-kun knows, Sasuke-kun should have a good relationship with Rock Lee. …”

"so so…"

Uchiha Sasuke responded nonchalantly.

All right.

I do pay some attention to Rock Li.

Because Rock Lee and he are both Konoha's new generation ninjas, and Rock Lee is a disciple of Metkai, both master and apprentice are extremely good at the Eight Gates of Escape, which is a skill that can be used even against Six Paths level ninjas. A forbidden technique that has a huge effect!

If the tragedy of this Chuunin Exam hadn't happened...

If everything happened according to the story in the real world, Rock Lee would just miss the Chunin Exam, and his future would be truly promising...

Just as Uchiha Sasuke and Yakushi Kabuto were discussing Rock Lee's bizarre fate, another tragedy ensued, making Uchiha Sasuke suddenly realize a problem. Rock Lee's change in fate was not an accident!


"Someone in the village died..."

"Recently, we all have been paying attention to anyone who needs to be vigilant..."

"Who sacrificed?"

"It seems to be the examiner of our third exam..."

"It's the examiner who is always coughing and coughing, looking very sick..."

When Uchiha Sasuke got the news, he couldn't believe his ears. The examiner of their third exam, Moonlight Hayate, was assassinated one night!


Something doesn't seem right!

There is no Akihara Kagura in this world, which is obviously a good thing for Moonlight Hayate, right?

Uchiha Sasuke felt that the incident between Rock Lee and Moonlight Hayate was probably not a coincidence, because the two people did not have a particularly deep relationship with Akihara Kagura in the real world. Rock Lee was just a companion of Tenten, and Moonlight Hayate was even more so. An ordinary special jounin...


It seems that Moonlight Hayate in the real world only had one encounter with Akihara Kagura during the Chunin Exam, and was severely humiliated by Akihara Kagura. How could it be possible that the fate of Moonlight Hayate in the two worlds has been completely different? The change?


Rock Lee and Moonlight Blast…

In the real world, it's just a bit of bad luck...

Why has there been a more terrible tragedy in this world?

Uchiha Sasuke no longer believes that this is a coincidence, because the fate of everyone who has been involved with Akihara Kagura has changed without exception...

In this world…

The fate of most people became tragic.

Whether it's himself and the Uchiha clan, whether it's Kabuto Yakushi and Karin, or even insignificant people like Rock Lee and Moonlight Hayate...

In comparison…

In fact, in my own world, except for the chaos in the ninja world caused by that guy Akihara Kagura, which is a bit bad, the ending of everyone's story is not bad...

"Akihara Kagura..."

Uchiha Sasuke was sitting by the Nanga River, not daring to imagine his speculation about Akihara Kagura. A fear suddenly appeared in his heart: "Could that guy have observed our fate a long time ago and has been keeping no traces?" What is the earth changing..."

In order to verify his conjecture, Uchiha Sasuke took advantage of the preparation time before the start of the third Chunin Exam to quietly begin to observe the differences between the two worlds, and finally discovered the thing that frightened him the most!

In the history before Akihara Kagura appeared in the ninja world, there was no difference in the historical concepts of the two worlds, and even the people did not change. Both this world and the real world were exactly the same...

At least that's how it looks on the surface...

This means that there is no special difference between the two worlds. The only difference is that an Akihara Kagura appeared in the real world. From then on, the directions of the two worlds began to be different, and the fate of the ninjas gradually changed. Change.


Because a person...

Two different future forks emerged.

"That rascal…"

"Finally claiming to be an observer..."

Uchiha Sasuke put his hands in his hair, pressed his brain hard, and searched for evidence bit by bit. Fear emerged in his mind: "Maybe... this world is what our world is like?"

"Our life..."

"our destiny"

"our world…"

"It should have been a tragedy..."

"Because of that guy Akihara Kagura's interference, all these tragedies were prevented from happening, and everyone's lives changed in a way that is incomprehensible..."

"This world is real..."

"The world we live in is what this world should be like..."

Uchiha Sasuke's mind became clearer and clearer, and he connected his cognition little by little into a line about the stories of Uchiha, Karin, Kabuto Yakushi, Rock Lee and Moonlight Hayate, and his eyes became blurred. blood red.

"Our world...our everything..."

"In fact, I was originally in a hell full of tragedy..."

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes widened involuntarily, his eyes were dull and a little dazed, as if he was completely frightened by the results of his guess and analysis: "It is already a hell-like world now, how many people will there be in the future?" Tragedy…”

"Akihara Kagura..."

"Will anything change because of you?"

"What on earth were you thinking at those times?"

Uchiha Sasuke closed his eyes, just like a person praying to a god he trusted, but in the end he did not get a response from the god. The god who never responded at all seemed to have jeopardized the fate of the ninja world. A ninja who was returned to this world.

After a long time.

Uchiha Sasuke opened his eyes. His eyes were full of loneliness. In his mind, he recalled the scenes where he and Akihara Kagura had interacted. He recalled all his memories of Akihara Kagura bit by bit...


These memories will change the future tragedy of the entire ninja world.

The man who likes to hide in darkness has always hidden his tenderness towards the world.

"Akihara Kagura..."

"I seem to understand you..."

"You are really gentle in what you do..."

By the Nanhe River.

The breeze blew gently.

Just as Uchiha Sasuke was recalling the senior who once guided him on the right path with a complex expression, a scattered sound of clogs appeared in Uchiha Sasuke's ears.

Da da da da…

An old man with a bandage on his head walked up to Uchiha Sasuke on crutches. An old and deep voice echoed along the Nanga River: "Uchiha Sasuke, are you here to remember your lost clan members?"


"Speaking of which..."

"Maybe you don't know me..."

The old man with a bandage on his head squinted his eyes and looked at Uchiha Sasuke, and slowly talked about a topic that interested Uchiha Sasuke: "My name is Danzo, and I once served as the assistant to the Hokage in the village. Itachi Uchiha, the brother who was responsible for hunting down you four years ago..."

"I heard that..."

"Have you always wanted revenge on Itachi?"

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