Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 493 This world is indeed hell

Chapter 493 This world is indeed a hell...

Forest of death.

Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura had been hiding until Uchiha Sasuke arrived with Yakushi Kabuto, and the two of them dared to come out.

Because they had met Kabuto Yakushi before the opening exam, the two of them had a good impression of Kabuto Yakushi, and the little ones didn't think there would be any problem with Kabuto Yakushi and Team 7 acting together.

"We should rush to the tower in the center of the Death Forest now."

"There are a group of genin in this forest. Even if there are some outstanding people, they will never be Sasuke-kun's opponent. Even I can't solve them."

After Yakushi Kabuto saw that Team 7 had already collected the scrolls, he thought that he should not waste time here anymore, but he also made suggestions to adapt: ​​"Of course, if Sasuke-kun wants to let his companions Naruto-kun and Xiao It would be okay if Sakura exercises a bit..."

Kabuto Yakushi adjusted his glasses and looked at the three-person team of Team 7 in front of him, as if they were a military adviser, advising Uchiha Sasuke and Team 7.

Kabuto Yakushi only regarded this Chunin Exam as an occasion to observe the new generation of ninjas. He didn't care about the success or failure of the Chunin Exam. He just wanted to return to the orphanage, build a good relationship with Uchiha Sasuke, and explore Uchiha. The world inside Sasuke.

What a coincidence.

Uchiha Sasuke had similar thoughts.

In the real world, Kabuto Yakushi has long since stopped caring about world affairs.

However, in this world, Uchiha Sasuke also hopes to recruit Yakushi Kabuto. Not to mention Yakushi Kabuto's scientific talent, his resourcefulness can also help to find out and fill in the gaps.

Except for those who are not the best in the world in terms of strength, Kabuto Yakushi is a perfect ninja in every aspect.

Kabuto Yakushi is good at spying on intelligence. He can also be a combat ninja and a resourceful ninja. He is even an excellent medical ninja himself. He is also good at studying ninjutsu, forbidden arts and celestial arts. He can be called a true all-rounder.

"Don't worry yet."

Uchiha Sasuke raised his head and looked into the depths of the forest, a deep and complicated look flashed in his eyes, and he still had an obsession with phosphorus in his heart.

Fragrant phosphorus.

This is an opponent who once needed to look up to.


Still a little bit unwilling.

Because after the final battle in the real world, Kosovo chose to follow Akihara Kagura and left the ninja world, abandoning his position as the root leader, making Uchiha Sasuke always feel that everything he got came from Kosovo's proud charity.

In the real world, during the ninja school period, Kaoru graduated early with excellent results. After the root era, Kaoru became Uchiha Sasuke's biggest competitor.

In the real world, Akihara Kagura is the absolute confidant of Akihara Kagura, and the surviving Uchihas at the root watch her grow up as a little princess; Uchiha Sasuke is the descendant who has high hopes for Akihara Kagura, and the surviving Uchiha at the root regard her as The proud new patriarch.

If the truth about Uchiha Itachi's annihilation had not been revealed, and if Akihara Kagura had not exposed the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, maybe Uchiha Sasuke would still have stayed in the Roots, competing with Karin for the position of the future leader of the Roots...


They will also become friends.

Uchiha Sasuke actually wanted to be friends with Karin.

Just as that idiot Uzumaki Naruto had always wanted to be friends with him, Uchiha Sasuke had always wanted to be friends with Karin, and he thought the two of them should be more than just enemies.

The red-haired girl who has always been a friend and foe while growing up is just like Uchiha Sasuke's obsession. He wants to see what kind of life the red-haired girl leads in this world, and will it be like Does the real world look down on me with the same arrogance?

"I want to observe someone..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked back at Yakushi Kabuto and said calmly: "A female ninja from Kusakure Village, she may have a secret hidden in her body..."

"A ninja Kusagakure?"

Kabuto Yakushi adjusted his glasses.

Caoyin Village.

A small ninja village struggling between the great ninja villages.

Any ninja born in a big country's ninja village will often look down on these small ninja villages, because these small ninja villages are often the losers in the great ninja wars.


The noble daimyo of the ninja world also looked down upon these small ninja villages.

Because these people prefer to hire the trustworthy ninja villages of the five major countries, and do not like to waste money on ninjas from these small ninja villages, especially because these small ninja villages are weak and often lead to the failure of important tasks that need to be performed.

In order to survive, Xiao Ninja Village tried every means to compete for the money of the nobles and daimyo, and at the same time frequently fought with neighboring small countries to show its strength.


These small ninja villages would never dare to go to war with a big country.

There was once a small village named Amegakure that brazenly went to war with a big country. Not only were all the elites in the village killed or injured, but the entire country became a battlefield for the Ninja World War.

Regarding how to seize mission commissions from the Ninja Village of the Great Country with a weak force, the Ninja Villagers finally found a safe way and chose to participate in the Chunin Examination held by the Ninja Village of the Great Country, because a grand Chunin Examination is often There will be many nobles and famous people coming to visit.

If the ninjas of the country can win the championship in a grand occasion like the Chuunin Exam or perform a little more brilliantly and show their face in front of the nobles, they will also be able to take the opportunity to get many commissions from the nobles in the future.


The Chuunin Exam is also extremely important to the Xiaonin Village.

Kusakuin Village is no exception.

In order to excel in this chunin exam, Kusakure Village not only sent out two senior genin, but also sent out their village's secret war weapon phosphorus, hoping to gain an advantage with the ability of phosphorus.

However, Karin's ability is not strong, and she is not very good at fighting. Kusakure Village has never thought of training her. It has always sucked her blood directly. This time, it only allowed two Kusanagi who participated in the Chunin Examination to participate in the same team. Restores chakra and heals injuries by sucking her blood.

"We are not strong enough..."

"Then we must find a way to make every team battle a protracted one."

A Kusanagi ninja hid behind a big tree and mentioned their battle plan in a cold voice. His eyes looked at the timid red-haired girl next to him from time to time: "As long as our opponent's chakra and ours consume each other's chakra, I will suck you again." The blood can restore injuries and chakra. They must have never expected this kind of fighting method..."


The red-haired girl subconsciously wanted to shrink back nervously. Her sleeves exposed the skin on her arms due to this movement, and there were several tooth-like scars on the skin.

This is…

Scars that last over the years.

Nowadays, Kaoru is only twelve years old, but she was used as a medical tool by Kusakure Village when she was young. Even if her healing ability as a descendant of Uzumaki is astonishing, she will not be able to cure countless countless people. bite…

"Hey, don't back out!"

"If you retreat any further, you will be discovered!"

Another Kusagakure ninja grabbed the red-haired girl's arm and said angrily with a grumpy face: "If we can't bring back the results of the Chunin Exam, I will kill you little thing first..."

"Do not impulse…"

His companion frowned and persuaded: "This little thing's mother was bitten to death by people in the village a long time ago, and we are the only Uzumaki descendant left..."

"People in the village don't care that much..."

The Kusagakure ninja didn't care at all about the red-haired girl's life and death, and grinned ferociously: "Even if the two of us eat her alive in order to restore chakra in the forest of death, we still have to enter the third round of the Chunin Exam! "


The red-haired girl was startled.

The red-haired girl was timid to begin with. When she heard that her mother was bitten to death by grass ninjas, tears flowed from her eyes involuntarily, but before she could feel sad, she heard words that shocked her!


What these two grass ninjas said was not a threat!

If it really comes to that point, these two grass ninjas will definitely bite her to death and eat all her flesh and blood in order to restore chakra and heal her injuries!

"Get ready for action!"

The two Kusagakure ninjas didn't care what Kosusu thought.

The Kusagakure ninjas have always asked for whatever they want from Kosu. They have long had the power of life and death, and they don't think this red-haired girl dares to resist.

These two grass ninjas only hoped that the red-haired girl could successfully pass the second chuunin exam before they sucked her blood to death...

have to say.

Kusanagi has mastered the use of fragrant phosphorus to the extreme.

The two grass ninjas quickly selected a well-matched Raingakure team, and the two sides immediately started fighting through detonating charms and shurikens, preparing to use the power of phosphorous blood to engage in a war of attrition with their enemies.

In front of a huge rock.

A young grass ninja stood in front and fought with the enemy. He raised his hand and sprinkled shurikens and detonating talismans towards the enemy in the distance!

Another older Kusanagi stood behind the rock to provide support, while monitoring Kosovo to prevent Kosovo from being scared away by the fierce battle if he was too timid.


There was a huge explosion!

The first young Kusanagi retreated behind the rock dripping with blood!


"Bite this little girl's arm!"

"Heal your wounds quickly and don't let them stop!"

The second elder Kusanagi ordered the other party while his substitute rushed to the front of the rock and continued to fight their enemy, making it impossible for the enemy to stop and rest!

This is their tactic!

They can use the blood of fragrant phosphorus to quickly recover on the battlefield. The enemy has no way to recover injuries and chakra, so sooner or later they will defeat the enemy!

"Hurry up and let me take a bite!"

The first young grass ninja rushed to Xiang Lu's side, and regardless of Xiang Lu's trembling fearful expression, he directly pulled Xiang Lu's arm away!

far away.

A group of people are watching this.

Uzumaki Naruto and Haruno Sakura didn't quite understand the Kusagakure ninja's recklessness.

After all, after the Kusagakure ninja encountered the enemy, it didn't look like a battle between ninjas at all. They didn't care about the messy tactics and just fought head-on.

Kabuto Yakushi only realized that the key to the victory or defeat of this Kusagakure team and that Amegakure team lay in Koryosu based on Uchiha Sasuke's attitude towards Koretsu.

"If this is a frontal combat tactic..."

As a ninja with many years of experience, Yakushi Kabuto pushed up his glasses and stared closely at the shivering red-haired girl in shabby clothes hiding behind the battlefield. He spoke of his judgment on the outcome of this battle: "It should be Because Team Kusagakure has an excellent medical ninja, who is good enough to allow Team Kusagakure to recover quickly..."


Uchiha Sasuke nodded casually.

If you want to be serious, Xianglan is really the best medical ninja in the ninja world. In the real world, Xianglan is even better than Tsunade, the fifth Hokage of Konoha.

While they were chatting here, the young Kusanagi who was the first to retreat from the frontal battlefield in the distance suddenly walked up to Xiang Lian and pulled open Xiang Lian's sleeves!


Kabuto Yakushi couldn't understand the other party's movements. He looked at Uchiha Sasuke curiously, hoping to get some answers from Uchiha Sasuke.


Kabuto Yakushi saw a gloomy look on Uchiha Sasuke's face.

The black-haired boy's face seemed to be dripping with gloom in an instant, his eyes unknowingly turned scarlet, and his eyes were filled with surging murderous intent!

These people can’t see clearly…

However, Uchiha Sasuke had already seen the subtle beginnings with his Sharingan vision. He saw tooth-like scars on Xianglan's arms!

These scars…

Uchiha Sasuke knew exactly what this meant...

The ninjas of Kusakure Village clearly used phosphorus as a healing and restorative medicine. They just sucked her blood and even bit her blood so many times that scars appeared on her body!

People from the Uzumaki clan...

There are scars on the body!

How many times did these Kusagakure ninjas bite her!


Uchiha Sasuke's fingers trembled almost unconsciously.

What the hell do these bastards think of phosphorus!

Even in the real world, in Roots, which has always been known for being cold-blooded and ruthless, everyone knows that Xiang Phosphorus' blood has super healing power and terrifying chakra recovery ability, but no one has ever thought of biting her!

No matter how injured the root ninja who went out to perform the mission was, even Uchiha Sasuke was no exception. Everyone was lying on the bed honestly waiting for medical treatment. No one had ever thought of relying on the blood of phosphorus for treatment. …

Real world aroma…

There were never any wounds.

Uchiha Sasuke remembered that when he was in the real world, he and Karin were the two smallest ninjas, but they were also the two most loved ones.

Whether it was Akihara Kagura or the surviving members of the same race at the root, before Akihara Kagura's true face was revealed, everyone loved them both, especially when Uchiha Sasuke was learning to fly the Thunder God. time…

Those days...

In fact, I lived quite happily...

Because during that time, Uchiha Sasuke felt that he belonged for the first time.

Uchiha Sasuke's heart trembled, and his heart suddenly felt like a cold wind rushing in. Those warm times only existed in the real world.

this world…

There is no way that root will appear.

There would be no Akihara Kagura in this world, nor would there be those surviving tribesmen, nor would there be a happy growing up, let alone Uchiha Sasuke who could find a new goal in life. Those warmth would never be possible appear in this world.

Xiang Phosphorus became the medicine man of Caoyin Village.

Kabuto Yakushi lost his most respected and beloved adoptive mother, Yakushi Nonou, and even the two of them killed each other in the last scene. Yakushi Nonou didn't even recognize him before she died...

All the surviving tribesmen he has been pursuing in the real world have died...

Even Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto, two teachers and friends who have a very close relationship, are living extremely difficult and bitter lives without Akihara Kagura...

this world…

This cold and heartless world!

Uchiha Sasuke thought about the people he was relatively close to in the real world. It seemed that in this world they were all experiencing tragic and cruel fates, and no one was an exception...


Uchiha Sasuke looked at the phoenix in the distance, waiting with fear to be bitten and suck blood. The three magatama in the Sharingan in his eye sockets slowly rotated to form a strange shape: "Actually... is it hell?"

Mangekyō Sharingan!

next moment!

Uchiha Sasuke's figure suddenly disappeared from where he was!

Just when the young grass ninja pulled off Xiang Lian's arm and opened his mouth to bite a wound on Xiang Lian's arm, the figure of a black-haired boy suddenly appeared next to Xiang Lian. His eyes were A pair of strangely shaped red eyes!


The grass ninja looked at the black-haired boy who suddenly appeared with some horror.

Even the grass ninja didn't see clearly how the other party appeared. It was as if he teleported and appeared directly next to him!

"The way of the world!"

Uchiha Sasuke instantly raised his hand and pressed it on the head of the grass ninja. One of his eyes also turned into the Rinne Sharingan, and he instantly used the ability of the human world to absorb all the memories in the brain of the grass ninja!

next moment!

The soul and memory of this grass ninja were extracted by Uchiha Sasuke, and his body fell to the ground feebly and stopped moving!

In an instant…

Uchiha Sasuke killed a grass ninja.

However, Uchiha Sasuke's mood did not get better, and even got worse. There was even a touch of pain and unspeakable anger in his eyes. He saw the past of Xianglan from the memory of this grass ninja!

What a tragic past it was...

Uchiha Sasuke thought that he had experienced a lot of pain, but he did not expect that the pain that Xiangsu experienced was even worse than himself. He saw Xiangsu's mother being bitten to death in the memory of the grass ninja with his own eyes...


It's fragrant phosphorus.

This girl is always used as a medicine person...


Xiang Lu was so frightened by the black-haired boy's eyes that he squatted down.

"Really... too much chakra has been absorbed, and you can't even sense it?"

Uchiha Sasuke stretched out his palm and gently stroked the scrawled red hair of Karin. His eyes fell on Karin's exposed arms. The tooth-like scars on those arms made Uchiha Sasuke's eyes flashed with all sorts of complexities.

Because in Kusanagi's memory...

Uchiha Sasuke knew the origin of these tooth-like scars.

pain? regret? mercy? Feeling distressed?

No, it's anger!

The red-haired girl who lives a carefree life in the Roots, is a tough-talking girl with a soft heart towards everyone in the Roots, and likes to give her own blood to her companions as life-saving medicine, but she lives a hellish life in this world. …

really do not know…

If Akihara Kagura is here...

What will happen to this world...

After all, Akihara Kagura has always been the one who dotes on Kagura the most.

"If that guy was here..."

Uchiha Sasuke stretched out his hand to hold Xiang Lian's head, not wanting Xiang Lian to see his face: "Everyone now will definitely be killed by him..."


The red-haired girl's body trembled.

Uchiha Sasuke noticed the fear of the red-haired girl. His chest was filled with raging anger, but he was worried that the red-haired girl would be afraid. He Qiangzi remained calm in front of Xiang Li, and the boy's pleasant voice became gentler and slower.

"If that guy wasn't here..."

"Just let me help him do this kind of thing..."

"It just so happens that when I saw you like this, I actually felt a little annoyed..."


"Not just a little..."

While Uchiha Sasuke was chattering here, another grass ninja realized the enemy behind him. He quickly came back from the battlefield and shouted at Uchiha Sasuke loudly!

"You guy! You actually attacked me from behind!"


Uchiha Sasuke ignored his shouting and just raised his head casually. Layers of illusory skeletons suddenly appeared around him and Karin, and a half-length Susanoo appeared from his body instantly!

This half-length Susanoo raised his hand and grabbed the last grass ninja, holding the body of the grass ninja tightly with his huge palm!

"This is...this is..."

The grass ninja looked at the half-length Susanoo who was more than ten meters tall in horror, and looked at the phosphorus and Uchiha Sasuke in Susanoo's body in horror: "What on earth... on earth... is this!"

"what is that!"

Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Something came out of Sasuke's body!"


Haruno Sakura also looked nervously into the distance. She was also shocked by Uchiha Sasuke's power, and her eyes couldn't help but focus on Uchiha Sasuke's hand stroking Xianglan.

"That is…"

A light flashed in Kabuto Yakushi's glasses, and his heart beat a little faster!

Compared to the two brats who were paying attention to Susanoo, Kabuto Yakushi was more concerned about another point, which was the speed at which Uchiha Sasuke suddenly teleported. He didn't know how Uchiha Sasuke teleported to the Kusanagi. !

How can it be…

It's simply faster than the Flying Thunder God Technique!

Even Yakushi Kabuto couldn't notice any fluctuation at all!

"You...who are you?"

The Kusanagi struggled hard, with fear on his face, trying to break away from Susanoo's hand, but he was powerless in the face of Susanoo's terrifying power.

"I don't know what role I have in this world..."

"I don't know what I should do in this world..."

Uchiha Sasuke ignored Kusanagi's words. His brain was still recalling the memories of Kosovo and the real world he had experienced.

The black-haired boy was talking to himself aimlessly, as if he was talking to himself: "I thought I could leave here at any time, and I wouldn't care about the people here. I just treat your world as my own." Become an unbridled playground..."


"I found that I seemed to be wrong..."

Uchiha Sasuke controlled Susanoo's palm and slowly tightened it. He raised his head and looked at the frightened Kusagakure ninja, who was still muttering to himself and speaking strange words that made people feel inexplicable.

"This world is not a playground..."

"This world is a colorless hell..."

"Even for me..."

"I just can't figure it out..."

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the grass ninja, as if he wanted to question the existence above the sky through the grass ninja: "Why is the world like this when he is not around?"


Xiang Lu's body was still trembling.

Xiang Ling couldn't understand Uchiha Sasuke's words. The perception ability in her body had exploded between life and death. She could clearly feel how terrifying Uchiha Sasuke was behind her...

This terrifying chakra...

It's not something Xiang Phosphorus can imagine at all!

"Actually, I don't want to admit it either..."

Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were slightly lowered. He looked at the trembling phosphorus in his hand, and his voice became calmer, as if he had figured something out: "That guy did the right thing, he is the leader of the ninja world. The one who comes to change…”


Kaoru didn't understand who Uchiha Sasuke was talking about.

This poor red-haired girl still thought that her life was under the control of the enemy, because there was a young palm pressing on the top of her head, and she saw with her own eyes that this palm instantly extracted the soul of a grass ninja!

That palm...

Trying to help smooth her messy red hair.

"Although the process he brought about was ugly..."

"But at least that world wasn't painful."

Uchiha Sasuke was muttering to himself and arranging Karin's hair, as if he wanted to express his determination by telling Karin: "Actually, I don't know what is the best choice, but I know Whatever the road he has walked will be like in the end, then I might as well learn from him first and slowly..."


Xiang Phosphorus nodded unconsciously.

"Do you think so too?"

Uchiha Sasuke couldn't help but chuckle. He raised his head again and looked at the grass ninja in the purple Susanoo's hands. His eyes were full of surging killing intent: "Oh, then slowly imitate him. It looks like..."

"The first thing to learn..."

"Just learn how he kills people..."

next moment…

Uchiha Sasuke's palms instantly clenched into fists!

The purple half Susanoo also clenched his fists in an instant!


Before the Kusanagi's painful moans could be heard, his body was completely squeezed by Susanoo's palms, and blood splashed out from Susanoo's fingers!

"Let the damn people..."

"Death is painful and ugly..."

"Only by making these people die painful and ugly can the living be alerted!"

Uchiha Sasuke casually loosened his fist, and the half-length Susanoo also loosened his fist. The flesh and blood residue of the grass ninja slowly fell from Susanoo's palm to the ground, as if dropped. Not a life, but a pile of useless garbage.


That is garbage that should be thrown away.

A group of Amegakure ninjas who were still fighting looked in horror at the drops of blood dripping from Susanoo's palms. They were so frightened that they fled away into the distance, not daring to stay here at all!

"Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Xiang Ling's eyes were dull, and the corner of his mouth was muttering an unconscious plea.


When Uchiha Sasuke heard this, he couldn't help but feel an incomprehensible emotion of suppressed pain in his heart.

That girl...

There has never been such a embarrassing time!

She obviously always helps others arrogantly, but when has she ever begged in such a low voice?

However, Uchiha Sasuke used the path of the world to extract the memory of one of the grass ninjas. In that grass ninja's memory, he saw the tragic fate that Koso and her mother had experienced, but he was unable to accuse the girl in front of him of losing his dignity. …

"rest assured."

"I won't kill you."

When Uchiha Sasuke spoke, he seemed to have become an adult.

The black-haired boy suppressed the depression in his heart, and slowly squatted down and took the initiative to help Xiang Lu pull his sleeves, covering Xiang Lu's arm with tooth-like scars exposed.


It makes Sasuke a little uncomfortable!

Why are there scars on her body?

How dare those bastards from the little ninja village leave scars on her body!


Xiang Ling saw Uchiha Sasuke's actions to help cover the scar.

The red-haired girl finally regained consciousness, as if she had seen the first person in the world who was willing to pay attention to her image besides her mother, and tears suddenly flowed from her eyes uncontrollably.


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