Start with a Blind Date

Chapter 56 - Emotional experience


Luo Ran’s cell phone rang at this moment, a message from Xia Ziyan.

Luo Ran looked at Qin Chen and said, “You accompany your child first, I’ll go and do something.”

“Good.” Qin Chen.

Luo Ran returned to his bedroom, opened WeChat, and looked at the information.

Xia Ziyan: Chairman, I have checked all Qin Chen’s emotional experience.

Xia Ziyan: Qin Chen’s first love was when he was in junior high school. His name was Liu He. After graduating from junior high school, Qin Chen broke up with Liu He. Since then, Qin Chen’s temperament has changed and he has become more casual.

Xia Ziyan continued to send messages: Since Qin Chen was in high school, he talked about three girlfriends in the first year of high school, and kicked the other party after he played, and talked about five in the second year of high school. The same is true. Three, you know one of them, Chen Rou.

Xia Ziyan went on to say: University is even more exaggerated. In the freshman year, I talked about seven, just stared at the senior sister, sophomore, talked about five, and the junior stared at the senior student, talked about five, and the senior internship, according to I found out and talked about three, and Qin Chen talked about two in the past few months after graduation.

Xia Ziyan: Except for Liu He and Qin Chen who talked with Qin Chen for nearly two years, the rest of the contacts were usually in half a month, or even broke up within a week. Only Chen Rou and Qin Chen had a longer relationship with Qin Chen and talked for a month.

Xia Ziyan: Chairman, Qin Chen is a scumbag, and his kidneys are not good anymore. After playing too much these years, his kidneys have run out.

Xia Ziyan: Chairman?

Luo Ran frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable looking at the message from Xia Ziyan.

Qin Chen’s emotional experience is too rich!

Luo Ran sent a message in the past: Qin Chen and those girls have happened to that kind of thing?

Xia Ziyan quickly replied: This is not easy to investigate. After all, this kind of thing is only known to Qin Chen and the person involved, but I can contact those girls who have been with Qin Chen to ask.

Luo Ran raised his eyebrows slightly.

Need to ask?

There are only two results.

One is what Qin Chen talked about, and that kind of thing happened!

One is what Qin Chen talked about, first talked about it, and later found out that it was inappropriate, then broke up again.

Luo Ran: Check what kind of people Qin Chen has been with, a good girl or a very casual girl.

Xia Ziyan: Okay.

Luo Ran put away the phone and took a breath. He didn’t expect Qin Chen’s emotional experience to be so rich.

Why does she feel uncomfortable after knowing this.

Luo Ran gently shook his head, walked out of the bedroom, to the edge of the second floor, and looked towards the living room on the first floor.

Seeing that Qin Chen was having fun with the two children, Luo Shihan not only stopped crying, but even had fun.

Luo Ran’s gaze was mainly focused on Qin Chen. Based on her relationship with Qin Chen these past few days, she felt that Qin Chen did not seem to be the kind of person who plays with emotions.

Some things can be spied on through the details.

If Qin Chen is pretending to be in front of her, she doesn’t believe this, for no reason, she believes in her own eyes.

With Qin Chen’s rank, he couldn’t pretend in front of her.

Since Qin Chen gave her no problem.

What about so many emotional experiences?

Luo Ran walked down.

Luo Shihan seemed to have forgotten what happened before, and shouted to Luo Ran, “Mom, let’s play together.”

Luo Ran smiled at her, “Let’s play with Dad.”

“Okay.” Luo Shihan said nothing to Luo Xiaoyu, and continued to play.

Qin Chen suddenly suggested, “Otherwise, let’s play peekaboo three times? You two hide, and I will go to you? How about?”

“Okay, okay.” Luo Shihan and Luo Xiaoyu said happily.

“Okay, I close my eyes and count dozens. You can hide quickly. You can only hide in this villa. You are not allowed to leave the villa.” Qin Chen said.

“Good.” Two babies.

“Ten, nine, eight…” Qin Chen counted with his eyes closed. The two babies had already slipped away and went up the stairs.

Qin Chen counted one and opened his eyes. He didn’t plan to go to the child now. Playing with the child would be quite exhausting. This method can also make him rest.

“Is it tired to play with the kids?” Luo Ran looked at him.

“Somewhat.” Qin Chen said with a smile.

“You sit and rest for a while, I’ll bring you some ice water.” Luo Ran said, then went to the kitchen and took two glasses of ice water.

The two sat on the sofa, Luo Ran looked at Qin Chen and said calmly, “How many girlfriends have you talked to?”

Qin Chenwei looked at Luo Ran in surprise, and Luo Ran asked him such a question?

Perceiving Qin Chen’s gaze, Luo Ran said calmly, “I just have nothing to do, I’m curious to ask.”

“To be precise, there is only one, Liu He.” Qin Chen said.

Luo Ran raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, “To be precise? Is there any inaccuracy?”

“The other ones are not girlfriends in my eyes.” Qin Chen said lightly, “Except for Liu He, the other ones are scumbags who play with feelings.”

Luo Ran said calmly, “Your real purpose in associating with those girls is to want to sleep with them?”

“Sleep them?” Qin Chen smiled, as if he had heard some funny joke. He looked at Luo Ran directly, “Sleeping them, I still feel that I am at a disadvantage! I just can’t understand the women who play with emotions. , UU reading just wanted to play with them!

Some are asleep, some are not, because some make me feel that I am at a loss. The main purpose is to let them experience the feeling of being played with! “

Luo Ran frowned slightly, thinking of something, and looked at Qin Chen, “Is it because Liu He broke up with you and made you…”

“Yes.” Qin Chen raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and said lightly, “Back then, I thought Liu He had played with emotions. Since then, I have never used to those women who play with feelings! Every time I see those women play with them. The feelings of our men will think of myself being broken up by Liu He, and then I want those women who play with feelings to taste the feeling of being in heaven for one second! The feeling of being in **** for the next second!”

“Why can they still be cool and comfortable after playing with men, and finally they have to shake the pot, to say, they will finally carry everything by themselves!”

The more Qin Chen said, the more upset he felt. He glanced at Luo Ran, “Do you think I am a scumbag?”

Luo Ran did not directly respond to Qin Chen’s question, but looked at Qin Chen, “Except for Liu He, those girls you associate with are surely scum girls?”

“OK, and sure.” Qin Chen.

Luo Ran said calmly, “You are on a blind date now. Now that you are ready to start a family, don’t mess around.”

Qin Chen smiled and said, “Don’t worry, if you let me sleep with them now, I still feel that it is me, not them!”

“…” Luo Ran.

Qin Chen didn’t evade anything.

He had no idea about Luo Ran, at most he would occasionally react.

This is nothing, after all, adults are in need, and it is normal to have a little reaction occasionally.

I can’t say that I occasionally react to Luo Ran, so what does it mean?

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