Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 550 Hunting Group Fish

"Seal Ball, please."

Ye Chuan squeezed the seal ball in his arms. This kind of elf was really fun to hold, and he looked very cute.

After Seal Ball made a cute cry, he suddenly blew out a giant bubble and directly enveloped Ye Chuan——

"The diving skill turns out to create a bubble, but such a bubble shouldn't be able to dive into water, right?"

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and touched the bubble, and found that his hand could actually pass through the bubble, which was very magical. At this time, Ye Chuan also found that the bubble began to sink.

The seawater spread around, but did not touch Ye Chuan. Ye Chuan, holding the seal ball, was actually able to command the seal ball to control the movement direction of the bubble.

"It's fun." Ye Chuan couldn't help but say.

"Interesting...and there is actually oxygen." Ye Chuan took a deep breath and found that there was no dull feeling at all. It felt like staying on land.

"Sure enough, the power of elves is amazing." Ye Chuan couldn't help but say, and he didn't forget to reach out and squeeze the seal ball in his arms.

Seal Ball made a happy sound.

Ye Chuan began to dive down with Seal Ball. The water here was blue and translucent. Ye Chuan raised his head and took a look. There was crushed sunlight on the sea surface above, like fragments scattered on the sea surface, and a beam of light refracted down, as if in the ocean. There is a pillar of light standing in the middle, which is beautiful.

"Hmm..." Ye Chuan stepped on a rock in the sea and found that he had reached the bottom. This was a shoal, so the depth was not high. Precisely because the depth was not high, there would not be any high-level elves here. There won't be any danger.

And in the depths of the ocean, no one knows what kind of dangers are hidden in the dark abyss.

Ye Chuan couldn't help but think of Kyogre. Human beings still knew too little about the ocean.

"Bo~" At this time, Seal Ball shouted. Ye Chuan took a look and found a figure floating over, also Bubble.

He took a closer look and found that it was Gu Qi.

At this time, Gu Qi waved as if to say something, but Ye Chuan couldn't hear it.

After seeing Ye Chuan spread his hands, Gu Qi pointed at a place, as if he had discovered something.

"Did you find something?" After Ye Chuan saw Gu Qi's gesture, he let the seal ball float over. Then the two exchanged gestures and floated to the sea at the same time.

"Ye Chuan!"

Gu Qi's voice could be heard at this time.

"What's wrong? You look anxious. Where is Chi?" Ye Chuan suddenly realized the problem after seeing Chi's absence.

"Chi is fine, just come with me and take a look." After Gu Qi finished speaking, he dived down again, and Ye Chuan had no choice but to follow after seeing this.

Soon, Ye Chuan also saw Chi's bubble. He was standing on a rock, his head lowered and he didn't know what he was looking at.

Beside him, there was a blue elf lying on the rocks.

It looks like a hairtail fish, with a slender body but a huge tail. The transformation on its body is very colorful and has many circles.

"This elf, I remember it is..." Ye Chuan floated over, and at this time Chi also saw Ye Chuan:

"Ye Chuan, come here. Look, this elf is seriously injured."

Ye Chuan couldn't hear what Chi said, but he probably understood what he meant and nodded, and then began to look at the elf lying on the reef——

"It's hunting grouper fish."

The hunter fish is a rare species among water elves. This kind of elves usually only exist in the deep sea. It is evolved from the pearl oyster and the teeth of the deep sea. Once it evolves, it will basically not return to the shallow water.

"This wound..." Ye Chuan noticed that half of the hunter's tail was missing, as if it had been bitten by something.

The hunter fish has great strength and high defense. In addition, it can swim freely, so it does not move very slowly in the sea water. This is a top predator elf, but it is attacked by an unknown creature. Bit off the tail.

"How could an elf like this with almost no natural enemies become like this?" Ye Chuan murmured, while blood was still oozing from the wound of the hunter fish. After losing its tail, the hunter fish The spotted fish also basically lost its ability to swim, and could only look at Ye Chuan and others helplessly.

It's a bit like a shark with its fins cut off, lying helplessly on the seabed, completely incapacitated, waiting to die or be cannibalized by other creatures...

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, intending to touch the hunting grouper.

"Don't!" Chi reminded him quickly. At this moment, when the hunter fish saw Ye Chuan reaching out towards him, it suddenly became violent. It twisted its body violently and was about to bite Ye Chuan with its sharp teeth!

"Buzz--" A purple light spread out and controlled the hunting grouper fish.

"Thank you, Chaomeng." After Ye Chuan finished speaking, he extended his hand to place the bubble on the body of Hunter Spot Fish.

The power of the waveguide was released, and Ye Chuan began to communicate with the other party——

The hunter's mood began to calm down. Although it still showed pain, it no longer had the desire to attack.

Chi and Gu Qi looked at each other, but unexpectedly the hunter fish had calmed down.

Ye Chuan stretched out his hand, lifted up the hunter fish, and then tried to drive it up. However, the weight of the hunter fish was too huge, and the seal ball couldn't carry it at all.

There was no other way, so Ye Chuan had no choice but to ask Chaomeng for help.

After bringing the hunting grouper to the sea, Ye Chuan and others returned to the shore, while several other girls showed curious expressions when they saw their hurried appearance:

"What's wrong?"

At this time, everyone also saw the tragic situation of hunting grouper fish.

"What a serious injury." Yaozao couldn't help but murmured after seeing that the tail of the hunting grouper fish was gone.

"Well, it seems that it was bitten off by some elf." Ye Chuan nodded, and then asked Yaozao:

"Senior Yazao, do you have any medicine for treatment?"

"Of course we have this, I brought it here." After Yaozao finished speaking, he returned to the rest area next to the sun umbrella, and then brought a medical kit over.

"So pitiful." An Shiyu on the side couldn't help but say.

Ye Chuan nodded: "But this situation is common in the ocean."

"Here comes the medicine." At this time, Yaozao also opened the box, which was filled with many medicines prepared by himself. As an elf doctor, it is the most basic common sense to take medicines when going out.

"Senior Yazao, can you give it a try?"

"I can stop the injury. As for whether this hunter fish can recover its tail, it depends on its luck." Yaozao said.

The self-healing ability of elves is very strong, especially the water and plant elves. Even if there is a broken limb, most water elves can recover, and the recovery ability of the grass type is even more exaggerated.

The medicine had been given to Hunter Spot Fish earlier, which at least suppressed the injury. At this time, Hunter Spot Fish saw that these people were treating him, so he obediently did not struggle.

"Let's move it to the beach first. It will recover much faster after soaking in the sea water." Yao said after finishing the medicine in the morning.

"Yeah." After taking the hunter fish to the shallow water less than a few dozen centimeters and soaking in it, the other party also found a shady place and hid in the crevices of the rocks.

"Spotfish, it's a rare elf." Gu Qi crossed her arms, because this is a deep sea elf, especially the hunting speed of the hunter in the water, which is not something that anyone can catch easily. .

"What kind of elf did the hunter fish evolve from?" Chi was curious.

"You check it with the illustrated book."

Chi Bian took out his mobile phone, opened the waterproof bag and pressed it, and the information about hunting grouper fish also appeared——

[Hunting fish, deep-sea elves, they generally live in the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters. This kind of elves have an amazing bite force and can easily bite through steel. They are very terrifying predators in the sea. 】

"Is it a pearl oyster? The shell spirit evolved into a fish?" After seeing that the initial form was a pearl oyster, Chi was curious.

"It's normal for an elf to be completely different after it evolves." Ye Chuan said with a smile, "For example, a certain fat elf was thin and slender before."

"So what to do with it?"

"Actually, under normal circumstances, this is a common scene in the ocean. We humans should not interfere..." Ye Chuan said, and then smiled slightly:

"But you still can't bear it, right?"

Gu Qi and Chi nodded: "Yes."

"Xiaoyi, do you want to get to know the hunting grouper?" Ye Chuan suddenly said to Ye Xiaoyi.

Ye Xiaoyi blinked at this moment, and then seemed to understand what Ye Chuan meant: "I want to understand, master."

Ye Chuan nodded: "Then let me take you to see it. Gu Qi, do you want to go diving first?"

"That's fine, as long as nothing happens to the hunting grouper fish anyway." After Gu Qi finished speaking, he held the seal ball and went diving, while Chi followed behind because he didn't dive enough either.

After the two left, Ye Chuan led Ye Xiaoyi to the crevice in the rock. In the cool crevice, the hunter fish was lying motionless inside, with its eyes staring outside.

"Come out and hunt for spotted fish," Ye Chuan said.

The hunter fish looked at Ye Chuan, and then moved forward. It was no longer as vicious as before.

"Xiaoyi, I leave it to you." Ye Chuan smiled.

Ye Xiaoyi nodded. She stretched out her hand towards the hunting grouper, but her expression was a little scared.

The appearance of the Hunting Spot Fish is not good-looking, and is even a bit strange or scary. This is a characteristic of deep-sea elves. Mainly because there is no light in the deep sea, so many elves look more casual, while the Hunting Spot Fish is They are the most casual ones.

"Don't be afraid." Ye Chuan gently stroked Ye Xiaoyi's head, then gently held her little hand and leaned towards the hunting grouper.

After being held by the master's hand, Ye Xiaoyi felt relieved immediately. She felt the other person's temperature, and then put her hand on the cool skin of the hunting grouper with peace of mind——

"Buzzing." The power of Changpan was released, and the hunter fish looked at Ye Xiaoyi blankly, because it found that this power was continuously repairing its body.

After a while, the tail of the hunter grouper fish stopped bleeding at all, and there was even meat tissue that was not gathering together, and it seemed that it was about to grow its tail again.

"The hunter fish has no bones, so it shouldn't be difficult to restore the tail." Ye Chuan nodded after seeing this.

"Master, I'm a little tired." After releasing Changpan's power, Ye Xiaoyi whispered.

"Maybe I overused my strength." Ye Chuan smiled slightly, then stretched out his hand and put it on Ye Xiaoyi's back, releasing super-powerful power.

Ye Xiaoyi suddenly felt the fatigue in her body disappear. She blinked her eyes, a little surprised.

"Okay, let's go back first." Ye Chuan said, holding Ye Xiaoyi's little hand.

Ye Xiaoyi nodded immediately.

At this time, the hunter fish no longer hid in the crevices of the rocks. It twisted its body and got onto the beach, and then bounced in the shallow water like a salted fish. I don’t know if it was just a big fish. Number of blue mudskippers.

"It's really strange. Is the recovery ability of this hunting grouper fish so powerful?" Yao Zao was a little surprised when he saw this scene from a distance, thinking that the potion he developed was working.

"Aye." At this time, An Shiyu also walked to Ye Chuan's side, and then asked in a low voice:

"You used your powers?"

Ye Chuan shook his head: "No, I just took a look."

An Shiyu blinked her beautiful eyes and then nodded.

They all know that Ye Chuan has strange superpowers. After all, Ye Chuan still exposed his power in the last battle with Chaomeng.

At this time, Ye Chuan's stomach suddenly growled. After An Shiyu saw this, he immediately smiled sweetly: "Aye, your stomach is growling."

"I'm hungry." Ye Chuan said helplessly. Maybe it was because he ate less for lunch, so he became hungry quickly.

"I have something to eat." An Shiyu said.

"What's there to eat?" Ye Chuan asked, and An Shiyu walked to the mat beside him and took out a bamboo box. After opening it, it was filled with rice balls.

"I actually made rice balls." Ye Chuan sat on the mat and took the rice balls handed over by An Shiyu.

After taking a bite, Ye Chuan found that it was full of fruits and vegetables, very fresh and sweet.

"How does it taste?" An Shiyu asked.

Ye Chuan nodded. It seemed that these ingredients must have been obtained locally. Although the taste was new to me, it was delicious. Ye Chuan didn't mind eating a few more.

After seeing Ye Chuan eating very quickly, An Shiyu did not forget to pour warm water from the thermos cup for him to drink: "Drink some water, don't choke."

An Shiyu sat next to Ye Chuan, then hugged her legs and looked at the seaside.

As the waves hit the rocks, An Shiyu leaned on Ye Chuan's shoulders and moved his feet slightly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chuan smiled.

"Aye, how about we buy a house by the sea in the future?" An Shiyu asked:

"I think it would be very happy to live by the sea."

"By the sea?" Ye Chuan thought for a while, then said with a smile:

"It's pretty good, but during a typhoon, the windows may be blown out, and the air is usually salty."

After saying that, the smile on Ye Chuan's face became even stronger.

An Shiyu suddenly muttered in a low voice: "Bao Ye, you know how to ruin my interest."

"No, if a typhoon really comes, I will hug you tightly." Ye Chuan stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's cheek:

"I won't let you leave my arms."

"That's what you said." An Shiyu immediately stuck out his tongue, and his mood improved again.

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