Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 62: The Queen needs a Vacation

"After wesa cleansa up are-sa city un rebuild it, Mesa would luv per yousa ta comen visit un see it in its restored version" said Boss Nass

"I would love that Boss Nass. I would also love for you to visit Theed as well and we can even hold a parade in Theed in celebration of our alliance when you visit" said Padme "I better get going now, I will see you again next time."

Padme and everyone else bow a little and we start to leave and we are escorted by some Gungan Troops out. Jar Jar also follows us out of the High Board Room and into the elevator.

"See yousa next time" said Boss Nass waving goodbye when we were all in the elevator.

"Good-bye Boss Nass." said Padme

The doors to the elevators then shuts and we started going down to the city floor.

Padme remained silent and calm on the outside while we were in the elevator but because she and I were connected through the Force, I could easily tell that she was bursting with joy and happiness on the inside.

Even though she was bursting with joy, she was also tired since this trip was a stressful one and Padme has been on one stressful trip after another. With her going to Coruscant, coming back to Naboo to face the Trade Federation and now this trip to Otoh Gunga to forge an alliance, and having to restore peace and order after the Trade Federation's invasion. Padme has been under a whole lot of stress lately which isn't good for her physical and mental health.

'I will have to discuss this with Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble about Padme getting some vacation.' I thought to myself

We pass through the street where we were continuing to get curious stares from the Gungan civilians and refugees. After we walked through the damaged city again, we were back at the hangar where the Gungan Bongo Submarines we came in from, were sitting calmly in the water.

"Mesa hope ta see yousa all again soon" said Jar Jar "Mesa will try un visit yousa all as much as Mesa can"

"You really don't have to" said Captain Panaka with a twitching lip

"Buta Mesa would liken ta" said Jar Jar

"I would welcome you whenever you visit Jar Jar." said Padme "You are such a good friend."

"Tank yous per spaking dat" said Jar Jar

After saying goodbye to Jar Jar, everyone sits in the same Bongo Submarines that they arrived in and once everyone was in a Bongo, the Gungan Bongo pilots closed the hatches, and starts to submerge the Bongos.

Throughout the entire journey back to the surface, Padme remained silent so I decided to also remain silent. After a few minutes, we were back at the surface and everyone exits their Bongos, and once everyone was out, the Bongo once again submerge back into the water, and headed back to Otoh Gunga

Everyone approaches which was guarded by four Royal Guards, and everyone then boards the Naboo Royal Starship.

Once aboard the ship, Padme starts to speak.

"I am going to my private quarters to rest." said Padme

Padme walks off to her quarters.

Qui-gon goes off to the lounge area and starts to mediate.

Once Padme was out of ear shot, I turned to Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka.

"Captain Panaka, Governor Bibble." I called out.

"Yes, Jerid?" said Governor Bibble

"What is it?" said Captain Panaka

"I would like to talk to you two about the Queen." I said

"Is everything alright with the Queen?" asked Captain Panaka and Governor Bibble at the same time.

"The Queen is alright but if feel that with everything that has happen so far, that the Queen has had a lot on her plate to deal with and I feel that it has been very stressfull for her." I said "So I feel that she deserves some well earn relaxation time, so I would like it if you two could help organized a week or two for the Queen to go somewhere and relax, and destress."

"That's true, with the Trade Federation's Invasion, her journey to Coruscant to seek help from the Senate and the Queen's negotiating with the Gungans, she has been doing so much lately that it much be extremely stressful." said Governor Bibble "You have a great idea, the Queen does need to relax after everything."

"Where do you think is a good place for the Queen to relax?" asked Captain Panaka

"I know of the perfect place for the Queen to relax." I said

"Where is that?" asked Governor Bibble

" It's the Varykino Villa in the Lake Country." I said "It's the perfect place for the Queen to relax and free herself from her stress."

"That is a perfect." said Governor Bibble "As soon as we get back to the palace, I will talk with the Advisory Council and have everyone work a little extra hard to free up a week of time to let the Queen have some vacation time. She does deserve it since she has done so much to help Naboo, it's the least we can do for her."

"How many guards should I have stationed at the Varykino Villa?" asked Captain Panaka

"Don't worry about that, I will assign a platoon of 40 upgraded B-1 Battle Droids and 10 Droideka to guard the Queen at the Varkyino Villa." I said "And to add an extra layer of security, Dia; my apprentice, HK-47, and I will stay at the villa to guarantee the Queen' safety, and if Qui-gon and Obi-wan come along with us then the Queen will be totally safe unless someone sends an entire army after her."

"Upgraded B-1s?" said Captain Panaka with a puzzled look

"Yes, I recently upgraded the software of all of the droids under my control." I said "Their new software makes them better and more efficient soldiers then ever before and under HK-47's training, my army of droids will soon be able defeat an army at least three times their size."

"That's amazing." said Captain Panaka "That's means that the Queen's safety is absolutely guaranteed under the protection of your droids and you. Her Majesty would be a lot safer with you then she would be with the entire Royal Guards protecting her."

"Yes, if what Jerid says is true, then her Majesty is safer with him then her entire Royal Guards, maybe even with the entire Security Force guarding." said Governor Bibble

"That is right. It's so sad to hear that and now it feels like the Royal Guards aren't even qualified to guard the Queen anymore." said Captain Panaka

After a few seconds of being sad, Captain Panaka suddenly had idea.

"Maybe we can have the Royal Guards and the entire Security Force trained by your HK-47 so we can improve everyone's combat abilities." said Captain Panaka

"That's not a bad idea, you have Captain." said Governor Panaka "We should absolutely do that."

"What? You are not against my idea?" said a puzzled Captain Panaka "You, an outspoken pacifist is agreeing with increasing the Security Force's combat abilities."

"Yes, I am." said Governor Bibble "Even though I hate violence and all things related to it but after this invasion by the Trade Federation, I now recognize that there are times when one will need to use violence have to defend the sovereignty of their planet and protect their people."

"That's good then." said Captain Panaka "Are you also on board with the Queen's plan to create a Self Defense Force?"

"Yes, I am" said Governor Bibble "Maybe if we had a Self Defense Force, the Trade Federation would of thought twice before they invaded Naboo. But the Self Defense Force must be limited to only ten thousand soldiers."

"I can agree with that at least." said Captain Panaka

"So Jerid, are you willing to lend your HK droid to train our Security Forces and future Defense Force?" asked Governor Bibble

"I am willing to let him train your Forces but be warned, you must have prepare yourself since he will insult any living being except for me and those close to me." I said

"I think the soldiers will be able to handle it." said Captain Panaka

"If you say so." I said "I will make sure he doesn't kill any of them then."

Right after I said that, the starship started to land and before we knew it, we already arrived back in Theed.

"Looks like we are back." I said "Captain, I will talk to HK and have him find you later so he can train your troops. And Governor Bibble, I will let you get to work on getting some vacation time for the Queen."

"Ok, I will wait for HK to find me." said Captain Panaka

"I will get straight to work then." said Governor Bibble

I turned around and headed to the loading ramp to exit the ship, leaving Governor Bibble and Captain Panaka behind.


Sorry everyone for the late chapter update but I have just been busy with work, dating and making videos for my Youtube Channel: Jerid in Taiwan which now has 37 subscribers.

At my work, my manager has given us a lot more things to do now, so my work is going to be a little more busy but I am not dropping my and will still continue and try and post chapters once a week for all of my fans.

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