Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 58: Heading to Otoh Gunga

I smiled and thought about how cute Dia was with how shy she became after acting so forward and feisty.

I turned towards the Defender and began walking to it.

Once inside the Defender, I took a 30 minute relaxing shower in the Captain's Quarters.

After washing my body thoroughly, and getting my body cleaned from the dried up sweat on my body, I felt even more rejuvenated and relaxed.

I walked out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. After drying myself off, I wrapped the towel around my waist and sat down on the edge of the Captain's Bed, and then laid down.

Laying on the bed, I opened my Inventory and took out another set of Revan's Armor and Mask.

'After this alliance meeting, I will need to leave Naboo so I can create some foundations for my future conquest of the Republic. I probably need two weeks minimum or a month max to create some of these foundations' I thought to myself 'I should leave Dia and HK-47 here to protect Padme, since I have made quite a few changes to the timeline and I can never be to sure what Palpatine will do while I am gone.'

"I will continue messing up Palpatine's plans later but now I better get dressed" I said as I sat up.

I unfurled my towel from my waist and tossed it onto the bed, leaving me buck naked. I then quickly put on my Revan Armor and Mask and exited out of the Captain's Quarters towards the exit.

Soon, I walked out of the Defender. Off to the side of the hanger, there were a bunch of Royal Guards with a few B-1s gathering and defending the Naboo Royal Starship, awaiting for the Queen's arrival.

As I approach the starship, a B-1 Captain droid approach me.

"Hello, your Holiness" saluted the Captain B-1 "I am designation B1-AC-130. Do you have any commands for me?"

"No, just continue guarding the Naboo Royal Cruiser." I said

I leaned in closer to B1-AC-130, and whispered something to it.

"Also send a command to all of the droids guarding the palace to keep a watchful eye on the Supreme Chancellor." I whispered "Make sure he doesn't know that you are spying on him and make sure he doesn't do anything suspicious."

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "To accomplish our mission, may we make use of the three DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids stored on your ship sir?"

"Sure, go ahead." I said "Do whatever you need to do."

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "I will make sure the mission is a success, sir."

After saying that, B1-AC-130 walks off and started sending commands through it's antenna to all of the droids in the palace.

Soon, the doors leading into the hangar opens up and walking in was Padme surrounded by Captain Panaka, four Handmaidens and four Royal Guards. Following Padme's group was Qui-gon, Dia, HK-47 and Jar Jar Binks.

Padme's group walks towards the Naboo Royal Starship. Soon one of the Royal Guards guarding the ships steps forward.

"Your Majesty" bowed all of the Royal Guards guarding the starship

"Is my ship ready for the diplomatic mission to the Gungan Capital?" asked Padme

"Everything is ready. The ship has been fueled." said the Royal Guard who stepped out. "Also the gifts for the Gungan High Council have been loaded and secured onto the ship as well, your Majesty."

"Good, thank you for your hard work. It's to bad we can't provide the Gungans with some relief food since they must also have refugees from the Trade Federation's Invasion" said Padme "Oh well, we better get going."

After hearing what Padme said I came up with an idea but before I could put my idea in action, Padme and her group board the ship leaving behind Qui-gon, Dia, HK-47 and Jar Jar Binks, who then approach me.

"Master" said Dia

"Greetings, Master" said HK-47

"Hello, my friend." said Qui-gon

"Heyo" said Jar Jar

"Hello Qui-gon, where are your two apprentices?" I asked

"I have only one apprentice now since that is the way" said Qui-gon "Even though Obi-wan has left the Jedi Order with me, he still became a Jedi Knight before he left, so there is nothing really more I can teach him. He has matured into his own person and he will be forging his own path now2."

"Yes, Obi-wan is a good guy" I said "What about Anakin, you aren't going to bring him along then?"

"No, I decided to leave Anakin here since there can only be 5 people present in these negotiations with the Gungans" said Qui-gon "I gave him his first lesson as my padawan yesterday, so I want him to stay and mediate on what I taught him plus I am having Obi-wan give train him in Lighstaber Combat. Anakin will be learning Form I: Shii-Cho while I am away since every second of training will be useful to him in becoming the Chosen One."

"I agree with you on that." I said "Every second of training is important and without it, you can never get stronger. That's why I like to training myself to the point of exhaustion."

"How do you train yourself?" asked a curious Qui-gon

"I train myself for 8 hours every day." I said "I train my Force Abilities for 4 hours and then I train my combat skills with live combat for 4 hours, I do all of my training with no breaks."

"Statement: That is pretty impressive for a meat....for a human, Master." said HK-47

"Dat sounds berry tiresome" said Jar Jar

"That is such a fierce training regime." said Qui-gon "Aren't you worried that you could cripple your body?"

"I don't really have to worry about that since I use the Force to heal and repair my body" I said

"Oh I see, you must use [Force Heal] to heal your body which prevents you from being crippled, and with your connection with the Force, the healing must be pretty fast." said Qui-gon "Your way is indeed impressive but I prefer the slow and steady approach to training."

As we were chatting, Captain Panaka exits the Naboo Royal Starship and approaches us.

"Everyone, since everyone is here, the Queen would like to leave early to the meeting with the Gungans." said Captain Panaka

"Ok" said Qui-gon and I

After getting our confirmation, Captain Panaka boards the starship again.

"You guys go on ahead" I said "I have to issue some commands to the droids before we leave."

"Alright" said Qui-gon "I will see you on board."

"Affirmation: Ok Master." said HK-47

"Okey-dokey" said Jar Jar

Qui-gon, HK-47 and Jar Jar board the ship but Dia stays behind.

"Master." said Dia

"Yes Dia." I said

"After hearing how you train so much, I was wondering if I should also train like you?" asked Dia "If I could become stronger faster maybe I could help you more."

I smiled and placed my hand on her cheek.

"Just continue doing your regular training" I said "You don't have to push yourself too hard and I don't want you to hurt yourself so just take things slow and steady ok. Now, I have somethings to do, so go and board the ship."

I patted Dia on the head, and walked towards B1-AC-130

"Ok, Master." said Dia

Awhile I was walking away, Dia had a determine expression on her face.

"Master, you are so kind and you care about me so much." whispered Dia while clenching her left fist near her heart "I promise I will become stronger no matter what so I can help you, and I will even learn how to lead armies so I can help you conquer this galaxy in your name."

Dia then turns around and boards the starship.

"AC-130" I shouted

"Yes, your Holiness" said B1-AC-130 while turning towards me "Do you have any more commands?"

"Yes, I do" I said "Do we have any food on the 6 Lucrehulk ships?" I asked

"Roger,roger. Let me check my datapad, sir." said B1-AC-130, who took a datapad that was magnetically attached to it's waist. AC-130 started scrolling through the datapad and found what he was looking for.

"I found the information, sir." said "We do have food and with all of the food from all 6 ships, there is enough food to feed 9,000 people."

"That's good,." I said "Alright, I want you to issue commands to the droids aboard the Lucrehulk and have them load enough food to feed 2,500 Gungans on some transport ships and send the food the the Gungan Capital."

"Roger, roger." said B1-AC-130 "I will make sure that your command gets done in an hour."

"Alright, get it done then." I said

"Roger, roger" saluted B1-AC-130

I walked aboard the starship and headed towards the cockpit. In the cockpit, Padme was waiting.

"Is everyone aboard?" asked Padme

"Yes, everyone is on the ship." I said behind her.

Padme turns around and smiles at me

"Good, then lets head to Otoh Gunga" said Padme "Pilot, take it away."

"Yes, your Majesty." said the pilot

The Naboo Royal Starship soon starts lifting up and flies out of the hangar, heading to Otoh Gunga.

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