Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 56: Padme's Worries

"People of Naboo, I give you our hero and savior." shouted out Padme

Padme grabs my wrist and holds up my left hand in the arm. When my arm was raised into the air, everyone started cheering and clapping, the children began singing once again in celebration, and everyone was throwing flower at us.

Padme then put down my arm, and kept on holding it. Padme didn't let go. I look over at Padme who noticed my movement and also looks back at me. Padme stares at me for 20 seconds straight and she begins to smile brightly at me. After a few seconds, Padme started blushing and soon mouths the words 'I love you' to me.

After mouthing those three words, Padme's face turned bright red, and she quickly looked away to her left, and soon Governor Bibble and Chancellor Palpatine took notice of Padme's behavior.

"Your Majesty, your face is red!" said Governor Bibble worried "Are you not feeling well? Should we go and get a doctor?"

"Yes, your Majesty, are you alright?" asked Chancellor Palpatine

"There is nothing to worry about. I am okay." said Padme "I am just very happy that my people are finally free again."

"Are you sure, your Majesty?" said Governor Bibble "Maybe we should get the doctor just incase."

"Yes, your Majesty. You can never be too careful." said Chancellor Palpatine "If you want, I have my own personal doctor on my ship who can take a look at you, if you aren't feeling well."

"I am okay, there is no need for a doctor. I am just a little flushed." said Padme "Now, let's continue on with the festivities, shall we?"

"If that is what you wish, your Majesty." said Governor Bibble

"Ok, your Majesty." said Chancellor Palpatine "But if you need a doctor, just let me know and I will have my personal doctor rush right over."

"Thank you two for your worries but I am fine" said Padme

"Your welcome" said Governor Bibble and Chancellor Palpatine

After finishing there conversation, they began watching the people celebrate.

-Later that Night in Padme's Room

Padme is sitting down at a lounge chair next to a long window that showsa beautiful view of Naboo's landscape, there were grassy green hills and beautiful waterfalls in the distance.

Padme is wearing a pearl white silk nightdress with a loose red silk robe covering her. She was gazing out the window, sitting down and thinking about multiple things such as what to do so she can keep her people safe to how she should proceed with the alliance meeting with the Gungan people tomorrow.

Padme had so many things on her mind that she was becoming restless and was unable to sleep.

I could even feel her uneasiness from my room through the Force and that was why I am now standing outside her door.

I then knock three times on Padme's door, and their was instant reply from her.

"Who is it?" asked Padme

"It's me, Padme." I said

"OH!" cried out Padme in surprised "Please hold on."

I soon I heard some rustling behind the door and after a few seconds the rustling was over.

"Come in" said Padme with a nervous voice.

I opened the door and walked in to find Padme sitting in her lounge chair by the bedroom's only window. Her red silky robe was tied up covering up her silky pearl white nightdress. While I was gazing at her, Padme was also gazing at me as I walk in.

"You are up late, Jerid" said Padme "Can't sleep?"

"I should be the one asking that question, Padme." I said "I can feel that you are uneasy and restless about what to do in the future."

"How can you tell?" asked Padme

"I can feel your restlessness through the Force" I replied as I walked over to Padme and sat down in a chair across from her.

"I see" sighed Padme "Even though I am trying to be tough for my people, it seems I can't hide my worries and emotions from you."

"I know you have a lot on your mind and I known you are worried that you are unable to accomplish your goals." I said

"Yes, you are right about that." said Padme "I am worried about so much that it is tiring. I worry about the future of Naboo and my people. I worry that there is nothing I can do to help my people prosper and keep them safe from future Invasions. I worry that the negotiations with the Gungan people will fail because of my inexperience as a negotiator. I doubt myself and I doubt that I will be able to help my people. I know I am not the youngest Queen in Naboo History but I feel that I am too young to lead my people"

"I know about all of these worries of yours but you have to trust yourself and trust your heart." I said "You care about this planet and about your people, and you wanting to help your people and keep them safe is a sign that you are a good ruler. You should never doubt yourself. You are a smart and beautiful queen who cares deeply about her people, just believe in yourself."

"But what if being myself isn't enough?" asked Padme "What can I do then?"

"You can't expect to do everything and accomplish all of your goals in a short time. You need to remember, that things take time and patience. Also you need to remember that you are not alone. You have people here that want to help you like Governor Bibble, Captain Panaka and especially me." I said "I will help you accomplish your goals, and I will always be there for you if you ever need me. You just need to follow your heart and believe in yourself and you can accomplish big things if you set your mind and heart to it."

"Thank you for believing in me so much" smiled Padme

"Of course I will always believe in you. I love you. I said "I can see great potential in you and I know that you will be able to accomplish many great things."

"Thanks" said Padme with red cheeks "I love you too"

"I am glad that you are now feeling better." I said

Padme got up and walked forward and set her left knee down on the chair besides my left thigh and her right foot between my two legs. She slowly raised her arms and placed her hands on both sides of my mask. Padme then slowly took off my mask. After taking off my mask, she tossed it onto her chair.

She then grabbed my face and slowly brought her lips closer, and closer to mine until we were kissing. After kissing normally for a few seconds, Padme started to experiment with the kiss.

Padme extends her tongue into my mouth and tried to deeply kiss me but she was still inexperience in French Kiss and she clumsily moving her tongue in my mouth. It was pretty cute at how hard she was trying.

As we were French Kissing, the Force started surging between us, going back and forth between the both of us. Even though Padme wasn't Force Sensitive, she could feel something coursing through her entire body and it brought her to ecstasy.

After 30 seconds of French Kissing, Padme pulled her head back and gasped for air. Thanks to the Force, there was now a kind of inseparable bond between us just like the connection between me and Dia. And just like with Dia and I, Padme and I could now feel each other's heartbeat, and each other's essence and being.

"What is this feeling?" asked Padme curiously "I can somehow feel your presence and very being somehow, what's going now?"

"The Force has connected us together." I replied "Through the Force, we are now bonded together, we are like one."

"That is amazing." said Padme "I can't put this feeling into words but it feels amazing and warm."

"With this bond through the Force, I will always be by your side spiritually and you will always be spiritually by my side as well." I said "Through this bond, we will be able to feel how the other is doing, so if you are ever in trouble I will know right away and I will be able to come to your rescue and help you."

"That is wonderful" said Padme as she felt my cheeks with both of her hands.

After staring into each other's eye for a whole minute. Padme let go of my cheeks.

"We should stop here, we need to go to bed and get some rest." Padme said "We have a big meeting to go to tomorrow and we need all the rest we can get."

"Ok" I said

Padme quickly got off of me and stood up. I also stood up. I grabbed my mask from Padme's chair and put it back on. Padme and I then started walking to her door.

I opened the door, stepped out and turned around to face Padme.

"Good night and sweet dreams." I said

Good night and thank you for helping me calm down." said Padme "I love you"

"And I love you" I said

Padme ran forward and hugged me, and I hugged her back. Padme looked up at me and then she stood on tiptoes and leaned forward and kissed me on the mask where my lips would be.

After kissing me on the mask, Padme ran out of my embrace and back into her room.

"Good night" said Padme who then closed the door to her room.

After Padme went back inside her room, I decide to head to the hangar to do some night training.

-The next morning-

After 8 hours of combat training and Force training, I was exhausted and my body was in pain. I did my Force training first and then my combat training. For my combat training, I fought 50 B-1 Battle Droids with their blaster on stun for 4 hours straight while I deflect all of their shots.

I was able to deflect all of the shots for the first two hours but soon my body grow tired from continuously deflecting all of the B-1's shots. After three hours, I started getting hit by a couple stun shots, and by the end of the 4 hours of combat training, I was shot 15 times.

"D...da...damn. Tha...that...wa...was...tou...tough." I said exhaustedly while laying on the ground topless and covered in sweat.

My whole body was in pain and I had to force my eyelids open so I wouldn't fall asleep. After catching my breath, I forced myself up to sit up in lotus position and started to use [Force Heal] to heal my torn and exhausted muscles and to get rid of my fatigue.

After 20 minutes of continuously using [Force Heal] on my body, I was back in peak condition and fully awake. I could tell that my body and my connection with the Force grow even stronger.

"Now that feels much better." I said smiling while stretching my body.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Great News fans. Your author has a girlfriend but don't worry I will continue writing and trying to post 1 chapter a week.

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