Star Wars: The Holy Empire

Chapter 47: End of the Duel

'I can't believe I have to use my red lightsaber now, I didn't want to reveal it yet but Maul is a pretty good duelist, and I can't afford to let anything happen to Qui-gon' I thought to myself 'I really need to up my lightsaber training after this'

"Now, let's finish this" I said with my arms folded into an 'X'.

-At the same time in the Throne Room-

Padme arrives at the Throne Room to find that 10 B-1 Battle Droids have surrounded Viceroy Gunray and his Settlement Officer Rune, who were cuffed and sitting on the ground.

"B1-AC100, what is the meaning of this disobedience." screamed Viceroy Gunray "Release me at once, and I might, just might not send you to the scrapyard to be melted down and scrap."

When Padme sees Viceroy Gunray disheveled appearance, she started to smile and feel relief now that her people's troubles are over.

"It looks like your karma has come back to bite you." laughed Padme

"Queen Amidala!" cried out Viceroy Gunray "Are you the one behind this? Making my droids turn against me."

"No, I wasn't the one behind your droids turning against you" said Padme "My bodyguard was the one who foiled your Invasion."

"A mere bodyguard was the one who foiled our Invasion." cried out Viceroy Gunray "That is utterly ridiculous. How could a mere bodyguard stop us."

"He is no mere bodyguard." stated Padme "He is someone special."

When Padme realized what see just said, she slightly blushed a little, and no one around her noticed the blush on her cheeks.

"He is a hero, who has saved Naboo" stated Padme "And now Viceroy, you are under arrest for your illegal invasion of my planet."

"Don't think you will be getting away with this" said Viceroy Gunray with anger

"The one who won't be getting away will be you" state Padme "The Courts will decide how to deal with you. AC30, take the Viceroy and his people away and lock him up"

"Roger, roger" said B1-AC30 while saluting to Padme

"I will be a free man again, you will have my word on that" cried out Viceroy Gunray as some B-1 Battle Droid drag them away.

-End of Scene-

Back in the Melting Pit area, Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Maul were in utter surprised and shocked, when I activated my red lightsaber. I unfolded my arms from its 'X' stance, and got into an attack position.

As Maul was still surprised and puzzled at seeing my red lightsaber, I took the initiation to start the fight again. I rushed forward in a Naruto running style, and when Maul noticed me charging at him, he gained back his focus and got ready to defend against my attacks.

I swing my purple lightsaber and swung it up and Maul blocked it, I then took my red lightsaber and swung it at Maul's left side. Maul used his lightsaber to push away my purple lightsaber and then used his lightsaber to block my red one.

As he blocks my attack from the red lightsaber, I slide the lightsaber down his blade, aiming for hand. As soon as Maul sees what I was aiming for, he quickly jumps back. I chased after him, and continue attacking him in waves of attacks. Sometimes I strike from below, from the side and from above.

As our fight continued, so did my attacking rate. My attacks kept on coming and coming at a faster pace, and I could see Maul was getting tired from our fight.

As for Qui-gon and Obi-wan, they came out of their shock when I first attacked Maul.

"Master, he also has a red lightsaber." stated Obi-wan "Does that mean he could be a Sith?"

"No, I don't think so." said Qui-gon "I know that red lightsabers are known for being used by the Sith but I sense no darkness in him, so he can't be a Sith. Their might be a reason why he uses a red lightsaber."

"Maybe" said Obi-wan

"Let's get back in the fight, Obi-wan" said Qui-gon

"Yes, Master" said Obi-wan

As Qui-gon and Obi-wan rush over to help in my fight with Maul. Maul and I notice the two of them rushing over to help me, and Maul started to feel a little corner and afraid that he might lose. I then suddenly shouted out.

"STAY BACK" I shouted out "I will take care of him myself."

When I said that, Qui-gon, Obi-wan and Maul were shock, but Qui-gon and Obi-wan decided to honor my decision, so they stayed back and deactivated their lightsabers.

Maul was suddenly confused by my decision to have the two of them stand to the side but he shook his head and decided not to focus on that.

Maul jumps at me and strikes with his lightsaber from the left side but I blocked it. Maul tries to push me back while our lightsabers are connect. His face was close, like a foot away from my face.

"You do know Darth Sidious will eventually betray and kill you." I whispered to Maul

When I mentioned Sidious to him, Maul's eye opened wide with surprise, which caused Maul to be distracted. With Maul distracted, I kicked him in the stomach and he was send flying back but at the same time, I used one of my lightsabers to cut his lightsaber in half, turning it into two. Maul lands on his back but he quickly jumps up but he sees that his lightsaber his busted.

When he tries to activate them, only one of the split hilts still worked. With only one lightsaber, Maul was at a disadvantage since his lightsaber combat mostly focuses on double-staff lightsabers. I could sense Maul becoming anger and more hateful. When he looks at me, I could practically see the killing intent he has for me in his eyes.

'Maul is really starting to hate me.' I thought 'I can sense that he now has a deep hatred for me for ruining his debut as a Sith Apprentice.'

Maul charges at me and starts swinging at me in anger. With each of his strikes, Maul would put all of his strength into them, hoping to knock me back and strike at me when I am unbalanced and unable to defend but with each of his strikes, I would block with ease.

Maul raised his lightsaber over his head, and brings it down with all of his might, but I put my lightsabers into an 'X' and blocked it. With his strike blocked, I quickly used one of the lightsabers to swing at his legs. With all of his rage and anger, Maul was unable to focus properly, so when he noticed my lightsaber going for his legs, he tried to jump backwards but it was too late.

With one fell swoop of my lightsaber, Maul's legs were cut off right above his knees causing Maul unable to land and fall down. Maul held in his screams. I walked forward towards Maul. When Maul notices my approach, he tries to strike at me with his lightsaber but without his legs to move or put any strength into his attacks, he became powerless.

With one swing of my lightsaber, I cut off Maul's hand wielding the lightsaber. Maul let out a muffled scream.

I deactivated my lightsabers, and holstered them onto my belt, I then used [Force Pull] to pull Maul's lightsaber into my hands and deactivated it. I turned to Qui-gon and Obi-wan and toss the deactivated lightsaber to Qui-gon.

"Here you are, the Sith's weapon." I said "The Sith is known disabled, so you can arrest him and bring him back to the Jedi Order, so your Jedi Masters can interrogate him."

"Thanks" said Qui-gon "I got to say, you are pretty good duelist."

"Thanks" I replied back

"I do have a question though." said Qui-gon

"Ask away" I said

"I know that you are deeply connected to the Force, so you must have some powerful Force abilities, so why didn't you use any of them in your fight against that Sith?" asked Qui-gon

"That's really simple." I said "It was to hone my lightsaber combat skills. Such skills need to be hone in the face of death and combat."

"I see" said Qui-gon

"OH NO" shouted out Obi-wan "THE SITH"

When Obi-wan shouted out 'The Sith', Qui-gon and I turned around. Maul was crawling over the edge of the hole in the middle of the room. We ran towards him, but it was too late. Maul pulls himself over the edge and falls into the deep hole.

'Damn it, now he is going to have a vendetta against me and come after me like he does with Obi-wan in the cartoon series' I thought

"Oh well, nothing we can do now" I said

"That's true" said Qui-gon

"Why do you have a Sith lightsaber?" asked Obi-wan

"That is a good question." stated Qui-gon "In the history books of the Jedi, it is known that the Sith have used red lightsabers since their beginning. Why do you have a Sith lightsaber?"

"It represents my belief" I said "I believe that the Force has no dark or light side, only dark and light side Force Users. Every Force User has both a light side and a dark side inside. Some people might have a stronger light side or a stronger dark side inside of them but they do have both. So I use a lightsaber that represents my dark side Force and another lightsaber to represent my light side Force and with these two lightsabers, it represents my balance between these two sides of myself., and these two lightsabers represent my neutrality and my balance of the Force. I am like the Sith because I will do what I want but I am also like you Jedi because I will not never sacrifice my humanity get what I want. I have perfect balance between my light and dark side"

"Hmmm" said Qui-gon "You have a very unique philosophy. I would love to discuss philosophy with you one of these days"

"I look forward to that day." I said "Now let's get back to the Queen."

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