Star Wars, A Reincarnation Story.

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The Jedi have taken notice of my many droids. If I'm honest I went too far with how many I have. It's just that they are so useful. I'm an initiate with different responsibilities but with the droids making my life so efficient I don't waste any time. The vast amount of studying each initiate has to do is streamlined with my droids. Back in my first life, there were search engines and the internet to find what you needed but even that took time to find the correct information and apply it to your studying. Here, in my new life, the vast amount of knowledge that has been collected by the Jedi is in data chips stacked in a grand library.

With my droids, they do all the time-consuming research and with my many different types all working together they piece together what I need and what I may need. It surprised me that no one seems to be doing this. I looked into it and there wasn't any uprising of droid armies. Most droids just didn't have the program to competently use the information.

I didn't understand where this mistrust of droids came from. I hear Jedi say "Never underestimate a droid"

So when the droids started to work together and teach me the things I wanted, it grabbed the attention of some padawan and Jedi.

The Jedi tried to lecture me about learning from masters but that was quickly shut down by stating the obvious. I began to think the Jedi's real superpower was nagging and thanked my lucky stars they hadn't found my droid room near the kitchens. That place had some of my more un-jedi-like experiments, like my collection of different types of crystals and the various ways I've used them. A good example was when I repurposed a mining droid that was fixed with a kyber crystal. It worked but the powerful lightsaber that emitted from the mining droid turned everything to slag.

Still, the Jedi wouldn't like that I recycled a lightsaber crystal into something more.......useful?

The Jedi seemed to be annoyed with me. I think they believe that droid education is beneath them despite using droids every day, even if they don't know it. I think the Jedi might be a bit stuck up.

It doesn't surprise me. The majority of the time the Jedi have is used to meditate and practice their force ability and lightsaber techniques, alone. This meant there was little time for self-study. They had lost touch with normal people. They surrounded themself with other impossibly powerful force users or disconnected politicians. They thought they were better and of course, they were right but no one likes to hear that or even admit it.

It's gotten to the point where I don't want to be a Jedi. The restrictiveness and rules would mean I would live a life of servitude. It's best if I'm honest with myself, I want my power to live how I see fit and enjoy the bounty of life.

I made my decision, I asked to go into the Service Corps. More specifically the Medical Corps. I'm trying to live a safe life in a galaxy full of war, so, it makes sense to me to be able to stay at the Jedi temple where I'm surrounded by battle-hardened Jedi. There are other choices in the Service Corps like the Agricultural Corps but that would mean I would have to leave the safety of the Jedi Temple to practice growing plants on a foreign planet.

I thought about it but becoming part of the medical corp allows me to stay on Coruscant. The Council of Reassignment agree with me. Without a master to teach me and they believed me to be weak in the force, they have little choice but to put me where I want.

The transition was smooth. It took longer to move my droids than anything else. The whole medical thing wasn't much different than what I was already doing while training as an initiate. The biggest difference was instead of lightsaber training the medical corp focused on healing using the Force. Every Jedi could heal themselves through meditation but the medical corp took it much further. The best healers in the galaxy came from the medical corp, They were even better than medical droids who had precision and vast information at their command but even that couldn't compare to the force guiding your healing hands and mending spirit.

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