Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Steamed or spicy

Chapter 44 Steamed or Spicy

The people who stepped on the hoverboard quickly came to the top of the ten-legged carapace crab. In short, they did not see how they did it. A sticky net was stuck on the scyllabe shell that was running away.

Then, Lu Jinxiu yelled, and Qin Che, who held the corners of the net respectively, began to exert force at the same time, and the hoverboard slowly flew upward.

And the huge blue crab stuck by the net also left the ground.

After that, a group of people returned to the military base with this scyllabic crab.

The soldiers stationed at the gate of the base watched their admired Master Marshal, Master Commander, and all the adults from the Marshal’s Guards, dragging a Zerg back.

‘S face widened in surprise.

Marshal, why did they get the Zerg back?

Could it be that the Zerg Research Institute on the main ship ran out of research materials again?

But it’s not right. Even if the materials are really used up, the Marshals will not have their turn to grab the materials.

Own logistics soldiers go to the battlefield to pick up corpses.

So, for what reason did the Marshal and the others ran to get a live Zerg back.

However, their curiosity and doubts are destined to be unsolved.

After returning to the station, Lu Jinxiu and the others put the blue crab down. They did not rush to withdraw the net, but asked briefly what they should do next.

What else can    do?

Of course, it is steamed with a pot.

Steaming is the best way to reflect the original taste of crabs.

But now there is a problem. This crab is too big. If it is steamed, there is not such a big pot.

Her pot…

Don’t even say that the whole scylla crab is steamed, even a crab claw can’t fit.

Yes, just a little bald.

The brief words coming off the suspension board circled the crab, frowning in distress.

Is it possible to chop up spicy crab?

Then she doesn’t have that many seasonings.

Such a big crab can make dozens of pots and hundreds of pots.

“It’s annoying.”

“What is bothering you?”

A sweet voice rang in his ears, and he drank in a nutshell, and turned his head to look over in fright. Lu Jinxiu didn’t know when he appeared beside her, and was looking at her with a smile.

I have to say that Lu Jinxiu’s face looks really good. When there is no expression on his face, it feels eager and cold, but when he laughs, he is a little frivolous, seductive, and even with a bit of indescribable charm.

This is a superb man.

Whether it is appearance, figure or temperament, they are superb to impeccable.

The brief gaze was fixed on his face, and he couldn’t move his eyes for a while.

Lu Jinxiu also looked at her with a smile in her eyes, which was really attractive.

In a nutshell, I swallowed, feeling even more hungry.

Heaven and earth have the biggest meal.

Beauty looks good, but it can’t fill her belly.

Let’s ask for their opinions and think about how to eat this crab.

took a deep breath and briefly explained her troubles.

Lu Jinxiu was silent for two seconds, and asked her, “Which one is better, steamed or spicy?”

“This depends on personal taste, I like steamed.”

Carrots and greens have their own loves, and the same is true for taste. It is really easy to judge which method is more delicious in brief. She is really not good to comment.

But people always have their own preferences.

Unfortunately, her preference is steaming.

“Then steam it.” Lu Jinxiu gave a final word.

Before he could say anything, Qin Che said, “But I want to eat spicy food.”

“I want to eat spicy food too.” The father of rabbit also expressed his thoughts impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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