Spoiler American Multiverse: Opening Live Avengers

Chapter 091

“Whew… Finally won. ”

In Asgard, the diva Frigga let out a long breath.

Although she has full confidence in her son. But seeing Thor crisply hammer the destroyer still made Friga’s whole person relax.

Odin, who was sitting on the throne, also nodded lightly at this time.

He saw clearly that although Loki sent the Destroyer just now, he didn’t kill Thor at all in the first place.

Otherwise, facing Thor, who has no Mjolnir in his hand, Loki only needs to control the Destroyer to shoot a beam over, and everything will be over.

It can be seen that even in another universe, Loki still has a certain brotherhood for Thor.

However, how long can such a friendship last in the face of the battle for the throne?

Odin’s one-eyed eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes became extremely deep.

He loves his two sons, even his adopted son, Loki.

But in any case, he Odin is first and foremost the king of Asgard!

The identity of the king is always above the father.


At this time, the chat group is already lively.

[Tony Stark: What kind of joke, such a powerful destroyer, after coming to the world, he bombarded a few cars, and he didn’t kill even a person, so it’s over? ] 】

[Tony Stark: Which of Asgard’s strongest weapons of destruction is this?] Is it specifically designed to destroy vehicles? 】

[Thor: Human! Watch your words, our honor in Asgard is absolutely not to be slandered. 】

[Thor: The destroyer is by no means weak, and the reason why he was defeated so simply is not because he is weak, but because I am too strong. Huh…]

[Rocky Oddinson: Ignore my brother, he’s hard again. If it was in Asgard, his situation of such excitement … It takes at least a few days and nights for the banquet to stop. 】

[Stephen Strange: The gap in the strength of that destroyer is indeed too big, but the reason for this should be that Loki of that world left his hand. ] 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Hmph, soft-hearted guy, no wonder it’s doomed. 】

[Natasha Romanoff: Failure? To whom to lose? Thor? 】

[Thor: Hahahaha, brother, even if you lose to me, it’s not a shame, after all… Since I was a child, you have never won against me. ^_^】

[Rocky Oddinson: …………]

[Tony Stark: I’m starting to rejoice now that I’m an only child. 】

[Tony Stark: If I had a brother like this, maybe I would be tempted to kill him. 】

[Peter Parker: Mr. Stark! ヽ(?Д?)? Don’t make jokes like that! 】

[Rocky Odinson: Now you can feel my pain! ╥﹏╥】

[Natasha Romanoff: Well… What can really hurt you is always your family. 】

[Rocky Odinson: I don’t need human sympathy! 】

[Loki Odinson: Moreover, I in another universe was not defeated by Thor, but by my father! 】

[Thor: Father? What are you talking about? Didn’t the father faint and enter Odin’s sleep? 】

[Stephen Strange: Odin’s Sleep? What is that? 】

[Thor: Although his father has thousands of years of life, he must enter a long sleep every once in a while. This is Odin’s Sleep! 】

[Rocky Odinson: Maybe it’s usual, but this time… Even the queen mother said that she couldn’t see through her sleeping father at all, and she didn’t know when he would wake up. 】

[Rocky Oddinson: Do you know what kind of person can never wake up? 】

[Wanda Maximov: What? Say something…… Why can’t you make it clear? 】

[Nick Fury: It should be “the one who pretends to sleep”! ] 】

[Peter Parker: Pretend to sleep!!] Could it be that Odin is pretending to be faint? Impossible, right? Then it was the God King, why did he need to do this? 】

[Tony Stark: Necessary? There is too much to be necessary. 】

[Tony Stark: As long as he is in a “lethargy” situation, Odin can free his hand and truly become a chess player overlooking the whole picture! ] 】

[Tony Stark: Thor or Loki, these two sons will be his observers! ] 】

[Stephen Strange: Is this the ultimate test for Odin? Can a winner become a king? 】

[Rocky Odinson: Without this, Father should just want Thor to grow. Whatever the final outcome, the throne will not be my turn. 】

[Thor: Well, actually, I don’t really care about the throne. But if my brother wins, then where will my face as an older brother go, ahahahah…”

[Stephen Strange: The future of Asgard for such a guy to sit on the throne is really worrying. ヽ(ー_ー)ノ】

[Master Mordo: What is there to worry about?] Strange, haven’t you already seen the future of Asgard from the image? 】

[Stephen Strange: ………………]

[Thor: Human, I seem to feel deep malice from your words! ] Convex (艹皿艹)]

[Master Mordo: Yes?] You must be mistaken. ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿】


【Image continues】

[In the dust of the sky, Thor walked over with a look of indifference. 】

[It’s like knocking out the destroyer with a hammer, which is nothing to him at all.

[Looking at Thor, the god of thunder wearing battle armor and imposing air in front of him, Jane Foster’s mouth opened slightly, and his face was full of amazement. ] 】

【”Is this what you really look like”】

[Thor laughed, “Almost”]

[Jane Foster already has a little girl-like look on her face: “It looks really handsome”]

[Thor said directly to the three warriors: “We are going to the Rainbow Bridge now, and my brother and I have something to say. “】

[At this moment, a somewhat familiar voice sounded:]

“I’m sorry!” 】

[I saw the gray-faced Agent Coulson coming from the car. 】

[“I don’t think you’ve been telling me the truth”]

[There is no interest in working with this mortal at all, Thor said crisply:]

“You know what, we’re all fighting for the same thing, which is to defend the world. “】

[“If you give her back what you took from Jane, I can be your ally from now on”]

With a reliance, Jane Foster immediately shouted hard: “You stole it.” “】

[Coulson quickly corrected: “It’s a temporary loan”]

[Glancing at Thor, who was standing next to Jane Foster, Coulson immediately became very aware of current affairs:]

“Of course you can take the equipment back, after all, you still have to use it for research.” “】

[Solving the problem of the human world, Thor looked down at Jane Ford and said:]

“Want to see the bridge we talked about earlier? “】

[Jane Foster listened to it and quickly nodded. 】

Immediately after Thor put his arm around her, the two rushed into the sky like sharp arrows.

[Rocky Odinson: Thor, I didn’t expect you to go to the human world, and even your taste was degraded. 】

[Loki Odinson: Actually used the Rainbow Bridge to please human women? Are you also a glorious god of Asgard? 】

[Thor: Uh… Loki, like you just said, this is obviously a matter of another universe, you can’t accuse me of this kind of thing…”

[Rocky Odinson: Humph! 】

[Thor: Actually, I don’t think there is anything good about human women, so weak. When I regain my divine power, I am afraid that I will accidentally pinch her to death. 】

“What did you say?”

In the room, Jane Foster looked at the barrage rolling under the big screen, and suddenly felt a chill rushing straight to his brain from behind, and involuntarily took a few steps back. The look in his eyes that looked at Thor changed.

In fact, she had long thought that she could consider using a beauty meter to hook this powerful God of Thunder.

If you can get some technology about the Protoss from him, you will make a profit.

Even if I can’t, I don’t seem to suffer a loss.

But now it seems…

I’ll go! Is it possible to risk your life by playing a beauty meter?


[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, on the other side, the center of the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[Loki pulled out the scepter on the Rainbow Bridge, and with the colorful light, Laufey, the king of the ice giants, and several of his subordinates walked in across countless light years. ] 】

[Looking at the hideous monster in front of him, Loki said coldly:]

“Welcome to Asgard. “】

[Just after Loki led Laufey and the others away.] Heimdall, who was sealed by the ice of the ancient winter coffin, suddenly began to crack the solid ice on his body. 】

[At this time, Thor took Jane Foster to the traces left by the Rainbow Bridge. 】

[Thor raised his head and yelled:]

【”Heimdall, please open the Rainbow Bridge!”] Heimdall?” 】

Seeing that there was no response, Thor had a hint of shock and puzzlement on his face. 】

[Heimdall! Can you hear me? We need you”】

[In Asgard, the sound of Thor asking for help was heard from afar, and the solid ice on Heimdall’s body suddenly exploded. 】

[Seeing this scene, the two ice giants standing behind him rushed up at once. 】

[But Heimdall held the golden giant sword, and his hand rose and fell, like two ice giants cutting down one after another. 】

[Heimdall staggered up to the center of the Rainbow Bridge and inserted the golden giant sword in his hand into the device. 】

[“Look! That’s the Rainbow Bridge. “】

[On Earth, Thor and the others looked at the seven-colored brilliance that appeared in the sky, and they were all happy. 】


[On the other side, the door of Odin’s sleeping room was suddenly covered with frost. 】

[Seeing this, Frigga immediately pulled out a sharp sword from the side. 】

[Immediately after, two frost giants broke through the door. 】

[Frigga took down one of them with her sword, but was soon knocked out by Laufey who followed.] 】

[Laufey walked to Odin’s bed, reached out and pulled his eyes away, and said with a sneer:]

“It is said that in this state, you can still hear and see what is happening around you. “】

“I hope that’s true, because then you’ll know that you died at the hands of my Laufei!”] “】

[Laufei’s voice just fell. A large amount of solid ice has condensed in his right hand. Turned into a sharp dagger. 】

[Just as he raised his dagger to kill Odin, a golden light flashed behind him, instantly knocking Laufey to the ground. 】

[It turns out that Yellow Sparrow is Loki in the back! ] 】

[Looking at Laufey lying dying on the ground, Loki’s face was gloomy, and he said coldly:]

[“And you died at the hands of Odin’s son”]

[As soon as the words fell, Loki raised the Eternal Spear in his hand, and a golden light shot out violently. 】

[“Touch! “】

[Hit by the golden light, Laufei’s body was instantly shattered, turning into countless debris and spilling all over the ground. ] 】

[“Loki! You saved him! “】

[Watching his son arrive and save his husband.] The queen of heaven, Friga, was surprised to join Loki. 】

[Loki said to Frigga with some excitement:]

“I swear to you, mother, they will pay for what they did today! “】

[Just when Loki thinks the plan has succeeded…]

[A majestic voice suddenly sounded behind him. 】

[“Loki! “】

[“Thor! Frigga looked back and was immediately greeted in surprise. 】

[Seeing his brother who suddenly appeared, Loki’s face was full of shock. The expression is as if you have seen a ghost. 】

[Thor let go of Friga, walked to Loki with an angry face, and shouted:]

“Why don’t you explain to your mother how you sent the destroyer to kill me and my friends?”] ”

“What? Frigga listened with a look of disbelief. 】

Loki is still trying to defend: “I’m just carrying out my father’s final edict. “】

[Thor didn’t believe him at all: “You’re such a deceptive master, you’ve been so unchanging.”

[Looking at the angry Thor, Loki has given up the explanation and directly showdown:]

“I’m glad to see you back, but I’m sorry, I have to destroy Jotunheim now!”] “】

[Saying that, Loki shot out with a golden light in his hand with the Eternal Spear, knocking Thor’s whole person through the wall and flying out of the room. ] 】

[Next, Loki rushed into the center of the Rainbow Bridge and directly activated the Rainbow Bridge, releasing the colorful beams endlessly to Jotunheim. 】

[“Boom! “】

[For a while, the landslide cracked. The whole Jotunheim seemed to be trembling! 】

[Countless ice giants are fleeing madly, but they don’t know where to escape. 】

[In the face of unimaginable energy, even the sky and the earth are constantly collapsing and disintegrating. 】

See this horrible scene. Countless people in front of the screen were stunned, almost unable to believe their eyes.

[Peter Parker: Destroy Jotunheim? Loki, you’re kidding, it’s a whole planet! 】

[Peter Parker: If you destroy it, how many people will die? 】

[Stephen Strange: And this is the guy’s real hometown, and it’s full of his people. 】

[Rocky Odinson: Stop, there is only one hometown in my hometown, and that is Asgard! I have nothing to do with those monsters in Jotunheim! 】

[Nick Fury: This… Is this the final weapon of destruction for the Asgardian Protoss? It’s really … Terrifying! 】

Watch the colorful lights rage in all directions on the screen, like a terrifying scene like the end of the world. The halogen egg intuited that his heart was about to jump to his throat, his hands and feet were cold, and an unimaginable chill instantly enveloped his whole body.

All along, his biggest fear was true.

These Asgardians really have this kind of planet killer!

This is the ultimate force to erase a planet from the universe!

It’s terrible.

In the face of such weapons, how can humans stop it?

What insight plan… It’s like a joke!

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he was, and he only felt that his sweaty hairs stood up, and a great horror rose up in his heart.

No, the so-called Avengers must be established as soon as possible! The Organization must also be strengthened at all costs.

Otherwise, in the face of Thanos… Or a threat like the Asgardian Protoss, the earth really has no defense at all.

【Image continues】

[At the same time that Loki controlled the Rainbow Bridge, Thor flew all the way with the hammer. ] 】

[Looking back at his brother who looked stunned, Loki said coldly:]

“You’re here watching how I destroyed Jotunheim. “】

[Thor rushed up and tried to destroy the Rainbow Bridge, but Loki raised the Eternal Spear and flew out with a golden light. ] 】

[The first battle of the hammer base has begun! ] 】

PS: Thank you guys for your various votes!

Hammer God 1 is coming to an end, and the on-demand Loki TV series is next!

Cheers to Loki and the female Loki!

By the way, ask for a wave of tips, monthly passes, reviews and automatic subscriptions! ^_^

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