Special Years

Chapter 3 - \\\"hard work\\\"

Zhong Shan had sufficient reasons for scolding solemnity.

He knew the general situation of every recruit he had on hand.

Zhuang Yan is the son of a cadre family, and his elder brother is a well-known local building materials businessman. He has a wealthy family. It is impossible for such a person to practice any kind of hard work, let alone know martial arts.

Zhong Shan had visited his home and knew that Zhuang Yan’s motives for joining the army were not simple.

He later realized that solemnity is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp. In high school, he did not turn down anything except breaking the law.

The reason why he enlisted in the army was that his father Zhuang Zhenguo, who was a soldier, was worried that this wild horse-like son would go into a crooked way if he continued to act like a wild horse, so he remembered the army in a hurry.

This is a typical city soldier.

Can Zhuang Yan be able to work hard? !

Zhong Shan would rather believe that the sun will come out from the west than to believe in such a ghost.

According to his analysis of his solemn character, if this kid really had such ability, he would have been impatient to show off in front of him, and he would never hold back until now.

Zhuang Yan said in a serious tone, “I’m not making a fool of yourself, Chief!”

Zhong Shan shouted, “You’re just making a fool of yourself! Go away!”

“Got it!” Li Ding is a veteran in his bones. He belongs to the kind of temperament who has seen life and death on the battlefield, and he will do it if he refuses to accept it. He is also a master who likes to watch the excitement. Live in Zhongshan.

Of course he wouldn’t let Zhuang Yan go back just like that.

Half of the reason is based on face, and the other half is because he is really curious about solemnity.

If he is really a good soldier, he has to find a way to get it.

“Comrade recruits have the ability, then let others show their hands! You are so hidden, do you want to hide a good seedling for your five companies?”

There is a reason for Li Ding to say so.

This year’s recruits consist of three battalions, which are located in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd battalions of the regiment.

As the saying goes, one can get the moon first, even though they are brothers of the same regiment, but who doesn’t want to put good soldiers into the bowl of their own company?

If Zhuang Yan really has the ability, then as an officer with qualifications older than Zhong Shan, Li Ding has the ability to bring people back to the third battalion.

How could you pass up this opportunity?

“Old Li, don’t believe this kid, he doesn’t know anything about **** at all!” Zhong Shan was in a hurry and asked if Zhuang Yan could open a brick with his bare hands. This recruit is not sensible. to be held responsible.

A veteran of the battlefield like Li Ding didn’t care about this, and said with disapproval: “Zhong Fuzhi, it’s not you who has the final say.”

He turned his head and said loudly to all the recruits: “Does everyone want to see Comrade Zhuang Yan show his hands!?”


“one comes!”

“If you have the ability, come up and show your hand! Don’t be a coward!”

“That’s right, if you’re a man with a handle, don’t just talk and practice!”

Hundreds of recruits who were in a circle were instantly fried.

Whether it’s Jiangxi soldiers or Nanyue soldiers, they are all looking forward to making a solemn appearance at this moment.

Ganxi soldiers thought Zhuang Yan was bragging and wanted to see him make a fool of himself; Nanyue soldiers lost face just now, and finally someone on his side dared to come out and play. .

“Look at you?! What do we revolutionary comrades pay attention to? The officers and soldiers must be consistent, and the minority should obey the majority!” Li Ding smiled and pulled Zhuang Yan to the center of the field.

After all, Zhong Shan was an assistant instructor who had just graduated from the military academy for just over a year. He was still relatively young compared to a veteran like Li Ding, who had been at the grassroots level for more than ten years, and had been directly promoted by meritorious service.

“Comrade Zhuang Yan, what are you going to perform?” Li Ding’s eyes fell on Zhuang Yan, looking up and down.

Thin skin and tender meat, and a little fat, it really doesn’t look like a trainer.

Compared with Xu Xingguo, his aura was far worse.

Different from Zhong Shan’s slightly gentle aura, Captain Li Ding has been on the battlefield in the southern border. He is not tall, dark and thin, but he has a murderous aura on his body, and Zhuang Yan feels that his eyes are as sharp as The two knives couldn’t help but panic.

But now is not the time to back down, nothing is important!

“Just work hard!” Zhuang Yan secretly took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and gritted his teeth: “I don’t understand anything else, I understand this!”

“Okay! In our division, the reconnaissance company is the best at hard skills, but you are not going to the division headquarters, but to our regiment. Don’t worry, there is a spy company in our regiment! If you can, I will give it to you in person. I recommend going to the spy company!”

“Tuan? Your group?” Hearing this, Zhuang Yan suddenly lost his mind.

“What is your regiment, your regiment, from now on, it’s our regiment, understand? Our regiment! We are revolutionary comrades in a regiment! A brother who eats rice in a pot!” He patted his shoulder and asked, “Hey, where are your bricks?!”

“Bricks are coming!” He Huan suddenly emerged from the crowd, holding three bricks in his hands and placing them on the ground, “Here!”

Li Ding waved his hand and said, “Okay! Next, let’s ask Comrade Zhuang Yan to perform hard qigong! Everyone applauds!”

The stormy applause sounded again.

The solemn complexion was very ugly, whiter than white paper, and froze in place.

“What’s wrong with you!?” Li Ding noticed something was wrong, and said in surprise, “Aren’t you bragging? If you really can’t, just go back to the team, you are all comrades in arms, no one will laugh at you. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com”

Only then did Zhuang Yan wake up from his wandering thoughts.

He calmed down, straightened his chest and said, “It’s fine, I’ll do it!”

Hundreds of pairs of eyes turned to Zhuang Yan, and the scene became quiet again. Everyone held their breath and waited for him to shoot.

Picking up the bricks on the ground, Zhuang Yan couldn’t help but secretly glanced at He Huan who was standing on the side.

He Huan winked, signaling him to be at ease.

He weighed it.

It feels a little damp to start.

Exactly! This is a moldy, mossy brick.

This kind of brick looks fine in appearance, just a little darker in color, but it is easy to break.

It was night now, the lights at the small station were not bright, and the people around could not see that he was ugly. It was no wonder that Xu Xingguo was able to fish in troubled waters in front of so many people.

Zhuang Yan took the bricks and started to draw the gourd in the same way. Just now, Xu Xingguo came as he did, just like the jugglers under the overpass in the TV series—putting on a pose, making a slightly exaggerated appearance.

Anyway, how did it come about?

The recruits around couldn’t bear it any longer, and all kinds of cries began to come and go.

A few seconds passed, and some people couldn’t bear it anymore.

“Can you do it!? Don’t pretend!”

“Don’t be pretentious, wait until the day lily is cold!”

“Stop jumping, hurry up and do it!”

Nanyue soldiers shouted in a very consistent way.

“Solemnly, come on—”

“Solemnly, come on—”

Under everyone’s urging, Zhuang Yan gritted his teeth, and the savage spring water that was born in his bones surged up.

He shouted solemnly, “Hey!”

Then, he slammed his palm out…

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