Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2468 - Tanuki

I don’t know what happened. The cats and dogs in the pet shop stood up alertly after they entered the pet shop, neatly whispering an alert growl toward Qi Xiaomeng and Xiao Meiyan. I thought it was the big animals that scared them that came in.

The same startled boss quickly got up from the counter and became confused when he saw two beautiful girls patronizing for a while.

Why don’t you little things give me a long face? How can you be scared by the guests to buy you back and serve as the master?

Being a human being and seeing a beautiful opposite sex, the shop owner would not be like these little animals who are afraid of Xiao Meiyan, and his face will immediately burst into a smile and greet him. A girl who can dress up like this is generally a pearl on the palm of your home, so you won’t be short of money. Of course, it would be nice if two little lovers walked in together. The owner remembered cheating a little girl the day before yesterday to fall in love with a sick girl. Puppet, and then slaughtered his boyfriend fiercely.

“What do the two girls want to see?”

Qi Xiaomeng’s smile was natural and brilliant, and nodded politely to the store owner: “Hello boss, we want to buy a kitten to go home to raise.”

“Okay, the cats here are all three months to one year old, and there are many breeds, such as English shorts, puppets, Siamese, Persia… I don’t know which two girls like, if there is not in the store I can also help you.” The shopkeeper’s hands clinging to his pants pockets were eager to move, and they used to want to touch the smoke out of the way, but the two girls seemed quite quiet. I’m afraid they wouldn’t smoke, so I stopped myself half move.

Qi Xiaomeng turned his head and asked Xiao Meiyan, “Which one do you like, or what color can you accept?”

If you only asked the previous question, Xiao Meiyan didn’t like to answer any of them, so this question only needs to answer the latter sentence. Xiao Meiyan opened his mouth and hesitated for a moment: “As long as it is not white.”

“Then…” Upon hearing Xiao Meiyan’s request, the shop owner suddenly felt that the girl was a bit unusual. Generally, girls don’t like kittens that are as white as cotton candy, and she doesn’t see any focus in her eyes. , Especially the hint of mystery hidden in the right eye is scary.

“Huh?” Xiao Meiyan seemed to find something, and walked straight towards a cat cage, then crouched in front of it and looked at the little guy whose sleepy eyes were not affected by the growl of other cats, dogs, and dogs, “This Is the tanuki sick?”

“It’s very healthy, but she doesn’t like to take care of others, and her personality is a little bit cold.” The owner of the shop was also refreshed at this time. It was just a charming little girl. There should be nothing terrible, but her character was very cold. Yes, maybe you like this raccoon that is not noisy?

The healthy and unhealthy, Xiao Meiyan’s body structure is clear through a look at the raccoon cat, so she immediately stood up and said to Qi Xiaomeng: “Sister Xiaomeng, can I buy it?”

“Yes, it would be great if Xiaoyan liked it too.” Qi Xiaomeng clapped and said happily, silently giving himself a compliment.

Everything went smoothly.

Xiao Meiyan also smiled faintly, like the sunshine melting snow and ice. Then he extended his finger to the cage and poked the tanuki who was not answering. The other side narrowed his eyes reluctantly and gave Xiao Meiyan a deep look.

“Meow?” The little raccoon cat tilted his head, as if familiar with Xiao Meiyan’s expression, and then stretched out his little tongue and licked Xiao Meiyan’s fingers.

“Boss, how much is it?” Qi Xiaomeng had already expected that Xiao Meiyan would meet a raccoon that was very close to her as long as she came to the pet store with herself.

After paying the money, the boss sold some cat litter and cat food, and the two returned home with satisfaction.

On the road, Xiao Meiyan did not ask Qi Xiaomeng the topic before, but talked about some of her rare childhood memories: “Sister Xiao Meng, there is a raccoon village on the top of the mountain not far from Takihara. local.”

“Oh, do you keep a lot of raccoons there?” Qi Xiaomeng asked curiously, but she made no sense. There should be a lot of raccoons in the raccoon village. Is that raccoon city full of raccoons?

“No, there is not a raccoon there, but there are a lot of raccoons.” Xiao Meiyan hugged the purchased raccoon cat. She did not intend to keep this little guy in the cage, so she didn’t even need the cage that the boss gave.

“Why is it called Raccoon Village?” Qi Xiaomeng’s memory is complete today. He hasn’t paid attention to the life after Yue Zhong was exiled, so I don’t know that Yue Zhong spent Xiaomei Qing’s raccoon in primary school. The origin of the village name.

Xiao Meiyan’s Tan Xing is quite good, gently stroking the brown hair of the raccoon cat explained: “The village was not called this name before, until later the country J was invaded by the West, and a missionary passed the place to get the name. We call the raccoon raccoon cat, and the raccoon looks like a raccoon. Because there is something wrong with the translation, it is called a raccoon Is this like this?” Qi Xiaomeng Suddenly realized the expression, but secretly used his absolute power to retrieve related information, but after the final result came out, it seemed that there was some deviation from what Xiao Meiyan said…

“But it’s not the tanuki in Xiaoyan’s impression, should it be said to be a raccoon dog?” Qi Xiaomeng turned to look at the little guy in Xiao Meiyan’s arms.

However, it was such a distraction, and then noticed that it was almost behind, Qi Xiaomeng quickly slammed on the brakes to avoid traffic accidents.

Inertia made Xiao Meiyan’s body sway forward, and after sitting back again, he looked at the raccoon cat in his arms and looked at her with aggression. It might seem that he was crushed.

“Sorry, sorry.” Xiao Meiyan stroked the little guy’s head, and actually apologized softly.

Qi Xiaomeng also looked at Xiao Meiyan speechlessly. When he went out, he said that he didn’t like furry animals. The girl’s heart is really hard to guess…I don’t seem to be a man?

“It’s also called Tanuki anyway, it makes no difference to me.” Xiao Meiyan took a while to answer Qi Xiaomeng’s question just now, because at this time he was waiting for the red light to stop making any thrilling things.

“You are quite random, and you are obviously not a species anymore.”

Because there were many things brought back, Yue Zhong was called to the underground parking lot again as a coolie. Looking at the little guy in Xiao Meiyan’s arms, he asked: “Xiaoyan, where did you pick up such a Chinese rural cat? “

“This is a raccoon cat, what is a Chinese rural cat?” Xiao Meiyan looked at Yue Zhong inexplicably.

“Uh, you and I will go to the countryside in the future and you will know that this breed is everywhere, you should not be fooled?” Yue Zhong’s eyelids jumped.


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