Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 27 - Advance and retreat

   “The shadow of the four volts has been sleeping since ancient times. Today I turn the key of day and night to disturb the twelve clocks. The dark wind swells, and the painting world is trapped. In response to this, I respond to me, the bright end!”

   The chanting of a hundred miles sounded, and the black phalanx shrouded in a sky suddenly blocked the sunlight and sent its coverage into absolute darkness.

   Can’t see a glimmer of darkness, Yue Zhong tried the fire and night vision, and found that it was useless, as if this magic array completely expelled the concept of light: “What kind of magic is this?”

   “The End of Gravity!” The announcement of the early generations sounded again. Yue Zhong in the magic circle suddenly felt that he was in a state of weightlessness. The body naturally floated up in battle, and soon lost his sense of direction.

   “Execution, humble slaves!”

   In the invisible and invisible space of Yue Zhong and all the magical girls, ghosts holding giant scythes emerged from the twisted ground, holding the sickle in their hands and walking towards their goals step by step.

   Yue Zhong could feel the countless dangerous breaths approaching himself, but he could not control his body to defend himself. Still underestimating the strength of the other party, the magic of this expulsion rule has exceeded the ban.

   “The Moon in the Sky!” Kawasaki Kawaka, who couldn’t bear to fail again, took the lead in launching a counterattack. The knife was half round, and the drawn sword flashed for a moment, briefly breaking the magic’s absolute expulsion of light.

  Two points of the full moon, the winding moon knife was attracted by the sky to spin up, constantly impacting the black giant magic circle, and the winding moon knife harvested the life of the ghosts on the ground, and quickly cleared the fragile executioners.

   “Finally, I can’t help but let go of the killer, but what’s the use of doing so.”

   “The end of life!”

  Deprived all the vitality of the control range, did not take effect immediately like the other rules of expulsion, but it made Yue Zhong feel that his body began to age rapidly, and a second passed like a year, and soon wrinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes.

   “Homura!” It was originally planned to use the hands of Chisao to test the cards of the magic girls, but at this point, there is only one way to go.

  Time stopped in Yue Zhong’s cry, everything in the world was still in Xiao Meiyan’s eyes.

“These runes…” Xiao Meiyan’s attention was attracted by the dark things around him. “It turns out that the so-called magic is fake. The real weapons that have been formed for thousands of years are these long magical forces. Runes connected by shafts.”

The main body of the rune is only those light spheres floating next to Qianzaojie generation, but they can be split and transmitted at a rate of once every microsecond, multiplying the elemental energy needed by Qianzaojie generation, and then unfolding to form the eyes of others. The so-called magic, because the flow speed is too fast, if it is not to stop the time, it is impossible to find that the magic seen is originally a rune connected by a long axis. Xiao Meiyan was suspicious after seeing the battle of Chisao for the first time. The opponent’s magical reserves are not infinite. Why can you squander like that, but if it is in a split way, it can be understood, the body absorbs The forces formed by the splitting of nature’s nutrition will not consume the magic power of thousands of years.

  Xiao Meiyan took out the sniper rifle and replaced the magic bullets with ordinary blasting bullets. More than ten guns were fired continuously, pointing to all the body runes around Chisao Yuki who was flying in the distance.

   Stopped at the end… The darkness that deprived of life and the huge magic array crashed in the screaming gunshots. After everyone reacted, Xiao Meiyan had pointed the pistol at the head of the early generation.

“you lose.”

“It seems to be.” The expression on Chizen Zaojie’s face did not show any fear. After looking at Xiao Meiyan flatly, he smiled and said: “I guessed right. Your ability is not space movement at all, but stopping time. Right?”

   Thousands of years ago, Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong both jumped in their hearts. They defeated the enemy but were seen through their cards by the other party. This victory has no place to celebrate.

   “Help you to kill the witch night, or tell you the whereabouts of Renmei…you can choose one.” Chisao’s generation is still in a fearless manner, as if thinking that Xiao Meiyan will not kill her at all.

   Yue Zhong, who had recovered his vitality, ran to the bottom of the two. After thinking about it, he finally said nothing.

  Xiao Meiyan, as expected by Yue Zhong, shot without any hesitation and exploded the head of Chisao.

   “Homura, let’s go!”

The new five-color team didn’t seem to continue to find Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan in trouble. After seeing Chisao Yuji died, they left each other. They were not a group themselves because their common goals were together. Now Chisao Yuji Dead, this temporary team will naturally disband.

   There was no one on the square anytime soon, leaving only the body that had been shattered in the head for thousands of years to fall to the ground alone.

   chased after the traces of the magic that had been passed down for a long time, Xiao Meiyan, who had been silent for a long time, looked at Yue Zhong: “I did something wrong again.”


“The body of Chisao is different from the ordinary magical girl, and it has become a replaceable existence. Although I have destroyed all her runes, from the perspective of her performance, I must have hidden one. Wait for that hidden Rune has enough power to accumulate, and she will be resurrected.” Xiao Meiyan said, “If I was more rational and chose a condition at that time, the character that was born in a thousand years would not be able to speak, then the situation is right now. We will benefit a lot.”

   “Well, it’s okay.” Yue Zhong smiled, “Do you know why I didn’t stop you?”

   “Because I don’t want you to be the kind of person who is absolutely rational for the purpose but has lost the emotions that human beings should have.” As for the consequences of love and hate, I will bear it for you.

   Seeing the Takihara Municipal Funeral Parlour, the source of the magic traces since the early days, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan got out of the car and directly scared away the crowd around them. The terrorists who were in the front of the city government just now have been gloriously boarded on the TV screen at this time, but more of the magic array that has been formed for thousands of years is playing on the TV. A black one is seen from the outside. The regiment is like a substantial hemisphere.

   “A new report from the public was received, and a magical girl with a tendency of serious destruction appeared at the municipal funeral parlour. Please ask the general public to evacuate as soon as possible. The Police Department has dispatched all the police to come.”

Listening to the signal that was constantly playing in the speaker, Yue Zhong wondered why the group of people in the Metropolitan Police Department were sent out to hunt them down at this time, but now it is rare to think about it. Renmei has a great possibility to be hidden or under house arrest. In the funeral parlour, he and Xiao Meiyan rushed in with the pistol immediately.

   After entering the hall of the funeral home, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan did not care about the staff who fled in panic, but focused their attention on Qiubi standing on the reception desk.

   “I haven’t seen you in a long time. I really didn’t expect Yue Zhong to be a newcomer with your performance.”

  Qiubi’s words made Yue Zhong’s heart tight, and he replied: “Don’t set my words to Qiubi, Chia early generation has died, you have no place to borrow, are you planning to use force to participate directly?”

“Let’s play a game.” Qiubi ignored Yue Zhong’s words, “Just bet Xiao Meiyan can defeat the shadow witch today. If you win, Renmei I will give it to you. If you lose, then Give up the task of the spare tire major league.”

   Sure enough… when was it exposed? Damn TV station!

   “Give you ten seconds to choose, win or lose? Ten, nine…”

   “Is it interesting, if Homura is dead, what do I want Renmei to do? I only have one option for this game.”

   “Six, five…”

   “What did you do to the Witch of the Shadow, Homura defeated it is very simple.”

“three two……”

   “Laozi is going to SALA with you bastard! Homura retreats and doesn’t play anymore, and Chubby has no worries.”

   Yue Zhong turned back and pushed open the door of the funeral parlour, just stepped out and felt something wrong. He looked back quickly and found that Xiao Meiyan had walked towards Qiubi.

Seemingly feeling the violent and violent mood of Yue Zhong, Xiao Meiyan also turned back. UU reading The long black hair was like a willow falling after the wind, and his lips moved. The funeral home disappeared.

   It turns out that I still have no power to carry.

My heart is filled with loss again, but Yue Zhong’s brain is very sober, Xiao Meiyan will not give Qiubi a chance to induce Madoka, then it is imperative to rescue Renmei, otherwise Sayaka will become a magical girl and participate In the final battle with the Witch Night, once the battle is defeated, Madoka’s character will definitely be induced again by Qiubi to become a magical girl. That’s what Xiao Meiyan can’t allow. Even if the dark hand was laid before, there is very little possibility in the above situation, and Xiao Meiyan still moves forward. What Yue Zhong valued most was Xiao Meiyan’s safety. When facing the unknown crisis, Yue Zhong retreated.

“Is this flaw caught by you too, Qiubi.” Yue Zhong regretted that when he rescued Renmei, he shouldn’t hold the idea of ​​continuing to hide in the dark. He didn’t go to the scene with Xiao Meiyan in person, resulting in Renmei escaped and was taken under house arrest. Since then, he has lost his initiative.

   “Homura, you must win!”

  A large number of police cars appeared around the funeral home with a sharp whistle, but found that a building disappeared inexplicably, and only a young man came towards them.

   and the police confirmed Yue Zhong’s identity, and quickly dispatched someone to control him.

   “Don’t touch it, I have a bomb.” Several policemen who wanted to teach Yue Zhong were scared before they had time to shoot.

   “I want to see your boss, I can tell him what you want to know.”

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