Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 13 - Praise and complaint

   Back to the war room, Yue Zhong accidentally received a package. This time it was not a type that fell from the sky and smashed his head, but was put directly on the war room table.

  Xiao Meiyan picked up the package and looked at the name of the courier, and asked, “Where did you come from?”

  Seeing this familiar packaging method, Yue nodded and said, “I don’t know what happened suddenly. Open it and see.”

It is still an A4 printing paper and a shabby ticket. The difference is that the last time I received the certificate, this time it is indeed a finger ring. The shape is the same as the logo of the Major League. The tire is added with a jack, but it is made. The craftsmanship is very different from the style of the big league, not very similar to the internal products.

“Member Yue Zhong, in view of your performance in the task, the TV station decided to sign a contract with you, please take the time to return to the headquarters after receiving the letter. This letter comes with a ticket and a special credit ring for plane bank, a ring is required. Activate at the bank yourself.”

  After reading the letter, Yue Zhong said complacently: “Brother is also seen by someone, willing to sign a contract with me, and it will be time to sweep the Quartet’s ring of killing.”

   “It may also be a self-sale agreement.” Xiao Meiyan spent a few days with each other to get a better understanding of the spare tire major league’s handling methods, and poured a pot of cold water keenly.

   “It doesn’t matter if he grabs him for a human test, bitcoin is better than nothing. Homura, do you need any souvenirs?” Yue Zhong got used to Xiao Meiyan’s attitude and asked instead.

   Xiao Meiyan thought about it and reported a series of professional terms that Yue Zhong didn’t understand. Yue Zhong quickly asked her to write it down so as not to forget it.

“If it’s what you said, the technical level there and the mastery of supernatural abilities are the top level in the plane radiated by influence. Such technical information should not be kept secret. Try to help me if you go back. Some come back.” Xiao Meiyan thought for a while and said to Yue Zhong, “Be careful yourself, don’t delay too long.”

   Yue Zhong was blessed by Xiao Meiyan, his full power increased by 50%……

   In short, the above sentence was ignored. Yue Zhongtian tore off the ticket, or the broken car, or the old driver.

   “Yo boy, you are not dead yet.” The driver saw Yue Zhong, alive, surprised.

“Laozi is a scourge, how can it be so easy to die.” Yue Zhong has already guessed that the major leagues sent themselves here basically by luck. If they were not their wits, they must have hung up now, so they are not very kind to the old drivers. After getting into the car, shouted, “Hurry up!”

   The blue light flashed, Yue Zhong returned to the door of the big league, thinking about the car looking broken, but the speed is not bad, when to kill the driver.

  The black clothing guard looked up and fetched people, and Yue Zhong ran into it first. The middle-aged uncle smiled and waited inside, and when he met, he said: “Good boy, I saw your talents were different, but now I can live up to my expectations. Your film was hit by the TV station and I wanted to make a series. , Today they came to negotiate with you for authorization.”

   “I still have this qualification? I thought it was directly arranged by the alliance.” Yue Zhong said strangely.

The middle-aged uncle knows that those who can successfully return from the dangerous plane have grievances and explain with a smile: “Then how can our alliance also abide by the plane law, and we ask you to do what you are asking for I agree.”

“I don’t like to listen to your words. I was almost hung up by Chubby over there. Now you come back and deal with me with such similar rhetoric.” Yue Zhongdao said, “Yes, Chubby and our big league It is also one of the members of the panplanet organization, can you give me a copy of their information?”

“Oh, because you haven’t completed the task for the time being, there is no contribution point of the alliance, so we can’t provide you with information. But you can find someone from the intelligence department to buy, anyway, you will be rich.” Middle-aged uncle said, “Don’t Nonsense, the people of the TV station have already come, you will only have a half-day stay time this time, and you must return after half a day, otherwise you will be rejected by the world if you do not have a plane to establish a communication channel.”

   Hearing that the time was urgent, Yue Zhong was also preparing to bring Xiaomei Yan a souvenir, instead of talking to middle-aged uncle, he urged him to lead the way.

On the way, Yue Zhong did not spare a little time and asked, “There is still a question. You certainly don’t speak Chinese. Why can you understand me?”

The middle-aged uncle pointed his head and said: “Because I am a manager, for the sake of convenience, after a neurotransformation, I can understand what it means and get its language model, so I will also say your words. The same is true of security, others are not necessarily. This kind of transformation requires a very high contribution point, don’t think about it for the time being.”

   “Your son, a tortoise, is a brash old man, ah, have you ever changed a grass drive?”

   “… I can understand the curse, don’t offend me, or send you to a place without oxygen next time.”

   did not go to the office of the middle-aged uncle this time, but came to a meeting room on the second floor.

   The people on the TV station looked at it as a group of gentlemen, at least they were dressed more formally. The only thing that made Yue Zhong unacceptable was that a group of men actually put on lipstick. I don’t know if it was the fashion here.

   As soon as Yue Zhong came in, the other party opened the door and said directly: “Mr. Yue, here we have drafted the agreement, if there is no opinion, sign it?” After that, I handed over a stack of documents.

   Yue Zhong took it over to see what he wrote? I don’t understand it at all, so I gave the middle-aged uncle to translate it.

The middle-aged uncle briefly introduced the content of the agreement, but he didn’t seem to read the document. It must have been a similar transaction. “The TV station bought Yue Zhong’s video materials for this task at a price of 5,000 renminbi. At the same time, 10W bitcoin was paid as the funding for the major leagues. When the mission is over, the TV station will decide whether to give Yue Zhong more monetary rewards based on the purchase rate; Yue Zhong’s future mission images, their TV station has priority to buy, Yue You and the major leagues may not privately transfer them to others before the TV station makes a refusal to purchase.”

   There are also some clauses. There is nothing critical. Yue Zhong knew that the TV station here is definitely not a monopoly organization. The competition is fierce. If you have time, you can find a better buyer. However, seeing that the Alliance people and the TV station were embarrassed, Yue Zhong knew that it was impossible.

Yue Zhong signed, and the people on the TV station said again: “Mr. Yue, your mission is very good, and it has won praise from many viewers. However, many viewers complain that you are always bullying Pamamei with conspiracy, they are very dissatisfied. I hope you pay attention to it in the future, this will affect our purchase rate, and will also affect your income reward after the completion of the task.”

“Why don’t you give me some superpowers, kill a Ultraman with one punch, I promise no conspiracy.” Yue Zhongxin said that the group of people stood and spoke without backache, although they seemed to be like this, saying It’s embarrassing to come out, bastard.

   “Then what do we do to buy your missionary film and television materials? My brain is ill.” The TV station people were also very tug, picked up the agreement and left, and finally reminded, “I hope you think carefully.”

  Middle-aged uncle patted Yue Zhong’s shoulder and said: “Don’t think so much, it is the key to complete the task. Go to the bank to activate your credit ring first. Remember to pay the money for the two couriers.”

Yue Zhong remembered the courier fee, 300 for one time and 600 for two times. What a profiteering industry, he quickly said: “I can send me courier in the future, I am very poor, I can’t afford it. .”

“Oh, we will pay attention to this problem. You can buy some tickets with the security guard. We will contact you by phone. By the way, we are using international calls for your calls. Remember to buy a new phone to keep the battery level.”

   “For international calls, I must pay for both sides of the phone? Why should I buy the ticket from the security guard? Shouldn’t they be part-time drivers?”

   “The guy is really clever.”

   “Forget it, I have some technical data here to buy, where to buy?” Yue Zhong took out what Xiao Meiyan wrote.

“Ah, it’s all the technology that has passed the patent period. If you buy it, you will get a copy of 1,000 renminbi. You can find it in the sales hall on the first floor. When you go back, find the security guards who will take you to the teleport room. I have to go back to work, and good luck.”

After walking out of the headquarters of the Major League Union, Yue Zhong really had time to observe the location of this pan-plane organization. The towering buildings are full of sci-fi colors. By contrast, the headquarters of the Major League of Spare Tires is more like a short and frustrating. It must have been difficult to maintain the status of the members of the organization, no wonder their junior members have been so mistreated.

According to the guidance of the middle-aged uncle, UU read Yue Zhong quickly found the bank, this kind of department is generally the most wealthy group, the headquarters is designed so that Yue Zhong’s neck hurts, and it is not clear. How many layers does it have.

   Yue Zhong wanted to go in, but was stopped by another group of black security guards. After he figured it out, he knew he was not eligible to enter. If he wanted to activate, he would go to the activation point next to the headquarters.

   didn’t care that he was discriminated again, Yue Zhongle ran to the so-called activation point, that is, a ring of light in the circle to tinker with his credit ring. Although he has always complained about how bad the big league is, he is still grateful. In the pan-plane organization, other members must not look down on him as a low-civilized general citizen, and only the big league will ask him. He can live a stimulating life he pursues, contact girls who like him but never meet each other, and has a chance to become a strong man. He is content and understands his status now. Therefore, Yue Zhong accepted all this optimistically. This is the difference between him and many people. If he is looked down on, he must know why he is looked down on, and then consider whether he needs to prove himself and how to do it. Without a high chance of winning, without thinking about the consequences, do not do things that are bloody, find ways in many ways, as long as you achieve the desired purpose, this is Yue Zhong’s personality.

   In terms of character, he is very similar to Xiao Meiyan.

The TV station’s money hit Yue Zhong’s credit ring at the moment the agreement came into effect. After operating the high-tech express counter here, Yue Zhong was surprised to find: “Hey, you can pay the courier fee here, which is really convenient. “

   This remark was despised by the people who lined up behind him.

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