Space Spirit Spring: Farmhouse Qiao Jun’s Wife

Chapter 20 - Tiger poison still does not eat seeds

   “Liu Lancui, don’t say a word!”

   Zhang Yue’e was so angry that her heart ached, she turned her head and scolded her worried daughter-in-law, and then called Su Jianmin anxiously. “You take care of your daughter-in-law!”

  Su Jianmin cast a gloomy look at the eldest daughter, who was holding her life on the line, and kicked Liu Lancui, who was pouting and akimbo.

   “Give me a **** stop! If you don’t want to think about it, get out!”

   Liu Lancui fell to the ground with a yo-yo, clutching her waist and screaming, she didn’t know if it was real pain or just pretending.

  Su Haiyan ran over and rubbed her carefully, and the mother and daughter hugged and wiped away their tears, looking pitiful.

   “It’s really hard to get through this day.”

  Su Haitang put down the sickle weakly when she saw it, and cried out in grievance to milk and uncle, but she secretly despised Su Jianmin’s cruelty and selfishness.

   This kick was much harder than her.

   “Work, don’t think about it.”

   Zhang Yue’e understood the stinky temper of her younger son. Seeing that Liu Lancui had been taught a lesson, it was not easy to argue any more. She hugged the aggrieved granddaughter distressedly, and asked her to drink water.

   A storm was temporarily interrupted, and the atmosphere was a little depressing. Everyone worked with a sullen face, and their minds turned their thoughts.

  Su Jianguo came straight from his farm after harvesting the wheat, with enough sickles.

   The two families got together and spent a little night with them. They worked together to grab all the wheat from this acre of land, and then pulled it to the drying yard to wait in line for threshing. Zhang Yuee and her mother walked home.

  Liu Lancui and Su Haiyan were so tired that they had not achieved their original purpose, so they started to find fault on the way home.

   “Dead girl, don’t hurry back to cook, it’s getting dark before you see it!”

  Su Haitang had only suffered a serious illness. Even if there was spiritual spring water to support her, her vitality had been damaged in the end. She worked like a strong laborer all afternoon, and she was so tired that she didn’t want to say anything.

   “Dead girl is talking to you, she’s deaf!”

  Liu Lancui raised her hand and was about to slap her hand, but Zhang Yue’e grabbed her wrist.

   “What are you doing? The trouble is endless, right? You’re making a mess at home, and you don’t know how to show your face when you go out! I don’t think you’re tired, you cook dinner at night!”

  Liu Lancui never put her mother-in-law in her eyes, she yanked her wrist back, causing Zhang Yue’e to stumble!

  Su Haitang grabbed it to support her, and asked anxiously, “Are you all right?”

   “The waist is flashing.” Zhang Yue’e gasped in pain and frowned.

  Su Haitang felt that the time was almost up, looked at the villagers gathered on the street to enjoy the shade, turned her head and shouted at Liu Lancui.

“Do you have to kill me and my milk to give up? It’s too much! Are you really my mother? Every day you shout that I wish I was born and fed to wolves, but I’d rather be eaten by wolves and save my life You see the world beating, scolding and abusing!”

   Liu Lancui couldn’t stand the pointing and pointing of the villagers in Suizuizi next to her, so she gritted her teeth and grinned angrily!

“Okay, I worked so hard to raise you for 18 years, but I raised an enemy! If you don’t like to stay, get out of here! I can’t give birth to such a wolf-hearted thing as you! Steal my things and send them out to raise wild men. , I’m still ashamed!”

  Su Haitang threw herself into Zhang Yue’e’s arms with a wow. “I’m dying! She’s going to throw dirty water on me! I’m ashamed! Is this my mother? Is it only Su Haiyan who is her daughter?”

   “Haitang, don’t cry, your mother doesn’t speak well.” Zhang Yue’e has a good face, and is not used to showing her family’s quarrels in front of outsiders.

   “Oh, mothers are all partial to small ones, ten fingers are not so long, you are the boss, you must be sensible.”

  Su Haitang broke out suddenly, and felt that the phrase “You are the boss, you need to be sensible, and you need to let your younger brothers and sisters” since childhood was particularly harsh!

   “It’s not eccentric! I’m not a three- or four-year-old child who doesn’t understand! I’m eighteen, and I don’t need to fight with my younger siblings to scramble for my parents to love whoever cares more. I’ve never counted on it!”

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