space fisherman

Chapter 98 Starfish Invasion

Chapter 98 Starfish Invasion
After hanging up Su Mei's phone, the brothers in the dormitory all knew that Landao had experienced a strong typhoon, so they called to greet each other.

It took an hour just to answer calls from various parties.

It was only then that Ye Yuan realized that his network had expanded a lot without knowing it.

In the evening, the family had dinner together.

"Xiaoyuan, if there is nothing to do tomorrow, let's go out to sea. You and I and your second uncle."

Ye Yuan looked at his father in surprise and said, "Huh? Why do you think you want to go to sea?"

The mother smiled and said: "You are young, I don't know. As a fisherman, going to sea after the typhoon will bring great rewards. This is passed down from the elders."

Ye Yuan listened to his mother's explanation, and after thinking about it, he understood the reason, and said:

"I don't know anything about this. It's very simple. This is because when a typhoon passes by, the air pressure is very low, and the lower the air pressure, the lower the dissolved oxygen in water.

Therefore, the oxygen in the water will decrease, and fish and shrimp will run up to absorb oxygen.This is the same as when a fish jumps out on a rainy day. "

The parents glanced at each other, and they didn't know what Ye Yuan said about the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, but when this question came to Ye Yuan's mouth, why did it sound much taller than what he said?

Dad didn't care what Ye Yuan said, and asked directly:

"Then what do you mean?"

Ye Yuan thought for a while, "Then go, ask the workers if they are willing to go, how can we work together.
This time I go to sea, excluding the gas money, I personally only get half of the harvest, and the rest of the profits are divided equally among those who go to sea, which can be regarded as a bonus. "

"Okay, I'll count the number tomorrow morning.
No, I'll call now." Dad started calling without eating.

Ye Yuan shook his head helplessly, his father has this personality, he is very quick to do things.

The next day, what Ye Yuan didn't expect was that all the workers would go to sea with him.
In the end, Ye Yuan had no choice but to agree to come down. His mother, second aunt, and several middle-aged women who cooked were left behind on the island. In the end, Li Hui was also left behind by Ye Yuan.

Ding Er was in charge of sailing the boat, and the "Yushui" sailed away from the pier.

Although the workers in the fishing ground were fishermen in the early years, it was the first time for such a large modern fishing boat, and many workers still looked here and touched there.

The second uncle came over and patted Ye Yuan on the shoulder and said: "Xiao Yuan has really grown up, our old Ye family has produced such a capable person as you."


The fishing boat was heading towards the center, and there were already many fishing boats around, some from the neighboring county, and some from Pinghai.

A worker recognized a nearby fishing boat and started shouting from a long distance:
"Old Zhang, why does your village still use that broken boat? Look at the boat in our Yejia Village, isn't it magnificent?"

The other party ignored this person, but turned away from the "Yushui"

The workers on the ship burst into laughter when they saw this scene.

Dad explained next to Ye Yuan: "It's from Zhangjiawan. In the past, our Yejia Village used to snatch fish. It's a big village with a lot of people.

This time we can count on them. "

Seeing the old people on the boat who were over fifty, laughing like children, Ye Yuan was heartily relieved that the villagers were still simple.

If you don't like it, you will come face to face, unlike some workplaces, you don't know who stabbed you in the back when you die.

The speed of the "Yu Shui" is incomparable to those small fishing boats. It quickly pulled away all the boats and came to a relatively outer sea area. Before Ye Yuan could say anything, Father Ye had already taken over the fishing boat. The organization began to get off the net.

Ye Yuan also ignored these, they are all old fishermen.As long as you are happy, you will pay these uncles and uncles for playing when you come out this time.

Regardless of the matter of his father leading these old fishermen, Ye Yuan came to the bow of the boat alone, using his perception to take a look at the fish catch on the bottom of the sea.

When Ye Yuan sensed entering the sea and saw the scene under the sea, Ye Yuan, who was usually calm, could no longer calm down.

The bottom of this sea area is densely packed with starfish, Ye Yuan's perception can perceive a very long distance in the sea.

But within the perceived distance, there are almost no other bottom creatures, and this sea area is almost occupied by starfish.

Starfish, like sea cucumbers and sea urchins, belong to echinoderms.

They usually have five arms, but can also have four or six, and their bodies are flattened into a five-star shape.

The whole body is composed of many calcareous bone plates combined by connective tissue, and there are prominent appendages such as spines, tumors or warts on the body surface.

On the lower side of the starfish's wrist, there are 4 rows of dense tube feet side by side.

The tube feet can not only capture prey, but also allow themselves to climb rocks and reefs. Large starfish have thousands of tube feet.

The starfish's mouth is in the middle of the lower side of its body, which can directly contact the surface of the object the starfish has crawled over.

The size of starfish varies from as small as 2.5 cm to as large as 90 cm, and the body color is also different. Almost every starfish is different. The most common colors are orange, red, purple, yellow and cyan.

Starfish can be said to be a disaster for shellfish farmers. Many countries have suffered heavy losses due to the invasion of starfish.

In Japan, millions of dollars are spent every year to control the harm of starfish.

The oyster farms in country M spend a lot of manpower and financial resources every year to deal with the harm caused by starfish.

At the same time, the hazards of starfish have attracted great attention from many countries.

Looking at the densely packed starfish under the sea, Ye Yuan's first reaction was that the starfish invaded. This would make things worse for the farmers on Blue Island. Just after the typhoon hit, there were a large number of starfish invading immediately.

I really don't know how many farmers can survive like this.

Seeing the current situation, Ye Yuan couldn't do anything, after all, his own strength is limited.

At this time, the exclamation of the workers came from the stern:
"Why are there so many starfish?"

"It's not normal, and it's too much."

"No, this is a starfish nest, right?"

The workers talked about each other, but they didn't find anything wrong.

It's just a little strange. Generally, the distribution of starfish is not so dense. Occasionally, starfish will be salvaged when going out to sea, but like this time, it is still rare to salvage so many in one net.

Ye Yuan didn't say anything when he came to the stern, after all, he saw it with his perception, so it's not easy to tell everyone.

Starfish, big and small, were put on the deck. If you look around, there are starfish on the deck, and it is estimated that they weigh several hundred catties.

These starfish are very big, all of them are 20cm, and the bigger ones reach 25cm. The workers are not as much as Ye Yuan thought,
After all, they didn't know what was going on below, and thought it was a phenomenon after the typhoon.

Everyone happily sorted the fish in the net with bamboo baskets.Dad walked to Ye Yuan's side
"With so many starfish, can you sell them?"

"I'm afraid this thing is not as easy to sell as fish, right?

I heard that some people caught this thing before, and it only costs 10 yuan a catty, but no one likes to accept it.

I just don't know if the two majors will be better. "

The second uncle asked while sorting the fish.

Ye Yuan didn't chat with his father and second uncle anymore, but ordered Ding Er to return to the voyage. He was going to go back and find a way to deal with this starfish invasion.

PS: Thank you Xiaojiao for your tip

(End of this chapter)

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