space fisherman

Chapter 59 Space Planning

Chapter 59 Space Planning
Soon Deng Kai arrived.

After coming in, they had a bear hug with Ye Yuan very happily, and then they did it on the chair.

"How about it, are those ornamental fish selling well?"

Ye Yuan didn't politely go straight to the point with him.

When Deng Kai heard Ye Yuan's question, he said excitedly:

"It's not a question of whether it will sell well or not. It's out of stock now. If it weren't for you coming to Jinmen, I would have planned to go to Blue Island soon."

Ye Yuan didn't expect that batch of ornamental fish to be so popular, at first it was just an idea of ​​his own, but he didn't expect that the market would really open up like this.

"Then I'll go back and send you some more. I don't need to come here in person, right? I'm still asked to come over the phone. What's going on?"

Deng Kai poked nervously with both hands, "Do you know how much this batch of ornamental fish sold for?"

"How do I know, didn't I tell you to sell it at the time? Why do you look like you, and you didn't make less money?"

"175 million," said the third child excitedly.

Ye Yuan also didn't expect that those fish could be sold for such a high price last time, the fish he left for Deng Kai last time were all ordinary ornamental fish, not too expensive species, but he didn't expect that the sales volume really surprised Ye Yuan a bit.

"Didn't expect it? Your fish are generally bigger than the same species. These are not the most critical.

The most important thing is the survival rate. In my store for two months, there was not a single dead fish. The sold ones, the customers said they were very energetic when they came back, and there was no sequelae caused by changing the environment. "

Anyone who has raised fish knows that when you go to a fish store to buy ornamental fish, the fish are all good in the store, but when you return to your home, one or two will always die.

This is related to many factors, such as water quality, temperature, and the antibodies of the fish themselves, all of which play a key role.

But for Ye Yuan's fish, customers responded very well.

Not only does she look very energetic in the store, but she can quickly adapt to the changing environment when she goes home.

Therefore, many regular customers introduced others. Recently, Deng Kai's ornamental fish has become well-known in the ornamental fish circle.

The main reason for calling Ye Yuan over this time is that Deng Kai wanted to open an ornamental fish shop by himself, so he needed to discuss with Ye Yuan how to do it.

After listening to Deng Kai's introduction, Ye Yuan became thoughtful.

Ornamental fish Ye Yuan still needs to continue, although the current profit is not as much as he earns by going to sea, it is because he did not produce the top-quality ornamental fish, and the price of a top-quality fish is very high.

The most important thing is that Ye Yuan wants to help the third child.

There is a sentence that Ye Yuan agrees with very much, "Things of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups." Although the four people in the dormitory seem to have a good relationship, Ye Yuan actually knows that the third child and the eldest are both from Shangjing, so they get together very rarely.

This is really not because Zhao Chuan looked down on Deng Kai, on the contrary, the person who caused this result was Deng Kai,
Ye Yuan is very clear about Deng Kai's thoughts, because his previous self also thought the same way.

The reason is very simple, that is, if you get too close to rich friends, you will be afraid of gossip. After all, their consumption philosophy and work style are different from those of some working-class people, which is often unknown to friends themselves.

For example, when friends are having dinner together, Zhao Chuan will find a famous restaurant in Beijing every time, which makes Deng Kai really embarrassed to go. It’s okay for Zhao Chuan to treat guests once or twice, but every time Zhao Chuan invites him, Deng Kai feels sorry .

Many people would say, then Deng Kai invited him once, but the price of a meal is Deng Kai's living expenses for a month. How can Deng Kai bear it?

After a long time like this, Deng Kai will try to avoid gatherings of two people.

My former self thought the same way. After one year of graduation, Zhao Chuan and his second child asked Ye Yuan to come out several times, but Ye Yuan didn't agree. After all, he still needed time and travel expenses to get together, which was too much for Ye Yuan at that time It is a great burden.

Ye Yuan didn't want the brothers to go further and further apart because of these things, so this time is the best opportunity.

Looking carefully at the plan that Deng Kai brought over, it can be seen from here that Deng Kai has put in a lot of effort.

Deng Kai plans to rent out a 100-square-meter store in the ornamental fish market, and then purchase a special vehicle for transporting fish to solve the transportation problem from Landao to Shanghai. The decoration of the store, staff salaries, water and electricity miscellaneous expenses are all very specific.

Ye Yuan finally looked at the investment column, the total budget: 300 million yuan, Deng Kai invested 100 million, accounting for 20% of the shares, Ye Yuan invested 200 million, accounting for 80% of the shares.

Ye Yuan clicked on the column of the last investor and asked Deng Kai: "I contributed 66%, what do you think about taking 80% of the shares?"

Deng Kai scratched his head embarrassingly: "It's our first time to invest money. I earned it from this batch of fish. How dare I take so much money."

Ye Yuan said firmly: "I have no objection to the rest, just change the last one. Each of us contributes half of the capital, and I will hold 51% of the shares. If you don't have enough money, I will pay in advance first, and then deduct it from your share of profits."

Ye Yuan looked at Deng Kai, and added: "This is the only condition for my investment, if you don't agree, let's not do it."

Deng Kai knew that it was Ye Yuan who was helping him, and it would be boring for him to be hypocritical, so he said gratefully to Ye Yuan, "Thank you, brother."

Ye Yuan hammered Deng Kai's shoulder, "There's so much nonsense."

. . . . . .

On Yuwan Island, Ye Yuan has been back from Shangjing for a few days.

He left Wang Husheng in Shangjing, and when the Raptor was repaired and drove back, he took the plane back to Blue Island first.

Ye Yuan came to the waters near Nanlin Island alone, and first released the white dolphin that was rescued in the high seas into the space, and kept it with the small shark in this sea area for the time being.

After the little guy came out, maybe it was because he was bored after staying in the space sea for a long time.

After coming out, they circled around Ye Yuan, making a few dolphin-specific calls incessantly.Expressing dissatisfaction with Ye Yuan.

Ye Yuan touched the white dolphin's head, looked at the white dolphin's whole body, and remembered that the little guy didn't have a name yet.

"Should I call you Dabai?" I didn't care if the little guy was happy or not, so he called out on his own.
Xiaosha was very vigilant when he saw Dabai suddenly appearing, Ye Yuan touched Xiaosha beside him, "You two will be friends from now on, don't hurt each other, you know?"

Xiaosha nodded obediently, and Dabai also nodded to show that he understood.

After playing with the two little guys for a while, I returned to Yuwan Island by myself.

At present, except for Ding Yi and a crew member who are processing feed on Yuwan Island, the rest of the crew members were put into the space by Ye Yuan, and said to the public that these crew members have gone home on vacation.

These people were put into the space by Ye Yuan and started a new job.

This is also what Ye Yuan thought after accepting the retired soldiers recommended by Xu Hang. Since he will use those retired personnel as crew members in the future, there is no need to arrange so many robots on the ship.

On the contrary, it is the space, which has always been done by myself, moving here and there, now that there are enough manpower, why not get these robots to work in the space.

All these robots were handed over to Ding Er, some of them worked in the fishing ground, and some of them cultivated land on the island.

The current space has changed a lot. The land surrounding the small lake in the middle of the island has basically been reclaimed.

Generally these lands are divided into three parts, one part is grown for food, and a very small part is grown for vegetables.

The vegetable leaves here are far away from the idea of ​​selling them to the outside world, and they can only provide them to their own fishing boats and eat at home.

The other part is currently only planted with ginseng, and Ye Yuan wants to get some high-value crops to grow.

But he went all over Landao City, but he couldn't find a suitable one.

For example, there are no saplings of golden nanmu in Landao City.

(End of this chapter)

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