Space Core

Chapter 56: Systematic fun.

POV: system(?)

I held a strange feeling, looking upon my work with the soul of 'Certe'. What was it again? Oh, right, satisfaction. It truly was satisfying to know that even a god(even if as weak as this one was) would crumble against me.

I knew, though, that my recent gain of sapience would give me quite a few problems. The first of which, I needed a name.

I couldn't choose any name though... I needed something unique. That's why I decided to just use random letters until something stuck. Many possibilities had appeared, such as 'nef' or 'jiefnje'. But I ultimately found 'Akashi', a good name in my own opinion, not that I have much of one.

And so, I, now named Akashi, went on to the second problem on my list. It was a rather simple one really; I just didn't know what I was supposed to do. Oh sure, I could manage the whole system thing, but it already did that on its own! I barely needed to think about it. 

Why not mess around a little?


POV: Adam Terrance Ivan Fistyer

I sighed; Yet another day without any catch. I really hoped that I would soon enough find a way to fish some better way because right now I wouldn't be able to feed myself, let alone Marie. Hopefully, the little menace won't be too sad tonight.

I stood up from where I was sitting, on the side of the river, and heard my back let out a few satisfying cracks. I started picking up some of my equipment; A bucket here, a fishing rod there. 

I was just about to turn around when a little girl's voice sounded in my ear. "Hello... You seem to have caught a lot of fish..."

I turned around in quick surprise, but no one was there. What did it mean by that? I looked at my bucket and still found it empty. I rubbed my forehead and began my way back home. I opened the door and-

"Dad! Dad! Look at this! Here! Look, look!" A blur as fast as a horse slammed into me and started pointing to the table in our living room.

I looked, and what I saw surprised me. There my bucket was, not in my hands anymore somehow, and it was filled to the brim with fish from the local region. The only clue I had as to what had happened was that voice I had heard before.

And, almost as if it was only a whisper, I heard something else. 'Pray to my lord, Pray to Lor.'


POV: Cabowlniam Hyther Camdop

I looked in disgust at the man kneeling in front of me. The commoner had the audacity to ask for help with the taxes. It really wasn't that hard! I mean, sure I didn't tell them how much it had increased, but that was hardly my fault!

I let out a bored "Kill him already." and got up to go to my grand bedroom.

But, as soon as I put my first foot on the first of the stairs leading downward, I heard a laughter of sorts before a strange voice whispered in my ears. 'Oops.'

I suddenly tripped and fell down the stairs. After a rather long and painful tumble, I landed at the bottom right under my family's great sword. 'Oops' resounded in my ears once more, and the sword suddenly fell down, right into my skull.


Had some fun with this one! Here's the discord:

(Ps. Akashi doesn't have any gender despite having been described as having a certain voice. Akashi just does what they want because fucking with people is really funny. Also, if you can't accept that, you can leave and I will have no mercy for you.)


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