Space Core

Chapter 15: Fractured vision.

I was having fun. Who knew that one could use space Mana to interact with souls? It was simply fascinating, sadly though, I wasn't able to do more than move souls around and put them in different bodies. I was really disheartened that I couldn't cut, stretch, or deform souls in any ways I could think of. At one point I made a Process-Core to take in random souls and put them in the bodies of monsters I created, though I always released them back after a few minutes or hours. But I did keep one of them, just as a sort of weird trophy over life and death.

If only I could do more with souls... but it wasn't like I could really keep them here. Any who even tried moving too far away from the spot they were brought back in died and were released back into the world, and even though I had found a way around that for my trophy, it was just way too limited since it wouldn't be able to leave my dungeon. Though I really didn't want to mess with souls all that much, they kind of felt sticky when using Mana to know what they looked and felt like.

All in all, a productive day of breaking reality. (I probably shouldn't tell Lethe I can do stuff with souls...)


POV: 3rd Person

Antier was having a bad day. The recent discovery of a stolen-divinity affinity dungeon had given him so much more paperwork... Why didn't they give it all to Relt instead, he was the one in charge of training the armies! But apparently, since he was one of the first involved, he had to do all this damn paperwork! 

He really could use a break, maybe a nice trip to some mountains with sharp rocks who would somehow find themselves lodged into his skull.

Sighing, Antier started rising up from his chair, well prepared to go and get himself something good from that new shop he saw yesterday.

Suddenly, the door to his office was thrown wide open.

A wide eyed Herald was right there, "Sir! Sir! The magics department has reported that necromancy magic has been used just a few hours ago!"

Antier let his head fall down onto his desk.


POV: Harry Terria

"-ed it first! I'm telling you I was just protecting myself!" I wasn't having that good of a day. My brother had recently taken onto the habit of hitting me until I hit back, then he started fake crying to get moms attention to get me in trouble.

At least he didn't hit as hard as Fred, who was able to break any singular bones from my body whenever he wanted to. At least I had grown used to it, or else I bet it would be worse. If only I had way to get back at them, maybe some sort of obscure magic that would let me have that thing that people read about in books that came from dungeons. What was it called again, the sis- no sest... no syste- oh wait yes! The system, that thing! From what I knew, it was something that one could only find information about in books that dungeons created.

I mentally sighed to myself and let myself be dragged by my aunt to the shed. Ever since Doley (my brother) had started getting me in trouble, I found myself locked up into the shed for hours at a time with little food to my name. Looking around the dirty interior(it wouldn't get clean no matter how hard I tried) I took the small and ragged cloth that served as both my blanket and bed, and I went to sleep. I was too tired to notice my own tears.


POV: Certe

"Look brother, we should really stop all of this! You know just as well as I that if we don't interfere we'll just end up losing all that hard work!" I was annoyed, like really annoyed. My brother had just told me that we didn't have to do anything and could just wait out what happened.

Terse really could be stupid sometimes.

"Don't worry about it sis!" He told me, "You know that we got absolute control here, and the lesser gods literally cannot do anything against that. We can just wait until my church destroys itself and then everything will be fine!"

I was way too angry against him to make any good arguments and so just went and walked away from him. Didn't he understand that his little church would kill me, and all of the lesser gods too?! I may have control over time, but if I don't get any worship I'm as good as one of the grass blade gods. Yes there is multiple gods for grass blades, don't ask me why.

I probably should've been more careful about where (and when) I was walking, as my immaterial body tripped off of a warped part of space and sucked me in.

Finding out that I was now a solid being was weird. Did Terse play a joke on me again?

'Huh, guess I can't do anything more to souls than transfer them... well, I think I'll keep you as a keepsake. Just need to change the position of the space Mana and... oh wow, really didn't think That would work. though I guess it wont be able to get out of my dungeon.'

Hold on, why am I a cat now? It kinda feels nice... why the fuck am I purring?!


Don't worry, this type of insanity is only going to be in around ninety-percent of the story. Discord:

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