Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 388: I Miss You


As soon as Snow got off the car, a delighted and joyful voice reached his ears before he was tightly embraced in extremely warm arms. He didn't even need to guess who had suddenly hugged him, after all, before the person even managed to get so close, his kick and punch already landed on the daring person.

"... My Love, I miss you."

"...! Baby, I can finally hear your voice. The sound of your voice is breathtakingly beautiful, it couldn't even compare to my imagination."

Snow's lip couldn't help but show a bright and happy smile after hearing the supposedly flatter words and yet, he completely knew that his lover wasn't lying and was genuinely speaking with a sincere heart.

After a minute of loving hug, Snow has gently patted the back of his lover, which has reluctantly leaned back causing him to let out an amused smile.

"Let me introduce you to someone."

Turning around, Snow gently took the obedient two-year-old child in the arms of his future husband, which he didn't forget to pinch the cheeks off before turning around to meet the curious gaze of his lover.

Of course, he already noticed the messy appearance of his lover, particularly the hint of tiredness between his eyebrows. Nonetheless, the deep green eyes remain bright and firm despite the chaotic fighting in the war.

"Meet our adorable son, Kyler."


"Kyler, it's Daddy Claus."


Snow raises the chubby Kyler dress in adorable fluffy one-piece clothes with a bright smile on his face.


Claus took a deep breath while warmly gazing upon the innocent amber eyes happily meeting his deep green eyes without showing any fear. Especially, when there are some people on his side that couldn't even handle meeting his eyes, so he understands that his new son is quite fearless and courageous despite having such a lovely and harmless appearance.

"Yes, I'm your Daddy Claus. My son, it's nice to meet you. I have been waiting for you to come to the world. I am really happy."

"Isn't he a cutie?"

"Yes, our son is simply an adorable boy. After all, Kyler has gotten his adorableness from his Papa Snow."

Snow's cheeks quickly flush in a lovely shade of pink after meeting the passionate green eyes of his lover, especially when seeing those thin pale lips spread in a rather attractive arc, causing his heart to beat faster.

"Well~ My Love is also a lovely person which is full of surprises… it made me want to carefully unwrap such an attractive object, which has been tempting me the first time I laid my eyes upon it."

Completely ignoring the people around them, Snow shamelessly roams his golden eyes on his lover's body while letting out a plundering atmosphere around him. Even a dense and oblivious person is able to easily tell what the Siren is implying.

"How about I fulfill your wish after everything is over? Which place would you like to do it? Near the Seacoast? Or in the City? Maybe in a relaxing place near the Mountain? Baby, you can unwrap me all you want, and I will fulfill whatever you desire. Of course, I also want everything to be memorable for you."

Without any hesitation, Claus happily and excitedly answers while quickly displaying a handsome and attractive posture in order for his Baby to appreciate his amazing body more.

At the same time, completely ignoring the surrounding people's reactions was showing various and complicated emotions in their faces. After all, they have never seen such shameless people before.

"... Well… First off…I want to let you know that I finally became an adult a week ago~"

… It would have been an amazing day to roll in the bed, perfectly completing my adulthood in this world…

Snow inwardly sighs at what he misses before deciding that if there is a perfect time in the next mission world, he would want to try such an exciting and amazing day to lose his chastity to his lover.

"Really? That's great! I'm really glad to learn that important information. Baby, just wait for a bit, I will focus all of my entire attention on you after I quickly deal with this war."

While Snow and Claus' eyes turned deeper with their hearts burning in a great passion, a loud cough suddenly broke the pink bubbles that were turning into something more shameful around them.

"Hey, you two! Please control yourselves! Even if you aren't ashamed, there are children that are watching and listening!"

We are also watching! Damn, how can there be such a shameless couple in the world? Those words we heard are outright telling us that the two of you couldn't wait to roll in bed!

Eugene's expression is full of disbelief while the taller man standing by his side had been watching the couple with great interest before a great relief emerged in his heart.

"Well, my younger brother finally has someone he loves. I feel really happy for him. I have been worried that he will remain alone for the rest of his life. I'm glad that I was wrong."

Rafael, the older brother of Claus, smiled in content, before motioning at the baby dragon that had been standing a few steps away from the loving couple with his lip purse to come closer.

"Xaver, come to Father."

"... Um."

Xaver gave the baby Siren one last glance, before letting out a sigh and rushing to the arms of his father. Of course, he didn't forget to secretly whisper what he planned in the future regarding a certain someone.

"Hey Dad… that baby Siren is going to be mine."

"Hoo… my Little dragon is all grown up. Well, my son, Goodluck, you will need it, just ask me if you need help since your Uncle Claus will definitely get in your way when you start chasing your wife."

After Rafael is greatly surprised by what his son has revealed, he doesn't hesitate to offer his assistance. Especially, when he understands that the dragon race usually has a hard time choosing their partner.

There are even dragons that normally choose to remain alone if they couldn't find a person that managed to steal their heart.

Suddenly, Rafael remembers the time when he met the love of his life, which was a certain dragon that had been guarding the last egg of their dragon race for countless years. Although their time together has been short because of someone's interference, it was still the happiest moment of his life.

My son… I will make sure that you will have a better future with the person you love than what I experience...

While the father duo is already secretly planning how to steal the Little fist that the shameless couple will be raising in the future. The other allied leaders that had been silent with disbelief in their faces had finally managed to get closer and talk to the shameless couple.

After entering the meeting room and listening to the other allied leader or representative opinions, Snow has stopped playing with his son's chubby cheeks, who is sitting by his lover's side before speaking in a calm and indifferent voice.

"You want me to beg the other sea demons and races to help stop that crazy Mermaid?"

"Well, it isn't begging, we just want you to convince some of them. It doesn't even matter if they won't help us with the war, as long as they leave, the situation on our side will become lighter and death will decrease."

While one of the allied special human elves kindly explains in better words what they are requesting from the Siren, a woman has suddenly let out a loud snort before looking in Snow's direction with a deep contempt expression on her face.

Of course, Snow didn't miss the deep jealousy and hatred that is hidden in the woman's eyes, which has let him know the main reason for suddenly receiving such a bad attitude to one of the allied people in the meeting room.

"Isn't it just fitting for you to do it since you are also a creature that belongs in the sea? Besides, if you didn't leave and became irresponsible by the duty you are supposed to do, then the war we are having right now shouldn't be happening!"

"Well, I'm sorry if I'm not as stupid as you."

"What? Are you calling me stupid?"

Snow also let out a snort before smiling brightly causing some of the people in the room to become dazed in amazement, after all, his siren attitude caused his every move to look pleasing to the eyes, especially his charming appearance is rather attractive.

Of course, it was all done subconsciously since there is only one person Snow wanted to lure and seduce.

"Of course, you are stupid, after all, you are telling me that I should remain in the sea after what they have done. You might be looking for death but I'm different. As for being irresponsible and basically the war being my fault, I know that you are simply saying it because of jealousy, so please look for a better excuse next time, alright?"

Snow's lips curl up in distaste causing the woman to widen her eyes in anger, especially when he didn't hesitate to grasp his lover's hand in order to pacify him. At the same time, showing his sovereign to another bug that tried to convert what is his.

My Love… as always, there are always annoying bugs and flies around you.

"Besides, the main priority of my race is the well-being of our own kin. So, my main duty has always been to protect the last of our Race, and the others are just a bonus task. The moment they targeted my son, is the day I don't need to watch over them anymore."

Well, what I am saying is a complete lie though….

"The only reason I have protected the balance in the sea is in order to give a peaceful and safe environment for Kyler to grow up. So, they can die for all I care."

Snow's golden eyes narrowed down before releasing an unimaginable amount of pressure and completely shutting down the other people in the room that wanted to speak up, especially after seeing how the woman was easily pressed down on the ground just by the aura alone.

"Besides that, who do you think you are talking to, hm? Even though there are only two Sirens in our race left, it doesn't mean that everyone can think that we are easy to be bullied."

Snow lip raised into a dangerous arc before one by one gazing at the other leaders and representatives' eyes for a few seconds and then speaking in a threatening manner.

"Just as I don't care if the other creature in the ocean died, it also meant the same way toward you. Of course, you can threaten me with the power you have in the Land since I am just a Siren that had left the ocean a few weeks with no power. But, you see, I don't mind having another war when this one is over."

Although some of the people here are genuinely thinking for the sake of people while being thoughtful of Snow's situation, there are also some selfish people with their own hidden intentions.

Hmph, you want to use and order me around?

If Snow were to show some weakness or behave obediently without showing his own opinion right now. Then after the war was over, he was completely sure that some of the people in the meeting room would try to take advantage of his situation.

Especially when Snow and Kyler are the only remaining people in the Siren race that can greatly benefit them in some way. After all, there is also the fact that some certain people have certain fetishes and obsessions.

Similar to what trouble and difficulty a mermaid needed to face in the story, Snow can also have the same problem.

"Besides, my lover is doing most of the work here, so what right do you have to make a complaint? Especially when from the list of deaths I read, there wasn't even a single death on your side, only receiving severe injuries. Heh, I'm sure you have been secretly staying put your people in the war right?"

After decreasing the heavy pressure in the meeting room, Snow gently pulled his lover aside to softly place a gentle kiss upon his cheek, completely showing off toward the shivering woman that had stood up with great difficulty.

"Hey, just because I am not here, it doesn't mean I don't know about what has been happening. So, don't think I will let you continue to sacrifice my lover people instead of not doing your own part in the war, alright?"

Hmph, Flake has already informed me about everything, particularly to the group of bugs and flies around my lover.

"But, don't worry, for the sake of my lover, I would help out with the war."

I'll just do it in my own way.

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