Sorcerer from Another World

Things fall apart

Iris stood between us. I held her hand on one side and Morgana held her other hand. Her hand was hot on a cool night. I worried I was too sweaty or perhaps she was.

I liked it. The touch. I felt more nervous about holding her hand than I had facing down Bomdall. I reminded myself that she had asked for me, I was bound to her by oath and the sex was great.

What was I worrying about? 

Forcefully dragging her away from a respected community figure. Barging in on them without permission. Why had she stayed? She was more than strong enough to walk away. 

Frowning, I brooded. At least I was calm enough to notice I was annoyed. Frustrated that I didn’t understand. I couldn’t grasp her motivation from her point of view. 

Hand in hand I was close to Iris, but I felt far from her as ever. 

It was almost a relief when I felt them through my magic and then heard the din of metal. 

I turned towards the direction of the gate, “They’re coming.” 

“Now!” Iris said in a panicked whisper. 

Morgana cursed, “We’re too late.” She looked around Ferisdarm. “We cannot abandon them now.”

Morgana held my gaze. 

I sighed.

“We must fight.” Morgana demanded. 

“We fight?” Iris asked.

What did my raven haired beauty have to look so serious? She could get hurt out there. Something like the Yewam could appear. But, her proud green eyes gleamed with righteous defiance. She knew the right thing to do. I was her only obstacle. 

“We fight.” I said.

Morgana smiled and drew her sword. 


She paused.

“Gather our forces and make ready to leave. I will head to the front. Once the threat is dispersed we go.”

Morgana scowled, “I can fight.”

“I know.” I placed both hands on her shoulders. “Trust me I know. But you are leader now. You’ve spent the last days gaining allies. Now is the moment to gather them to your side.”

She shrugged off my hands and I let them fall to my side. I blinked under her peering gaze. But I didn’t look away. She almost grimaced but locked her jaw instead. She took hold of my hand and clasped it. Her grip was firm. Even if I wanted to I wouldn’t be able to break free. 

She smiled and shook out clasped hands, “Next time we fight together. Promise?”

I smiled back, “I promise.”

She pulled me into a hug and I hugged her back. We shared warmth and comfort for a brief moment and then she let go. 

“I’ll keep her close if you stay away too long, perhaps I’ll feast on your maid?”

I chuckled, “Those tits are mine.” I reached under her shirt and grope her. “As are these.” I rolled her oh so sensitive nipples with my tumbs. She moaned softly in my ear. 

Iris drew closer with bated breath.

Morgana and I kissed harshly with the lust of beasts but briefly. 

“Next time we will cut down our enemies side by side and you will mount me in the halls of their ancestors. We will pour their finest wine on our Sweetness and make her our delicious meal. She howl our names and beg for mercy but we will offer none.”

I laughed with delight as the image seared into my brain, “You have the best ideas. I should piss you off more often.”  

“Don’t forget who you serve.” She punched my arm, “Idiot.” 

Iris gawked at us redder than a strawberry. “What are you both saying outside?” 

She stamped her foot and crossed her arms. It just happened that her actions caused her breasts to first bounce and then she emphasised them.    

Morgana and I shared an understanding glance that sealed us into silence. 

“I’m not food to be eaten or some cup to pour wine on.” She protested. 

We hugged her on each side. She squirmed with embarrassment and tried to back off. I held her firmly but not forcefully. Morgana kissed her cheek and I copied her. I caressed her neck and smoothed away any tension.   

Her Robin pecked at our hair. 

“Where are you going?” I teased her.


“No you aren’t.” Morgana said. 

Iris’ eyes shifted everywhere except to us. She pouted and then made eye contact with me. 

“You are both being silly and making fun of me.” she said and huffed.

“I would hardly call talking about our favourite person a silly matter.” I said with heavy sarcasm. 

She brushed her hair back and stared at me with wide, shocked eyes, “I’m your favourite person?”

I pulled them both into a hug, “You are my favourite people.”

“Stay safe, metalhead.” Morgana muttered.


I winked at Iris, “Keep close to Morgana until I am back. Okay?”

She kissed me. 

“You better be there to snuggle, magicman.” 

I smiled widely. “I would never miss the chance.” 

A clamour of shouts and screams rose in the distant 

“They’ve already breached through.” Morgana guessed. “Go.”

I briefly told her to wake up Umbra and make sure she was safe then I squeezed her hand one last time and flew away with a heavy heart. I knew that I would see them soon. But it didn’t make it easier to part. 

I didn’t make it to the battlefront at the gates. 

A purple orb burst into existence hundreds of feet above the Ferisdarm. The spherical pulsing orb grew tall and wide as a building. A deep bass like hum sang from the purple phenomena interspersed with sharp, sudden cracks like lightning and thunder were piercing the air. In the wake of the booming cracks, the orb pulses faster and faster. 

I flew and stopped parallel to the orb, but was a few tens of feet away from it. The magic energy that radiated from the object was greater than that of the Yewam. The magic bore remarkable similarities to the Yewam. It was like observing the family resemblance between a parent and their child. If the Yewam was the child then this was its progenitor. 

The orb flashed out of existence and a tall inhuman figure came out. 

Red eyes glowed like hot embers. They had an unearthly beauty and black-red hair like flowing lava. Upon their scalp rested a glinting, iron crown. It was jagged and crude in design, but what was impressive was the powerful enchantments woven into it that allowed the wearer to bend the wills, fear and anger. 

What parts of their body I saw was gaunt. The skin cracked to the point where they seemed devoid of life and stretched to show the outline of its bipedal skeleton. From each of its two hands and feet grew yellowed, long and sharp claws from elongated fingers and toes.

In one hand they held with some form of telekinic grip a long granite spear where the blade was serrated along its edges. In the other hand, a jagged dagger with two metal prongs from the hilt.  

They were wrapped in a thick black cloak of shifting umbra and the shadows cast by the moonlight were pulled towards the Progenitor. The darkness grew thicker, pulsed and flowed as if it was alive. 

Stretching out from the black cloak, their large bat-like wings flapped, the breeze blew and tickled my skin. Orbs of crackling brilliant energy hovered and circled around them pulled by some form a gravitational orbit. 

The orbs no larger than a fist ranged in colour from the deepest purple to the brightest blue. 

The Progenitor raised their arm a few inches from their side and threw down their spear. It struck Ferisdarm but hit no one nor any building. It raised a little dust and caused a fleeing human to scream in surprise. 

I raised an eyebrow. 

Then the orbs followed the spears. 

The screaming human blew apart but the shower of their blood was swallowed by the collapsing earth as all across Ferisdarm walls blasted apart, houses and people were reduced to piles of dust.

“Perish, mortals.” The Progenitor cackled.

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