Sorcerer from Another World

Riders of Elkilbour

Làidir saw them first. Her keen eyes caught a swiftly shifting blue blur mass. She leapt up high reaching the base of the clouds and dropped by down stopping and slowing down before reaching the barge.

“Riders, many of them, and they are coming straight towards us.” She told me as she hovered to my side.

My eyes were superhumanly keen, but whatever she had seen was beyond my vision. Soon enough we closed the distance and cresting the top of a small hill I saw far a distant blue shifting. A blue as bright as the clear sky.

I would have mistaken it for a river, if Làidir had not already said they were riders.

As we drew closer I felt the pull of metal weapons, and then shortly after saw their shine.

Riding at us was a mix of a few horse riders and a majority of horse wagons made for war. Painted on those many wagons was an emblem of sorts of a headless horseman.

I could only guess at what they were. A mercenary band or army? Iris spoke first, before I could ask.

“Do we avoid them?” Iris asked. Usually so friendly and kind, I kept forgetting she tended to be wary around large groups of possible hostile strangers.

Now those were the kind of instincts that kept you alive. If we had avoided Ferisdarm, like Iris had been concerned about, we would have escaped a lot of near deaths and death-like experiences.

This time I will put my foot down. We will follow the way of a shut-in and stay out of trouble.

“Let us learn more about these riders. I am confident we can defend ourselves if need be.” Morgana said.

“The Witch is right. We have nothing to fear.” Làidir affirmed.

Brain and brawn are united against us, Iris. You’re the heart and I am the… magic guy? I’ll save us.

“Aren’t we near Elkilbour? We might arrive late into the evening if we delay anymore.” I reasoned.

“Master.” Umbra interrupted. “My guess is that they are riders from Elkilbour, no doubt dealing out the justice of the Kings of Gelt against the Unseelie raidings.”

“Umbra’s reasoning is sound and the sun is already setting, my Champion. Our diversions have already cost us the day. Everyone is tired as well for days have been hard on our people who have experienced so much loss. Isn’t that right my love?” Morgana said first to me then asked of Iris.

Iris, her eyes full of warmth and empathy, held my gaze, “You do look tired. It will be a good chance for you to rest from having to steer us.” Iris admitted.

Damn it, Morgana has caught Iris in her web. It was cute how Iris interpreted Morgana’s words for my benefit. But, the heart is being tricked by the brain! They are mostly likely baddies. Though, Umbra could be right, I suppose.

“We’re agreed then?” Morgana said with a confident smile.

Morgana, Iris, Làidir and Umbra shared a nod and then looked to me. I’ve been outvoted. Damn it.

“Fine. We can meet the riders.”

“Cast us near the river…” Morgana pointed to a part of the river bend. “There where the river is wide and deep. We can meet a retreat across the waters in our floating barge.”

“I can do.” I said with a small smile.

Làidir rubbed her chin thoughtfully, “The horses and warriors will struggle to cross. Clever.” She admitted.

I steered us towards where Morgana was pointing and slowed us to a stop.

I honestly can’t tell if that was a genius move or not. Maybe it's just a simple tactic most war leaders could think of. Still, I peeked at the cunning tactician. She was smart. It could be a trap, she recognised that and prepared us for it.

Dust kicked up in the air at their approach under the force of hundreds if not thousands of galloping hooves.

If this group had been at Ferisdarm at our side, I wonder how different the outcome would have been? How many more refugees would we have? Would Galen still stand?

What if’s will get me nowhere but running circles in my head.

“You’re right, Morgana. If we can make allies here much will change.”

She stared straight ahead, her focus on the people coming at us, “I will be relying on you, my champion should things take a turn for the worse.”

“Always.” I replied with a smile.

The war party slowed upon approach.

“Làidir can I trust you?”

“We are not allies. Our interests align, but we share no oaths of loyalty between us.”

“I thank you for your honesty.”

“Can I trust you to protect the refugees? Was that not part of your task?” Morgana asked, probing Làidir's intentions.

Làidir scowled and crossed her arms around her waist, “Fine. But note that I prefer to attack. All this waiting is starting to get on my nerves.”

It seemed oddly childish reaction,

Morgana laughed lightly, I suspected it was an act, “I will.”

“Just us two, my Champion. We will appear as less of a threat with two, but we are bringing our most powerful members.

I could practically hear Làidir’s sneer in response to not being included as one of the most powerful.

Some weird reflex made me pat her shoulder in sympathy. It seemed to soften her expression, for what little it was worth.

Judging by Làidir hiss at Morgana, my comfort wasn’t enough. My raven-haired lover sniffed in response, turning away and guiding me to take us off the barge.

Tara, however, spoke up first, “I insist on coming, I wasn’t there to protect the Sorcerer in the caves. I won’t repeat my mistake.”

I shrugged, “A third pair of eyes will come in handy.”

“Let us go then.” Morgana said with an anger glint at Làidir.

Oh boy, was this going to be a problem. In other circumstances, I might have tried to separate us from Làidir to avoid trouble. Times of war, however, mean that it is smarter to make powerful allies even if they can cause trouble.

I levitated us three down while keeping the barge afloat and out of reach at our backs. It was a rather annoying strain. Easy, but the constant effort accumulated to make me mentally tired.

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