Sorcerer from Another World

Politics of Elkilbour

I rested content with the memory of true dragon life. In the back of my mind I processed what Treator had said. Knots of mental tension unwound and I felt a clear vision for the future for the first time in a while.

Goals: Build a home. Try and pursue a genuine love. Grow my current relationships. Defeat this Clavile. Prepare for the Roman Gods, dealing first with Mars. If possible, a new thought came to me: find a way to visit my homeworld. The issue wasn’t power or means though both would be difficult even for me, but in direction that is navigation. I only got here by Umbra’s sacrificial spell and Iris’ call. How to get to earth and back without getting lost was a goal beyond me for now.

While I didn't see them at the time, the group was occupied with Mars’ forces as we duelled.

“Damian!” Iris shouted.

“Champion!” Morgana shouted.

“Sorcerer!” Làidir shouted.

Perhaps I should have checked on them, but I was rather overwhelmed with all that had happened to me.

I almost barked back at them to shut up. Childish, but I was done. A brutal fight and I had just made and lost a friend. It was not a good time to be shouting at me whatever their intentions may have been.

Laying on the grass, I said “I’m alright.” I sighed. “Resting my eyes.”

Eyes shut, I longed for my room so I could hide away and forget all my troubles. But it was far away and I was still alive. I had survived the God of War.

“You all okay?” I asked.

“Those beasts of Mars are tricky. Nothing we had seemed to really hurt them.”

“Ha. The Bear stopped when I threw him away.” Morgana boasted.

Iris shrugged, “The wolf also went far, love.”

“Well, I had the bird and I didn’t see either of you catching the damn flighty beast.” Làidir complained.

“I’m glad you are okay.”

“What happened with Mars? You won?”

“No, come lie down. I need a rest. We can catch up.”

I told them everything that had happened from the duel with Mars to talking with Treator.

“So, the Dragon is dead. We have completed the quest given by the Kings.” Morgana replied.

“Didn’t happen as planned” Iris worried while wringing her hands.

“It is enough. If they complain we can simply take the land. We don’t need their permission. I am asking out of kindness. I would prefer friendship, but I won’t grovel to their whims for it.” I said fiercely. Defensive after my brutal takedown by Mars.

Morgana frowned, her brows knitting together, “It is a matter of law.”

“We are powerful enough, Morgana, where we can make laws. I want to work with the Gelts, and Druids. But, I won’t serve them.”

“No one is above law.”

“And no one should be shackled to the ambitions of a powerful elite. Let alone the Kings of Gelts pawns of an Unseelie. They who make, govern and fund the enforcement of those laws and give out dangerous quests to potential allies. I’m going to create a wonder. The first step to ensuring our security and freedom. I won’t jeopardise it based on a known risk.”

Iris pleaded, “The Circle is there. We need to get along.”

“They are puppets of Clavile whether they know it or not. I won’t play his games. I don’t trust him or any of his offers. I include Elkilbour in that as he controls the city. I will be like the character of that story you told… Clavile can come to me and I will beat him in my space. The sooner we can get our people out the better.”

“The Circle is everything to me. My last connection to my heritage, to people like me. Samiya will grow up alone with no one like her if we abandon them.”

“Iris, I have no one. I am a foreigner, an otherworlder. You are one of my few true connections to this world. I am forced to challenge not just one god, but an entire patheon for you. I will not risk you, Morgana or any of our people when I know the city is a trap devised by even more of your enemies. I must protect you, you asked it of me. Let me do my job.”

“Then you have to find a way to protect the Circle too. It is as much of me as my body.”

“We can’t just leave Elkilbour to the likes of Clavile. It is wrong.” Morgana added.

“Despite your protests, I won’t challenge him in Elkilbour. The way to win is to have him challenge me in my land. Treator said so, your story said so and I agree.”

Morgana reasoned, “It is all guessing for now. Why don’t we return to Elkilbour first? Let us see what happens. We have to anyway. Samiya, Bryette, Tulisa, everyone is there.”


“Let us.” Iris answered.

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