Sorcerer from Another World


The crowd cheered! Dozens of faces lit up with joy and relief. 

Mead and feast was thrusted upon them.

A tankard in hand Galen raised it high, “Sorcerer Grey, has once again saved Ferisdarm! Under his magic the enemy falls, and we the warriors of Ferisdarm fight stronger than Giants.”

“Glory to Galen! Glory to the Sorcerer! Glory to our Warriors brave and true!” called out the people of Ferisdarm. 

Iris and Tulisa ran up and I was passed from Tara to Iris. 

“Let the glory of our warriors never die! Speak of their names to every ear! Never let their names go unsung!” 

“Legends forever more! Agreed the crowd.

Tears, be they of joy or sadness, sprang from my dear Iris’ eyes, “Are you okay?” 

“I am. A snuggle with my beautiful lover and I shall be well again. I’m a sorcerer afterall.” I joked. 

Iris laughed. Tulisa seemed to nod seriously at the words. Umbra nodded in thoughtful contemplation before stealing her own hug. 

They helped me walk back. The crowd broke before us. 

“The Promised One.” They whispered to my back.

“The Saviour of Ferisdarm.” They called in my wake. 

Some glowed with adoration and knelt in my presence, “The Resurrected.” They called me. 

Somehow being mostly carried the way by a druid and a maid didn’t seem to impact the awe over which I was beheld by the people of Ferisdarm. Though I felt like living death, their cheers brought a winning smile to my face and I waved back. Me, the loser who couldn’t even work his job by the end was now the hero these people needed. The joy of their cheers was addicting. 

In the arms of two beautiful women with a third demanding attention as hundreds called my name in celebration. It was perhaps the greatest moment of my time at the time.  

My smile faded but did not vanish. I felt hollower once we passed the crowd. Yet, the warmth and soft curves of the two women I was pressed between kept my joy alight. I was still smiling even as pain and fatigue wracked my body. 

Iris with a stiff expression asked, “What happened?”

I had neither the energy nor desire to talk.

I sighed and said, “We won.”

Her nostrils flared and brows almost touched, “You know what I mean!”

I closed my eyes and answered, “It was a long battle, but we won. I’m just a little tired now and looking forward to resting.”

“He needs to snuggle with a beautiful lady. He said so himself.” Tulsia said in my defence. 

I opened my eyes to the coy grin of Iris.

She caressed my cheek then my neck and finally placed her hand over my heart, “He did say that. Should I give a man his desire and hear his heart beat with mine? Or should I leave him wanting and keep his gaze always turned towards me.”

“How not both?”

“If only that was possible.”

Tulisa pulled open the hide door and Iris walked me inside our Roundhouse. The centre fire crackled and the smoke puffs of smoke rose out. Herbs had been gathered and hung though I did not recognise them. The place smelled fresher and almost of spring. 

It was crowded as Morgana sat on a wooden bench with her left heel raised onto her right knee and one foot on the ground. One of my swords lay sheathed in her lap. At her side stood Byrette. Before her a rabble of armed warriors, some as old as sixty and as young as twenty stood seemingly waiting on her every word.

They all turned as her gaze shifted to our entrance. Byrette’s gaze by lesbian magnetism seemed to draw to Iris’ ample chest, and then to Tulisa’s as she walked by my side. 

Morgana exercised greater control, “I gather, my Paragon, from the cheers that echo through to our humble hall that you were successful?”

“The Undead Yewam is dead.”

Morgana stood up. She twirled the sword and slammed the point into the dirt. Her other hand gestured with an open palm to me, “This is what service in my name brings. At your backs will be the greatest sorcerer to have ever lived!”

A man with a red cloak and white handlebar moustache said, “Greater than Merlin? It cannot be true!”

“It is.” Iris fired back, her cheeks flared red.

The red cloaked man scoffed.

“It is.” Umbra fired off as well as she followed in behind us. She perhaps knew it might be true. 

“What is important is that Galen trusts him, as does the Lady Morgana. Do we need her to smack you into the dirt again? Is her strength true?” Byrette said.

“I don’t doubt yer strength, my lady.” He turned to me. “I’ve heard the rumours…”

“The Resurrected One.” one of the warriors whispered. 

“Yes, not even death could take our sorcerer. I knew Merlin in my youth. I’ve heard the tales. He cannot match my Champion.” Morgana declared.  

“I Lothbrek Baughan am happy to serve. My niece vouches for you and I have seen enough to believe her words true.”

“Thank you, Uncle.” Byrette smiled at him. “Is everyone ready to swear loyalty to Morgana Pendragon?”

The warriors did not even look at one another. They shouted as one, “We swear to serve Morgana Pendragon in the days to come with loyalty and honesty.”

She placed a firm hand on Lothrek’s shoulder, “I accept your oaths of loyalty.” She walked among her new warriors. “I promise that no death shall be in vain, and though the path ahead may seem dark that our futures are bright. I have foreseen it.”

“No death in vain! Lead us to a bright morrow!” They chanted.

She drew her sword and raised the point high, “To our mutual prosperity!” 

They each drew and rattled their weapons out. They clanged them together as one. 

“Byrette, prepare for tomorrow's dawn meeting. Bring your Uncle and your cousin with you. I want our forces to be working closely with the Chieftain.” 

“As you say, My Lady.” She bowed her head. “Come, everyone. Let us give them some room.”

Byrette led everyone out of the roundhouse.

I breathed a sigh of relief that I didn’t know I had been holding in. A tension in my shoulders loosened now that I was back in the safety of our house.

Morgana walked up to him and pulled him into a hug, “I’m glad you are well.”

In her thick metal armour, it was not a comfortable hug. But I still smiled as she held me briefly in her arms. 

“Well is a bit of a stretch. I’m alive.” I joked. 

She laughed at that, as did Iris. 

“Tulisa, can you fetch some water and prepare a meal? I think he needs his strength back.” Morgana asked.

Tulisa bowed and followed her words. I noted with bleary eyes that Iris and Morgana also locked eyes with Tulisa’s bosom. The stuff of dreams they were. Tulisa left and came back with a cup of water that gulped down with a keen thirst. She brought me a second that I nursed and then she began cooking some hot soup. 

We sat along the benches that followed the roundhouse walls. 

“Is Galen alive?” Morgana asked.

“He is, as is Tara.”

“Where is she?” Iris asked.

“She is outside guarding the door.” Tulisa answered. 

Tara’s head popped through and she gave a quick wave.

“Thank you for keeping him safe.” Morgana said. 

“I did my duty.” She answered and pulled her head away. 

Morgana drew close and whispered in my ear, “Did she?” 

Another wave of exhaustion as I remembered the battle and the tickling pleasure of her hot breath caused me to hesitate.

“Did she not?” Morgana growled low.

“She saved my life, I think. At least spared me from an assassin blade being stuck in my back.”

Morgana’s expression morphed at first she relaxed then frown set on her brow. A mixture of relief and worry. 

“It seems your story is spreading into the enemy camp. I doubt this will be the last of their attacks. We must keep our guard up.”

Iris laughed, but it was a hollow chuckle, “They could not harm him. No matter what tricks they try.”

I rested my head on her shoulder, “I hope that is the case.”

“My Paragon, I know you are tired. but when can you have our warriors armed?”

I breathed, my stomach rising and falling.

“A strong force will help keep us safe.”

“After a meal.” I smiled. “As you said I need my strength back.”

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