Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 13: Unique Skill [Observe]

Being in awe at the unexpected acquisition of the skill, I looked at its description and cannot help but giggle with my little mouth making my soft cheeks go up, who would have thought that in my lowest time in this world as of yet, something so good like this will happen.


[Observe]: Let the user watch and observe an enemy and copy some of the enemy's fighting style/skill. 


Abilities: Lowest Skill Tire Acquisition, Momentary Perfect Copy


Do you know what that means?




That means, I can practically get the skill every single one of my opponents has! Even unique skills!


Mwua! Ha! Ha! Ha! With this, I'm already unstoppable, right [Guide]!?


[Master, no, it is not, the unique skill [Observe] only works on common skills and passive skills and cannot be used for unique skills, thus your plan of copying skills only a single individual have is meant to fail.]




Oh... Well, I think I got too excited there huh? Good thing I was put back to reality early on.


[Master, Yes, it is a good thing.]


I'm not talking to you, you party popper.


Anyway, even though I can't copy unique skills, that doesn't mean the worth of this skill became any less, imagine, just seeing a person use a high-grade Swordmanship skill and being able to use it, though on a lower level than that person, is a great advantage in itself, and it is not like Swordmanship common skill is the only skill there is, right? I'm certain that many common skills don't fall back in utility against Unique skills, and thus the point of the worth of this skill.


There is also this Momentary Perfect Copy stuff in which I presume that it makes me copy the very same skill in the same power and level I observed, am I right this time, [Guide]?


[Master, yes, you are right. Momentary Perfect Copy lets one copy, in a short moment, the strength of the skill the individual has observed, anything except unique skill abilities is not spared by this ability.]


Wow, there he goes saying "it's the same as before but I got to explain it to you in a roundabout manner or else I'll lose my screen time."


[Master, I did not do anything of the sort.]


Yeah right, I believe in you, so stop making excuses.


I am completely uplifted by this skill and I am looking forward to using it, oh, also, while I'm at it, let's see what the other skills I got a while earlier have in store, these skills are of course, the magic skills, I remember there's breath magic there...


Anyway, here:


Sand Magic: The Lowest Form of the earth magic elemental magic, can use as a blinding debuff and for a limited amount of offensive purposes.


Breath Magic: Not advisable to use in fights, for ventilation purposes only (Wind Element is weak in the early stages)


Squirt Magic: The greatest damage dealer of the four lowest rank elemental magic, but gets harder to control later on, after all, water is free, going with the flow.


So I got all of that in one sitting and I can't help but feel bad for my physically-oriented skills, for I just grabbed them because that's the best option when there is still no one to teach me magic and Kabuto number 2(the caster) appeared, and now, I can properly use my stats that is magician/caster oriented. Well, I guess that's how a life of skill goes, not like they have any, to begin with.


Anyway, this is great, even though I am surprised that Wind Elemental Magic is weak from the start, from what I observed the weak ones should be earth magic because... well it is just dirt and plants from the start, and air can already be sharp on its starting point, still, it just said that "not advisable", that doesn't mean that it can't be used in attacks, it just depends on how one will use it, right [Guide]?


[Master, yes, Breath Magic doesn't have the density and volume of full-blown wind elemental magic that's why it is not advisable to use it in fights, but if one is to compress the wind coming out of the feeble magic dense enough, then it shall be used as a fighting weapon to an individual's liking.]


… Isn't that too advantageous for me to know? Well, not like I didn't figure it out already.


[Master, anything to you already figured out is already in your mind, thus saying it or not out loud will not do anything advantageous for your cause, it is just an affirmation.]


You and your silly excuses~ 


But seriously, you're been weird lately, I still remember that "BZZT-" sound you made a few days ago, are you okay?


[Master, yes, I am fine, thank you for your concern.]


Well, if you say so, I guess your body (if you have any) is your responsibility. And so, with that, I am fully cheered up from my slump, but still, this world gives me a lot of surprises, first I was adopted as a daughter of god, a voice that sounds like Siri sometimes comes dinging in my head and that kapre* suddenly appeared and disappeared, and right now, I can still see the giant rocks he erected around the fifth layer, I wonder what is that wall is for.


Anyway, several advantages came from that encounter, first a slap in the face by MR. Almighty Reality, that I have a headstart, I have the brains, but brains don't always do good in this world where the strong eat the weak, some that came from a world where "the smart eats the fool" have to adapt in this place, to be strong and brainy at the same time, and second of all if my guess is correct, that giant is the final boss of this forest, so I can also take mental preparations.


Probably, I have to fight that being in the far away future, though I am sure that I am already strong if that future comes.


Anyway, no need to brood about things of the past (that's just several hours ago, but ignore it) as I started to look for a shed because I am here in a clearing, sitting in the middle of the scorching sun and my baby skin will get sunburns easily, don't want a lady's skin to get damaged early this stage.


.... Wait, did I just really say that? 


Egh... I just subconsciously accepted that I already have pussy without even realizing it, darn my easy adaptability, the only silver lining is that my sexual orientation didn't change as far as I know, I would rather die than be in love with a man.


Hey, I am not a homophobe okay? If I am, then I won't accept being technically a lesbian here, but I am masculine and even if I have gay friends, I can't imagine myself being one.


Diverting myself to such thoughts, I continued to walk as my subordinates came after me without me even commanding them, which I am quite happy about, it seems like I will have someone to talk to soon enough, finally, it will not be boring anymore.


Anyway, after some time, we finally found a shade suitable to not get sunburned and also suitable to test out my new abilities.


First, the sand magic of course, this one is the most "solid" of my newly acquired magic and also the slowest, I have a good variety of uses, in offense, it can be used as some kind of bullet but because it is solid, I have to make it so that a single unit of the magic is the whole bullet itself, having to compress sand will be proven hard without it being bloated and become a cannon ball sized thing.


Cannot create intricate shapes because of the lack of mana.


Second, ember magic, is mostly useless because it can only make lighter sized fire and can only be used as complementary as of now, I presume that it can level up even though not used as a main element, thus I will use it as much as possible injecting it to my every magic attack.


Third, breath magic has high attack potential, has good piercing and slashing damage but is not dense enough, and lastly, squirt magic, similar to wind magic, has a lot of damage potential.


And so I immediately started to test out the abilities of the Magic Skills that I have gathered, firstly it will be sand magic again, I ordered Philo to stand a meter in front of me which he happily obliged, nodding his head, after he finished walking, I then ordered him to run as fast as possible towards me.


He tilted his head to the right a little, seemingly confused by my order, but I urged him and after a while of tilting his head right and left which is becoming annoying by the second, he decided to run.


I immediately used Sand Magic, there is no fancy animation, just sand suddenly appearing on the ground and answering my order to catch Philo's limbs, it took a while, as expected, it is so slow that it took it for Philo to transverse ninety percent of the full distance between us before the sand magic can fully immobilize him.


Philo tilted his head once again as some sand in a tentacle-like manner came clinging to his feet, stopping him fully, I then gave mental praise to Philo.


"Good job buddy."


He nodded his head even though he cannot understand why he got praised for running and being stuck.


Ugh, that was cute, I patted his head again with my little hands and then asked Lyra to use her arrows to strike a tree, she seem to be jolted awake as she seem to grit her teeth.


"Hey, are you jealous?"


"I am not..."


Undeads typically don't respond to a question often and only in commands, and this surprised me, if a girl says she's not jealous, that means she is, but it is not like she's my girlfriend or something so who cares.


She, even though a little pouty obeyed me, knocking an arrow into her bow and then shooting a tree. Now I used [Dynamic Vision] and the arrow slowed down whilst I controlled sand magic and commanded it to raise as fast as possible, the arrow struck the tree beautifully while my sand is still halfway through the height of the shot arrow.


I want to test if sand magic can be used as a defensive mechanism but it failed, thus I will not use it, damn, a good thing I didn't use myself as a target.


Saying so, I patted Lyra's head.


"Do you want head pats too?"


Her body shook a little as she glanced away from me, who is as tall as her thus we are meeting perfectly eye to eye.


"I- I did not say I want it... But if you want to pat my head that badly, then it can't be helped... Hmm..."




"Okay then...."


It took a little while before I finished and Lyra started staring at Philo who started to twitch his tail rapidly.


Damn, they just really became fun to be with.


And it seems like Lyra's more intelligent than Philo, well, goblins have bigger heads than rabbits so it is understandable.


I proceeded to the next one, Breath Magic, it is simple enough to make a blade-shaped air out of it, but it is not dense enough so I made it dense until I got my desired volume.


"Out of the way, you two."


The two subordinates of mine that are silently yapping with each other immediately obeyed as I shoot the air blade into the tree, cutting it clean in half, no excess, no deficit, just a clean cut in half, like that certain swordsman who goes "Thunder Breathing: First Form Thunderclap and Flash"


I took a deep breath for I can't whistle yet, well that's an ultimate skill right there, but it's exhausting too much mana, a problem that can be fixed with time. 


I rested a little recovering my mana.


And next and last ember magic is decided to be complementary, the Squirt magic is used as a bullet, this magic has enough volume to be used as a damage dealer, this is the best weapon for me as of now, but it is not powerful enough to make the sword and the like so orb shaped bullets will suffice.


I shoot the water bullets and as expected it did a good deal of damage to the cleaved tree earlier. As an assurance, I also tried to use ember magic and use a condensed orb of plasma, but it failed, why is ember magic so weak? Well, I shall upgrade it by using it as complimentary magic, just using it with sand magic will cause continuous damage and debuff at the same time.


So it will be like this, magic will be debuffed, ember magic will be the constant/passive damage dealer accompanying sand magic, squirt magic will be the main artillery, and breath magic will be the tactical nuke type.


All of these are considering the current abilities of the magic skills and fully capitalizing on the potential growth of the said skills and their roles will differ the more times they have leveled up.


Phew, that was quite satisfying, every men's dream is not ladies in their lap, but using magic and being reincarnated in another world.


And I just did all of that.



Kapre: A Filipino Mythical Creature, a gigantic man holding a cigar by the mouth usually lives in tall trees and waits there for his victim.



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