Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 6


Why was I so obsessed with His Royal Highness the King before me?

Indeed, His Royal Highness puts his duties as Prince Wang first and he is a fine man who runs for his country for his people. And he has a hell of a good face.

To that gentle smile I rose on my own and mistakenly thought I was loved.

But now I know.

That’s all I want to laugh about.

I didn’t laugh in the back of my eyes when I thought back often, and I had the same look on my face when I was surrounded by Miss Cawker.

I pity myself for trying to get rid of all the women approaching His Highness.

Moreover, when my classmates were certified Virgin under the patronage of the Spirit King of Light, my self from then on was terrible even now remembered.

How dare you abuse the Virgin and try to sow the poison you give her.

Well, then, such a woman, the future queen, doesn’t deserve it.

His Royal Highness and only against the Virgin, I feel she had a natural smile on her face. Although I only had a 30-minute tea party once a week as my fiancé’s duty.

The Virgin and I used to seem to have fun in the courtyard, including Ernest and Cyril.

That’s why I went mad with jealousy.

I’m the only special woman of His Highness.

This time, I’m such a body, and I’ve completely abandoned my love for Your Highness in the past.

All right, let’s dissolve the engagement in full circle.

As a matter of fact, if I offer to dissolve my engagement, Your Highness will be happy to deepen her friendship with the Virgin.

─ ─ ─ Concon

As I was renewing my resolve, the door opened and my father turned up.

“Oh, Rachel, you’re up. Your Highness, Ernest and Cyril are here to see you.”

Sarah wakes up my back and inserts a big cushion in the back of my back.

And from behind my father came the same smile as usual, Your Highness, and Ernest and Cyril.

That’s the same as always. Didn’t you hear about my body?

And I wondered, but Ernest and Cyril’s face was tense.

Oh, you’re listening.

I can’t believe you’re listening and keeping your expression the way it always is, the boulder is the next king.

I admire His Highness for sticking with me.

“Get up. Are you okay?

“Yeah, it’s something I can’t help. Excuse me from the bed.”

“No, I’m not staying that long because I just wanted to see your face”

“I’m so sorry you took the time for me when you were busy”

I tried to tell you to go home early, but His Highness looks strange. On the contrary, “You can wait downstairs” has forced my father and Ernesto out of the room.

“I’ll call you if you need anything, so just wait in front of the room,” she also calls out to Sarah. Sarah glances at me worryingly, but if there is a word from Prince Wang, she has to obey.

Only me and Your Highness are in the room.

Hmm, that’s awkward.

Your Highness is nearby.

Put the chair right next to the bed and I’ll grate my hips there.

If you saw my face, you can have me home right away!?

There was no way I could say it and I had to laugh powerlessly.

“I heard about you from the Marquis. I’m sorry to hear that, but it must be hard for Rachel.”

“No, I’m even glad this happened”

His Royal Highness, always smiling, looks open and surprised at how unexpected my response was.

Whoa, that’s a rare look. You can even have such a normal face. How calmly I can observe His Highness, I really don’t have any more love for him.


“This is what I felt. I was overconfident in my power.”

“Overconfidence? In fact, you have a position, even without magic, and you have a clear head.”

“No, not those things. As a person, I found out that there was something missing.”


His Royal Highness turns off his grin and gives him an expression that narrows his eyes and explores. And urge me to continue the conversation when I sit back with my long legs together.

“I was His Highness’s fiancée. But I only saw the surface about His Highness.

The same is true of the country, what people live and what they want in this country. I’ve never even tried to find out. ”

“I regret it,” he said?

“Yep. It became a body without magic and immobile as I thought it would be, but I found the kindness of people.”

“You’re fast enough to accept it.”

“I immediately realized that there was no more magic, and I have some thoughts about the cause.

Even so, I apologize to my parents and to those who help me. ”

“Can’t you tell me what caused that?

“… sorry”

“Right. Then if you want to talk, talk to me.”

His Royal Highness can’t boil it off. I wonder if you’ve convinced me of anything. And when I lift my gaze and stare into His Highness’s eyes, I will never flicker my lips.

“I wonder if I need to keep someone like me in my fiancée if I am left with His Highness.

So… this engagement… ”

“Okay. Well, from now on, we’ll come and see Rachel more often.”

“What? So get engaged…”

“I’m sorry I can’t go to the same school at the moment. Well, it’s not every day because I have my student council job and my King Prince’s job.”

“Um, Your Highness”

“I’ll tell you what’s going on at the school.

Earlier Rachel said she only saw me on the surface, but that’s the same for me, isn’t it? From now on, we’ll talk a lot so we can get closer together. ”

The way you block my story over and over again doesn’t match the way you’ve been smiling and listening to my boring stories in the past, making me want to doubt my eyes if this is really His Highness.

Confused me, Your Highness took a seat just saying that the conversation was over and headed to the door early enough.

And His Highness, who looked back while holding the door knob, has an unprecedented, pleasant heartfelt grin.

“Oh, yeah, yeah.

You were my fiancée earlier, and I’ve been telling you in the past, but you’re still my only fiancée.

Remember, we don’t plan to listen to premature stories like cancellation in the future. ”

And I left the room lightly saying, “See you later.”

I’m left behind, only stunned in bed.


Won’t you dissolve the engagement?


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