Somehow, The Villainess Who Regressed in Time Lost Her Magic Power, so She Turned into a Secluded Maiden

Chapter 133

2-15 Ricardo Perspective

It was my brother Isaac who rushed into my office. I instantly realized something bad had happened to Isaac’s bloody expression.

And the words Isaac told me were worse than I expected.

“So, how is His Royal Highness Prince Wang?!

“I am dispatching a Royal Physician right away… but it seems very unpleasant.”

“Summon all Daredevils. Anyway, do everything in your power to restore His Highness.”

Yes, I’ve already contacted the sorcerers.

When I heard the news, I left the office aiming for the room where His Highness was being treated with Isaac. I asked Isaac how he was, but Isaac’s complexion got worse and worse.

–What do you mean…?

You can’t hide your frustration now, even if your expression doesn’t change in a good way even if you’re unconscious. And now, from across the street, with a knight, “Ricardo!” The person approaching in a rough voice was caught in the gaze, and the tongue came out unexpectedly.

“Hey, what the hell! I can’t believe I locked my mother up.”

“I’m busy now. I can’t afford to listen to your bullshit, you’ll see.”

“Oh, what a clever way to talk. Against my brother…..”

I got caught in trouble when I was fighting for a moment. But now I can’t afford to spend time with them.

Trying to move forward quickly, avoiding the clogging fault, but the recoil with a strong grip on the arm leans heavily.

“Brother Faust, I’m in a hurry.”

“Isaac, even you. Anyway, now you’ll have to explain it to me!

While grasping my arm, I can feel the whirling of my chest dyed in black by Faust staring at Isaac with wrinkles between my eyebrows.

I look at Faust sideways, sighing loudly to calm the impatience once.

“Let me say it again. I’m busy now. Later.”

The voice that was told as calmly as possible was unexpectedly low and cold without feeling the temperature.

I’m sure I have all my expressions removed and my eyes are pretty cold. Faust, who was confronting me, slightly pulled his feet like he was flinching for a moment. While confirming it at the edge of my vision, I shook away Faust’s hand, which was holding my arm.

But Faust still doesn’t seem to pull.

“Kh… Anyway, my mother will take it from me. Poor thing.”

“Poor thing?

“It’s a pity to have a son without a heart like yours.”

“Hah… it looks like my brother still hasn’t read the situation.”

“I’m listening. I wonder if a horse has broken out surprised by the arrows that the queen’s knight fired for the hunt? Unfortunately, the prince of Dutois was involved and fell off the cliff, seriously wounded.”

If you know, get out of the way now.

He pushed Faust’s shoulder with his arm as he stared at him with a tight gaze.

“Ricardo, this is an unfortunate accident. There’s nothing wrong with this.”

“Unfortunately…? It was Mother’s Incident. It’s not an accident.

“But it wasn’t intentional. The horses go wild, and the prince gets involved. No one could have anticipated it.”

Certainly, that retarded mother had no idea it was going to be this far. As a result of trying to surprise and silence me a little, I had the worst result.

But just because it wasn’t intentional isn’t a problem. After all, he harmed the prince of the neighbouring kingdom. There is no way that Dutois will remain silent.

That is why the recovery of the Crown Prince is the first priority. Furthermore, it is necessary to manage to converge with minimal sacrifice. The sacrifice for it will come from the royal family.

As Isaac returned to the castle, he ordered his men to keep his mother under surveillance from leaving his room. It is necessary to check the condition of His Royal Highness Prince Louis in the future before interrogating him and deciding on his treatment.

“Still, the cause is here.”

“So what is it?”

He really doesn’t use his head. I’m too accustomed to explaining everything from one to ten, and I don’t think about it myself.

He despised his brother and reached the limit of frustration.

– Oh, no. Looks like it’s going to run out.

At that moment, the patience I was suppressing inside me bounced in my head and the sound of flying rang.

Listen to me carefully.

Dong, a loud sound echoes through the hallway.

In front of me, Faust looked up at me as he put his back against the wall to the limit and looked at me as if he saw something incredible.

That will be the case. The dull sound is the sound of me hitting the wall.

But it doesn’t matter now. I must scream annoying in front of my eyes and silence this disturbing brother.

Slowly open your mouth while feeling the calmer surroundings and cooler air than before.

“If there is a war, the lives of all the citizens of this country will be at stake. If you can avoid it by offering the heads of a few royals, don’t you think that’s better?

“What are you… what are you…?”

“Nevertheless, if we lose a war, our heads may be cut off lightly.”

Faust blushed his face at the sight of me. Still, you seem to be in good spirits to open your mouth.

We need to stick a little more nails.

“Listen. Stay in your room if you don’t want your neck cut off…. if you get in the way, you could lose your brother’s life in a bad accident right now.”

Faust’s complexion worsened when he finally forced himself to smile too threatening. Together with Dosson, I put a butt mochi in front of me.

“Anyway, now we have to go to His Royal Highness the Prince. Isaac, let’s go.”


Looking sideways, he called out to Isaac, who was standing behind him. Isaac shook his shoulders at it, answered loudly, and immediately ran after me.

–It took more time than I imagined. We have to hurry.

His Royal Highness Prince Louis arrived in front of the room being treated, where the knights of Dutois stood to be strictly protected. Everyone is releasing a tingling and lethal atmosphere, and the knights of the Alta kingdom who stood aside are under pressure.

When I opened the door and entered the room, I heard a woman screaming sadly from the center surrounded by Royal Palace doctors and magicians.

“… Louis… Louis… Louis!

It belongs precisely to his fiancée, Marquis Rachel Marcel. She keeps calling again and again with a sad voice that she can’t imagine from her usual noble and polite voice. Without ever wiping tears from your eyes, desperately. But he who lies in bed cannot respond to his voice.

“… that would be a lie…”

I hear Isaac murmuring from next door.

His Royal Highness Prince Louis has been sent by a magician who can use the darkest magic except me in Alta.

However, tightly closed eyes do not open and even fingertips do not move.

“How are you?

“Lord Ricardo! We’re doing everything we can, but it’s still a tough situation. The magic healing… is the limit to stopping the bleeding… if the Virgin and Her Highness work together, maybe…”

When I called the healing magician, he turned to me without stopping. The sweat seeped into his forehead, and he must have used a lot of magic. He already seems to be holding his energy at its limit.

I gently put my hand on the head of His Royal Highness Prince Wang to check his condition.


Oh no…

It was too late…

–The surface is beautifully healed, but the scratches are too deep. The bleeding keeps spreading inside, in a situation where we can already do everything we can….

The lights of life are about to go out. Because I know the situation, I know better than anyone that my power doesn’t make any sense at all.

I was slow somewhere. If I were to come here, I would be able to save the life of the Prince.

Above all, there are saints of darkness.

– But this is out of range. I didn’t know this was such a terrible situation…

“… if I use my magic now, I will definitely wipe out the life of His Royal Highness the Prince.”

There is no way to put hands on it. There is no way to make it.

I was stunned by the reality and couldn’t do anything but stand up confused.

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