Solar Blood Masters

Chapter 4 - The Blood Forest

The Psiphon Car finally rolled to a halt at the outskirts of the Blood Forest, situated seventy mile close to the edge of the Bloodthorne Dark Dome. As the passengers disembarked, a breathtaking yet eerie landscape unfolded before them.

Amidst the vast expanse of the icy plains, stood a vibrant forest. The trees were adorned with crimson leaves that seemed to defy the frigid environment. Ruby ice formations glistened like scattered jewels, and streams of crimson liquid, the source of the forest’s ominous name, snaked through the terrain. Occasionally, crimson-eyed black crows would flap their wings overhead in chorus, which made the ambiance unsettling.

The Blood Forest was so named due to the unique properties of its ecosystem. The trees and other vegetation absorbed the faint solar radiation from its innate Fire Pool, converting it into a blood-like energy that flowed through the forest’s veins. This energy was highly potent and could be harnessed by cultivators to enhance their abilities, but it was also volatile and dangerous.

The air was bitingly cold, and a perpetual red glow illuminated the forest, even though it was currently nighttime outside the Dark Dome. The source of this eerie luminescence added to the Blood Forest’s mystique.

Raphael stepped out of the Psiphon Car, no soon after, a shiver ran down his spine. The icy air pierced through his thin clothing, and the sight of the blood-red forest gave him primal fear.

Tajmani, ever observant, noticed his unease. “What’s the matter, Slave? Afraid of a little cold?” She mocked.

Raphael glared back at her. “I’m not afraid of the cold, Princess. I’m afraid of what lurks within this forest. Things far more dangerous than a spoiled little girl.”

Tajmani laughed, despite Raphael’s cold attitude. “What good is a dog if it can’t even protect its master? Make yourself useful as my carrier.”

“Tsk!” Raphael bit his lower lip. He moved to the back of the car and began unloading the cargo.

At the same time, Tien Ha stepped ahead of the group and stared at the entrance of the Blood Forest. “This place has changed since I last came here.” Despite this fact, he wasn’t worried, not for himself at least. The princess however, was another matter.

Tien Ha’s gaze swept over the group. It lingered for a moment on Tajmani before he addressed them in a stern yet calm manner. “Listen closely. The Blood Forest is not a place for frivolous adventures. It is teeming with dangers, both seen and unseen. Stick close to Gerald and me at all times. Do not stray from the path. And if we encounter any obstacles, do not be rash. Rely on our experience and judgment.”

The playful atmosphere that had surrounded Tajmani and her friends evaporated; replaced by a sense of nervous anticipation.

After finishing his instructions, Tien Ha turned his attention to the back of the group. He nodded subtly at Gerald, who then barked at Raphael, “Hurry up, boy! We don’t have all day.”


Raphael, having finally unloaded the last piece of luggage, stood up with a groan. He watched in awe as Gerald extended his hand, which had a Nexus Plate strapped to his wrist. With a small gesture and a muttered incantation, the entire Psiphon Car vanished into the small device. They couldn’t risk leaving their transport outside the Blood Forest, vulnerable to whatever creatures or dangers might lurk within.

“Let’s go.”

With Tien Ha and Gerald leading the way, the group cautiously entered the Blood Forest.

Raphael struggled under the weight of Tajmani’s belongings. He cast nervous glances at the strange trees and the crimson streams that snaked through the path.

He looked ahead and saw Tajmani and her friends giggling and chatting amongst themselves, seemingly unafraid of their surroundings. ‘How can they be so fearless?’ he wondered.

Then he noticed something peculiar. Snow was falling from the sky, but as soon as it entered the boundary of the Blood Forest, it transformed from pristine white to a deep crimson.

“Huh, this snow…”

Raphael extended his left hand, and allowed a snowflake to land on his palm. He observed it closely. The snowflake was no longer cold or icy, but rather warm. It was as if the very essence of the Blood Forest was permeating the air, transforming even the snow into a manifestation of its power.

The sight of the crimson snow, strangely enough, had a calming effect on Raphael. The fear that had gripped him lessened slightly, and was replaced by a sense of wonder and curiosity.

He took a deep breath and straightened his posture. His footsteps became bolder, more determined. He might be a slave, he might be carrying a ridiculous amount of baggage for a spoiled princess, but he was also a survivor. He had endured hardship and faced danger before, and he would do so again.

With newfound resolve, Raphael followed the group deeper into the Blood Forest.

“This is ridiculous! We’ve been walking for ages, and we haven’t encountered a single creature worthy of my Soul Orbital!” Tajmani hollered in frustration.

She pointed an accusing finger at the Silver Blood Knights. “It’s your fault! Your imposing auras are scaring away all the strong creatures!”

Tien Ha and Gerald exchanged a weary glance. They had tried to explain that patience was key when navigating the Blood Forest, but the princess was not known for her patience.

“I can’t stand this any longer! I’m going to find something good myself!”

With that, she dashed off, ignoring the knights’ calls for her to return.

“Wait for us!” Lin and Mei, ever eager to please their princess, quickly followed suit.

Tien Ha and Gerald had no choice but to give chase, leaving Raphael behind.

“Wait for me!” Raphael cried out, but his voice was lost in the rustling of leaves and the crunch of snow underfoot.

He was burdened by the heavy luggage, and struggled to keep up with the others. His breath grew ragged, and his legs ached, but he couldn’t give up. He had to catch up with the princess, or face her wrath later.


Raphael pushed himself harder, ignoring the pain in his muscles and the fear that gnawed at his heart. He was alone in the Blood Forest and was surrounded by unknown dangers.


A sudden, loud howl pierced the air and sent a jolt of terror through Raphael’s body. ‘Could that be the Crimson Fang Hound that Lin and Mei were talking about?’ He thought with a fearful shudder.

His legs trembled. He braced himself for an attack, but it never came. Instead, he heard a loud explosion in the distance, followed by Tajmani’s boisterous voice.

“They are over there. I must hurry.”

Mustering his remaining courage, Raphael pushed through a thicket of spiky red ferns. They inflicted small cuts and scratches on his exposed skin, but he paid them no mind. He emerged into a small clearing.

Ahead of him, Tajmani and her friends were engaged in a battle with a bizarre creature. It was a grape tree that had somehow uprooted itself and was now ambling around like a giant, enraged vine monster. The tree had a grotesque, humanoid face carved into its trunk, and its branches were laden with plump, bulging grapes that had explosive power.

Raphael noticed that Tien Ha and Gerald were standing on opposite sides of the clearing, observing the fight but not intervening.

“So they’re not going to help?” Raphael muttered under his breath.

He saw this as an opportunity to take a much-needed break. He walked over to where Gerald was standing and carefully lowered the heavy bag onto the snow-covered ground. Then, he carefully watched the battle unfold.

Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Exploding grapes rained down on Tajmani and her friends. They were forced to leap back to avoid the barrage.

“Don’t get cocky, you overgrown vine!” Tajmani yelled at the creature.

She exchanged a knowing glance with Lin and Mei. The three ladies then positioned themselves to form triangular formation around their opponent.


Above each of them, a large blood sphere began to materialize. These were their condensed Solar Consciousness. Each sphere had a diameter of about two feet and was surrounded by a single orbiting ring. The rings were currently empty, indicating that they had yet to capture a suitable host for their Soul Orbitals. Nevertheless, even in their incomplete state, the Soul Orbitals significantly amplified their bloodline powers.

Raphael watched in awe as the three Soul Orbitals started releasing pulsations that were resonating with each other in a mesmerizing display of power.

“Let’s see you withstand this.”

Tajmani, Lin, and Mei then each bit their fingers to draw blood. With focused expressions, they dripped their blood onto the ground. The blood flowed across the snow, forming a series of interconnected patterns that pointed towards the grape creature.

“Blood Subduing Triangular Array – Activate!” The three ladies shouted in unison.

The blood on the ground glowed brightly, and a three-dimensional triangular Blood Field erupted around the grape creature, trapping it within its confines.


A massive explosion rocked the clearing. The force of the blast knocked Raphael off his feet.

“Whoa! That explosion was intense! I can’t believe the three of them have so much power.”

Gerald glanced at Raphael and said dismissively, “That’s nothing, boy. Get up.”

As the dust and snow settled, the Blood Subduing Triangular Array dissipated, revealing a charred and smoking patch of ground where the grape creature had stood.

“We did it!” Tajmani was prematurely celebrating their victory.

“That was amazing!” Lin and Mei were equally elated.

They eagerly ran towards the center of the clearing to examine the remains of their defeated foe.

“Be careful!” Tien Ha’s warning came a moment too late.

Rumble! Rumble!

The ground beneath the girls began to tremble violently. A massive upheaval of earth and roots erupted, and a colossal grape creature emerged from the depths. It was far larger and more menacing than the one they had just fought, with a twisted face and vines as thick as a man’s torso.

“So that’s its true form…” Gerald’s eyes narrowed in assessment. “This Demonic Grape Sprout is more cunning than I anticipated.”

“Demonic Grape Sprout?” Raphael looked to Gerald for an explanation.

Gerald explained, “The creature you saw earlier wasn’t the main body. It was merely an offshoot, a decoy. The true Demonic Grape Sprout was hiding underground, biding its time. It only revealed itself when it sensed that its opponents were worthy of its full strength.”

“These creatures are known for their resilience and adaptability. They can absorb and manipulate the blood-like energy of the Blood Forest to enhance their power. And they are incredibly territorial.” Gerald added.

“So, the princess and her friends are in trouble?” Raphael asked with concern.

Gerald replied grimly, “Indeed. They’ve awakened a beast far more powerful than they can handle.”

“Oh…?” Raphael directed his attention at Tajmani with his eyes pulped wide open. Gerald mistook his expression for concern, however, Raphael was secretly wishing for the creature to devour Tajmani.

This thought of his was soon backtracked. ‘Wait, if she dies then what will happen to me? Her mother will surely skin me alive if anything happen to her daughter. Should I… should I join the fight and help her out?’ He remained pensive for a bit. ‘No, what am I thinking about. These two Silver Blood Knights haven’t acted yet. Which means the situation is still under their control. I’ll just wait and see.’

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