Slime Slime Slime

20 – Hunting Slime

As the pilot, Horu, steered the sleek hunting ship up the chasm with a deft hand, the slower birds zipped by, out-sped by the swift ship. The sky was clear, a complete lack of clouds obstructing the skyglow. No trace of wind was felt despite the great speed, thanks to the enchantment dividing the wind around the ship.

"Alright, the lodge assigned me team tactician since I'm the most experienced here besides Godswar and she declined the role. Sound off clockwise with what you can do," Mari, the waterfolk from the hunters' lodge spoke, "I'll start off. I'm a conjurer type, calling the abyssal depths of the sea and the creatures that lurk within it. My ultimate takes this even further."

"I poison shit with my spurs," Kilu the platypus Venomous Spurmaster snorted. "Can fire spurs from a distance if needed. No ultimate since I'm still level 4."

Godswar sipped some tea she had brewed on the spot. "My sword obeys my will and can fly through the air. Overall my class is a simple offensive one dedicated to mastery of the sword. My ultimate is a powerful cut."

Sardu brushed one hand against her spiky hair. "I punch and throw stuff hard and have various ninja tricks, particularly ones dedicated to protecting others. My ultimate increases my vigilance and the power of all abilities related to protecting other people. For example, during my ultimate, I could swap the position of this ship. It'd be hard on my Essence, but it feels possible."

"I make various tricky gadgets and have a number already created and ready to use." Tamu snapped his fingers. "Oh, nearly forgot, my ultimate lets me create very powerful but temporary devices."

Aono petted the slime she had on her knees. "I have a variety of abilities related to slime and can control the stuff very well. I can summon slimes and I have healing and buffs. My ultimate provides powerful buffs and healing to my allies."

Blood, the rather nervous looking mouse said, "My class... I kill things with blood. My ultimate... sends me into a bloody frenzy."

"When you frenzy, are you in control?" Mari asked.

Blood nodded. "M-more or less. I get more bloodthirsty, but there's no risk of me attacking the team."

"Mild to moderate impairment of judgment, then." Mari noted, to which Blood nodded.

"I've fought alongside Blood before," Godswar said, "They're highly effective."

"They? But they aren't one of the Folk that do that whole no-gender thing?" Kilu asked.

At this, Aono spoke, "You don't have to be Metalfolk or the like to decline gender. There're also people who change what gender they identify as, people with more than one gender, and all kinds of variations like that."

"Hm. Okay. Sounds a bit complicated, but fine." Kilu shrugged. "Just point it out if I get it wrong."

Mari raised their hand. "Let's continue on. It's your turn... Monu? Did your name and class just change?"

"Yes," the pangolin who now was bearing the name Monu and the class Seeker of Freedom said. "I just felt like fronting right now. To simplify it, we are three in one body. My class gives me the power to free one from all that would hinder oneself from the search of truth. Noim's Seeker of Wisdom class gives him the power of wisdom in the search of truth. Koku's Seeker of Compassion gives him the power of the compassion to ease others' journey through life."

"Huh?" Kilu blurted out. "What's all that mean? Why're there three of you sharing one body?"

Monu laughed lightly. "To answer your confusion, Kilu, Noim nurtured Koku and me into existence with love and attention for a variety of reasons I won't get into. The two of us have existed since before we started our journey and got our classes. As for our classes, hmm, how do I put it..."

"If I may," Godswar said, "Mystic classes like I believe Monu and the other two have are in many ways peculiar and and often lack Ultimates, instead using Essence in a variety of different ways, but they do hold a definite power. If I understand things right and simplifying it down to those classes' combat aspects, Monu can remove various hindrances, possibly including enemies. Noim's abilities should generally revolve around guidance in various ways such as making our abilities strike more true and helping us avoid harm, and Koku should have a variety of buffs and healing."

Monu smiled. "If you want to simplify our classes like that, your explanation is largely true, though Compassion brings with it the power to end that which causes suffering. It isn't our or his preferred way of doing things, but Koku can end monsters one way or another!"

Kilu shook his head then shrugged. "Well, still don't quite get it but whatever, if it works for you lot. Wait... is that Tamu guy like that too?"

"Nah, I just like changing my name when I change gender," Tamu said.

"...Okay, I won't even question that," Kilu said.

"Okay, you're next," Mari said to the Gemfolk whose name Violet matched their color.

The hovering gem bobbed. "Okay, I'm boring compared to all that stuff just now. I shoot intense light at enemies and can blend light to create false images. No ultimate yet."

"And I'm the ant who is your pilot. All my abilities resolve around ships." said Horu as she gently nudged the joystick to correct the ship's drift.

Mari crossed their arms. "Alright. Tamu, Aono, Monu, focus on support but if a good opportunity pops up don't be afraid to take a shot. Sardu, you're the only one with serious defensive chops, so that's your job. The rest of you do your best to coordinate your offense. I'll be trying to restrict the prey's actions and harass it with my summons. We're plenty for an Elite, but there are a number of ways a hunt can go wrong so stay alert."


"So what caused you to become a mystic?" Aono asked as the cliffside whizzed by.

Monu smiled gently. "We met someone very interesting. She taught us new ways of thinking among many other things. Because of those practices we all unlocked those classes when we gained our first level. I'll admit I was the most skeptical one of us all, but in the end, I couldn't deny the peace the others gained from her teachings. Say, you're similar to us in one regard, aren't you?" His smile became playful.

"Oh?" Aono blinked.

Monu nodded. "Let's just say that one of the practices which involved looking deep into ourselves taught us something about us. As a result we realized being men would fit us far better. As for how I knew, a certain accomplishment tipped me off."

Pausing, Aono peeked at Monu's Accomplishments. Indeed, the True to Self accomplishment, like the one Aono had gained when she permanently adopted her slime woman form, was listed there.

Blood, who was nearby enough to overhear, perked up. "Uh, do you know anyone like me who decided they, uh, wanted to go null-gender?"

"Ah yes, I do know someone like that back where I came from! They're actually the one who created those clothes I'm wearing!" Aono exclaimed.

"I've met some like that during our travels," Monu said.

"G-good to know I'm not alone." Blood fidgeted with their hands.

Aono smiled. "Yeah, that's always nice. There was another like me, too, who became a woman. Or was always one, I suppose."

"Oh! Want to see one of my paintings?" Blood pulled out a notebook from their satchel. "I, uh, paint with blood sometimes. Ah, you're gonna ask why all the stuff with blood."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Aono said.

"Oh, it's fine. I-it's just, you know, blood's really interesting? It does so much and is very important to people who have it and, um, yeah." Blood flipped open the book. Inside, were little red paintings of animals and Folk, all seemingly almost alive. The brushwork was surprisingly delicate, with subtle variations in shading and other artistic touches.

Aono looked through the pages in wonder. "Oh! I didn't know what to expect from someone with the Bloody Slayer class, but this is lovely!"

Blood shifted. "Y-yeah, uh, the Slayer part, that's because of the whole frenzy thing. I have a certain little curse... I don't really like that, but what can you d--"

With a gentle look in his eyes, Monu reached out, almost touching Blood. "Would you like to be released from your curse?"

Blood's eyes widened. "W-wait, you can do that? I'd like that but you don't have to trouble yourself. I'm, uh, earning money to remove it."

Monu pressed his hand on Blood's shoulder. "I release you from that which troubles you." There was a subtle flare of Essence, and Aono could feel some malign energy leaving Blood.

Blood's face, which had became momentarily peaceful with that touch, lighted up. "It's gone! I can feel it! Thank you so much! I-I don't know how I can repay you."

Monu just winked. "Koku might be the one with the Seeker of Compassion class, but all of us seek to be kind as part of our journey to enlightenment. Oh, Koku just suggested that you repay me by showing kindness the next opportunity you get."

"I-I will do so!" Blood said. After a brief moment, their class changed to Blood Incarnation.

That was when Kilu, who had approached, said with triumph, "I knew that class didn't fit you! You didn't give the impression of someone who would enjoy that class!"

"W-what," Blood said.

Kilu crossed his arms. "We had someone with a slayer class back where I come from, he was this bloodthirsty asshole, always looking for the next kill and starting fights."

"Says the one who was making wagers on people dying," Aono said crossly.

Kilu shrugged. "What, that's totally normal where I come from, we're always joking about who'll die next. Guess it isn't normal around here."

Aono frowned. "Just where do you come from that stuff like that is normal?"

Kilu waved a webbed hand. "The Lands of the Dying, it's in the nearer parts of the Western Outlands. Lemme tell you, that place is real hardass, I left just so I could get levels without worrying about something way too strong suddenly finding me. We have level 10 and above monsters casually roaming around, plenty of lower level prey but people die all the time. Got all my levels just busting ass out of there while trying not to die. When I'm strong enough, I'll head back, see if I can off a few of the big ones, make things a little easier on us."

"My lovers and I were actually heading to the Southern Outlands," Aono said nervously.

Kilu nodded. "Yeah, that's way easier, lower odds of you dying. The west has it worst out of all the Outlands."

"Oh..." Aono said, finding her thinking back to Ghaan's prophecy. 'Choose South over West' indeed.

"Anyways, yeah, I'll just stop with the jokes and death-wagers. No biggie to do that. Seems people here don't appreciate it so much." Kilu shrugged.

This was the moment Aono revised her opinion of Kilu from a total asshole to moderately an asshole.


"Hm, we're now about past the point the Clawwing was spotted." Horu said as she subtly shifted the joystick, righting the ship's course just a little.

Aono, who had been watching the ant's piloting, asked, "Does that mean we won't find it?"

Horu's antennae shifted subtly in a negatory fashion. "Nah, monsters around here move around a lot. If we didn't spot it by now, it's probably further up. Course, it could've gone into hiding again."

Aono, who had became familiar with reading ants' moods from her interactions with Ayu the Azure Empire bureaucrat, said, "You seen in a good mood."

Horu's antennae bobbed contently. "Ah, I just love piloting under the open sky. Nothing like being in the hive."

"You didn't like being in the hive?" Aono asked.

Horu nodded. "Yes. For most of us ants, the hive might be the best place to be, but I never felt quite comfortable there. Always loved being outside and wanted to travel. Never felt like I fit in with the hive. There's a name for ants like me who don't fit in: eccentrics. Usually we end up leaving the hive for good."

"That sounds sad," Aono said.

Horu made another course adjustment. "It's both a sad and happy occasion for the hive. Sad that we couldn't fit into the hive, but happy that we're doing something that makes us happier. There was a parting party for me and everyone wished me well. I still consider them family, even if I'm no longer as involved."

"You seem open about this," Aono noted.

Horu said, "Yes, I'm not ashamed at all about being an eccentric. Some are, or have mixed feelings, but for me there's nothing wrong with it. I'm even contributing to the hive in a way helping keep the Great Cleave clear of monsters. A lot of their trade go through this chasm. Not that helping them is my primary motivation, I just really like doing this. But it does help satisfy the nagging desire in my head to do something for the hive."

Aono smiled at that and relaxed back to continue watching. But suddenly Horu's antennae twitched rapidly in an alarmed manner. "Small monster swarm sighted!" the ant called out loudly.

Immediately everyone aboard the ship became alert, preparing themselves for the upcoming battle. Soon enough, Aono could see the swarm. It was nowhere near the size of the shadeling swarm that had attacked her hometown, a mere few dozens. But it still was dangerous enough, so she called out her slimes and prepared to fight.

Then the swarm was upon them... and swept right past, ignoring the unleashed attacks taking some of them down. There was a chorus of panicked chitters and other terrified noises from the monsters that faded as they disappeared into the distance.

"Shit, that's not good," Mari said, about to say more but flying at the ship was the broken corpse of the Clawwing, a large vaguely bat-shaped creature that seemed to be made out of nothing but claws sticking out everywhere; even its wings were claws.

With a rapid yank on her joystick, Horu swerved the ship out of the path of the corpse, jolting everyone onboard. As the ship righted itself, the hunters aboard began yelling, and Aono saw why.

Hovering ahead of the ship was something Aono recognized from a book on sea creatures as a ray, for some reason bright orange in color. But it was large, somewhat dwarfing the ship, sharp spines lined its body, and its tail had a glowing tip. And its status line denoted it as a Master, the most powerful rank of being.

"Chaos, there aren't enough of us for the Master Ray!" Violet yelled.

"We'll have to do, it's too fast for us to escape," Godswar said, grim determination in her voice.

The glowing tip of the Master Ray's tail flared up into an intense light.

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