Slime Girl

Chapter 231


- Shari -


We're heading down to the cellar again.
On the way, my anxiety drives me to ask Liqu something.


"Back then you told me it took around five days. Isn't it far too early for Nia to wake up again?" (Shari)


Regarding what I know, it's the second stage where the body is completely dissolved on the inside, but the mind simply didn't manage to process the whole thing yet.
However, if I got it right it took me quite a bit longer to get there from my mindless state.
It was barely a day when she lost consciousness.


"Hm, maybe because there isn't as much information to transfer? She's a lot younger than you, so there can't be as much stuff to put into the core." (Liqu)


Could that truly be it?
Well, it isn't too farfetched to think that half as many experiences only require half the time to store.
Maybe plus some stuff like personality or the way of thinking, but from the timing that might still add up.


"What is with Nia?" (Okin)

"It's good that she wakes up. That means she's out of danger. But the full transformation is about to happen. I need to ask you not to irritate her." (Shari)


We're reaching our transformation area.
Liqu was right, Nia's body is moving.
She wouldn't be capable of this if she would still be in her mindless state.
That means she's going to regain her consciousness any moment.
Or rather reassemble it, as it's now located inside the core if everything went right.
To me, that part was the most traumatic.
When your mind can't process how different your body is from before and the inevitable reaction feels like it's turning against you.
This won't be nice for her.


"Nngh!" (Nia)


She's going to wake up any moment now.
We should really calmly explain to her the situation, so she doesn't freak out and trigger the panic-induced dissolving reaction.
That's certainly for the best.


"Nn-, Uh, w-what?" (Nia)



Did she have to throw those slime sprinkles?


"Wh-what is going on!? I only remember... not much... pain. Agony. I think I fainted." (Nia)

"Yeah... Sorry about this. It was a necessary step. How are you now?" (Shari)


She musters herself for a moment, before returning her gaze to me.


"I feel... fine. Great even. Probably better than I ever have... What is going on?" (Nia)


Naturally, she becomes distrustful of this situation.
If something feels too good to be true it probably isn't.
Though, the statement that her body apparently never before felt normal, as in "free of ailments", pulls some emotional strings with me.
Especially, as I have to give her the facts now.
As unpleasant as they might be, she deserves to hear them on time.


"Ahem, I have some good and some bad news for you." (Shari)

"I never had good news in my life. I'd like to try this." (Nia)


Right, more misery.
What else did I expect from her?


"The good news is... you made it. You're basically out of risk at this point." (Shari)

"Out of risk?" (Nia)

"Yes, you won't die anymore of that illness." (Shari)


She starts looking herself over, developing a serious frown.


"Ehm, didn't you say I would transform? I'm still..." (Nia)

"Stop that trail of thought right there! It's not gonna lead you to a happy place!" (Shari)

"I don't understand... Then what's the bad news?" (Nia)

"You..." (Shari)


Damn, how am I supposed to tell her that?
It's not like I can just say to her...


"You're a slime!" (Liqu)

"Huh, what? But... but I'm still me!" (Nia)

"At this point, everything that's important for you being you is already converted. You're basically already a full-fledged slime." (Liqu)


Right, on the other hand, Liqu can simply brute force everything.


"Uh, you know, it's kind of a transition phase. Your core already formed and your mind is in there, but the rest still needs to adjust. If it helps with any kind of existential crisis you might develop, the way you perceive yourself at this moment won't change. So it's not like there's a need for you to worry about what's happening to you, as it basically already happened." (Shari)

"It already... happened?" (Nia)

"For example, even if I'd dissolve your head now you wouldn't die, but just reassemble." (Liqu)


Sure, scare her.
That's gonna help.


"N-no. I don't want to get dissolved." (Nia)


Small violet trickles stream from her eyes.
I'm sure, the poor girl must be totally freaked out right now.
Sadly, I have to break some more stuff to her.


"Well... that gets us back to the bad news. You don't have that much of a choice on that matter. As a last step, you are basically going to dissolve what remains of your body. I mean everything that wasn't already, like your skin or remaining bones. This part can be quite traumatic." (Shari)


She looks more than taken aback by this.


"Do I have to?! I, I kinda like my skin." (Nia)

"That's sadly inevitable." (Shari)

"So there's really nothing that can be done about it?" (Nia)

"Well, I could rip your core through your throat. Though, then we would have to wring out all the slime to get you enough for a body, and the skin might still break during the process. Also, it would eventually start to rot. Would that help you?" (Liqu)

"No... I guess not." (Nia)


I hope she isn't too depressed about this.
After all, she's basically getting what she signed up for.
Against all odds, I need to say.
She could've easily died before she was ready.
Though, at least she isn't crying anymore.


"You're taking this astonishingly serene. Which is... Well, I don't know if that's good. Panic is inducing the reaction, so you would faster get over with the whole ordeal if you would freak out now." (Shari)

"I, I'm not sure if I want to. Can't I just spend a bit longer like this? I, I want to make the most out of it while it still lasts." (Nia)


I guess I can understand her.
Even if it's already too late for her, this is the closest to being human she'll ever feel from now on.
If I had the choice back then, I wouldn't have minded to step in front of my parents with my human skin, instead of being completely... bare.
Speaking of it, there's something that might help her.


"Do you maybe want to talk with your brother for a bit?" (Shari)


I should grant her this much.
Also, it will prove to her brother that she's still fine and more importantly herself.
From what I got out of our talk, he started growing concerned with that thought.

I leave that moment to the both of them.
They deserve it.
Nonetheless, Liqu and I remain within the cellar, in case anything triggers the reaction, or simply her new body just decides it's about time now.
Especially, as a certain thought crossed my mind that worries me deeply.

But despite my concerns, nothing happens.
They talk to each other and seem to enjoy themselves.
Yet to the end of it, it just seems to me like they have nothing more to speak about and are just making excuses not to proceed from here on out.

At this point, I think it's not good to stall any longer.
Because I don't think it will be good for the boy to see this.
From what I remember it's quite the gross procedure that involves very much leaking of slime.


"Okay, visit time is over. Time to separate again for the next step." (Shari)

"I want to stay with her! So I can be by her side when it happens!" (Okin)


Oh no, not gonna happen!
That's just the thought I had!
I can already see her freaking out, the brother doing the same, grasping at his sister to save her, only to get caught up in the dissolving reaction.
Forget it, that won't be on my conscience!


"I'm very sorry, but I need to insist. Nia, do you really want your brother to see this? It's not going to look pretty." (Shari)

"Okin. They're probably right." (Nia)

"But sister! I, I don't want to! I don't want to lose you!" (Okin)

"Okin, I really need you to go now." (Nia)

“But I want to help!” (Okin)

“And you can help by leaving me alone for a bit. Please, Okin. I-I want a little privacy for this.” (Nia)

"I-if you say so." (Okin)


So he leaves, and I can be somewhat glad that I didn't have to tell Liqu to carry him out.
This means we're alone with Nia now and need to figure out how to proceed from here.


"So, uh, what happens now? You were saying I am already transformed? But I still kinda feel like myself. Isn't that right?" (Nia)

"I can assure you, you are truly fully transformed on the inside. So if you feel your personality is the same as before, that’s good, as your mind isn't going to change from how you currently are." (Shari)


It feels like I should press this point, as this is in fact a big concern.
If you are already bodily transforming into a monster you don't want to become one I  mind too.

For demonstration, I decide to make my torso bare and reveal my core.


"You see this stone? All I am is basically in there. The slime is more of a means to move. You are now the same. There's a similar stone inside you that contains your soul. So you really won't change from this point on. At most your self-perception. Which brings us back to why the next part really won't be nice on you." (Shari)

"What is even so terrifying about this?" (Nia)

"Oh, you can believe me, it's the absolute worst! Torture might be decent in comparison. At least not as permanent and all-encompassing in its destructive nature. At times, you might just rather convince yourself that you're dying than face what's really happening to you." (Shari)

"For real?! You, you're overstating things, right?" (Nia)


No, I don't!
There's nothing to make light about this process!


"Do I really have to spell it out to you?! You're going to dissolve yourself! It will start slowly. Only a tiny leakage that opens in your body from which small streams start flowing out of your orifices, but then more and more is going to flood out." (Shari)




"You'll feel pressure from inside your body, but only when it gives in you'll realize how hollow you truly are. The worst is when to the end you'll at first slowly, but then increasingly faster sink into the slime. You want to scream, but you can't because that stuff is blocking your throat. You fail to keep yourself upright because everything just gives in. Neither your arms nor legs will stay solid. You just want to grasp for something to pull yourself out of this horror, but there's nothing because, in reality, you're not sinking in. You're dissolving!" (Shari)




"Pl-please." (Nia)

"And then, when nothing but your head remains, which inescapable sinks in as well, you completely freak out, as there's not a single action you could perform at this point. All your body is gone and there's not a single part of you you can control. And once your eyes meet the slime they just plop like the squishy balls of goo they are. Then everything turns dark and you drown in darkness because none of your senses keep working. All that remains is a puddle on the ground. And you know what? That puddle will be you! Your new existence! I bid you welcome!" (Shari)




Uh, seems like I sufficiently terrified her to induce the reaction.
That was naturally totally planned, and not the slightest bit because I talked myself into a frenzy.

From the sight Nia presents now I almost have to puke.
Violet slime streams from her.
At different places small colored spots appear all over her body, slowly widening in size.


"I-I'm scared!" (Nia)

"No need to be. It just happens what's supposed to happen!" (Liqu)


That argument doesn't seem to help Nia in her current mindset.
If anything, the slime dissolves her body more violently.
Nothing remains where the devastation takes place.
It only accelerates by providing more matter that can cause the reaction.


"No, I don't want to! I don't want to! Make it stop!" (Nia)


While thinking so to myself, I won't tell her that this is something she should've decided sooner on.
She starts to flail, which only serves to sprinkle the slime everywhere in the room.


"No, no, no! Not there! No! The pressure! Not! Nooo!" (Nia)




H-her eyes just plopped.


"Hm, I think she concentrated a bit too much on that particular area." (Liqu)


I, I didn't think that would happen like this.
Now she's blind, with hollow cavities for eyes that leak streams of slime.
If I wouldn't know what is happening I'd believe she's dying in the worst way possible.

But no!
I need to focus on the fact that she's just transforming.
However, I can't even tell her anything reassuring anymore, as her ears are gushing slime too.

More and more of the violet liquids are gushing out, flowing from every part of her body.
Eventually, her body finally starts to disintegrate.
The limbs fall off, into the evergrowing puddle, which her torso spreads below her, and the rest follows quickly behind.
Mercifully, she falls to the side, so her head is more quickly gone than it would've taken otherwise.
Now my words stay true and all that remains is a puddle of violet slime, with a green glowing core in its center.

This leads to a question of mine.
What to do now?


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