Slime Girl

Chapter 23


- Shari -


After the incident with the rager, the rest of the trip continued without further obstructions.
So we are now quite close to Ekoras.
Nonetheless, I am still bothered by my little mistake.
My thoughts always turn back to that issue, so that my concentration wavers.
Not that I expect anything that demands to be highly alert, but by the moment we arrive at the town, awareness will become crucial and I can’t afford any slip-ups.

The objectives are as follows:

First, getting into the town, without revealing what I and Liqu are.
Second, become acquainted with the guards, so that next time we can pass the gates without having to go through a too strict control where we won't have to show our faces.
Third, finding a cheap inn, where not too many questions are asked, but that has no criminal background.
And fourth, meeting a merchant with whom I can establish a partnership for gathering jobs.
All of this while watching out that Liqu won't mess things up.

I'm so done!
But seriously, this will become extremely difficult and in my current mood, the risk rises to unacceptable levels.
So how do I manage to cope with this?
Thinking back to other occasions in my childhood, when I had to deal with the tough stuff, I always had my family I could depend on.
In emotional matters, my mum was always a great help.
Meanwhile, my dad gave always good advice on finding practical solutions.
This is at its core a similar situation.
If not for the fact that my relationships in this world will never be the same.
Also, the word core has got completely new implications for me.

I have a problem and would need advice from a third party and a bit of consoling would be nice too.
But for sure Liqu is not the one I am tending to.
And Chris follows straight behind her.
While Myra could be a nice partner to talk to, I feel that she is a bit biased towards Liqu at least.
So I will use my favorite victim.


"Hey Jacob, got a minute?" (Shari)

"Ah. Yes, it seems so." (Jacob)


There he just tried to frantically look around, only to realize that traveling through the forest doesn’t grant too many excuses to avoid a talk one would rather avoid.


"I had a personal question and no one else to ask." (Shari)

"I thought you had that slime, couldn’t you ask it?" (Jacob)


I stare at him and make sure he looks at me, before I outline the mass, deepen the features, and make my eyes roll, by whirling the mass in this area around.
I can imagine how gross it looks, but that point should have unmistakably gotten through to him.
He seems to understand my point.


"It seems I was wrong." (Jacob)

"It’s just… urgh. Honestly. Do you think it is okay to forgive someone who has done something absolutely terrible to you?" (Shari)

"That question is kinda abstract. In your example, has that person deserved to be the target of your hate or is it just convenient? Also are there any other victims? Such ones you would owe to keep that feel?" (Jacob)

"Hmm, the first one is tricky. If you ask me if she knew what she did, then yeah, she was fully aware. However, that doesn't mean that she acted without reason, or that she can simply be seen as evil. As for the involved people: Just me." (Shari)

"It’s not like I can tell you how you have to feel. But I believe that for example, revenge is not entirely wrong if deemed necessary. When those who are dear to you get hurt it is perfectly understandable to retaliate. However, justice shall bring the victims peace. But you are the only one who is affected, so the only one who matters is you. And only you can decide what brings you peace. Being able to forgive, when this decision is not harming others, is not wrong in itself. If you can find your peace that way, then it should be worth it." (Jacob)

"You knew who I was speaking of, right?" (Shari)

"There are not so many other female creatures around who are related to you." (Jacob)

"Yes. Fine. But she is driving me crazy!" (Shari)

"Well, but that doesn’t sound like hatred to me." (Jacob)

"You are right. And it’s not like I didn’t choose this path myself. If I would just have known where it leads me." (Shari)

"How long do you plan to continue your chatter? Jacob, you better tend to those who should be important to you, instead of engaging with "them"!" (Chris)


Be careful Chris or you might choke on all that bile that you are spitting out.
Though I am getting worried.
Now it all depends on the question if he will act rogue, against their team’s decision, and sell us out.
But at least it should be difficult for him to do so.
He should know that just shouting it out at the gates, will probably lead to a bloodbath.
And after we got in there it sounds just unbelievable.

Chris: "You just let two slimes walk past you!"
Guard: "Yeah, sure."

But since he hasn’t done anything aside from having this stupid attitude, I decide to ignore him for now.

And finally, the town of Ekoras is coming into sight in front of us.
It is an impressive sight considering I have never seen such a big fortified settlement ever before.
Ekoras is said to be rather wild, which might come from the fact that the town's main purpose is to wrest the Evergrowth's riches from there and stand as an obstruction to its monster population.
So it is not this strange that many ruffians and fortune seekers are to find here.

At the current time, it should soon be evening and even at generous calculations, I estimate just three more hours of light.
That is a problem in the way that I start to get short on time, regarding the things I wanted to do before we separate from Jacob's group.

We are still at the border of the forest but can see the street, dwindling past some scattered buildings of homesteads ultimately leading to a massive stone wall containing the real town inside.
As I am how I am, hell I’ll do and leave the cover of the greenery and advance to the gate.
Even from here, I can see halberdiers guarding the entrance.
And I would be quite in the open around the buildings of the farmers.

So let’s now start the crucial part.


"I don’t really care how we are going to do this, but I need to insist that the goods we could gain from our little encounter stay with us as insurance. It should be enough of a token of ours that we escorted you lot here completely free of charge, but if you want the rest I need first a special item out of that town." (Shari)

"You still haven’t told us what it is that you want." (Jacob)

"Oh, that’s easy! Nothing special. I just want you to buy something completely normal. Just a bit of cosmetic powder!" (Shari)

"Powder?" (Myra)

"Ah, I think I understand." (Jacob)


I thought quite excessively about what to do in the case that we are getting controlled.
My original approach with the bandages would have ultimately at the gates become too risky.
I could just tell that my face sustained severe burns so I need to cover it.
But with masking, this is such a matter.
Guards are the kind of people who like to control faces.
I’ve chosen Ekoras particularly because I expected such a place to be laxer about identifications since I would just be another commoner to enter this already dubious place.
But it needs only one overeager or ill-meaning guard to blow my unsteady disguise and I for sure wouldn’t survive a closer inspection on my person.

I mean my cover wouldn’t.
The one who more likely ends up dead is the inspector.
I even considered just burning a hole through the wall, but as I have no idea what awaits me on the other side and it would burn resources that would be plain stupid.
The same goes for climbing it.
I could maybe overcome the wall by using the adhesive effect of a slime’s body, but this way I wouldn’t be able to take much with me, and have no idea what’s above.
So after long hours of thinking this through, I came up with this idea.

Cosmetic powder!

In our society, this stuff is commonly used by nobles.
For some reason, a complexion that resembles a ghost and stays dry is something desirable for that folk.
I've heard there are cases when they are plastering their faces completely and a little sneeze would send a cloud all around.
The problem is, that it is expensive since the targeted group is high-class.
I thought about substitutes but to no good.
I had sawdust in mind, which I could gather from the lumber mills around the forest.
But I know that stuff from dad's work and it is simply too crude to apply it on my face in a way that it looks believable.
Then there would be flour from the mills.
But we all know how it clumps when it gets wet and honestly: I am dripping.
The last would be ash, but how shall I even start a fire with liquid hands?
And I don’t want to start one close to the town.
The cosmetic powder however would work fine.
It is specially made to not clump with fluids on the skin so I hope it will work with slime too.
Nonetheless, I will need stupidly large amounts to make a decent cover, and will look unbelievably weird to these guards.
But better being a weirdo than a monster.


"By the way, quantity is more important than quality. So take the cheapest." (Shari)

"Still, it will at least take three silver, I guess! And we are a bit short of coin." (Jacob)

"Fine, here, but don’t ditch me!" (Shari)


I pick the needed coins out of my pouch and hand them over.
It's good that I wear my gloves, so he takes them without issues.
Jacob seems decent enough to be trustworthy and smart enough to know who he wants to make enemies of and who not.
Also, Myra looks to be too much of a good girl for committing fraud.

No comment about Chris.
He speaks for himself:


"I can’t believe you are going to do this! Have you lost your mind helping monsters invading our city? We made it! Just leave them and rush inside, before they give in to their urges!" (Chris)


The only urge I have right now is to punch you in your face!
Yet, the only reason I come up with why he spoke now, in front of us, instead of waiting till they are inside the town, is that he did not want to give in to the trade and take the money when he has no intention to do his part.
So he's at least an honorable asshole.
But I’ve had enough!


"What’s your goddamn problem?! How many times do I need to save you and your friends before you stop to think about the best way to get rid of me? Even Liqu you target less than me! Have I done anything that warrants such hostility?" (Shari)

"You are asking why I stay on guard? Have you seen yourself?!" (Chris)


He reaches for his sword, but I’m pretty sure even if he is better now, he is in no state to fight.
Nonetheless, Liqu gets twitchy and the atmosphere tense.


"I know how I look! Not much I can do about it! But it is not different from her, then why are you targeting me?" (Shari)

"Because she isn’t trying to deceive us about her nature! Trying to play friends! Pretending to be human!" (Chris)


That blow hit!
That is the one sore point of mine and he just needed to touch it.
Shall I now answer "But I am!"?
That wouldn’t be true and just pathetic.

Then like this!


"So what?" (Shari)

"Huh?" (Chris)

"So what if I'm not human? What does it change? It’s not like someone forces me to eat you! Even I have my standards! It seems far more concerning to me that you want me to be your enemy and kill others. Something’s wrong with your mind? Or did someone break your heart so you have trust issues? I gave you no reason to doubt me so just shut up!!" (Shari)

And that was a hit of mine!


"Tsk, you can’t deceive me!" (Chris)

"I don’t need to convince you, I just need to get into this town." (Shari)


I turn away from him and distinctly address the other two and maybe I gave Chris the middle finger.


"I don’t know if you want to go in together for a simple delivery. I have no problem with anyone staying here with your luggage." (Shari)

"Myra! Could you stay here? After all, it would look suspicious, if we would walk all together in, then out again, and then back in. If you ask me, just one or two advancing before the others, under the pretext of making some arrangements in town would be more believable." (Jacob)


That is quite smart thinking.
Yet, I suspect the true reason was, to have someone here to calm the minds after that little quarrel.
Hell, even I don’t know how close Liqu was to obliterating every single one of them.
Nonetheless, it looks a little unfair to Myra, considering that she's the only one who has to stay with us.
I can understand the decision to divide the fighting parties, but she doesn’t look too well.

While Liqu is exaggeratedly waving at them, I try at least to smile and look friendly while I’m sending them off, since I am conscious of the situation.
The poor girl stays with us.
Naturally, Chris was arguing against it, but she herself insisted, understanding the situation.
Still, you jerks just left your comrade literally in the monster’s den.
Although she knew what she was applying for, as soon they are out of reach she becomes extremely uneasy.
Maybe I should first state the most obvious at present.


"Just so you know; we won’t eat you." (Shari)


That was both for her and for Liqu before she asks anything unnecessary.
With my all-around view, I even believe to have perceived that she looked dejected.


"Eh, yes, yes. Sure. I-I am just not so used to staying alone with other… people." (Myra)


She says but still takes occasional glances at Liqu.
Who answers by waving back at her.


"Sorry, I really don’t know what I can say to calm you down." (Shari)

"You, you don’t need to. You have done so much to help us that I don’t know how to repay you." (Myra)

"Hmm well, it shouldn’t be hard to guess that we can need every bit of help in our situation. So I would appreciate further collaboration. You know, to sustain ourselves." (Shari)

"Ah yes, maybe. It’s just that Chris could object against this." (Myra)

"Yes, why is that human so rude to my Shari!" (Liqu)


Should I maybe talk to her about that disposition to claim ownership over me or just ignore it and hope for the best?

However, due to the fact that Liqu is now right beside her, Myra became directly stressed out.


"Ahh! N-no, this isn’t it. I mean, he isn’t usually like this, there is just..." (Myra)


Yes, what?
Now I am interested as well.
A reason why he hates me?
Can’t hurt to know.


"There is what?" (Shari)

"You know, Chris and me it hasn’t been that long since we became adventurers. We just finished the training at the guild two and a half months ago and Jacob took us under his wings. I have never asked why. Well, he gets the biggest share since he does most of the work as our leader. However, shortly before we graduated there was that rumor. Some of the graduates prior to us, I knew just distantly, got killed. And that by a slime monster… in form of a girl." (Myra)

That was it!
And I stupidly completely forgot about this!


No, I didn't forget it.
I suppressed that thought.
You want a reason why I can’t show my face to the guards and just talk?
Well, how about the fact that slimes in human form are already considered killers?
I heard that talk in the tavern myself.

Of course, it was Liqu!
Who else would pull off something like this?
I never asked her, since I was before too scared and after the problems regarding my condition started really didn’t want to think about this.

To be honest, it would be hypocritical for me to blame her.
When she killed those guys and saved my life I really wasn’t too invested in the deceased.
Like this, how could I criticize her for killing others before?
Most likely they engaged in that fight on their own.
And if not I really don’t want to know.

But the case that this incident is known is a problem.
And I am sure that Myra has seen my glance towards Liqu when that came up.
I don’t know how I can divert her from such an obvious fact.
Most likely she already suspects something.
So what shall I do?


"Ah, that! Yes, that didn’t go too well. Got quite messy!" (Liqu)



I strain my mind to figure out how we get out of this and she just confesses everything!
Shall we right away go to the guards and ask them about their opinion on this topic?
Myra looks as if something was revealed she already knew, but in truth wasn’t prepared to hear it.


"Y-you really did it? You killed them?" (Myra)

"Sure! They started it! Just tried to approach them and was completely friendly and then out of nowhere they became totally hostile. They just kept on attacking me. So when they didn’t stop, I killed the more dangerous ones!" (Liqu)


In short: You did something stupid, that lead to a fight and you killed them.

That's Liqu!

I can totally see her face in front of the corpses, lips forming: "Whoops"!


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