Slayin’ With a Strap

Oh no… Anyways

Dale basically told them he had a plan to just make a bazooka, but instead of an explosive payload, it basically just launched a projectile at high speeds.

He thought about making a railgun, but he was far too behind in eras to get close to that anytime soon.

So for now, firing a large rod from a bazooka with enough force to throw the bitch, and sprinkle a 'little' speed and a dash of a Lightning round?

He might be able to fire a fucking hole through the Rex.

Dale scratched at his chin as he looked at everyone else around him, with different emotions, and different thoughts, but only Ais seemed unbothered, seeming content with the snacks Dale had brought back from the surface.

''Dale...'' Riveria spoke tentavily, being careful with her words.

Dale raised a brow as he turned to look at her, slowly crunching on the chips he had brought down with him as well.

''If this plan... Works, as you get stronger.... Find stronger materials... Could you eventually make something that could punch a hole in more then just monsters?''

''Talking about if, with enough materials, preparation, and can-do attitude, could I blow a hole through the floors, and possible the big bad dragon? Most definitely, but that's quite far in our future, as I have MANY things I need to do before I am even partially up to that level... There is also something I might need to travel for, I am not sure how long I would be gone to find it.''

They looked at him, even Ais being interested in that response before a few returned to their thoughts.

Riveria bit her lip as she stared at Dale who had slid to lay down onto the ground, continuing to eat his chips as they continued to rest, soon to head out once more.

After a while, her eyes seemed to focus before she steeled herself.

''Dale, once we return from this expedition... I will need to speak to you in private.''

''Aye Aye Boss." Dale saluted from the ground.

Finn released a low breath before he slapped his knees, standing up. ''I'm going to start the preparations for getting everyone ready to start moving again...''

Finn left them, the others starting to get ready as well.

Dale? Remained laying on the ground, despite his seeming inactivity he was focusing on the window in front of him.

He was spending GP to increase the overall strength of his current guns, since he had a plentiful amount of them he wasn't exactly too gentle about slamming all he could into a gun before it maxed out.

For his rifle, he was increasing its durability, the strength of the materials, and its overall combat ability. He was sure these magical rounds would put quite a load on them.

His pistols were getting the same treatment, powerful and more focused on durability, as they would be loaded with fire rounds.

Once he finished and Ais came over to try and pull him up did he finally get up from his spot.

Once he stood he brushed himself off a bit before he began to march with everyone else, dual-wielding his pistols as he now stood at the front line with the rest of the heavy hitters, since technically, worst case? He had the ability to punch a monster with the power of a pseudo-level 6.

The first set of monsters to come around a corner were immediately laid into as two rounds landed on them, a vicious sound of a small contained explosion ripped out as there was a blast of air from each small explosion.

Leaving small chunks missing from monsters as they pushed them. Dale focused purely on the monsters near the back, the bullets were useful, and despite him having already got the radius of the explosion down, the frontline fighters weren't used to them yet so it might cause a chain reaction of bad luck.

Even now as monsters appeared having chunks removed from them, some still struggled to wrap their head around it, but each monster was put down with efficiency.

The one time Dale switched to his rifle, he ran up a wall and kicked off, time slowing down as he aimed his rifle, lightning sparking down the rifle before what looked to be a bolt of lightning left the barrel, it piercing a monsters head before it simply slumped to the ground.

There are many benefits to bullet time, one of them being the speed he could line up shots and then fire them off.

By the time he landed, he had already gone through 18 rounds, which was 3 whole reloads.

As a larger, rarer monster suddenly turned around the corner, Dale looked at it dead in the eyes before he raised both of his revolvers up. ''Oh no!''

Dale then began to cylinder dump rounds into the monsters, using up to 24 rounds as he reduced its head down to nothing with each explosion, as he revolvers smoked he spun them around, blowing on the barrels before he did a few fancy spins before holstering them in a fluid motion. ''Anyways.''

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