Slayin’ With a Strap

Explosive Thoughts

Dale now had everything he needed to make explosives, he's already experimented with very primitive grenades that he is working to make better, but metals are harder to come across so he's wondering if he could make it cheaper by substituting monster materials.

He could, of course, as orc bone fragments were strong enough to withstand the explosive force and act as shrapnel, he had tried 'Bad Bat' wings.

Bad bats are able to release a sound wave to disrupt people and break concentration, making them hell for spell casters.

However magic prevailed as he instead accidentally stumbled on how to create a stun grenade. Still useful of course, but not what he wanted.

If he had a choice, he'd have made specific ammo for piercing and explosive rounds but he didn't have the materials needed to craft something like that, so just normal explosives would have to do.

Why was Dale making explosives?

It's not released to the public, but despite the raid strength, when performing a deep dive into the tower. Having to deal with major threats to proceed takes a large number of resources, and occasionally lives.

The Goliath was easier as the diving team has learned its abilities, and has made it basically just a game of repeat, however what if they had a way to deal with it in a single move?

Not only would it reduce the time it took to continue on, but it would also increase the safety of the team, as it was the Loki team who usually always took on the monster when it respawns.

The biggest problem, however, was the damn Amphisbaena.

At this time, the Loki guild has not been able to get past it, they've been able to explore floors around it, but once they get near it, there is large combat where lives and a lot of resources are lost. Then once the retreat happens, they make their way to the closest safe zone and need to spend a lot of money in exchange for help in saving the ones left.

This would not fly with Dale, his exploration does bring in a massive amount of money for the guild. But that does not mean he is comfortable with the lost lives, he is no hero. But throwing or sacrificing lives into a meat grinder doesn't sit well with him. There are good lives lost in the crossfire.

Dale was currently standing in front of a workbench, hands resting on the edge of the table as he looked down at the objects on the table.

One was the 'normal-looking grenade he made with the orc bone fragments, but the other was a black cylinder that refracted light, it was actually pretty large at about 8 inches long and 3 inches wide.

This was the... 'Highly unstable' explosive. Only worth considering using since Dale had an inventory that allowed him to store things.

There was no worry about it not exploding, the moment magic enters it, or if he enters the dungeon. He's got five seconds, five seconds to get it to where he needs it, and then get the fuck out the way.

His fingers drummed on the side of the table before he moved both into his inventory, stepping out of his workshop/bedroom he made his way down the hall, not caring about knocking he directly entered into the study room where a few higher level adventures, the other top brass such as Gareth, Finn, Riveria, Ais, Bete, the Hiryute sisters, and Lefiya.

Seeing him enter everyone looked up from the plans they were looking at, Riveria's eyes momentarily wavered seeing him, a small piece of worry budding in her, as she knew exactly why he was here. She knew he would be fine, but she still didn't like it.

Closing the door behind him he started simply. ''I might have a way to kill the Goliath within a minute.''

There was a silence, and a few exchanged looks before Finn nodded his head. ''Let's hear it, Dale.''

"I can't bring it out, but I have an explosive payload that in theory, should be able to take out the goliath, without harming the materials that drop. The problem is, for the best effect, I need to get it into its mouth, and if anyone but me holds it. It will explode in five seconds since the ambient magic in the dungeon will be enough to set it off.''

Bete spoke, his face was serious as he stared down at the plans. ''If you've thought about this, then knowing you, you've thought about a way to stun it long enough to make it possible?"

''I have, and absolute worst case. We'll just have to fight it like normal.''

Loki spoke up, her eyes gazing from Riveria to Dale, locking her eyes to his own. ''Does this have any risk of hurting you?"

Dale chuckled, shaking his head. ''I love you all sure, but I am not aiming to make some heroic sacrifice on such a low floor, so no. Worst case Ais and Bete have the speed to get me out of the way in time."

Riveria seemed to relax and Loki nodded. ''Fine, I'll allow you to join this dive, however. Past that floor, you will be acting as support and carrier. With your ability to mark people as your party and automatically pick up any resources dropped, not only will it increase our speed, but we won't leave such a large amount of materials on the lower floors. With your ability, you'll also be able to carry many more times raid supplies than anyone would be capable of holding. After the meeting, follow Finn and Gareth to the supply warehouse."

"At your command shorty.''

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