Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

06: NO! You are NOT ALRIGHT!

"I own you, skeleton! Submit!"


I'm standing my ground and even challenging Suka's accusative word; now also Tallin is ... almost to the point of shock, almost holding back choking on his own fears. I have a feeling he'd had a far reaching plan, but I'd just tripped one of his plots in which he isn't ready. Maybe he's even expecting I'll partially 'submit' or attempt to appease his mistress/sister before she goes on a rampage? Sorry Tallin ― but I'm making my own opportunities here.


"No. But ... wait. How is it you think you own this dungeon which belongs to Zaya?"

"Because!" Suka pouts, still rubbing numb fingertips. "I ... defeated mother! I have her in a prison ― she can't escape!"

I let loose a sudden laugh from this speech box, enough to give her an impression I am thinking 'silly girl', or something. Silly girl, tricks are for children. Oh. Well then I'll say that too, instead of only thinking it.

"Silly child ― you only fully claim a dungeon if you defeat the dungeon master or mistress and its floor bosses! If you only take a dungeon master, mistress, or boss hostage ... this does not count. Are you capable of defeating your mother? Of killing her, with your own hands? Or, of killing Tallin, not only your sibling but also your toy plaything you abuse?"

"Uh ... uahhh-"

... I'd call the now crying dungeon mistress Suka not a silly child, but a pathetic child ― if it could help. Her breakdown might in some context be considered 'cute' for some brief time. But even this event I can maneuver to my advantage ... figuring, Suka is truly just an overgrown child with no parental supervision.


It's a tentative step into this right direction; she's still sobbing lightly but at least she's waiting for me to say more before she adapts and pivots. Small whimpers of held back tears dangle on her quivering lips, as she's holding back from speaking. Wait, this is too perfect a setup ― do I remember some young cousin doing the same act back on Earth, playing for sympathy from all sorts of family members? Yeah. And so is Suka. Playing the tantrum and meltdown for all it's worth. The insufferable little bitch!

... which means, I have to yet again work harder to outmaneuver the overacting whiny brat. Ultimately what this situation needs, is-


"However ... we can still work ... together. Maybe."

"... b, b, but *sniff* but I'm supposed to own *blooooow* own this whole place. Why aren't I-"

"More precisely, child, why is it you wish to 'own' the dungeon? What is going on in the world, or among other dungeons?"

"-well cause Cass just says I'm not doing good, and Tink said he'd be able to blow me away too if he found me. Then I heard Maga say they should *blow, bloowwww* they should just *ah-achoo* *pop* not invite me back, ever again. And Maga always seems to get her way, when she says such strong sounding challenges-"

Aw- such a lonely child.

Tallin whimpers too, but gives a rebuttal to his sister/lover. "Suka nee-chan, most of that's been from more than s a hundred years ago-"

"-b, *gasp* bu, *gasp* but *blow,blooow* but they could say it, again, at any time. And you know I ... I'm lonely. What if next time they say again, don't come back-"

My ire is rising, not so slowly at her errant logic.

"-is this what your 'dote and gloat' sessions are, to you!"

I only speak one accusative supposition of my own; but enough of one for the mismatched duo to look at me sharply. Tallin looks shocked I'm making so direct an inference, or probably more so for me challenging her. So is Suka surprised but she is now understanding how I look down on her. She drops the crying as much as possible, in an attempt to command me, once more.

"Now listen here, you ― skeleton! I want you to submit to me and then it'll be all better. And yeah, I may even let you into my core room, and then maybe we can play some games or something, and talk through dungeony things. I don't mind if you're still managing the safe zone but, and but ... but you have to submit to me! I demand it!"

"I have a name too you know ― not just some random skeleton without any thoughts. I am Abigail, manager of Zaya's Dungeon's first floor safe room, through this door behind me. And so, no I don't ― well. I will say in my position it would feel like taking a lesser role than what I have now, if I were to 'submit' to you. I have more things to do than be your ... plaything. Which is all you seem to be doing."

"... b, but, WHY? If you spawned in this dungeon, aren't you supposed to be part of it? This first room is under my control! I control all within it!" Suka turns to point out suddenly the room features she'd next speak about. "Placements of the pillars! Placements of the skeleton groups! Even each skeleton! And placing your point too! So ... WHY!"

At her own finger twitch, I do feel my 'posted point' move, almost face to face with the same stone pillar. She's as much as saying if I submit I won't have this visually blocked placement; but if I still refuse, she'll do what she thinks she can, to ... make life difficult-

"-to be honest ― I'm outside of the main developmental path of the dungeon. I was, up until a certain point, only a mindless skeleton under your command, the same as the rest of them. But at some point I grew back some of my past life memories on Earth, and diverged from the path. Yes I am connected to the dungeon, only to Zaya's aspect of it. Which is why I can come and go, here or the safe room, as I desire. Yes I will still be within range of fighting adventurers and the dungeon's intruders ― but will do as it pleases me. For now."

"Hey don't think I haven't seen you and Tallin talking! I knew. I knew something was up at first, and replayed those visuals of when I left every week! I know something was unusual but I'm trying to bring it back to normal!"

"So am I, child; now if you could please just hand the dungeon back to Zaya-"


Against better judgement, Suka rushes at me again-

-instant kickback effect, a good four meters of floor away, laying in a slightly smouldering heap. Sort of like I assumed-

I laugh ― to see this sight. I think Tallin just leaked something too. He might even suddenly reconsider his friendship with me, if I guess right. Aw, the rabbit boy is scared, and ready to hop away to safety? It can't be helped-

-but it breaks the chance for a more peaceful coexistence; I'll have to make a hard break, here, then.

"You are not acting wise, Suka. If you approach with any sort of harmful intent, this is what happens. You have been warned, Suka. Further failure to heed this warning will increase the severity of the force pushed onto you. Further, I say this." Right here, I should clear my throat, and stand tall with a righteous glare; but standing tall in this form is all I can handle. "Suka Swallows Kumm. I banish you from entering into Zaya's Dungeon spaces or holding control over minions within them, until such time as you yourself submit to your parent and true dungeon boss, Zaya Zazo Kumm. Should you disobey, the force returned upon you will be exponentially worse, upon you. This edict is all I shall give upon you; now goodbye."

It's the most authoritative I've been in ... well, ever. Or at least the longest I can remember. But damn do I feel good, right now. So, I turn back around ― putting my back to her, believing the kickback works in this way too ― and head right into the doorway back into 'my' space. I'm right here, the door just a meter from me, but I can step extra slow, just to draw this out; who knows ― maybe I'll hear something interesting before going.

But as Suka learnt she can't just rush me, now she's dropping all pretense of being able to 'manage' me through temper tantrums, throwing harsh words in its place. The last words from the whiny succubus is a shrill screech rising in pitch and ferocity as I leave. "-hey if you dare go in there don't expect to come back out again! Ever! Seriously this is your last chance to kneel to me! I mean it! I'll block your-"

And then I'm already inside. Sounds much, much quieter in here. Maybe too quiet? Like, now I wonder if she'd make good on the parting threat? Time to look for something to do, to keep my mind off of things. What's the worst what could happen-

A mere three minutes after entering here, whiling away time in the safe room menu but ignoring sensation of my respawn point being endlessly moved out there, I get a new screen. A dungeon warning? Even while starting to read it, new text spools in after the already present words. Could an obstinate Suka be so angry as to-

CRITICAL! Zaya's Dungeon Floor 01 Safe Room is blocked by the newly placed dungeon features.
Attempt 1, reroute room entrance ... failed! Attempt blocked, unleashing 25 rogue slimes.
Attempt 2, reroute room entrance ... failed! Attempt blocked, unleashing 15 rogue skeletons.
Attempt 3, reroute room entrance ... failed! Backup operations, calling on deity level controls-
Target entities seen retreating to dungeon core control room, encounter ends unsatisfactorily.
Zaya's Dungeon Core calls out to all minions ― 'eliminate the threat to my dungeon unity!'
Suka's Dungeon Core commands all minions ― 'defend the core room from all invaders!'
Resolving 'room not connected' issue ... rerouting ... failure/ Goddess assumes edit permission.
Dungeon realm is contested space; experience points are doubled, for the duration of this event.


It's concerning to see, Suka did in fact try to block me in here. Be this as it may ... she did not stop there; when some aspect of Zaya's Dungeon Core tried to reconfigure the doorway to here, Suka tried again and again, such an irate means of blocking me. Even Sharla got involved then-

-but I don't see any 'rogue slimes' or 'rogue skeletons' here. So. Must be out there?

I gotta give Suka some credit; yeah she was so crazy as to try it. I can even manage to 'see' how it went down ― Suka blocked the door once, twice, three times, and each time the Zaya part of the dungeon worked around it, until it couldn't. Then and only then, a failure notice went to Sharla, who gave a direct challenge. I don't know if she did so in person or not; but wouldn't Suka pee herself at the sudden overwhelming powerful goddess? For Suka to 'retreat' to her own dungeon core room, means ... what, she's thinking she can just hide away now? No; but if the kickback from me was only at a dungeon level ― kickback from Sharla probably left Suka more than a little singed ― going against a goddess no less, if I read this right.

Who won? Well ... Suka retreated, probably to lick her wounds and bolster her damaged dignity or mental status, so ― it seems Sharla didn't want her dead, yet-


I'm feeling motion. Like the features of this dungeon, this floor, even the shape and size of this room are being rewritten! It's growing wider, longer, and taller ― then I feel a lateral movement. More, it's like the whole of the dungeon area is suddenly fluid, and mobile itself. What's going on out there?

... well whatever. If Sharla is involved, I believe she won't cut me off from the rest of the world, for any common reason-

PoV: Delkiran.

"-au ... Kidra-"

I sobbed. The hole in her chest is so huge, I don't think I have enough bandages to fix- no. Bandages cannot fix this, I feel no heartbeat, no warmth in this body. No glow in the eyes; those eyes that looked on me like I'm her brother and lover, all in one. Well I had been, in the night. Isn't it right? Wasn't Father Dellan and Aunt Tazha really brother and sister too, yet we saw how he fucked her lots, too? So, it's not wrong if we children of Father Dellan and Mother Kida also do this fucking thing? And even Deek took Kidra to his bed those many times?

... but. I can never do those things with sister Kidra, again. We children of our Great Hero parents have known death, along our journey.

This is only the first time it has happened to us, to wipe us out like this from one of our very own. Why did it have to be the one I secretly want to mate and impregnate but could never say so?

... the ground trembles, now. What is this!

Looking up at the mountain, the doorway into this dungeon thing Father and Mother and the rest want to explore-


"The mountain! It's ... moving?!"

Masses of soil and stone are flowing, shifting into a new contour of the mountain facing me. Then, it's more as if this whole cubed shape seems to slide out toward me ... and then what's even stranger, slide back inside along with another, and another-

Three whole minutes of this shuffling boxy shapes later ... and the whole play scene settles back into silence ... leaving the mountainside forever altered.

Before, where the mountain curled up into what Leumas said, a 'sixty degree incline', once past where an entrance once sat, partly hidden within twinned shrubbery, it rose now more vertical. Now ― those boxy projections I'd just seen jumbling around were now pushed together; the 'wall' of the mountain stuck straight up! It's as if the areas where the boxes came together then had the dirt and rocks all ... running like liquid, to flow like water maybe, and turn solid again by this point. Rough rock covered the smooth boxes that had just went into place, with maybe a dirt square up on top where those grasses and shrubs stuck up over the top..

And. Instead of one hidden door on this facing side ― I saw two. And not hidden either, but plain to see, even bold decorated doorways. Were they ... carved, really pretty, like Aunt- like Tazha might like? The left door had a depiction of a human man with a sword and a human female with a bow and arrows; the door on the right only showed an array of pictures. Those things on the tops of the doors, they look like ... words. But. Can't read.

... nobody ever taught us.

I thought ... one of the villagers once said, parents are supposed to teach the children?

PoV: Tasha.

I've raced back toward the mountain. My 'new' clothes (what I wore back on Earth when first arriving here, but now returned to me) feel light ― so much lighter than the old hardened leather armor from a moment ago.

I halt ― only for a moment, to look at the back of Delkiran ― and also to gaze in awe at seeing the 'new' mountain face form itself, even as I raced toward this spot.

Two doors, one dungeon? Er ... but what Abigail said-

-huh. I think it means something changed inside, then I'm curious. Part of me wants to spin back to finish off Delkiran; but due from the warning by Sharla I better not try. I pass the quarter orc being instead and head to the right door. The words read: "Zaya's Dungeon Safe Room. Enter all who abide by the way of peace and speak friend." But the left door only said a more direct challenge: "Come inside if ya wanna play with a succubus-"

-whoever wrote those words on the left, must have a playful sense of humor. But. Separate entrances, for the same ― or ... different ― parts of the dungeon(s)?

Passing a foreboding glance back at Delkiran ― who does not even know me as I am now human and young ― I step inside to the right, sighing at last.

"Hi Abi-"

But at the newly formed hostile force facing my way, I draw my dagger (the one Delkiran had dropped when 'killing' me), and prepared to defend myself-

PoV: Abigail.

An invader! A mere minute after the end of all this moving dungeon motion ― and now, this!

Of all things to happen, it had to be ... one like I was .. er, am? was?

Seriously. I still see the words in the other screen ― I still want to peruse these words and analyze what happens more. Yet this other entity is fighting me, swinging with its own level of activity. Strike! Dodge! Parry! Dodge! Strike! Fall-

-ouch. Or, not ouch, but ... it hurts my dignity to fall to another skeleton dammit!

... plus, combat is not supposed to happen in a safe space. At least, that's what I understand, from what this orb gave me, in the sense of administration of the floor space. Yet here it is ... a fellow ... skeleton. Attacking me ... another skeleton ― as if I am the enemy here.

I also think ― as a 'room boss' or maybe even 'floor boss' ― I should be stronger plus faster than he is. Unless ... bone man is one of these 'randomly generated' ones, which are supposed to be fighting Suka and her minions! Somehow when the floors moved around, those random spawns also shift ― swap places ― between rooms? Well then this means ... when Zaya's random generator causes these slimes and skeletons to appear ― she 'skews' them maybe toward heavier combat, for moments like this.

But HEY! This floor landing would hurt if I had any feelings on my bones-

"I'm on your side, you idiot skeleton! I'm for Zaya! Whoa-"

The opponent skeleton stopped so suddenly, it threw me off in preparing for the oncoming attack which never arrived. It kneels. "Mmmisssstreesssssss."

Wait. No. It ... speaks.


"... just to be precise, do you recognize me as a ... floor boss, or something?"

"... fffffloor bossssssssss. Leeeeeeadddd."

"I lead you? You follow my commands, in favor of helping Mistress Zaya, and me as her representative?"


"Oh. Cool."


"Ha, ha. We'll have to work on your speech too, just so it's more evened out, and smooth like me."

Somehow from me seeing this skeleton, I sense its status screen. A typical "level one" skeleton ... meaning only one point in each statistic ... except for this status he had an 'override' factor raising the mental stats to 4 points in Intelligence and Willpower, and 2 points in Strength and Dexterity. Enough to give it a boost if fighting against others in the dungeon who might only have one or two points in these statistics. In other words, he would be able to 'one hit kill' me ― instead of me, holding my own, against his fighting before.

"... okay then. First things first. About me. I have a name, and my name is-"

But I stop ― as the door allows an entrant behind me. Who?

"-hi Abi-

My new skeleton warrior launches himself up again, already lunging for the door behind me, to the voice I recognize as Tazha-

"STOP!" I shouted before my skeleton warrior could advance.

He froze, giving me proper time to turn and see my friend-

"... Tazha ... ?"

"I saw Goddess Sharla; she let me become human again. Like my new look?"

The teen before me twirled, her frilly sun dress following her form as she did.

"Well Tazha-"

"It's back to being Tasha now, for the 'new me'."

"Then ... Tasha. I'll just say ― if I were a male, I'd be thinking about spending some special time with you. And ... that's all I want to admit."

She giggled at my comment. "Thanks but ... I'm straight too ... or I'd be thinking about spending time with you, too." But this emotion fell off too. "Er, well ... you probably wouldn't want someone with so much baggage as me anyway-"

"... mmmmissssstrrrressssss, commmmannndd."

"... oh yeah um. Hang on a sec, Tasha, I must take care of this first. You might need to hear some of this too though."

"It's fine. I like what you did with the place."

I ignored her commentary, and turned at last to the new guy. "Are you aware of the changes in this dungeon since you were called forth?"

"... nnnnnoooooooooo."

"Okay then here's the story, and I will go back to before you were generated because some details need to be told from earlier, to my other friend here too-"

A half hour of telling bits and pieces of a 'main story' reminds Tasha of what she knew before; and it also hit the highlight for this skeleton to hear. Part of it's Tasha filling me in on the new looks from the outside. And then, it's down to a summary, for this skeleton warrior.

"-so basically you are called forth to fight the other minions of Suka's rogue aspect of the dungeon. I am Zaya's representative in this room, which is the dungeon safe room; but I can also take part in attacking the other part with you and I-"

"-and, me!" Tasha interjects. "I may be a 'weakling human' again ― but Sharla said, I can't fight except inside of any dungeon. So, in order to get strong again in any sense, I have to prove myself within the dungeon. If you're going ― then take me with you. Please."

I might grin; much like she is now. "Agreed; but-" I see from his status my skeletal friend is nameless. "Do you have a name? I do not see one in your status screen; so ... unless you have any hidden memory about to pop open and reveal a name, how about I just call you Brother? I always wanted a brother, back on Earth."

Yeah. Probably why I tried making my own brother, with my father's sperm and my own ova because he and mommy didn't seem to be making any more-

"Brrrrrotttthhheeerrrrrr. Gggooooddd."

I nod. "So that's the basics, Brother. The dungeon was in some linear arrangement, first an outer room connected to the outside, then this room as one of two connected rooms to enter from there. But since the movement I no longer think it's the same dungeon configuration; the rooms may appear in different places now. At least that's the sense I get. Plus, from the enemy dungeon mistress' own companion Tallin, I get some more of the truth. When Suka took over from Zaya, the dungeon had 15 rooms, but Suka added 2 more ― only in the takeover Zaya retains unconquered ownership of three rooms. So it's three rooms for Zaya and fourteen rooms for Suka; but this is one of them belonging to Zaya."

I pause ... though not needing a breath ― I did need a nonverbal pause for change of topic.

"We are here now in this safe room but need to leave it to enter the other part. As from what Tasha said, a separate door is present to enter and attack any minion who is not for Mistress Zaya. Two more rooms also have the tie to Zaya but I do not know where in the dungeon they are located. I only feel a faint connection to two more places, plus one faint point of life which might be Zaya herself. This other screen says a command to 'eliminate the threat to dungeon unity', but I have to think through more logical directives-"

"-directives? Maybe a ... prime directive?" Tasha jokes.

"One; we do as we must, going from room to room, finding and including any other random generated minions for Zaya into our force, and defeating those for Suka. Two; we seek out the other two rooms already connected to Zaya, and take control of them in her name. Three; find Zaya if possible and free her from her restraints. Four; attack the dungeon core control room and eliminate Suka if possible, but take control over the dungeon core crystal. Got this?"

"Yyyesssss misssstreessssss."

"And you, Tasha?"

"... it's good. I might have aimed for the core room first, because if things are chaotic now I believe we can take it directly in a siege before the other side regroups. Or at least if I were still the 'summoned hero' slash cute foxy girl with skills. But ... you would probably have more sense about it ... in your condition-"

Can I feel hurt at that? No? Well even if it's true it still is a stinging reminder of how permanent my 'condition' is.

"-I wish Sharla did the same for me as she did for you though-"

"Huh? Abigail, do you think she doesn't care about you, or something? She did say, when I mentioned you being nice and all ― she said, Abigail's like an ace in a deck of cards, or something. Now, she wouldn't say it, unless she believes it. You have value, too."

I'm slightly stunned to hear this; but all the same, it is a nice reminder too, I have an effect on people, not just the other way around. I think I'll have to try more personal stuff with Sharla when next I see her. Only as a mild thank you ― n, nothing more!

"... are we ready?"



"First, Tasha ― try the hospital bed-"

"-later," she bypasses me. "Let's get conquering!"

At the door to the outside, Tasha grabbed onto my ... arm bone.

"Um. The quarter orc boy outside ... if he's still here ... does not need to know I am Tasha, close enough to Tazha as he knew me. If possible ... can you not say my name? It would save an embarrassing explanation or further trouble, if you could."

"This is fine, I have no need to seek out trouble. So, for now you'll be Friend, like I was to you. This okay with you too, Brother?"


Her eyes ease; lips even give way to a subtle smile. "Then. Ready!"


Sunlight fades to evening, if this is what time of day I think it is. I don't have to shade my eyes like Tasha does ― Brother and I look around briefly, to get a sense of the surroundings. We see the words on the doors.

... enter here to ... 'play with a succubus', indeed. Yeah let's play ... to your defeat!

I'm not sure either I or Brother could come out; but I'm glad Sharla's edits won't prevent this. Even so, both of us seem to feel the 'pull' to go back within the dungeon ... meaning our 'outside time' must be severely limited, at all times. Or, is it just while the dungeon situation is not resolved, like the message screen told me?

In any case, we saw no 'boy' out there, no fractional orc child or any other person. A few dead bodies, naturally; for which Tasha only averted her eyes and said ... nothing. I know without being told, Tasha did this; she took an opportunity maybe to clean up her past life ... and keep it in the past, and more distant past even further away.

So, we venture on inside ― to a room nothing like the former first room ― meaning the room orders have shifted around, quite a bit. At a soft gasp, Brother and I pivot, to where Tasha looks ― to the mess of a one quarter orcish boy she fears to see, bleeding out in a corner. He had been driven into a corner, it seems, and this is his very last gasp of breath ― no, his last one, for he seized up tight, then release all muscular control, even bowels. She stands here silently, shakes it off without saying a word in response to our concerned gaze ― yet, as we pass through the room, I distinctly hear a faint sniffle.

Problem: we see two big skeletons standing here, and at least one pile of bone dust. Whoever these skeletons are, they dusted one slime, if the analysis of the dust pile is correct. Or maybe someone else did. Friend or Foe?

I cut short any fight attempt, in favor of stating the obvious. "I am a representative of Dungeon Mistress Zaya, a floor boss in her behalf. Any minion also summoned in her name, please follow along with this group."

Two obvious joiners then kneel like Brother ― one novice mage and another swordsman. So we're up to five of us? Wait, one fire slime in the corner which is slower ― six of us. I can't tell yet if any other slimes got popped here. Rokk ― seven.

Before entering the next room, I get an urge to touch the stone plate near the door on this first room's side, and immediately get a notification of having 'conquered' this room. But somehow I can't summon more entities to defend and crew this room? Only Zaya can? Anyway; at least it's one less room Suka can own.

Second room in: an 'open plains' biome. An airy grassland, more or less ― except, small in comparison. Maybe, twenty meters by twenty meters? And the ground is squishy in a few spots ― like, its water content is just near the surface. We went through, just fine ... until at one point Brother's bony heel punctures the sod ... and water erupts like a geyser into the air. I would like to say Brother gets this high colonic as a superlative enema; but ... nope I won't say this. Thankfully my speech box still works; water cannot affect it. Just a few steps more toward the corner, and then ― touch the stone plate. Another room conquest is good and the room resets back to its previous holding pattern. But no bonus minions in here. Or at least none on the surface.

Room three ... quicksand? Move! Er ... after gaining an air slime, something which manages to 'float' barely upon the surface of this room, strangely enough-

We got to the fourth room of a mud pit (and gain slimes three and four, one an air/wind type and the other a water type) before I finally saw Tasha shiver. Something is wrong here, or with her, and I think I know what-

I start to 'clear my throat' ... the action producing a low rumble from the speaker, to say we can go back ― but Tasha figures out I'm aware now. Instead she cuts me off-

"It's f, fine! I'm f, fine! Keep going!"

If I could narrow my eyelids, consider them narrowed. None of my other teammates have the same weakness she does ... because only she is 'normal' and 'mortal'. It's ... this. Her frailty, no, her mortal connection to the one back in that first room, so easily slain by two of the skeletons with us now. What makes it worse is the fact she tried to pretend it wasn't an issue, and even now tries to hide her reaction. Without further word I touch this metal plate and feel the change. We move on through the next door, with me hoping she can pull herself together, before we have to leave her aside somewhere.

... I have to believe, if Tasha is aware of herself and knows she needs help, or a time to rest ... she should say so. Either she thinks she can handle it or she's too embarrassed to say she cannot. And rather than saying anything about the 'feelings' I know she should be having (and I by extension admit to have in her stead maybe), she's playing it mute, and numb. Not wise ... right?

I mean to say ... her trying to hide her weakness might somehow bring harm not only to her, but also ... to the rest of us? How are we to trust her to be in the right frame of mind, and capable of dealing with whatever emotional baggage she's now got?

PoV: Tasha.

... why ... weak ... why do I feel ... so, so weak? Even after a trial heal and rest?

Even while in the safe room I'd tried to avoid using the hospital then and instead go along with the two skeletons ― Abigail overrode me and 'forced' me into the hospital for a few minutes. She'd said if I'm to go along with her, she'd prefer I were at my best. Plus she wanted my word telling her how well it works ― and it did work great. I admit, I thought she would have left me behind; and so instead of being left back in a 'safe place' I feigned the healing was done ... even before I knew it was.

I don't get it. After all this time being a humanoid race with animal traits but actually stronger and faster than humans, now it's a whole new/old situation. I'm ... back to human like I want. But also, no ... not truly weak, er ... weaker, just ... realizing how dependent on my animal form I feel. Human form takes longer to heal, than the other races ... why?

I shiver ... again. This thought of Delkiran ― just laying there, dead or not ― it haunts me. No; I do not want to see someone so close to me, or my former self, dead. And yes I do realize I did see many kin die over the years, some at my own hands. I can't help it; I can only move forward. But Del ― what Sharla said before still rings in my mind. So if he has some potential on down the line ... is it now done and over with if he's dead? Or, does he in his "quarter orc" existence ― or maybe a flaw in the potential of being a child of not one but two summoned ones ― gain some chance for revival or resuscitation?

I hate this. I hate him ... and also admire him. I love his more caring side but hate him for what he makes me think, even if he is ... "dead". Well ― revivable or not ― I can still only see in my mind the one scene playing over and over and over-

... if Sharla is the goddess here ― surely she should be seeing this, and taking control somehow? Or, is moving the internal rooms of the dungeon, somehow, her way to force me, to face the moment? I don't know. I do not even know if I should just follow along with them, let what will happen, to happen!

-there! That's the fourth time in this room alone I see Abi looking my way; oh yes I do know she might ... feel concern ― but it's not like I can do anything about this emotion either!

I'm not some wimpy little kid sister, any more!

PoV: Abigail.

The fifth room we enter ― through the long hallway, with another room yet further along ― is an unexpected surprise. An elaborate door frame, more ornate than the surrounding walls and floor?

It's a residential setup, a room we all might use to recoup our direction, and rest. An identification plate on an inner door says clearly ― "Mistress Zaya's Private Residence". Clearly, the second room attributed to Zaya we've come to encounter, and possibly reclaim. This, plus my safe room, leaves just one room somewhere else.

No slimes. No skeletons. But, one doglike being, a dogkin race with cute floppy hairy ears. She glares with tense eyes, growls with distinct challenge, and draws rusty blades; her call rings out ― "HALT, INTRUDERS!"

This is not Zaya. Zaya ― if Tallin's description of her is correct ― is a dragonkin woman, a draconic subrace more akin to humanoid and bipedal than 'pure' draconic. No; Tallin said Zaya has a majordomo, and a handful of main servants, but doesn't specify their race or sex or form. Maybe he just didn't remember, or did not want to remember, or let anyone know who they are.

But she relaxes in a second through some 'recognition' she had over us, or me ― maybe via our kindred connection to her mistress, she realized we are "permitted" this emergency entry.

Still, her voice remains firm. I'll note her glares also take in the one human female ― Tasha ― who should have no place within this force ― but somehow if Tasha is 'with me', I need to explain her, along with what's going on here. Time for me to act as a 'floor boss', then ― mostly to explain all those things in a direct way.

"I am Abigail, a summoned minion who somehow broke out of Suka's direct control but I revert to being a minion in Zaya's control. As such, since Suka just tried breaking dungeon features, I have been installed as Zaya's new floor boss, for the first floor dungeon safe room. Or, was ― the dungeon layout seems to have ... changed."

For now, this dogkin woman holds back any aggression, and even smiles faintly. Yes ― there I saw a small smile grow, then relax. She dips her head and begins her own intro.

"I am Mistress Zaya's majordomo, her confidante and trusted companion; my name is Ruffetta ― mistress even affectionately calls me Rufy. If you would be here to help restore the dungeon, then it is well you are here. Time may be short to reclaim the dungeon in her name; but even so it is unwise to not take a moment here first, to regroup."

But Zaya being absent ... this dogkin woman Ruffetta has apparently drawn the short end of a stick just before Suka's revolution. Ruffetta went to guard this room, never knowing she'd be stuck inside for so long. Away from her beloved mistress too, for so many years, if Tallin's one inference means something.

Rufy guides us to the dining area, where she sets up a brief selection of food wafers. For Tasha and the slime creatures, and ... us skeletons? Yeah; Rufy said "just chew"; and like this, these wafers could get consumed by all of us dungeon minions. It seems to work even for skeleton bodies.

I glance aside for the umpteenth time ― Tasha's face holds an unhealthy pallor; her breathing seems slow but erratic; the girl is seriously trying to hold onto her internal physiological or psychological state of being. Tasha asks politely for the toilet room and excuses herself to go where Rufy points.

The dog woman breaks all silent agreements, and asks a direct question. "Abigail, pardon me for asking; but ― is that human girl alright."

"... yes and no. Maybe more 'no' than 'yes', for now."


I kept it brief as all of us can hear not so subtle retching sounds from nearby. She could not even hold this one small wafer? But my outline of the past day of events is direct.

Rufy nods. "So basically ... she's in shock Possibly on the way to developing a mental condition-"

"-yes. It would seem so. She's human, once more. But trying to prove she's not weak."

"Hmm. Well then she's not part of your dungeon reclamation team, but if she would consider staying back here-"

"-I'm fine!" Tasha charges into the room, a wary mess. "Abi tell her I'm fine."

She wants me to lie for her?

"... but you're not. It's okay to admit if you're not ready-"


This is it, her line in the proverbial sand. Shaky ground to stand on, is what she has. Either she goes willingly, or we'd have to betray her. And betrayal is ... not something I think she could take well. Even if I don't know her full life story, I do know and suspect this much of her.

I sigh, or try to sigh. All this speech box does in my stead is, vibrate in response to my attempted verbal exhalation. I guess, it gives the sense of a 'sigh'.

"No you aren't well; but let's get past that, Tasha. I'm not going to betray you either but I do wish you would think about what's going to happen." Tasha's fearful look held; but I continued too. "Let's say we encounter one of the other dungeon minions and have to fight again. What if you aren't emotionally invested into a fight, because of ... thoughts-"

"So you're saying I have to get past this, the sentiment of my memories of Delkiran. Don't you think I already know that!"

"Yes we know this," Rufy inserts to my aid, so I don't have to take the full brunt of her anguish. "But. Even with a dozen or so rooms about here, it's still going to be difficult for you. And with your condition, our concern is-"

"I know that." Tasha's words are softer now, though gasping still for a way back to good graces. "But I can't just sit back and ... do nothing. Maybe I need this more than anyone of you know. I think I do, at least. Please; Abi-"

"Let me say something, Tasha." I redirect the direction of this conversation, feeling thankful I cannot smell vomit ... or think so. Well, the called attacks from 'Dilbow the Wise' being the core exception. "I will agree with you going, if you can some way compartmentalize any thought of this Delkiran until later. Thinking more of him, whether he lives or dies back there, is not going to help you going forward. Later, you can do something about it; just not right now. We need to be united, if we are going to take on Suka's parts of the dungeon."

Tasha herself stood still, for a whole minute it seemed, then she too sighed. "... yeah okay, I will try. I cannot say it will be easy ... just ... don't give up on me, okay?"

A hint of her former self returning, I can only accept her word as what she would try, for her own part. "Good, we can work on that." I see her sit once more in a seat, and see how she slumps down but is deep into what next thoughts might be rumbling around in her mind. "First, eat something more; I don't know how much it will help you going forward, but something is better than nothing. I have my inventory now so-"

"... inventory? How?!" Rufy inserts quizzically. "Such is ... only rumored to exist-"

"Oh ... I got it from Sharla."

Rufy just gapes.

"Abigail ... you must be a special existence, right?"

... there's the suggestion, again ― the word, 'special', modifying my existence. I both do get it and don't. How could my misfortune at being here but not fully in control at least of my memories lead me to be this, 'special'? I am not, in any sense, at a point of my existence ever to feel special.

"I'm not sure. If going by things I did in my previous life, on another world ― then no, and far from special, at that rate."

"But wait. If ... if this 'Inventory' ... this 'storage system' ... does exist-"

Without further adieu, I extract one thing held within my storage ― the skills orb. I glanced at it, noting how it's now complete; then silently stored it again.

"... aah ... praise Sharla ... it does." Ruffetta gives a reverent look for a moment, then it breaks as she makes another assumption. "Any limits on size of things to carry? Any weight limits?"

"... no, none I'm aware of having. Why?"

"Well so, if you can find my mistress, then some things here she may need, and more than I ever would. The more you could carry to her, the better; and the more relieved I will feel if you could and would help my mistress-"

"Our, dungeon mistress," I corrected. "While technically I have not met her yet ... I feel a slight connect to someone or something about this dungeon; so for now I'll believe I am on her side too."

"Okay then. Let's get started-"

Seriously. Rufy would want me to take the mistress' bed, "for her comfort" ... if I did not put some practical limit on things taken.

Everything but the kitchen sink? Well ... that's what it felt like Rufy would want me to take, for Mistress Zaya.

... that's not how I will become, when finally meeting her ... is it? Is this Zaya, the dragonkin dungeon mistress, mother of perhaps so many within this dungeon itself ... also have such an effect upon me?

I can sense though, some genuine love, not just out of obeisance to a master or mistress but love, based on ... what, memories? shared time spent together? I don't know yet, maybe I never will know the depths of Ruffetta's devotion. And in knowing only that much, I can suppose Zaya is somehow 'worthy' of all this emotional connections and bonding. A heartwarming thought, on one hand; and yet far more than disturbing, for another hand.

From a 'system display' tied to this room as Zaya's private residence, I now see some facts about this world. It's called Ather, for one ― a fact already revealed to me; and I find it humorous the same letters spell 'Earth' when rearranged. As to a calendar for the date and time ... this is the four thousand nine hundred sixty seventh year (by their accounting of time), the fourteenth month (out of sixteen months), and twenty third day of the month. It seems the 'year length' is precisely four hundred days; with sixteen months it works out to twenty five days per month. But then if the number of days are more than from Earth, the actual day length is shorter ... working out to about twenty hours, plus or minus a few seconds per year.

Right now in the world 'above' the dungeon ... and dungeons are presumed to be all underground ... it's approaching late evening; which is why Rufy thought to share food. Evening meal, even for the dungeon inhabitants if not in battle. And speaking of dungeons being underground ― Rufy explained humorously of one dungeon which existed above ground and somehow a village sprang up around it, then of course in time the village became a city. Lo and behold, the dungeon master there only had to wait some time, and 'get elected' to be the mayor. ― It's a dungeon operating pretty much right in the open.

But ... wait ... Suka was supposed to be the most successful dungeon now?

"Well ... the city of Gradcoll did grow prosperous, from the dungeon master's purview; Gradcoll did play host to a university, one which became renown for its open admission policy. Master Draggin did want the best of the best in his territory; and so he chose to leak out some of his dungeon training into the educational system, to draw in the brightest minds. He was working on slowly easing racial tension, to 'allow' his dungeon minions to enter the city openly ... because none knew he was dungeon master. And in time, people even forgot about a dungeon at all."

"... how does it end?" I pose.

"Draggin and his son Junior were assassinated, about a month before Suka ... tried to seize this dungeon. I'm not sure, but I think Suka ... had a thing for Junior. Maybe he was even a stabilizing influence on her. Her brother Tallin was said to be there, mere moments before the assassination, perhaps even during; but as of the time I last saw him, or them ― before any split ― Tallin remained so tight lipped over the actual events of the critical day. If he knows more about it, he ... isn't going to tell, so easy."

As I stored in the last of what Rufy had pointed out, and listened to the finality of the tale according to Rufy, I realize ― repeated thoughts, what is wrong with this world, goes all the way up and down the chains of power, here. Possibly a tie from and to Sharla, as well ― but most certainly among one or more dungeons in this world.

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