Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

53 – Presence!


PART 1 – A good sex!


Holga's days became busy. Her resilience and strength awakened something in Pietra, with Melania going with the flow and often being more lively than her sister.

Therefore, it was common to see Holga heading to her quarters after training, where Pietra would grab her by the collar and drag her into a random room, bathroom, or less crowded hallway.

Melania was no different; she always invaded his room every night, and every day she seemed more frustrated and full of desires.

Sasha, who saw his wife exhausted after five days, became furious and fought to regain what was hers. As a result of Sasha entering the contest, Holga slowly began to have problems, as she began to limp a lot and her training performance decreased significantly.

After 10 days of this carnal hell, Holga couldn't take it anymore. She reached Skarla, and with no strength in her legs, she fell to her knees.

“Master, please help me! Make them stop; I can’t feel my dick anymore!” - Holga was almost crying.

Next to Skarla, we can see Viper and Letiphia. They calmly looked at Holga; her condition was truly deplorable.

“Are you complaining about three female dogs in heat? What a disappointment.” - Skarla said, snorting disdainfully. These words made Holga desperate.

“I have Ilyria, Talya, Viper, Letiphia, Calah, and now Gakai; even if there is no penetration with two of them, I fuck my women every day, and I don't complain. Why do you believe that?" -Skarla said it indifferently, but her pride and arrogance were obvious.

'Why are you a monster that is almost on par with a demigod's strength?' - Letiphia thought.

‘Possessing attributes that even the strongest legends would have difficulty achieving?’ - Viper thought.

Exhausted, Holga couldn't think straight, so she didn't have an answer.

“I have great control over my body and the energy that flows through me. I meticulously manage your spending, have a deep understanding of my partners' bodies and preferences, and know how to quickly exhaust them and dispel their arrogance. If you want rest and peace, you must have control over your women, or you will be consumed by them.” - Said Skarla, hugging her two beauties, resting her face on their abdomens.

“You have the dustpan and the broom, you just need to know how to use them.” - Said Skarla, waving with one hand for Holga to leave.

“What was that show?” - Letiphia asked angrily.

“I want to know too. Why didn’t you teach her some technique to have more stamina and heal faster?” - Viper questioned.

Skarla rolled her eyes and replied. -“She is my best apprentice; since she stopped trying to seduce me, she has had massive growth. Her sword talent is also excellent; she just needs the right mental state. I've pretty much paved the way; I've given her the tools she needs to progress to the next level; she just can't think straight.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier to tell her what to do? Why keep these fake riddles?” - Viper rolled his eyes.

“I expected insults from her, not from you…” - Skarla said sadly, receiving a slap from Letiphia soon after. - “But my martial arts is neither magic nor something as simple as swinging a sword until it engraves itself in your muscles and bones. My martial arts reflect understanding the world, the body, and the spirit. Through contemplation, enlightenment, and deep understanding, you will become stronger, closer to connecting with the world, evolving the martial arts you practice, and much more.”

“I taught Holga a lot, she learns quickly and has great potential, but she has many flaws, and that comes down to her thoughts. Regarding the riddles, why didn't I tell you what to do? For if I say, I will cause errors in her future path, this is something that not only she but all of you need to achieve on your own.”

“If you find it confusing, think like this. If I teach you what to do and how to do it, you will become spoiled children who can't think for themselves. You will always wait for me to tell you what to do. So if a day comes when I don't know how to guide you, the result will be obvious; you will stop growing.”

“Martial arts also need independence and creativity. Otherwise, martial arts would be on par with the magic of this world. Mages can only advance their knowledge levels by getting their hands on more available knowledge without bothering to research it themselves. Only the highest-level mages can think outside the box, but that is the case for few.”

Skarla stretched after talking so much. - "So, my dears, I need to go play with my daughters; don’t avoid practicing, especially you, Letiphia; I can feel your procrastination.”


Letiphia huffed and crossed her arms.


Holga pondered over Skarla's words, constantly rearranging her thoughts and succumbing to sensual temptations.

Amid despair and difficulties, her mind became clearer, thinking about Skarla's teachings, her tips, and her riddles. She had everything she needed; she just needed to understand how to use it.

So through painful sex, with her cock throbbing in pain as it slammed into Pietra's pussy, she connected the dots, and the almost 8 years of Internal Energy she had been accumulating, with the help of elixirs, skyrocketed to 14 years.

A massive wave of energy coursed through her; her body strengthened, a better feeling than when she leveled up. The pain was lessening, her energy circulation had improved massively, and her mind was clearer than ever.

Pietra was amazed by the sensations, looking at a stunned and contemplative Holga.

Soon those clear eyes fell on her, and Pietra wanted to know what happened. Why did she look so different?

The answer to his internal doubts was the cock returning to his slits, the firmness of Holga's hands on his body, a more pleasurable sensation than before, and the oppressive, welcoming, and protective nature of Holga's presence.

Holga's charisma and strength both overwhelmed Pietra. Her actions demonstrate her power, as her body instinctively knows when to use strength, when to be gentle, and so on.

When Pietra managed to come to her senses, she was exhausted, arms over her head, and semen exploding from her vagina. Her eyes fell on the seated Holga's back. She smiled, tremblingly moving forward to hug her. -“I don’t know what you took, but I liked it…”-Pietra said, smiling and kissing her neck.

Holga, smiling lightly, touched her head, then kissed her and pulled her onto her lap, hugging and kissing her. They stayed like that for a while, until their lips separated, Pietra smiling in her lap, not understanding what happened to Holga but really enjoying it.

She wasn't the only one who enjoyed the changes; Melania and Sasha also found themselves engrossed in delight.

Naturally, it wasn't perfect yet, but as the days went by, Holga practiced, and practice makes perfect.

In this way, as her attitude changed, Holga, maturing a lot in this small space of time, gained control over her three women.

Pietra, who was full of arrogance and confidence and always wanted to command things, succumbed to Holga's manipulation and accepted everything she had prepared for her.

Melania, with her obsession with Skarla, never felt truly satisfied; she found Holga mediocre, just a cork to fill a hole. But as Holga changed, Melania realized she was more than she thought, having the ability to overcome her obsessive thoughts many times over.

Sasha, in the midst of a competition, found herself contemplating her actions as the already excellent sex grew even more intense. She naturally enjoyed it, but understood that her loved one had to be pushed to an extreme to achieve such a feat, showing that they put more pressure on her than she should have. If she had failed, Holga would have suffered significant harm.

This way, Sasha stopped her rivalry, preferring to prioritize Holga's health, but she didn't think much about it; she already adapted and knew what to do, giving Sasha more attention than Pietra or Melania, especially because it's her who Holga loves most.

And with this, we can understand that only sex is able to solve all problems. As long as the sex is beneficial and meets the right needs, everything will calm down.

One month has passed since they were thrown into the room.

Pietra lost that look that seemed to hate everything and everyone around her. She was calmer, her mood was excellent, and she had better interactions with her mother, sisters, and brother. She even stopped insulting Gakai.

[“Come to me!”] -Skarla's voice resounded in her mind, surprising her, but she obeyed and went to where Skarla was.

"What was it?" -Her tone was rude, but her gaze did not contain the anger of the past.

“The month of the bet has passed.” - Said Skarla.

Pietra looked confused, but soon remembered and remained silent.

“It looks like I won the bet.” - Skarla said, smiling.

“I didn’t agree to that!” - Pietra said coldly.

"And even? So if I lose, there's no point in continuing with it. Anyway, Melania has already given her approval, so marrying Holga to her will be beneficial. Well… since I lost, say what you want; I think Holga, Sasha, and Melania will have a good and happy life.” - Skarla said, scratching her chin, and Pietra was shaken by those words.

"What? Did you think that if you won the bet, you could keep it? Don't be innocent, Pietra. As my disciple, Holga is poised to achieve remarkable achievements in the future. So say what you want!” -Skarla said coldly as she crossed her arms.

Pietra clenched her fists, not wanting to admit defeat like that.

“Ah… that’s troublesome.” - Said Skarla as she stood up and walked towards him.

Pietra was amazed, taking a few steps back, but Skarla, without hesitation, placed her hand on her belly. - "A surprise. You are pregnant." - Skarla said, and Pietra shivered, her frightened face becoming full of shock and a hint of joy.

“Okay, I’ll get rid of this first.” - Skarla said, and Pietra, shocked, backed away. - "What you mean?!" - She screamed in alarm.

"Like this? Since you have no love for Holga, there is no way I can allow the birth of a child without love from both mothers. Hate me all you want, but I will not allow Holga’s descendants to be raised in an incomplete home.” - Said Skarla, which are mere absurdities, but for a Pietra already shaken by so much information, this was terrifying.

“Come on, let me get rid of this. Holga will be furious with me, but she will understand in the future. I don’t mind being the villain.” -Skarla said coldly as she approached her hand.

“Do you really need to do this? It’s a life.” -Pietra said, stepping back and smiling, a trembling smile and tears appearing in the corners of her eyes. Her desperation is obvious.

“Holga loves you, but not loving her will cause her a lot of harm. I knew what I got her into when I threw you guys into that room, so I threw Melania in too. You were just a bet. Regarding the child in her womb, Holga is unaware of its existence and doesn't need to know. I just need to ask her mother to send her to a noble family and arrange her marriage there. Holga may be sad and angry, but in a few years she should forget you.” - Skarla snorted. - “Now stop backing down and let’s get this over with. You don’t love Holga; naturally, you won’t love the child in her womb.”

"I LOST!" - Pietra screamed, and Skarla's hand stopped. - "I LOST!" - She screamed again as she fell to her knees. - “You win… you win, so stop… don’t touch my son.” - She cried.

Skarla stood there, watching, then sat down.

Pietra stayed there for a while. Soon after recovering from the scare, she began to contemplate, understand, her mind becoming clearer. - “Y-y-y-you…” - She stuttered, and Skarla smiled slightly.

"Come here." -Skarla said, waving a finger as she poured herself a glass of alcohol.

Angrily, Pietra approached her. - "Know, Pietra, you are a mouth girl. What harmed him was his arrogance and an abnormal enmity with all his brothers and sisters. You always want to be above everyone, thinking about benefits above happiness.”

“Berinto will inherit this family; this has already been decided, everyone accepted it, only you didn’t accept it. Her lack of acceptance made her desperate, hating everything and everyone around her, including her mother. Her arrogance increased, practically blinding her. You are a good child, you were just going down the wrong path.”

“I know it was selfish of me to force you into this agreement, but I knew that with Holga's personality, whether you like it or not, after 1 month of interacting with her, you would fall in love. I needed it to penetrate her defenses, and I did it.”

“Your mother and I wish you happiness. Your desire was not for happiness, but rather for power. Even if you were granted this power, you would use it to commit heinous crimes. I didn't lie about the child in your womb; that's my thing. I damaged the tattoo on your body.”

Pietra clenched her fists, and Skarla calmly caressed her head, looking into her eyes and smiling. - “Live an incredible and joyful life; overcome your limits; and live in harmony with your family. Despite the presence of dysfunctional families in our world, it's crucial to remember that family remains the most significant factor, serving as the bonds that bind us to this world. It took me a while to realize this; it wasn't until I experienced a loss that I truly understood its significance. You are young and full of talents, so focus on yourself, take care of the child that will be born in 8 months, understand the people around you better, see the love and concern that your brothers and sisters have for you, and understand the pain that you caused your mother and the consequences of her actions.”

“Reflect, understand your surroundings, and you will understand yourself later. Your mother and I want your happiness, power, fame, and everything else; it will come with you achieving the best of yourself; if you are blinded by just one of these factors, you will be doomed to failure.” -Skarla took her hand away, drinking from her glass and looking out the window.

“Go tell Holga that she is going to be a mother. See her reaction.” - Said Skarla and Pietra, clenching their fists, backed away.

Minutes later, during training, Holga stopped to go to Pietra, smiling as she hugged her, kissed her neck, and asked if she wanted another round.

“You’re going to be a mother.” - Pietra said, no longer holding on, and Holga, smiling, froze, then grabbed her by the arms and pushed her, looking her in the eyes. - "What?!"

“I’m pregnant, you’re going to be a mother!” - Pietra said with her eyes almost closed.

Holga opened and closed her mouth, soon going into despair, saying random things, but from what Pietra understood, they were her worries about whether she would be a good mother, about what babies eat, whether it would be a boy or a girl, what name to give, her last name…

Pietra smiled, laughed, and was surprised when she received a hug. She glanced at Holga, noticing joy on her face. - “I’M GOING TO BE A MOTHER!” - She screamed and lifted Pietra into the air.

This surprised Pietra, and she hated the fact that she had to admit that she actually started to love this barbarian.


PART 2 – Political Games!


Pietra and Melania were pregnant. Two individuals expressed dissatisfaction with the news.

Sasha is obviously the first. The firstborn child of the woman he loves will not be hers.

The second was Letiphia. She is happy that she will be a grandmother but angry that two of her daughters belong to the same person.

But Letiphia's anger ceased when Holga demonstrated an incredible improvement in her combat capabilities. Even if Letiphia didn't want to admit it, Holga had the strength and ability to protect her daughters and bring them happiness.

It was evident that Holga's presence significantly altered Pietra. Melania also seemed to change, but she is more unpredictable than Pietra, which made it difficult to know whether these were good or detrimental changes.

Their daughters' pregnancies led to the official establishment of their marriage. Skarla formally recognized Holga as her adopted daughter, granting her the title of Holga Verona. Having a noble title and being Skarla's adopted daughter and disciple were more than enough to give her authority.

She will now marry into the Veremor family. In the end, she would marry into the Veremor family. Holga didn't particularly understand or care; she just knew that, following what Skarla and Letiphia were telling her, she could have all three.

Naturally, that wasn't enough for her to take Sasha as a gift. Of course, her family would not dare to oppose the decision, but they could still voice their complaints, and some enemy nobles might exploit these loopholes to harm Skarla and the Veremor family.

Political games are irritating; if you don't know how to play, you will sink into quicksand.

News of the marriage took many by surprise, and the nobles began to despise the Veremor family, marrying not one but two of their daughters to a northern barbarian.

Everyone understood that they only accepted Holga as an adopted daughter to ensure there would be no marital breaches. She is technically noble, but does not have Skarla blood.

But along with the wedding, it was announced that in the City of Jomorka, in the Veremor territory, a tournament will take place with various prizes; the minimum requirement is to be level 8, with the limit being up to level 15.

Various rewards will be available for the winners, as well as a celebration for the Veremor family wedding. But it's actually a stage for Holga and Skarla's other disciples to demonstrate their power.

Furthermore, rumors suggest that Skarla is seeking more disciples who are willing to teach her secret techniques that will enable her to significantly outperform her in terms of power.

And a rumor circulated, which was already circulating among some nobles, the rumor being that the techniques that Skarla teaches, even a warrior who has just reached Level 11, if he learned and mastered them, could unlock the [Aura] without being at Level 15 or above.

The nobles knew this, but rumors spread, including saying that Holga, who wasn't even level 11, was capable of manifesting Aura.

Needless to say, when this information spread, it piqued everyone's curiosity. People from other nations could also participate in the competition, not just those from the empire.

Skarla does not discriminate against race, gender, or age. Only the person's ability matters.

With so many benefits available, the entire continent stirred: adventurers, knights errant, fallen nobles, and more. Everyone who heard about the competition and met the requirements came running in order to get Skarla's attention.

Become a disciple of a legend, and the title "Disciple of the Legend" will not only bring you great power and honor across the continent, but also make you an important card to save your life in dangerous situations.


In the office of a mansion, we can see a blond man who appears to be between 30~35 years old. He is handsome, has white skin, and has a shallow beard.


His name is Aaron Revenor, and he is currently the Revenor Family's leader. He is Sasha's older half-brother, having inherited the family following the death of his father.

His handsome face twisted, revealing his obvious anger. Her younger sister's actions have been the source of her long-standing anger.

Given her beauty, strength, and good genes, the family sent her to gain merit, assist with the mission, and possibly attract some of the nobles' children.

But she ended up attracting the attention of a figure of legendary power, who congratulated the Revenor family, believing it was her time to shine. However, the news that she was in a relationship with a northern barbarian, not the legendary figure himself, nearly caused the head of the family to have a nervous breakdown.

The headaches only increased after Sasha refused the family's summons. Even when they went to meet her in an attempt to get an explanation and make her return to her family, Skarla stopped them, humiliating them and ignoring her family name.

And they couldn't even ask for justice for the Veremor family, as Skarla has a relationship with Letiphia.

They had no choice but to head back home with all their might. The family's head, who was already old but at level 16, was extremely powerful and influential. They dispatched him to help contain the demons, but unfortunately, he died heroically in the process.

Aaron inherited the family, and that's when Sasha's name rose. The discipline of a legend Her sister was being trained by a legend; her value in the eyes of many nobles became enormous, which made many want to marry their children to Sasha.

But she refused the invocations, and the marriage proposals were forced to be left aside as Skarla prevented meetings, which humiliated the Revenor family even more.

Holga's marriage is now official. She will marry not only Pietra and Melania, but also Sasha. They received a letter two days before, informing them of the impending marriage, without even asking for permission to proceed. Before they could act, the news spread, and Aaron felt a slap across the face that was the strongest and most humiliating of his entire life.

He had just inherited the family and was already being pushed to such extremes. It was so unfair; he couldn't do anything because Skarla is untouchable. The Veremor Family, which should have the support of his family as they are his vassals, couldn't ask for justice, as it would lead to nothing.

Reach the Imperial family? He's not crazy. If he does, he is asking to be killed. He's upsetting the emperor over a seemingly insignificant issue.

How about giving in? It would be the wisest option; there is no reason to fight against Skarla and the Veremor Family over a marriage, especially because the Veremor Family itself is suffering reprisals for its actions.

But in the end, giving in would be humiliating and full of disadvantages. Sasha practically cut off connections with the Revenor family; her mother died a long time ago, and her relationship with her father wasn't the best. She showed up at his funeral but left shortly after.

But in the end, she is still part of the family, and their blood runs through her veins. She is a very valuable tool, and they are not willing to abandon her, just as there are Marquesan families willing to marry their children to Sasha.

How can they refuse such a gift? Sasha is the problem.

There are so many headaches and no options for what to do. Aaron is now looking at the document on the table, which informs him about the tournament in celebration of the wedding, the rewards, and the limitations.

“Is it known if Sasha will participate?” - Aaron asked seriously, veins popping out of his forehead.

“From what has been reported, all of Skarla’s disciples will participate in the fight, with the exception of one orc child.” - Said the butler calmly.

"I understand. Organize my schedule; when the competition starts, I will participate. I will personally take this brat back home, and not even Skarla can say anything about it.” - Aaron growled.

"Dear." - A sweet voice sounded, and a tall woman with black hair in a beautiful blue dress called him. Aaron looked at his wife, who has a protruding stomach.

"Yes?" - He asked calmly.

“What do you think instead of bringing her back home, you don’t participate in the tournament to win? You are level 14 and have signs of soon awakening your aura. If you manage to become Skarla's disciple, our family's value will increase greatly, we will be able to get even closer to the Veremor family, and if you learn the rumored techniques, even if you are Skarla's least favored apprentice, you will still have much more power than you have now.”

“In relation to the sister-in-law, I believe that the main problem is the distance between family relationships. It would be good to use this event to lessen enmity, establish connections, and show the world that the Revenor family has no problems with Skarla or the Veremor family.”

Hearing his wife made Aaron frown. That actually makes sense, as his wife added.

“In fact, if you become Skarla’s disciple, your value will increase so much that you will be able to choose 1 or 2 concubines, daughters of marquises.” - His wife smiled, and Aaron's eyes narrowed.

“Are you okay with this?” - Aaron asked.

“Darling, I have already given you three healthy and talented children. I will conceive your fourth child in a few months. Even if I gain some rivals to share the bed with you, it doesn't matter; they will never be able to surpass me. They would also only be some disposable daughters to establish a connection with Skarla; we can take advantage of this and use the name of Skarla and two potential marquise families.” - His wife laughed, malice shining in her beautiful brown eyes.

Aaron laughed. His wife approached him, and he hugged her and made her sit on his lap. - “I was truly blessed to have you as a wife.”

“Good thing you understand that.” - She laughed and kissed her husband's forehead.

Aaron smiled, still feeling unwell; his pride spoke louder, but he understood that if he decided to maintain his pride, he could lose many opportunities.


PART 3 – Heading to the mountains!


The competition will take place in 3 months. A time was calculated, taking into account the strength that someone at level 8 normally has. Their conquest abilities, for example, allow them to reach them in 3 months or less, even though they are on the other side of the continent.

Skarla didn't just stand by and do nothing. She headed for the Krugar Mountains, taking Gakai.

Skarla and Gakai led a large group of orcs. Gakai had captured her subordinates and brought them into line.

They climbed the pass and reached the mountain's high ground. Then they went ahead.


Long ago, Skarla disbanded the tribe that lived near the passage she created. That was where Pelia and Malu lived. However, the village's close proximity to the duchy's inhabitants led to its dissolution.

The region was firmly guarded. Orcs everywhere have been watching them since they entered the mountains, all full of doubts and awaiting orders from their superiors.

The first night, they decided to camp. Gakai stood with his arms crossed on a small hill. Watching his home, knowing she must cherish the last moments of peace.

In the middle of the night, a group approached in darkness. Around 20 orcs were as well armed as they could be, but they looked so… dirty!

In comparison, the 35 or so orcs led by Skarla and Gakai were not only clean but also wearing leather and mail armor, giving them an imposing feel, along with truly sharp and shiny weapons.

Both groups faced each other. The wild orcs looked at this group, some recognizing their compatriots' faces.

“Princess, what’s going on?” - Asked the leader of the orcs, a large orc with a huge belly and two axes in his hands.

He had a fierce countenance, covered in scars, sizing up Gakai from head to toe, barely recognizing her.

“Hello Sakura. A lot has happened, and I’m coming to meet my father.” - Gakai said calmly.

“Are you truly Gakai? Where are your scars? What clothes are these? What did those bastards do to you?” - Sakur growled, his eyes landing on Skarla.

“Sakur, out of respect for our history, I will tell you something. I will personally rip your eyes out if you continue to gaze at her in that manner. That's the woman I belong to. She is stronger than anything you or I can imagine.” - Gakai said coldly as he advanced, standing between Sakur and Skarla.

Sakur was surprised, but in front of Gakai, he could feel her intimidating presence, belonging to that infamous warrior who savagely destroyed her enemies, knowing that it was her. - “Your scars—what happened?”

“The people outside the mountains have such miraculous medicines that even scars disappear. I understood that all the scars I received during my battles were insignificant, marks of war that did not deserve to mark my body. If I am to leave scars, let it be against formidable enemies. I am the woman of Skarla; I must be content with the peak, not with rubbish.” - Gakai said, full of arrogance and confidence.

“…is this Skarla?” - Sakur asked, growling but not looking at Skarla.

"Yes. Join us to eat. Everyone put down their weapons; there will be no fighting today. Sakur, I recommend you give the same order. If Skarla gets angry, I won’t be able to save you.” - Gakai said coldly.

Inexplicably, everyone gathered around the fires, relishing their food. The wild orcs were amazed at the quality of the army's food.

Sakur received a small barrel of alcohol, which made him friendlier and proved to be a lover of strong drinks.

“So let me get this straight. She single-handedly stormed the fortress that you and hundreds of our brothers and sisters protected. So she killed more than half herself and subdued the rest, letting others escape? Did she do all this alone?” - Sakur laughed, not believing it.

Gakai smiled, looking at a silent Skarla, who calmly took the wooden spoon from his hands.

Sakur smilingly watched, and other orcs also watched. None of them believed the nonsense they were telling.

Skarla then enveloped the spoon with some of her Internal Energy. In an area where she knows no one will be affected, she simply waved her spoon, and a certain vibration sounded in the air.

Calmly Skarla sat back down, and Sakur and others were confused. Then a sudden gust of air appeared, and intense sounds echoed. Soon, they saw dozens of trees collapsing.

Several shocked orcs stood up. Sakur also stood up, glancing first at the barrel he was holding, then at the damage. Then he went and took the spoon from Gakai's hand, looked at the damage, and then Skarla.

"WHAT WAS THIS?!" - He roared and trembled.

“That’s the woman I belong to!” - Gakai said, full of pride, as he hit his chest. His words made several other female orcs look envious.

Having a strong partner is a necessity for every orc, as a strong partner will give them strong offspring. Someone as strong as Skarla will certainly produce the strongest children.

She caused significant damage with just a spoon. None of them saw it happen; it just happened.

(Author: If I say that Skarla in D20 achieved a perfect 20, would you believe it?)

Strength is something Orcs respect. Skarla is currently not an enemy, but rather Gakai's wife. It turns out that the orcs can respect and admire her. They are simple people.

And so the night passed, and they went deeper into the mountains with dawn's arrival.

So the days passed. After four days of walking, passing through several villages and small towns, they reached the main one.

Wooden walls are a very primitive architecture. In the past, Gakai and the other orcs felt immense pride when they came here, believing there was nothing greater than this.

However, they had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the cities of the Veremor clan. They saw the imposing castles, ballrooms, cuisine, technology, and much more. Being in these places made them feel tiny.

And now, returning home—the place they were so proud of—left them with a bitter taste in their mouths.

At the entrance, a group of powerful orcs, the strongest generals, assemble, with the imposing and terrifying Makaulu Stone'Fang, The Orc King, at their center.

Makaulu gazed at his daughter, her beauty a natural contrast to the orcs' aesthetics. However, he had lived among the northerners during their recruitment, gaining insight into their culture and the treatment of women. He observed that Gakai, who had always been a formidable warrior, appeared to be a lady of a northern lord due to her unique clothing choices.

But he didn't think about it anymore. His eyes fell on the only human in the group who was in front; everyone, including his daughter, was at least one step behind. This is something instinctive for orcs; they refused to be ahead of the strongest.

Snorting, he went ahead, and Skarla also went ahead. The two monsters stood face to face, Makaulu being relatively taller than her and exuding pure power; in comparison, Skarla, who seemed tiny, exuded nothing, as if she didn't even exist.

She had such a strange feeling, like she was part of the environment. - "And who are you?" - Makaulu asked coldly. - “Why don’t you kneel?” - Her disdain was evident; her hand reached out, and Gakai knew what would happen.

Skarla was smiling, and before the huge hand touched her, Makaulu shivered and inadvertently looked up. Skarla, who was small in her eyes, suddenly became gigantic, covering the entire sky in front of her.

[Skarla – Pressure(Charisma+Willpower) – D20+17+8 = 37]

Soon, oppressive pressure fell upon him and everyone nearby. In moments, the orcs, full of confidence in their strength and leaders, were pressed down by a massive weight, their bodies shaking in pure terror, their instincts dominating their minds, making them submit.

A few resisted—those with great willpower and, of course, the luck of being far enough from Skarla's focus. But they were still gasping for air and shaking.

And Makaulu, faced with this oppressive power, faced with the gaze of a superior entity, found himself on his knees, looking at the ground, no desire to fight emerging. He understood that a monster, perceiving him as an insect, confronted him at that moment.

The great king, renowned for his strength and wisdom, faced an opponent beyond the comprehension of his strength and mind.

“I’m Skarla, and we need to talk!” - Skarla said calmly as she passed Makaulu on her knees, advancing without fear among the orcs who, desperate, got out of her way.

Gakai followed her, watching the events, shaking with excitement, and being very excited. Seeing your partner demonstrate such strength makes any orc incredibly horny.

In the king's castle, Skarla sat arrogantly on the throne of beast bones, resting her head on her fist. She calmly looked at Makaulu and the other orcs who led all the mountains.

Gakai was next to her.

It's time for negotiations to begin.


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