Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

3 – Hunt and Feast!


PART 1 – Hunt!


For Skarla, life was simple and easy. The forest close to the tribe was rich in animal and plant life, which allowed them to have plenty of meat and skins.


And often, Skarla spent days hunting, which is quite common if you want to hunt a bear or large creature that lives in the center of the forest.


Skarla doesn't understand very well how the ecosystem here works, but as it isn't something that affects her negatively, she is incapable of searching for answers on her own; she can only accept and calm her curiosity.


As a result, she had a lot of free time. This time she spent training and studying, and now, with Talya training under her tutelage, she could see how a layman adapted to the concepts of Internal Energy Cultivation.




Skarla and Talya started to go out hunting more often, and they started to go alone since Skarla wanted to teach her cousin a lot more things and having third parties interfere with things.


The result was apparent. Talya developed a more defined and healthy physique. Learning to balance energy, vitality, and nutrients helped in the development of all the muscles in the body.


As time passes, Talya will constantly feel the progress, where she is heading towards [Effort (III)], where she will gain 2 more free attribute points.


It usually takes 1~3 years to acquire [Effort(I)], since here training starts early, from the age of 6, it is acquired around the age of 7~9, Talya achieved it at the age of 7 and a half.


With a 5x increase in the requirement for Level 2, that means she needed 7 and a half years to reach [Effort(II)], which was there, so at age 15, she achieved what 99.9% of people in the world achieve and is satisfied with the result.


The reason is simple: since it took her 7 and a half years to reach Level 2, it will take almost 40 years to reach Level 3.


As for why Skarla has [Effort(III)] at only 14 years old, Let's see... [Superior Magical Body] decreased the time required by 50%. Level 1 was achieved around the age of 4, so she wasn't training seriously, but all the extra accumulation to acquire the [Magic Body] resulted in this.


So Level 2 was reached in less than 3 years, around the age of 8~9, and Skarla didn't calculate or bother memorizing something so useless. Therefore, only at the age of 23~24 would she reach Level 3, right? WRONG!


Skarla, before the age of 12, never started training hard, and she also spent much of her time studying and translating Magical Runes. So taking all factors into consideration, if, with her current growth rate, techniques, etc., she started from Level 0, it would take 1~2 months to reach Level 1.


From Level 1 to 2, 5~10 months, let's go in the middle, 7 and a half months! So from Level 2 to 3, only 3 years So from Level 3 to 4, she will need 15~16 years.


That is, if she is unable to get her hands on a Supreme Level Cultivation Technique or consume certain natural treasures filled with World Energy, it will only be at the age of 30 that she will reach Level 4. As for Level 5, only after the age of 100 years




1 year later!


Skarla, aged 15, was accompanied by Talya. The two arrived at a cliff, where she gave them a magnificent view over the lower regions of the Krugar Mountains, where the Orcs live, and it seems they farm.


“Sons of bitches!” - Talya cursed and spat on the floor, obviously irritated. Reasons for anger?


The tribes are forced to live off hunting since the land is not good for planting, so all resources, such as grains and vegetables, come from barter, which they naturally take advantage of a lot. In addition to taking 1/3 of their resources, they seek to take the remaining 2/3.


Looking at the wheat fields covering hundreds of acres of land, there certainly appears to be more than meets the eye. Good heavens, this region is absurdly prosperous!


“You can’t leave here.” - Said Skarla, crouching down, ignoring the golden fields and focusing on the mountains. She knows there is a passage; she just doesn't know where.


“It would be good to try talking to the boss; she might end up telling us.” -Talya said, huffing as she looked around.


“Ilyria is not stupid; if we start asking about these things, she will quickly realize our intention to leave here.” -Skarla said, rolling her eyes as she stood up. - “Let's go east; see where the cliff takes us; we have a few more days before we return.”


“Okay, let’s get this over with; my feet are killing me!” - Talya said, stretching her legs.


“If you had practiced what I taught you, you wouldn’t complain!” - Said Skarla.


“If the things you taught me were easy, I wouldn’t complain!” -Talya snorted and kicked Skarla in the ass, which made her laugh as she sped up. Skarla just looked and snorted before moving on.




The two continued their exploration. Just like many times in the past, it was fruitless in terms of escaping, but they were successful in finding good prey!


A big, fat, robust body. It has long horns protruding from its head and a physique that is a mix of a boar and some type of canine.


A fearsome creature that needs at least 6 to 8 Level 5+ hunters to hunt safely.


This is a Boardogge, which is a type of Legendary Creature in the Krugar Mountains.


“Holy shit…” - Talya cursed. - “I’ve never seen one so close up; only when I was younger, but it was dead!” - Talya swallowed her saliva.


“This one appears to be young, few scars, around Level 6~8 perhaps?” - Skarla asked, curious and with bright eyes.


“Are you thinking about killing this thing?" - Talya asked, shocked. - “Yes, you don’t have to help if you don’t want to!” - Skarla replied, smiling.


"Okay, how will it be?” - Talya sighed and agreed without hesitation. She follows the motto: You only live once!





Skarla: D20+7 = 16+7!

Talya: D20+7+3 = 8+10!


The Boardogge was digging through the roots of a tree, seemed to have found some rabbit's hole, and was happily terrorizing its prey, slowly getting closer.


Maybe that's why he wasn't alert when two human women approached. Talya was wielding her bow. She stayed in a higher area, and Skarla, with only her fists, approached the creature.


[Skarla – Stealth – D20+7 = 10+7!]

[Boardogge – Perception – D20+2 = 20+2!!!] (CRITICAL SUCCESS)




The Boardogge rumbled as he turned around abruptly, his eyes immediately landing on Skarla, who had already taken a fighting stance. But beyond Skarla, the Boardogge noticed the sharp gleam of an arrow and the vague silhouette of someone in a nearby tree.


[Talya – Attack – D20+7+3 = 11+10!]

[Boardogge – Dodge – D20+1 = 5+1!]


A whistle sounded, and even though the enemy he thought was hiding among the leaves and branches was in his field of vision, Boardogge was unable to dodge. The result was an arrow stuck in his back, causing agonizing pain and remaining embedded there.


[1D6+7 = 10] (Damage)


With an enraged, pain-filled caw, the Boardogge began with a frantic charge, quickly covering the distance between him and Skarla.


[Boardogge – Skill: Charge – D20+3+5 = 12+8]

[Skarla – Dodge – D20+7+2 = 11+9]


Skarla was surprised by the creature's fierce momentum at a distance of 6~7 meters, covered in moments, where she quickly tried to dodge, but unfortunately she was hit by the creature's huge head and fangs, accompanied by its atrocious claws!




Skarla screamed in pain…


[Spill Resistance (Strength + Advantage) – 2D20+6 = 19+6 and 20+6] (CRITICAL SUCCESS)


Skarla's massive body left the ground, its thick thighs and stomach damaged, as it flipped through the air, deftly landing on its feet, while the creature continued forward for another 4 meters before skidding with a flip and ferociously snorting.


[2D10+7+2D6 = 24]


In just 1 hit, Skarla lost 1/3 of her HP, something she didn't like at all! With a ferocious growl, she snapped her fingers as she charged forward, and the Boardogge began running towards her again, her eyes thirsty for blood!


[Talya – Attack – D20+7+3 = 2+10!]


An arrow shot from above, but due to Boardogge's quick movement, it ended up missing him. Skarla and Boardogge clashed, and with Skarla being faster and supporting her, electricity came, covering her fists.


[Skarla – Attack – D20+7+3 = 17+10]


Her blow landed on Boardogge's head, lightning exploding and energy coursing through him...


[Paralysis Resistance – D20+5 = 18+5] (Success)


Boardogge's body went rigid as energy coursed through his brain and body…


[2D8+9+1D6+6 = 25]


A shrill screech came from the creature, wailing and ferociously shaking its head, stunned and slightly paralyzed, giving Skarla the opportunity to deliver another punch charged with electricity!


[Skarla – Attack – D20+7+3 = 10+10]


Boardogge lacked the ability to reason and tried to escape, resulting in Skarla easily hitting him in the head again!


[Paralysis Resistance – D20+5 = 6+5] (Failure)


[2D8+9+1D6+6 = 27]


The electricity passing through Boardogge's body was even more intense than the first time; it accumulated and exploded, completely paralyzing his body.




[Talya – Attack – D20+7+3 = 17+10!]


[1D6+7 = 9]


An arrow whistled and stuck in Boardogge's back, agonizing and paralyzed, unable to do anything, while another punch fell on her face. Skarla was taking advantage of her 1 minute of [Electric Aura] which increased her damage by +1d6 +6.


Boardogge's body was forced against the ground, blood dripping from his eyes, ears, and mouth; some teeth were already broken, and his fur was already being singed.


On the 4th blow, Skarla twisted her face into a ferocious expression when, with the weight of her body, she brought her fist down on the creature's head, a beautiful 'Critical Hit', clearing more than 50 of the creature's HP, even though the poor thing had less than 50 at the moment.


His skull was cracked by the weight of the fist, which felt more like a hammer!


Skarla, kneeling, slowly stood up and retracted her fist, covered in blood. The lying creature had several spasms; perhaps it was the electricity still coursing through its body.


[+174 EXP!]


PART 2 – Sudden! (+18)


“Skarla! My God! You practically killed him alone!” - Talya shouted, full of emotion. Looking at the creature's corpse practically intact, with its skull crushed and two arrows stuck in its back.


“It’s just a mindless beast; there’s nothing exciting about this hunt.” - Said Skarla, taking care of his wounds.


"Oh shit!" - Talya noticed Skarla injured, stopped worrying about the hunt, and ran to help her, but when she reached her, she looked at the wounds. - “Has it already closed? As?" - Talya was surprised.


“Circulate the energy to harden your muscles in the wound area; in addition to accelerating regeneration, it will-” - Skarla was explaining when Talya suddenly went up, came forward, and kissed her, making Skarla's eyes widen.


Talya's tongue entered her mouth for a short time before she pulled back. Before Skarla said anything, she said she was smiling. - “Stop talking; every time you open your mouth, I feel like I’m going to get a headache!”


Skarla closed her mouth. Talya smiled and moved forward again, kissing her while her hands went down to Skarla's waist, which was frozen in place, still thinking about what to do.


[Intelligence – D20+6 = 1+6] (CRITICAL FAILURE)


(Author: Thank you!)


Skarla was really taken by surprise by all of this, and in that instant, many things that she had been suppressing began to explode. After so many years without sexual relations, even though her sex life wasn't the most active, it wasn't non-existent when she lived in Murim.


And in this life, everyone around her has sex; she often woke up to Talya's screams and moans in the next room because she was fucking someone from the tribe.


Stopping caring about the fact that she was her cousin, Skarla just gave in, feeling that there was no longer any reason for it, and with a sensitive grunt, she felt Talya's hands slip inside her leather skirt, where it was already wrapped around her soft and fleshy stem.


Talya withdrew her lips from Skarla's, biting them lightly as she looked down, where she slowly untied a simple knot at the side and the skirt fell, exposing her thick, muscular, dark thighs. But the most attractive thing was the long, thick member, flaccid between them.


Swallowing her saliva, Talya wrapped her delicate fingers around the thick flaccid length, slowly moving it, which, with her stimulation, began to stiffen and rise, bending.


“And I thought you were incapable of climbing.” - Talya said, smiling while biting her lower lip.


Skarla clenched her teeth as Talya leaned on her left side while masturbating. Her cock is becoming erect and, in all its splendor, around 34 cm.


“Huge~” - Talya swallowed her saliva when she saw this, smiling as her hands went to her skirt, which she let fall and thus exposed her pubis covered in black hair, while her thighs were already wet.


Talya raised an eyebrow and smiled when Skarla, who was like a statue, extended that large hand and muscular arm towards her, grabbing her waist, and his other hand went to her chin.


"What was it? I'm beautiful?" - Talya asked with a bit of mockery, looking Skarla in the eyes, who didn't say anything and just stole those seductive lips, starting an intense and wet kiss.


Talya's eyes widened in amazement, not expecting so much skill but laughing. She let herself melt into those big, strong arms while carefully caressing that fleshy shaft, which is now pressed against her abdomen, naturally with clothing preventing the skin from touching.


Talya felt a strong hand on her bottom, and soon that hand on her chin went down to her other glute. Slowly, the grip became firmer, and then she was lifted, where she happily jumped up and hugged Skarla's neck.


With a sweet laugh, Talya looked Skarla in the eyes. - “You being silent… is much better!” - She laughed. - “So how about you speak for both of us?” - Said Skarla in an attempt to provoke her.


“I accept the proposal, but how?” -Talya laughed and shivered when she felt something hard and warm rub against her bottom. Her insides were contracting; this might be the biggest thing in her life, and she has been looking forward to this for a long time!


Skarla hugged her with one hand, her fingers lightly touching her wet pussy. Then, with her other hand, Skarla grabbed his proud, rigid shaft, slowly guiding it into a soft, wet slit.


Talya bit her lip as she looked tense. Skarla forced it to fit, and due to the nectar constantly flowing, her dick slid in more easily, widening her entrance and filling Talya!


She didn't expect it, which made her tense up even more and open her mouth, sucking in air, her lips with a slight smirk, as her body descended and more of this monster filled her.


And then, firm hands sink into their plump, strong asses, squeezing them tightly as Skarla's crotch kisses Talya's, pressing down hard, with both of them grunting and shuddering.


Talya, with her face on Skarla's neck, was feeling this long and thick monster filling her entire pussy, having reached her uterus and forcibly invaded it. She feels like her insides are burning. The pulsations made her shudder and grunt in pleasure.


As for Skarla, it's been many years since the last time, and... having such a big dick is weird and more intense! Or maybe it's the fact that it's been so long; she's very sensitive!


Whatever the case, she feels the soft, warm insides squeezing her, which makes her shudder with the pleasure coursing through her.


At some point, Talya hugged him and kissed his cheek and lips, indicating that it was time, and so Skarla began to move.


Slowly and steadily, that huge, thick dick withdrew, spilling copious amounts of Talya's nectar that ran down the huge, thick, veiny member, pulling the soft, red flesh of Talya's vagina with it.


Then this monster advanced, and sounds of friction and light vaginal farts echoed. The sharp moan coming from Talya's lips is shrinking into Skarla's arms.


Skarla, growling like a beast, moved her hips more intensely, and Talya began to feel this huge cock hitting her insides and pulsing more vigorously.


Plap* Plap*


Wet sounds from the clash of flesh reverberated. Talya growled fiercely as things got more intense, not believing this was her cousin's first time!




Talya screamed shrilly as her nails dug into Skarla's skin. Growling fiercely, Skarla felt the contractions getting stronger and Talya's body becoming more rigid; she also couldn't take it, and with strong and prolonged thrusts, she began to ejaculate, filling Talya.


The two hugged each other tightly, panting heavily.


[Aimless sex: Pregnancy seen as an “unforeseen event”. Failure margin: 1~16]

D20+2.5(Luck): 15+2.5 [SUCCESS]


(Author: Almost!)



Talya was smiling like an idiot while sitting against a tree. Legs open with large volumes of semen oozing out, while Skarla further away is tying up Boardogge's corpse.


“So good to see my wild woman capturing our kill after filling my pussy with her seed!” - Talya said, laughing, and Skarla looked, grunting and looking away.


“You know, from now on, I’m going to want one... no, two loads every day!” - Talya said, and there was no response from Skarla, but she felt a pulse in her groin, showing that someone down there was excited.




After Skarla graduates from virginity, Talya became clingier than usual. Before, it was mainly because of the techniques and wanting to know tricks to get stronger, as Talya is a little lazy.


But now, when night fell and Skarla said that she would take the first watch shift, Talya attacked her, and she only watched as she ferociously stole her lips while she exposed her flaccid penis by bending over.


Talya excitedly fit it in and sat down vigorously, letting out a high-pitched, sensitive howl, with Skarla growling and hugging her. - “You know ~ you could even be more active; it's so strange to see you be so submissive ~”-Talya said in her ear.


Skarla, hearing this, growled, then, grabbing her waist firmly, started to force her.


“Ohh~ fuck! That's what I'm talking about!" - Talya laughed as she felt the vigorous thrust and a slight rolling, stirring her insides. She did not know where Skarla learned this, but she was loving it!


Plap! Plap!


The thrusts began to come, and Talya began to flex herself up and down, supporting Skarla's pull as she punched the huge, fat one deep into her sensitive and soaked pussy, wanting more and more!


At one point, Skarla couldn't take it anymore, so she lifted Talya up, and her huge fat cock slipped out! Pulsing vigorously, with his fat balls bouncing, heavy white jets shot across the grass and even into the crackling fire.


Talya, with her face in Skarla's neck and hugging her, was shaking with her eyes rolling back as her pert ass, held by Skarla, was twitching and her pussy was contracting.


Slowly, Skarla lowered her, and Talya smiled as she hugged her cousin, feeling comfortable on her still-growing, voluminous chest. "Warm~, I’m going to sleep here!” - Talya said, closing her eyes, and Skarla frowned.


PART 3 – Banquet! (+18)


2 days later!


The Vulture Tribe went into an uproar as a huge, fat body was dragged by the over 1.85-meter-tall young woman. A Boardogge, a legendary beast from the Krugar Mountains, is one of the greatest nightmares!


This same creature was in one piece, being dragged by the duo, with a proud Talya puffing out her chest.


And at that moment, a woman around 35 years old approached. A beautiful woman with long red hair and white, toned skin approached in amazement, with a child with moss-green skin following her.


“Hi Toru, I see you’re getting strong!” - Talya said, smiling, looking at the red-haired Half-Orc, who nodded slightly, looking shy.


“An impressive hunt!” - Said the red-haired woman, who is none other than Ilyria, the current Chief of the Tribe.


She was not chosen by the people, but by the Orcs, as apparently she became pregnant by an important Orc in Makaulu's army, who, in order to get rid of her and as she was conceiving her child, placed her under the leadership of a human tribe.


Of course, the fact that Ilyria was obedient and smart made it easy to put her in that position.


“Take as much as you have to take!” -Skarla said in a neutral tone, with Ilyria looking at her, that this is not the first time she has dealt with this type of situation.


“No need, this is a Boardogge, a glorious hunt, reason for a banquet!” - Ilyria said, laughing and winking, clapping her hands.


“What are you waiting for? Take it and start dismantling it; today we're going to celebrate! We finally have some worthy sacrifices for our ancestors after so many  years."- Ilyria shouted to the accumulated crowd, where spirits quickly rose.




For Skarla and many other young people his age or younger, it is the first festival they are taking part in. Especially because there haven't been many joys in recent years and no decent hunting.


But today, Ilyria let them take some barrels of mead she had stored, which she bought. As a result, the oldest people, at least those aged 21+, were celebrating, trying to remember the parties and banquets before all this.


Various rituals were performed by the tribe's elders, including dances and body painting, with the ancestors being honored. As for the mestizos, they were part of the party, as they currently make up more than 1/3 of the tribe's members.



During the preparation for the banquet, Ilyria, before personally going to dismantle the Boardogge, observed the damage, assessing the arrow holes and knowing that the damage caused by them was minimal. What truly killed him was the concussion damage to his head.


But taking a closer look at the cracked skull, she soon found a slight shape of a fist, and from the dented areas, she could tell that they were all punches… - “Did Skarla do this?” - She asked herself in amazement.


Killing a Boardogge with your fists—the strength needed for that... - “She lied; there's no way her Strength is only +4. Unless she has some Unique Ability, which Talya must know, but she hasn't told anyone either.” - Her eyes sparkled as she had several thoughts.


Sighing, she took out a hunting knife and began to dismantle it. Due to the high vitality, it will take a while for the meat to rot, but as the plans are to devour all of it and not need to send anything to the Orcs, it doesn't matter!




The elders taught the young people about various songs and played drums and rattles, with the many women dancing like their ancestors and teaching the young people various dances.


Slowly, what started as a simple and fun celebration ended up becoming something with fewer and fewer clothes.


Apparently the festivities would also be like a rite of passage for younger people in the past, being able to graduate from their virginity and receive their first dose of EXP.


It simply becomes a kind of sexual orgy and marathon. Skarla and Talya, who are the protagonists of the banquet, could choose whoever they wanted to interact with.


Talya was already drunk; perhaps this is the first time she has been drunk. She kicked the many men who surrounded her before going to Skarla.


“Fuck you all! I want my big prize, right here, right now!” -Talya laughed and held Skarla by the shirt. She sat on her lap and stole her lips.


Everyone watched in amazement, and Skarla, who, for many, was always a block of ice that seemed to despise them, hugged her back. Talya, with a happy laugh, felt Skarla's lips on her neck while something down there was already growing and pressing against her vagina.


With fierce movements, Talya stood naked like many others, where she happily exposed Skarla's glory to all men and women. That huge, fat monster pointed to the heavens.


The men shrank; even the older Half-Orcs felt inferior. The women, on the other hand, were impressed and had intense looks; especially the women who were the Orcs' toys, haven't felt something that size inside them for a long time.


And this huge cock, bigger than most adult and well-endowed Orcs, was between Talya's plump, brown buttocks, and she was moving up and down, rubbing herself against this meaty, virile shaft, before moving up, her ass gripped by her hands. big and strong of Skarla, exposing her slightly open holes to everyone.


The huge cock fell into place, and with one sitting, Talya howled, rolling her eyes in pure delight, while Skarla growled and shuddered.


Talya laughed, kissed Skarla, and sucked her lips before biting them and beginning to sit down vigorously, showing everyone present that she is more than capable of devouring this monster!


This shocked many young girls who had never seen anything this size before, while making dozens of mature women envious and jealous, who pulled several men to try and satisfy the fire in their pussies!




Talya's howls and growls echoed shrilly as Skarla pulled her vigorously against his crotch, slamming his huge cock into that greedy pussy!


Soon Skarla was growling ferociously, and her cock slipped out. She ejaculated and shuddered, with Talya hugging her and smiling.


Many looked at that vigorous member, pulsing and ejaculating large volumes. Certainly, if you send it straight into the uterus, the chances of getting pregnant are close to 100%.



Skarla was panting, with Talya at her side, recovering and feeling the burning gaze of so many people. She naturally felt uncomfortable, thinking it was time to leave.


“Hey, Skarla! What do you think of some help to calm this little guy down?” - A woman in her 30s was already in front of her, stroking his rigid member.


Skarla raised an eyebrow, and her cock was actually pulsing, ready for a second round. -“Come on… fuck this bitch ~”-Talya said in her ear and sat down next to her.


Skarla gritted her teeth and stood up. The woman was slightly startled before being held and turned around. She looked confused before feeling something warm, hard, and wet slide between her legs.


Looking down, she saw pressed against her pussy, that huge cock while one of Skarla's hands went to her flat, slightly defined abdomen while his other hand grabbed her neck.


She smiled, her hands stroking the big, thick head of Skarla's cock, where she guided it to her pussy and with the fit, Skarla moved forward without hesitation.




The woman's high-pitched and melodious scream reverberated as everyone watched her abdomen bulge. Skarla's hand on her belly moved down to her hairy pussy, stroking her clitoris as she began to thrust.


Plap! Plap! Plap!


Loud, wet sounds reverberated as Skarla's crotch slammed vigorously into the mature woman's ass, who had her face distorting in maddening pleasure as Skarla grew more aggressive.


The thrusts were repeated more times, and soon a shrill howl reverberated as the woman had an intense orgasm, squirting everywhere and suddenly going limp in Skarla's arms, shuddering with a face full of satisfaction and rolled eyes.


Skarla growled as he pulled out his vigorously pulsing cock, still not satisfied. As she was very intense, this mature and proud beauty, who hasn't had a big dick for many years, was not prepared for this explosion of emotions!


And it was at that moment that a chubby woman in her 40s approached, panting and with intense eyes. She is not ugly, and Skarla, at that moment, was not caring!


Grabbing her, he made her lift one leg, exposing her hairy, soaked pussy, before receiving the fit and the fierce thrust, to the point that her body rose. She hugged Skarla's neck while screaming in ecstasy, with Skarla grabbing her thick thighs and starting to thrust constantly.


Skarla began to growl fiercely, holding on and soon knocking the woman to the ground, pressing her down while ruining her greedy, soaking pussy. The woman's howls reverberated, and everyone watched in fascination as Skarla bumped her groin against that greedy pussy while her big, voluminous ass swayed along with her entire body, shuddering.


Soon, with a shrill howl, Skarla withdrew from her pussy and, standing erect, began to ejaculate and cover the voluminous and sexy woman with her sticky liquid, who trembled with her eyes rolled back, letting out a light laugh full of ecstasy.


Skarla panted lightly and circulated her energy throughout her body, decreasing her calorie and energy consumption, readjusting and redistributing her stamina evenly, and accelerating her recovery.


And the result of this was that the extra blood in his lower limb became even more intense. - 'Hmm? I forgot that in this world, dicks have a damn flow of energy!' - Skarla grunted, having forgotten that.


And the fact that his dick was even more rigid was the green light, and when he noticed, several mature beauties, thirsty for sex, were surrounding him like hungry wolves!


Talya bit her lips, already regretting letting go of Skarla, who was already being hugged by another mature woman who was having the best sex of her life!


‘I hope this doesn’t affect me too much…’ - Talya thought.


And in the main accent, Ilyria, drinking mead from a horn, was wearing light and low-hanging clothes, exposing her white breasts; they are not large, but they are beautiful.


Ilyria was spread-eagled, while a Half-Orc, around 13 years old, was vigorously flexing against her pussy, growling and twisting his face, doing everything he could to hold on.


Grunting and rolling her eyes, Ilyria looked vaguely at that accumulation of people and could hear the shrill and crazy howls of pleasure. She sometimes saw Skarla and that glorious member, making her desire that.


Unfortunately, she is the chief of the tribe and has to take care of the youngest and virgins, letting them experience the most powerful woman in the tribe so that they can learn how to have sex the correct way, and of course, there are superstitions involving her.


But now none of that matters; Ilyria just wishes she could go to Skarla, push all those sluts into heat, and take that huge cock for herself!




Ilyria growled in frustration and pleasure as the young man in her arms ejaculated, filling her. Ilyria rolled her eyes slightly and hid her frustrated sigh.


PART 4 – Martial Arts!


Martial Body (Level 2)

  • Requirement: 1 Point & Level 10.

  • A body and mind trained for years to be used as the most powerful of weapons!

  • Proficiency in “Unarmed Combat” +1.

  • In “Unarmed Combat”, you can use Strength or Dexterity to “Attack” and cause “Damage”.

  • Deals 2D6+2+MOD Unarmed Damage.

  • Add ½ CONS to the rate of [Dodge] and [Block]. (Difficulty getting it right).

Skarla was looking at her only Level 2 skill, which she acquired around the age of 10~11, before acquiring [Diamond Body]. It was around this time that he began to more seriously practice the many combat techniques in his memory.


[Martial Body] itself is a method of External Cultivation, strengthening every muscle in the body to be the best in combat. It encompasses many factors, but it is certainly the Pugilists' main skill, and Skarla has plans to make this her main skill as well.


At the moment, she has little energy—less than 15 years of accumulated energy. When she reaches around 20 years old, which apparently will be when she will have an advance in her attributes, she will have enough energy to practice some more powerful Martial Arts.


Her current luck is that because of leveling, she has the equivalent of 30 years of Energy, as 54 of the 115 she has comes from [Thundering Lion Mantra], and the rest is leveling.


And all this energy circulates accordingly in her body without problems, but they are still seen as different things, and she doesn't mind. Skarla only knows that in 2 years she will achieve her plans.


And she saw that she needs more Skill slots; just six is not enough. She is unable to bring out the real effects of the many techniques she has in her mind because of her inability to make them her abilities.


Of course, it can replace some, like [Blink] and [Body Control]:

Blink (Level 1)

  • Requirement: +10 DEX & 1 Point.

  • An advanced Aura technique related to the [Thunder] Element. Instantly move to an area in your field of vision!

  • Range: 6 meters.

  • Cost: 1 Aura Point & 20 EP.

Body Control (Level 1)

  • Requirement: +8 STR, CONS, DEX, and INT & 1 Point.

  • Through training, practice and discipline; a masterful balance between body and mind has been achieved!

  • Advantage on Acrobatics, Pain Resistance and Lethargy checks!

  • +2 bonus on Abnormal Resistances, Mental Stabilization, Focus and Athletics tests.

But both are essential skills. One allows you to escape or dodge attacks, as well as surprise the enemy. The latter gives you masterful control over your body.


This is something that every self-respecting Martial Arts Master needs to know, as it allows them to close wounds that are not too serious, as she did to close the wounds caused by Boardogge.


With this, she can cancel out some of the pain she feels. Even in more advanced stages, it is possible to extract poison from your body and change your appearance; in fact, to change your appearance, you need knowledge and technique to do so, but this ability is an important factor in this.


In other words, for any Martial Artist, [Body Control] is essential. The system of this world is very simple and constantly seems to be restricting you, as if limiting your growth and ideas.


Skarla hates this, wondering ways to get around these damn restrictions, because if it weren't for that, certainly all Level Skills would not be lower than Level 3. In fact, she would already have more than 20 skills at this point.


'I just hope there is a skill that is a set of Fighting Techniques.' - Skarla thought, as she has sets of techniques in her mind, which are made up of at least six forms of movement and attack, while the largest have more than 50 forms.


If all forms become one skill each, she would most likely need to be at Level 100 to master three Supreme Martial Arts. But if they are categorized into sets, the level will probably be something to unlock more moves from the set.


But she doesn't know how to put this into practice. Where she thought about writing, the problem would be a lack of writing materials. She believes that for something like this to happen, she needs to register it in this world in some way, but just with animal skins, it won't work.


She needs to get out of these mountains if she wants to get stronger and truly experience life. Living in a backward, remote, and isolated place like this is a real nightmare for a scientist and researcher like her.


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