Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

24 – Epiphany!


PART 1 – Meal and Conflict!


While Letiphia had headaches from the wall destroyed by Skarla, the very one who stopped her temporary madness was now relaxing and patiently awaiting the day of the banquet.

Apparently some adventurers and mercenaries hired from their level had already been sent on missions; apparently they were in a hurry and already had their groups formed.

Skarla wishes he could go too, but he's already waited this far; what's just a few more days to be sure of everything and then go?

The next day, while Skarla was resting after sexually satisfying her two girls, she was in the dining room, where you can order from the servants, and minutes later they will bring you your meal.

It's practically a cafeteria, but the cooks must be exhausted, as there are many adventurers and mercenaries in the mansion who are allies of many of the Masters.

Naturally, Letiphia is putting up with these hundreds of people walking around her mansion, fucking in the various rooms, and even harassing her servants. In the end, most of them should be dead by the end of the year.

And while she was eating and reading a book, a palm collided with the table. Skarla sighed and cast a calm look to the side, seeing the smiling Skadih. - “Let’s go again; the winner takes it all!” - She said proudly, and this time she showed a metal shield that appeared to be magical.

Skarla remembered the letter she received from Letiphia. To keep up appearances, she didn't come to complain, but in the letter she didn't show any delicacy or respect, cursing him and seeming furious, ordering her not to destroy her castle anymore, as it is all made of expensive materials and its repair is extremely complex, not to mention that on the other side of the wall, expensive items were destroyed.

If it weren't for the strange relationship that both parties have, Letiphia would place harsh penalties and compensations on Skarla's head at this moment, but she swallowed her pride, as her greed for power spoke more than her ego and material pride.

“Skadih, I have no interest in you or your girls at all; I don’t care how your people’s culture works; go find another hole to try to fuck or another stick to sit on.” -Skarla said, coldly waving her hand, and before she spoke, a crackling sound sounded and an electric pulse shot out, making her retreat dozens of steps as she shivered.

“The difference in our levels is absurd; you're only alive because I'm friends with Edric, but to be honest, I'm seriously wondering if I still consider him a friend after yesterday.” - Skarla said coldly, and Skadih growled.

"I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW!" -Skadih screamed, but at that moment, a firm hand grabbed her shoulder. An angry Skadih turned around and trembled, growling.

Behind her is a tall, muscular man, covered in full, heavy armor, dark skin, shaved sides, and short hair on top of his head. In appearance, he appears to be no more than 30 years old, with some scars on his face.

“Skadih, leader of the [Eye of the Raven], you are in his highness's residence; you are a guest, but you are not an important guest! Continue with your disturbances, and you will be expelled from the mansion along with your group; we do not need the presence of brutes who do not know how to control their wild  impulses."- Said the man in a cold tone, squeezing Skadih's shoulder.

Skadih felt the force but was unfazed, growling and then spitting on the ground. - “Shit dog!” - She then lowered her shield and was retreating, but turned to Skarla and said. - “We’re not done yet.”

“Hey, what’s your name?” - Skarla asked, pointing at the man, who gave him a cold look and said. - “Miguel, you don’t need to know more than that.”

“Okay, just answer me one thing, Miguel. If I kill this bitch if she continues to annoy me, will I be penalized for something? Of course, I don’t think about killing her in here.” - Said Skarla.

“From my observations and companions, Skadih appears to be stalking you in some way. Fighting back and taking this matter into your own hands will not incur the need for the law of the land to be enforced, as long as the murder does not occur within the halls, rooms, or corridors. from your highness’ residence, that’s not our problem!” - Miguel said in a cold tone, while Skadih, still in place, frowned.

“Hey bitch, if you want to fight, that's fine with me; let's go to the training camp, but know that I'm not going to defeat you and then fuck your pussy like you want so much; I'm going to kill you, and you won't be able to have a coffin open!" - Skarla said coldly.

[Intimidation Test(Charisma + Intimidation)]

Skarla – D20+8+4 = 18!

[Willpower Test(Wisdom + Will)]

Skadih – D20+3+4 = 11!

Skadih at that moment felt terror, the coldness in Skarla's eyes, and the frightening and murderous energy involved. She knew it wasn't a bluff or act; Skarla was really going to kill her.

As a warrior, she is ready for death. She wanted to scream for them to go ahead, as she has great confidence and pride in her strength, but her most primitive instincts screamed for her to get out of there and stop bothering this woman.

Miguel, silent, seemed to be tense, even though he kept his expression calm and cold. He understood that this was not directed at him; he resisted it without any major problems, but he still felt Skarla's strength behind it.

Only his will to kill could affect his surroundings. Miguel understands why the duchess ordered him to keep an eye on Skarla to stop others from provoking her.

Initially, he thought it was to prevent Skarla from causing unnecessary problems, because when you look at a woman over 2 meters tall and with muscles that would make many men envious, you immediately think, She's going to destroy everything, damn barbarian.

But the reality is different; she is calm and smart, but she is not a dog that only barks.

Skadih ran away shaking, but before running away, Skarla noticed that the slut really got excited by all of this, to the point that her skirt was rising in a volume that was difficult to ignore.

Skarla and Miguel, who noticed this, showed disdain. - “I had little involvement with other futanaris like me, but are they all like that?” - Skarla asked Miguel.

“… I've interacted and seen a lot of futanaris, but Skadih is really strange; I hope you're careful.” - Miguel said, already walking away.

Shrugging, Skarla went back to what was important to her: her book. She is learning more about magic.


PART 2 – Bath!


After scaring Skadih, she didn't stop chasing her, but now she kept a certain distance, watching her. When Skarla went to take a shower, Skadih was there, staying distant and watching her.

Skarla ignored it; sooner or later, this ends.

Unfortunately, the next day, with the banquet getting closer and closer, Skadih seemed to want to provoke Skarla.

So when she went to take a shower at night, accompanied by some of her girls, Skadih arrived with all her companions, big, muscular women with huge dicks; the smallest one must be around 20 cm.

Skarla rolled her eyes.

“Oh~ this is strangely exciting; it’s like seeing a bunch of Skarla’s, only with much inferior physiques and sizes that don’t even compare.” - Calah said, smiling and salivating.

Viper stared, assessing their muscular bodies, penis size, and facial beauty. - “I can't even compare; it's like looking at defective products; don't say nonsense anymore; do you want to humiliate our Skarla?” - She snorted as she leaned back against Skarla.

Pauline, who was taking a shower, saw this entourage of women with big dicks and muscular women and soon ran away.

Cecil looked on with interest, but Belinda seemed very uncomfortable; this was too much for her, and so the two of them also left after a quick wash.

Sasha found this worrying, but she stayed.

Phinel, curious, was sitting to the side, observing with interest these muscular women with huge cocks.

Tropim didn't even give room for doubts or invasive thoughts; they entered, and he had already run away. To be honest, if Phinel hadn't pulled him here, he wouldn't even have gotten into the bathtub, because it's hell to dry his fur, and if you're not careful when drying, he ends up creating fungus and developing skin problems.

Too bad, he looked cute all wet. He was a little grumpy, but he was cute.

Skarla kept her eyes closed, enjoying the hot water, but it seems that Skadih is the type who will only understand something when her head is disconnected from her body.

And this stupid and proud warrior was now in front of the five, smiling, accompanied by half a dozen of her warriors, including Holga, all proudly crossing their arms.

“And now, what will it be like?” - Skadih asked, laughing, and Skarla opened her eyes, naturally with her eyes at the level of the various pieces, noticing that Viper had a disdainful look; Calah was smiling excitedly; Sasha remained calm but was intimidated; and Phinel smiled and licked her lips.

Sighing, Skarla began to stand up, water running down her slender, toned body, looking perfect, as her massive, flaccid cock became the focus of their attention.

“I think being slow is a requirement to enter [Eye of the Raven]. Who in their right mind would continue to irritate a warrior who can obviously kill them like insects?” -Skarla said coldly, standing in front of Skadih, who is practically his height.

But Skadih felt inferior in comparison to Skarla, where his penis far surpassed hers, and somehow, this humiliation and sensation made her excited, and as a result, Skarla frowned as she felt something hot and hard hit her abdomen.

“You are pathetic!” - Skarla said with obvious disdain, her hand moving forward and a heavy fist hitting Skadih's abdomen. Her eyes widened, and then her body bowed, with her holding her belly and shivering.

Her legs were shaking and her dick was throbbing. She was trying to catch her breath, and at that moment, Holga went ahead, sighing and saying, - “Sorry, but... our leader became obsessed with you.”

“That's not my problem; my patience has limits. If you continue, I will kill you!” - Skarla said, growling.

Holga swallowed her saliva, then said - “Why don’t you just fuck her? Skadih's problem is that she is already over 40 and has no family, because she always wanted to find someone good and capable but never did. Her obsession with you is because of this.”

Skarla took a deep breath, looked her in the eyes, and said. - “And why is this my problem? Why do I have to care if a slut didn't find a hole to put her seeds in or find a stick to fill her hole? If you want it so bad, why don’t you fuck her? Get her pregnant, and she stops walking around the world like a pathetic woman in her 40s who couldn’t even reach Level 11!”

Skadih growled, pushing Holga and standing in front of Skarla. She trembled and seemed to hold back crying. - “Stop annoying me and wasting my time.”


Skadih screamed as she charged at Skarla, wanting to knock her down, where she hugged her torso, but Skarla remained firm and strong, not even moving an inch.

At that point, Skadih, who was using all her strength, noticed that she wasn't doing anything; she just felt something grab her hair, and then her face was lifted, and then a fist connected to her face, and she was thrown.

Skarla advanced, but at that point, Viper advanced, getting in front of her. - “I know what she’s doing is absurd, but she doesn’t need to kill her!”

Looking at her beloved, Skarla sighed and then prepared to leave. She had already lost her patience.


A laugh came. Skarla looked at Skadih, sitting with a bloody nose, her blood dissolving in the water. - “You will be the mother of my children! Just wait, I’ll soon reach level 11, and you’ll see!”


Skarla snorted in disdain, while Holga looked at Skadih with a complex look, remembering something she heard yesterday.


What the hell is going on with Skadih?

Why is she pushing so hard?

Is she just a crazy bitch who wants to have children with a strong warrior?

The answer to all of this is [Dices]!

On the first date, I rolled dice to decide how Skadih would present herself, and since she was after Skarla, she just decided to grab her ass. In the dice I played, Skarla's first impression of Skadih was a [Critical Error], meaning that at that moment, creating a friendly relationship was impossible. Edric could be a mediator, but it was a [Critical Error].

So Skadih's first impression of Skarla was a [Critical Hit], which practically made her extremely interested and willing to subdue Skarla, especially because it is difficult to find women of that size and muscles without showing beauty.

Result: She was beaten by Skarla, and in that punch, the attack result was converted to Charisma; that is, as it was a [Critical Hit], Skadih practically became obsessed with Skarla's strength at that moment.

The following events were the same: simply Skarla having terrible results in trying to understand or feel something for Skadih, and subsequently for her subordinates who come from her, entering the same level.

In the case of Skadih, for some reason all the results related to Skarla tended towards something contrary to the common census, and as these are the results, Skadih, who could in fact become a great ally, became an enemy, or simply someone who Skarla despises and doesn't even see him as a human being.

In the end, that's the wonderful thing about Dices and why I love DnD and other TRPGs: the randomness, like a simple encounter, can lead to different scenarios, because literally, it could lead to a scenario where Skarla forgives the initial abuse and tries to be understanding, befriending, or remaining neutral for Edric's sake.

Edric is a very important factor in this entire relationship, as Skarla actually saw him as a friend. So because of him, she would force herself to be friendly, where naturally teasing would occur, and Skarla, the proud woman she is, would end up showing her great tool, humiliating Skadih.

And depending on the results, Skarla, just to feed her ego, could continue with strange competitions and, in the future, result in her fucking Skadih so that she would understand the difference in another way, not by punches but by how deep her dick entered her.

But this scenario was literally erased; maybe in the future I will write some [Side Stories] about potential futures for certain scenarios.


PART 3 – Marijuana!


Skarla was irritated with Skadih; how could she not be? This absurd woman became obsessed with her for some unknown reason. This is so annoying!

"OK. Okay. Enough of that. You don't need to care about her anymore; we'll probably never see each other again, and if we do see each other, maybe only at the end of the mission, and maybe she'll already be dead.” - Calah said, patting Skarla on the head to calm her down.

Skarla laughed, taking her in her arms and lifting her up.

“Ah, Skarla, speaking of obsessed women, I don’t have very good news for you.” - Phinel said suddenly, and Skarla raised an eyebrow. She thought quickly and believes she knows what this is about.

“Mirabell, is that the name of the elf you fucked?” - Phinel asked, and Skarla's response was a growl.

“It's as I thought. When I left early, I was approached by her; she somehow found out that I'm in her group and asked me to arrange a meeting in the same bar where everything happened.” - Phinel said and added. - “She said she was interested in your offer.”

“So she was listening? Well, anyway, let’s just ignore it; I have no plans for her.” - Skarla said, nodding her head.

“She’s quite skilled; didn’t you want an assassin? Since Shunam is no longer available, she would be a good trade.” - Phinel said, smiling.

“What did she offer you to say these things?” - Skarla raised an eyebrow as Phinel initially warned her about elves and their pride; now he is trying to change her mind.

And Skarla wasn't the only one with this doubt; Viper looked at her significantly, and Phinel smiled with some shyness, looking around slightly before taking something out of her clothes, a small bag, the inside of which contains what appears to be crushed herbs.

“That… is that Elven Grass? Doesn’t that cost 1 gold coin per gram?” - Calah asked in surprise. - “How much is there here? It should be easily 200 grams!” - She was scared.

“Wrong, this is the Enchanted Elven Herb! Grass costs four times as much!” - Phinel said, smiling and keeping the bag as if it were one of the most precious things in the world.

“She offered you all this just to send the message." -Viper asked in front of her with intense eyes.

“Yes… 200 grams just to give the message, and I will receive another 300 if I manage to take you, and another 500 if Skarla accepts you. Apparently she has a great supplier; I tried asking, but unfortunately she seemed more focused on Skarla than negotiating.” - Phinel sighed.

“So what do you think about just going to the bar, fucking her for a few more hours, and then coming back with 800 grams?” - He said so, smiling with bright eyes.

"I fully agree!" -Calah nodded, and she turned to Phinel. - “I want to try it; shall we smoke later?” - Phinel nodded, smiling.

“I heard that with this herb, it is possible to have epiphanies and improve your abilities; is that true?” - Sasha asked.

“Yes, it is rare, but this herb makes your mind so crazy that you think about different things and exceed the limits of your mind, where you can literally practice and easily notice your mistakes, or even the mistakes of the skill itself, and adjust them according to your instincts. This one, which is an improved version, has an even greater chance of having this effect.” - Phinel said, smiling and kissing the bag.

Viper looked at Skarla, who looked livid. - “It seems like a very good deal to me; I agree; go fuck that pussy and come home with gold!” - Viper said, smiling.

“…is this serious? You guys want me to get involved with a nymphomaniac elf who almost left my dick unusable! They want me to go back to her, who must be even more prepared for marijuana?!” - Skarla growled.

“…” - The group remained silent, and the one who broke the silence was Viper. - "Yes!"

“…” - Skarla was silent, and the rest of the group agreed.

"What is happening? What strange weather is this?” - Asked Pauline, who arrived with Tropim, who was rubbing her head, Skarla spoke.

“What are you waiting for? We can spend money on you to restore your balls; go get that herb!” - Pauline said, and Tropim nodded.

When Cecil and Belinda discovered this, they also sided with the group, agreeing that Skarla had to make the sacrifice for the greater good.

Unable to bear this nonsense any longer, she went to Letiphia.


In Letiphia's luxurious office!

Skarla didn't mind being a nuisance to the duchess, where she took her precious books to read them. Letiphia tried to ignore it, but how could she ignore the giantess sitting on her luxurious sofa, reading a book that cost hundreds of gold, while scowling?

"OK! What is it now? Why that face?” - Letiphia growled as she slammed her hand on the table.

Skarla looked at her, where she sighed and told her her problem. She fled here, as it is the place with the most peace and no one would bother the duchess for trivial matters, except for Skarla, of course.

But when she finished counting, Letiphia was standing, moving a frame on the wall and showing a safe, where she stood in front of it to put the password.

“What the hell are you doing?” - Skarla asked calmly.

"You are an idiot? Do you know how precious an [Enchanted Elven Herb] is? If there is someone who supplies this in my territory, I need to know and buy as much as possible."

“What’s your damn problem? Are they a bunch of junkies now?” - Skarla growled, feeling that she suddenly jumped into another reality, going from a world where everything leads to sex to a world full of drug addicts!

“Do you have a problem, or do you come from a time when you couldn’t access the Elven Herb? If you don’t understand the value, don’t judge!” -Letiphia snorted, and she took some gold bars from the safe.

“The reason Elven Herb is so expensive, although the grass literally costs gold, is because the elves are its only producers and they are a bunch of addicts; they literally consume what they produce, and it is very difficult to get more of that product. Therefore, unlike common weed, which is just a random drug that drives the mind crazy, Elven Herb, in addition to being more potent, has alchemy and magic products that strengthen the minds of those who smoke, which is why Elven society is one of the most evolved in the world, both in technology, alchemy, and magic.” - Letiphia said calmly.

“When I am carrying out my studies or research, I smoke, because it helps me improve my mental abilities, where even if I forget part of everything, I have the habit of writing everything down, so I just need to reread what I wrote while I was crazy and have my magical breakthroughs.”

“My daughters consume; most young nobles consume; those who don't consume, it's because they don't have money to buy! Even elf children consume it to help with their studies, where elves have the ability to retain all memories as something instinctive.” - Letiphia laughed.

“Now stop being an idiot and tell me where to find this elf, for it has been many years since I smoked an enchanted elven herb.” - Letiphia said it seriously.

Skarla blinked, finally understanding everyone's madness. It seems that she is taking into account the common marijuana on Earth, and of course, it exists in this world too.

Sighing, Skarla stood up. - “I hope it’s all worth it.” - She sighed.

“Whatever, stop wasting my time and tell me where to find this elf!” - Letiphia was getting impatient.

(Author: For those who are curious, I don't smoke; I never have, and I have no plans to smoke. In Brazil, besides being illegal, I saw this trash destroy many families, including my own.)


PART 4 – Mirabell! (+18)


In a family tavern!

Skarla entered, accompanied by a smiling Phinel.

When they entered, a figure sitting deep stood up and waved her hand vigorously, smiling. It was a beautiful elf with red-orange hair, soft white skin, and wonderful curves.

Growling, Skarla approached.

“Finally, I thought they wouldn’t come.” -Mirabell said, smiling and throwing something to Phinel, whom she thanked and ran away. - “So, how about we resume our previous conversation?”

“…”-Sighing, Skarla sat down, Mirabell smiling and biting her lip as she extended her leg under the table.

“How about you stop that and tell me what you want?” - Skarla said, and Mirabell pouted.

“What happened to you before you were so fun and intense? Today, you seem so boring!” - Mirabell said, grunting and smiling, where she didn't stop trying to tease her, her soft foot going against something she wanted.

Skarla remained calm. - “I'm not having a good day; now a bitch who almost made me imposing is subordinating my companions to meet with me.”

“Ohh~ I see. If that’s the case, how about I apologize in a more private place? I also have enough for us to have fun. Fucking while smoking is much more pleasurable and relaxing.” - Mirabell said, smiling confidently as she showed a bag full of something.

“Don’t try to buy me with this; let’s get straight to the point!” - Skarla said it seriously.

"… OK! I heard you're putting together a group for the duchess's mission; I want to join yours! And before you ask, I don’t want to join you just because you fucked my brains out, and I really want you to fuck me again, as many times as possible, for the rest of my life… Oops, sorry, I got carried away.” - Mirabell laughed, then composed herself and continued. - “But I did my research on you, and what I discovered is shocking and exciting, which makes me want to join you even more!”

“What did you hear about me?” - Skarla asked calmly.

“I heard it must be at least Level 15.” - Said Mirabell, who suddenly jumped across the table, sliding until she was on Skarla's lap, who couldn't resist.

“I heard that you made Rogerio Ludwick, the baron who is lord of the City of Balkamo, chicken out and punish the duchess’s little princess.”

“I also learned that he has certain meetings with the duchess, where they say that the two are in an intense relationship. I believe, I doubt even the Mistress of Darkness, the Butcher Witch, would be able to resist that juicy stuff!” -Mirabell licked her lips while she caressed Skarla's crotch.

“I also know that you have a former Shadow of Veremor as a lover, showing that your relationship with the duchess is much greater than many believe. So… let’s stay together; I’ll watch your back, calm this big guy down, and we’ll live happily ever after.” - Mirabell said, laughing and bringing her face closer to Skarla's.

“That was good information, but what use are you to my group? As far as I know, you are a thief; I already have one in my group who seems much more skilled than you, and he doesn't even look like he's going to dry out my balls in the middle of missions.” - Said Skarla.

Mirabell pouted. - "Is it serious? Where did that loving invitation go? Could this thief drive you crazy?” - She said I heard her. - “Can this thief make you go all out until your balls dry? Because I know I can do it and many of your women can't! They are not an elf!”

Skarla looked at Mirabell, who had already pulled her penis out, smiling happily, but Skarla kept it to herself. - “It's a shame that I'm focusing on efficiency and not pleasure without realizing that I'm happy with my girls.”

Mirabell found herself being lifted and sitting on the table, where she quickly extended her feet to stop Skarla from leaving. - “Look, I spent a lot on this meeting, so if you don’t want me in your little group, what do you think we take advantage of the room I rented?”

Skarla snorted. - “I’ll give you the 500 grams I promised the effeminate guy.”

Skarla looked at her… then asked. - “Same room?”

"For sure!" - Mirabell smiled.


The room was properly organized; it seems that Mirabell really worked hard to make it so welcoming. On a table, there were many bottles of potions; such a sight made Skarla worried.

“The red ones are health potions; they will help relieve pain; they are not the conventional ones; they are made exclusively for pain related to the constant use of the penis and balls, and, of course, the pussy too. The yellow ones are stamina potions; the blue ones are supplements, which will prevent us from needing water and food and will even help speed up sperm creation.” - Mirabell said, smiling, and Skarla frowned.

“Last time, I really didn't expect it, but now that I'm ready, I won't let you leave this room for the next 2 or 3 days! Don’t worry, you’ll be in time for the banquet; I just don’t know if you’ll be able to walk for it.”

“…” - Skarla looked at everything, and Mirabell was already taking out bundles of elven herbs. - “So, what do you say we enjoy the moment?” - In her words, she took the pack to a candle and lit it.

Mirabell quickly brought it to her lips and sucked, puffing out her chest and then passing it to Skarla, who took it and watched, while Mirabell coughed and made an expression of delight.

Skarla looked at the wad, and now that she had touched it, she could feel abnormally pure and concentrated streams of energy. Stopping thinking, she brought it to her lips and sucked.

Soon her eyes widened; unlike Mirabell, who is a perverted rogue who is already dropping her pants, Skarla is a martial artist with an absurd sensitivity to energy flows in her surroundings, but mainly internally.

Her pupils dilated as she felt a flow of pure energy flood her body, leaving her relaxed. At the same time, her mind felt so light, with so many things appearing in her mind.

And at that, a moan came from her lips as Mirabell below sucked the fat head of his cock, massaged his balls, and squeezed his thick length.

Lowering her hands, Skarla was already taking off her clothes, and Mirabell deftly helped her get rid of her boots. Soon Mirabell was on her feet, taking the wad from his fingers, sucking more of the smoke, and handing it back to him before looking down. That massive, fat, erect cock pressed against her smooth, slightly bulging abdomen.

A smile was on Mirabell's lips, a beautiful and excited smile, with her lifting her hips and slightly opening her legs. In order to see her, Skarla moved to the side, seeing her wet and thin pussy, so beautiful and without any hair.

With a growl, Skarla grabbed Mirabell by the leg and lifted her up. Her long, slender leg was extremely flexible, extending to the maximum, and Skarla's cock moved forward, hitting her abdomen as her leg touched her shoulder.

Mirabell was balancing herself with one hand on the thigh of the leg that touches the ground. She watched with delight as this massive cock was about to destroy her. She slowly bent her outstretched leg, which braced itself on Skarla's shoulder, and then put more strength into it and went up, where his foot on the floor slid onto her leg.

Skarla was surprised by Mirabell's flexibility and body control, which actually impressed her, and now her massive cock was pressed against that sopping pink pussy.

Mirabell retreated, staying within the limits to the point of shaking so as not to fall, where Skarla fitted her penis into this entrance that opened without resistance, spilling more of her nectar. Moments later, Mirabell advanced mercilessly, swallowing this massive cock.



They screamed and moaned, their bodies feeling extremely sensitive and their senses becoming very heightened because of the drug.

Skarla, with an audible growl, grabbed Mirabell's hips, who was in intense, almost orgasmic delight, feeling this massive monster messing around inside her, making her vividly remember those most intense hours of her life.

And at that moment, she felt a strong grip on her hip, and looking away, she noticed Skarla retreating, only to then heavily collide that massive cock against her pussy, her stomach jumping brutally.


Mirabell let out a guttural scream as an intense squirt exploded from her pussy. She squirmed and screamed. - "DO NOT STOP! DON’T YOU DARE STOP YOU SLUT!!!”

Skarla had no thoughts of stopping.


His hips intensely and fiercely moved incessantly, his fat balls hitting against his thigh and his massive cock constantly reaching dangerous areas. Due to the intensity, if it weren't for a certain potion, Mirabell would need medical help urgently.


Her pussy was brutally beaten, and she saw no rest. Skarla seemed to have infinite vigor, with truly monstrous momentum. She is even more fierce than last time, with a performance that is a thousand times better.

The reason for this? The energy coursing through her body, so pure and majestic, resonated with her Core Energy, causing substantial changes and making the flow of energy more fluid, a fluidity that Skarla had never achieved in her life.

It could be said that at that moment, she had an epiphany, whereby instinctively, she, who wanted to dominate Mirabell, did not want to repeat that day where she was almost powerless. Her mind instinctively developed an enhancement to her aura.

It runs through your body in a passive and pure way, nourishing every part of your body and replenishing your stamina, but in addition, it provides you with an almost forced regenerative capacity, keeping your penis at its peak and your balls constantly producing sperm to their limit. .


A roar came from Skarla's lips, her face twisting, teeth clenched, and veins popping out of her neck, where she soon began to cum, and Mirabell, howling, had another intense, brain-frying orgasm.

In 1 round of Skarla, Mirabell found herself having 7 orgasms, where she perhaps realized that smoking the Enchanted Elven Herb to fuck was not the wisest choice.

But unfortunately for her, there was no time to think; she was thrown onto the bed, where she was surprised and confused, then felt a tug on her leg, followed by a hand grabbing her hip.

Her bottom was lifted, and we can see her thighs slightly reddened from the beating. Mirabell grunted, perhaps needing time to take some potions, but her pride prevented her from saying anything, and all she felt in the next instant was her pussy being brutally filled, a hand grabbing his neck, and in seconds a heavy flexion that shook his entire body.

Something was put in her mouth; she knew what it was and sucked it down, rolling her eyes in delight as she composed herself and tried to match Skarla, clenching her pussy and turning abruptly before closing her legs around his waist. But when she was to go up and hug her, she fell on top of her, forcing her against the bed, drowning her with her large, soft breasts, while her hips rose and fell brutally.


The intense shock of flesh was maddening to Mirabell, unlike past sex, where Skarla at least appeared to be human, having the ability to feel the weight of the expenditure of her vigor.

But now, Skarla didn't stop; there were no prolonged seconds or moments of time for every certain number of thrusts to catch her breath; she just continued in an intense and brutal way, never ceasing the movement or giving her time to breathe.

Amidst the intense pleasure that permeates every corner of her body, having spread from her pussy, Mirabell, with her cognitive capabilities already reduced, bit Skarla's nipples with some force, instinctively trying to make her give her a break.

But who would have thought that Skarla's thick and extremely durable skin, which can almost resist blades, would only make her bite really strong—something pleasurable for Skarla?

And with more pleasure permeating her, the more intense her thrusts became, with Mirabell going crazy, wondering how the hell she ended up like this when not even half an hour had passed yet!

Skarla's orgasm came, and her pussy was even more filled, to the point that she felt very heavy.

And Skarla stepped back, slightly dizzy from the momentum, where she took another one of the packs and lit it, smoking it and having some inspiration. Her instincts told her to do something. Her only point, which she has been saving for a long time, was used to expand the limits of her abilities from 10 to 11.

As soon as she did, she felt that everything became even more fluid, and she acquired a new skill that complements everything!


● Continuous Flow ●

● Energy flows in a continuous and orderly manner, mixing HP, EP, and Aura, drastically boosting your body's metabolism and allowing you to convert Aura into an abnormally pure and vital energy.

● 1 Aura = +20 HP and EP.

● Flux continually speeds up your metabolism; in exchange for the constant need for more nutrients, your Stamina recovery is increased by 400% and your HP Regeneration is increased by 200%.

● Reduces Stamina expenditure by 50%.


Something really wonderful and complex to understand, but in practice, it is continuously generating Aura, but it can also convert this generated Aura back into HP and EP.

And it's worth noting that it costs 5 HP and 10 EP to create 1 Aura, but converting 1 Aura into HP and EP makes you recover 20 of each.

Naturally, the math doesn't add up, but it turns out that in situations like this, it's worth it, but in combat, where Aura generation takes 1 minute or more, it will depend a lot.

But of course, to literally have over 20 HP and EP-restoring potions at your disposal is an absurdly high amount of help.

But Skarla naturally had no thoughts of using it in combat at this point; she looked at a trembling Mirabell going to the table full of potions, grabbing some, and drinking them.

Skarla approached her, grabbing her around the waist. - "Wait a minute! I need to have some!” - Mirabell shouted, really worried.

“Don’t worry, I’m just helping you; take as many as you need, but I don’t think that’s enough.” - Skarla said, and Mirabell looked to the side. That massive cock was already erect, and she swallowed her saliva.

Skarla took some supplement potions, and she felt her body become lighter. It seems like it's enough to sustain her for a few more rounds.

And when she saw that Mirabell had already finished taking her potions and even rubbing something into her pussy, Skarla took her to the bed, where she suddenly writhed in his arm. Quickly, her legs were around Skarla's neck, and her pussy was pressed against his face.

Mirabell growled as her hands went to her massive cock, squeezing it tightly and masturbating it while she smeared Skarla's face with cum and her nectar.

But soon Skarla knocked her down on the bed, and kneeling over her, Skarla slapped Mirabell's face with her massive cock. Her sweet and excited laughter came as her tongue tried to slide down the massive cock.

Soon, Skarla stopped pounding her face and guided the tip to her lips, where Mirabell opened her mouth and felt the pounding thrust. Her entire jaw expanded, and this massive cock went deep into her throat.

Mirabell rolled her eyes as she felt massive waves of pleasure course through her body.

Then Skarla started to move; this is the second woman in his life who can take him by the throat. Magic and alchemy are really convenient!

Bringing her hand to her pussy and giving it a vigorous slap, Skarla drove her fingers deep before an intense vibration set in, and Mirabell began to squirm, gripping her arm and her sharp nails pressing into her thick skin.

Skarla flexed, howling, and when Mirabell grabbed his balls and squeezed hard, she couldn't take it and had another orgasm, filling and choking her with his cum.

Mirabell howled in the throes of suffocation, her groin arching and an intense squirt erupting.

Skarla backed away, wide-eyed, and Mirabell gasped and choked as semen came out in large volumes from her lips.


A wet, vigorous slap sounded, and Mirabell jumped slightly. That massive, saliva-lubricated cock pressed against her face. - “Where is that crazy bitch who emptied my balls? I miss her." -Skarla said in a mocking tone and hit her beautiful face more, irritating her.

And Mirabell, a proud elf slut, would allow no more such insults, and so she spread her legs to receive more of this massive cock, only to quickly lose all her momentum and pride to moan wildly in Skarla's arms.

The sex was intense and brutal, to the point that Skarla had to take the potions and make her take them, as she didn't need more than the supplement potions.

In this way, Mirabell, who in the past was crazy and stopped Skarla from escaping her clutches, was now trying to escape, but it was Skarla who wouldn't let her, drowning her in pleasure.

So many hours passed when morning arrived, and unfortunately the potions ran out. The effect of the drug was also wearing off, and Skarla regained her lucidity. She was amazed, and as well as keeping the memories of everything that had happened, she knew that she had gained something truly phenomenal.

But in addition to all this, she, who had 55.3 years of Core Energy, more specifically 20,236 days, now finds herself with 26,445 days of Core Energy.

Her Core Energy jumped from 55 years old to 72 years old! She understands why, in the midst of the mind-blowing sex, she felt stronger and more vigorous; she actually suffered from a damn epiphany!

Just like when she was about to die in the past, in that epiphany, her internal energy amplification became more sophisticated and powerful.

After a long time, she looked at her status:


Looking at her status and her attributes that far exceed her limits, it makes her laugh. Opening and closing her fist, she looked at Mirabell, who had already fainted and seemed to be pregnant from how full her stomach is.

'This elasticity potion is really very good!' -Skarla thought, laughing, as she approached, kissed Mirabell's forehead, and thanked her for the help.

And before going, she naturally took the bag containing the rest of the herb, of which there wasn't much left. She understood its value, the ability to bring the mind to epiphany. For a martial artist, if this existed in Murim, there is no need to say how many wars would occur to get their hands on it.

Well, look at her now. She was an epiphany, and she increased her core energy by almost 50%. She acquired an ability that practically gave her an automatic circulation of her energy. Even if it is not useful for cultivation, it will allow her to always be at maximum vigor. It will restore your vitality, and there are many other benefits that are difficult to measure.

Skarla will save this until she reaches Level 11 or so to see what benefits she can squeeze out of it.

She left the room, and when she was about to leave, the owner stopped her. - “I’m going to want compensation for the repairs; I know they destroyed things and made others unusable!”

“… I wasn’t the one who rented the room; it was the bitch. Ask her for compensation.” - Skarla said, snorting.

"I do not want to know! Last time the room was a mess and I had a huge loss; luckily, that elf paid the damages when she came to rent it again, but last time, she escaped through the window and probably already did the same.” - Said the owner fiercely.

“Hahaha~ my friend, I doubt she'll be able to climb out of a window, but if it's money, take it; I don't care.” - Said Skarla, throwing some gold coins into the owner's hand before leaving.

The owner snorted and went upstairs to see the damage, where in fact the room was a mess, but the one who was most messed up was actually the elf lying on the bed looking dead. This worried him, and he went to check on her, who was alive, but whose condition was deplorable.

Looking at the table, he found broken bottles, but many, from the liquid and smell, were really expensive potions, and lots of them!

“Heavens… What the hell happened here?” - He asked, shocked.

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