Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

10 – Continuing, but on foot!




Magic—what is it and how does it work?

Magic is something that a select few have access to—those with a greater sensitivity to ambient energy, also known as Mana!

Those with such sensitivity awaken the “Third Eye – Mana Vision”, which gives them a +1 bonus in Intelligence and Wisdom, to further help in treading the path as a wizard.

But the strength provided by magic comes through rigorous studies and understanding through what the individual understands of what they achieve through the “Vision of Mana”. These things are known as the “Magic Runes”, the way world energy tries to communicate with the world and its view on all laws.

ALL! Literally everything that exists, whether we can or cannot see it, is described by world energy through Magical Runes. Through understanding, a magician is able to translate and bring into reality the power contained in the runes.

This is how Spells emerge; over thousands of years of development, the world's Magic System was shaped as follows:

After feeling, the magician needs to understand the Magical Runes;

After understanding at least 100 basic-level Magical Runes, practically part of the alphabet, and some other runes of concepts such as [Fire], [Earth], [Sharpening] and so on, you need to put all of this together in your brain and thus shape something called a “Magic Circle”.

The “Magic Circle” is a tool that magicians create inside their brains that works as an automatic translation tool, facilitating the casting of spells.

Along with this, the “Magic Circle” has something called “Mana Threads”, which don't lead anywhere, but it is possible to develop “Spells” and record them in your mind, connected to the “Mana Threads”.

The result of this recording is saving the spell for use in the near future. This is called a spell slot, which grows the higher someone's level is.

And as a mage understands more and more runes, there will come a point where they can develop a second Magic Circle, then a third Circle, then a fourth Circle, and so on. The benefit, besides more spell slots, which are very precious, would be the ability to develop and use more complex and powerful spells!

Thus, even though mages are known to have fragile bodies, they are weapons of annihilation with their arsenal of spells, especially those who have reached the 3rd Circle and above, which alone could easily cause the deaths of 100~200 ordinary soldiers. in a few minutes.

But spell slots aren't the only way mages use spells. EP (Energy Point), as soon as a mage forms his first circle, is quickly changed to MP (Mana Point). Why? Property!

Even though everyone on the continent universally recognizes world energy as mana, since it was the term generalized by the Mages of the continent, it is common knowledge that the system treats “Mana” only as “Energy”, especially because it has no properties or functionality. direct.

It is a pure and unrelated energy, and as a result, it can be used in all kinds of ways, such as strengthening the body in a more gentle way, serving as a source of food for Aura, and strengthening weapons and armor, something that Skarla does.

In the case of Skarla having MP instead of EP, most likely the properties of his techniques and skills would be more complex, but also more powerful!

Mana is nothing more than an EP influenced by the “Magic Runes”, which Skarla uses only to translate the Murim Cultivation Techniques but does not use them for anything beyond that.

If you use it, it will naturally become more complicated, and most likely your active and technical skills will have a “Limited Use”, just like Spell Slots, as the world needs to balance things, and Skarla is certainly a sore thumb in the eyes of the world!


Circle Magic is a skill that makes Magic Slots available, and of course, it will depend a lot on the “School of Magic” you are studying.

Each skill level is equivalent to one circle higher. There are extra abilities for wizards that expand spell slots.


PART 1 – Letauru City!


The journey continued, with small conflicts occurring in the middle of the road as groups of goblins, kobolts, wolves, and bandits emerged.

But as they were generic enemies, with a level that hardly exceeded 5, it was easy for the trio to take care of all of this.

And whenever they stopped in villages, the hospitality was always great, since the villages in this territory are very prosperous in terms of agriculture, with their leaders being practically bourgeois.

As for where the poorest people live, they are naturally in villages further inland or in cities, which, as far as we know, are relatively large and populated. As there is plenty of food and the slaves are the ones who mainly take care of the crops, it is natural for the common people to do other work.

And as the territory's main source of income is provided by its fertile land, it is natural that there are many mercenary groups in the region that take care of bandits and monsters. But even with so many groups spread out, these lands are still very dangerous, and bandits, despite being aware of the constant hunting, are still willing to try a life of crime in the region, especially because the traders are rich and so are the people.

If the bandits were successful in 1 or 2 attacks, they would gain a large sum of money and resources, and if they joined groups of 20 or more bandits, even the mercenaries would take care of them.

In the end, the Barony of Jokama is very prosperous and full of opportunities for those who want to have an honest and dishonest life.

And along the way, naturally some groups of mercenaries were bumped into, where some interactions occurred, where the mercenaries, upon learning of Skarla and Edric's potential social status, showed great respect.

The reason is simple. Leveling up is not easy after Level 5. The difficulty increases significantly; you have to get into more and more combats, kill more and more enemies, and, of course, train a lot to have the right skills.

For those who reach levels above 10, becoming completely different and distant beings, it is natural that the difficulty for each level is even greater, where those who are at maximum level 10 cannot even imagine.

With less than 3 weeks left before the 2-month period of travel is reached, the Duchy of Veremor was reached, but it was only the border; it will take a while until they reach the capital, which is the destination.

But to say goodbye to the carriage as well as Edric's delicate slave, the group arrived at one of their destinations, the City of Letauru!

City that belongs to the Duchy of Veremor and where Viper has the greatest authority. When they entered the city, the city lord himself received them very politely. Even though he was a noble with the rank of baron without family lands, he reached this position due to the Veremor family.

Very politely, he had prepared everything for the trip, as ordered by the duchess. They were even told that four days ago, a group guided by a Shadow of Veremor also headed towards the capital, and there were chances of meeting them on the way.

"I can handle it!" Menala said seriously to Edric, with red tears but determination.

I'm sorry, my dear, but I have a great mission to complete, and you would unfortunately be a hindrance to the formidable enemies I will face. Even if I am willing to defend you, I know my capabilities, and I know that I will not be able to guarantee your safety."- Edric said eloquently, trying to sound passionate, holding Menala's wrists while looking into her kind and innocent eyes.

[Deception Test – Difficulty: 16]

Edric – D20+6 = 26 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

(Author: Holy sh*t! I didn’t expect that one.)

Menala, with teary eyes, hugged Edric, sobbing at his departure. He hugged her and lifted her chin, giving her a gentle kiss and said. - “Make yourself comfortable in your home; when I finish my mission, I will certainly come back for you.”

(Author: You don't even need to take another test; the son of a bitch took a critic; Menala will believe him even if he said he was a virgin when he met her.)

Escaping Menala's sticky claws, Edric smiled awkwardly as he walked over to Skarla. - “I told you I should have left her in the first village.”

I should have listened. How would I know that she is that old man’s granddaughter?"- Edric grunted while scratching his head.

It was too obvious!” - Said Skarla.

"No, it wasn’t!” - Edric denied it.

"It was!" - Even Viper, who is always silent, responded, and Edric was forced to remain silent and accept it.

At least you were a gentleman and paid for a nice carriage for his safe return. But you were lazy and didn’t pay for any decent guards; you know that the chances of her dying due to the danger on the road are high, right?” - Skarla said it with a certain coldness and disdain in her tone.

“…she is a lucky girl; she will certainly arrive safely at your home until my return.” - Edric said, placing a hand on his chest.

"I doubt!" -Skarla said, rolling her eyes, not about Menala's safety; she's sure that's not guaranteed; her disbelief is about Edric considering the possibility of revisiting her.

I am a man of my word; naturally, I will meet you in the future!” - Edric said, feeling offended.

You made no promises… no oaths.” - Said Skarla, meanwhile, Viper gave her a look of pure disdain.

Edric growled and scowled before shrugging. - “She’s going to be fine! Leave me alone with these judgmental looks! It wasn’t me who deformed so many pussies and made women addicted to my dick!”

Viper glanced slightly at Skarla, as Edric had a point. - “I didn’t play with your feelings, and I didn’t make any promises. Not to mention that sooner or later they forget me; the human body is very adaptive, and it's not like I'm the only one well-endowed in this region. There are always prostitutes with big dicks in the cities.” -Skarla responded to her words.

In the end, it's just sex. Even though this world revolves a little around sexual relations and the minds of many end up thinking a lot about having sex with everything around them, it's not like it's just that.

The women Skarla has had relationships with will certainly have some problems relating to other partners, but for women, there are many ways to relieve themselves, and there are toys of all sizes to support.

Of course, they won't be like the real toy, but it will be a way to compensate.

Stop trying to justify yourself; we already know you're a piece of sh*t who just wants to have fun with any pretty woman and then throw her away. There’s no need to try and hide this from us; there’s no way you can fool us!” - Skarla said, winking and patting his shoulder.

Edric sighed, looked at Viper, and asked. - “Isn’t there any way, I don’t know… to ask someone else from your little group to join us? I’m a man, an alpha; I need to get my needs met or I might lose control and attack you; maybe even attack our big girl here!”

Being called, Viper looked at Edric and said. - “Don’t worry, I’ll castrate you before you touch me, sir. alpha. When there is the possibility of you attacking Skarla, you would have to survive until you can pull down her pants and fight hard to not be the one she takes in the ass!”

Edric scowled while snorting, and Skarla laughed before saying. - “We're going out early tomorrow; why don't you go have fun in some bars around there? If you show a little of your strength and say where you are going and how much you are going, perhaps a mercenary or adventurer group will be interested and end up asking if they can go together. Then maybe you can get a sexual partner or two until our next stop.”

“…sometimes I forget that you are very smart!” - Said Edric, who packed his things and went out to have fun.

Skarla smiled, and with her hand reaching out, she grabbed Viper's soft ass, making her shudder as she looked up. - “What do you say we start our own fun?”

Viper didn't respond verbally, but with her temperature rising and her moving closer to Skarla, it was enough.

In a luxurious room, there is a big, messy bed. Two naked bodies resided there, with Skarla massive with her arms and legs open, while lying on her body with her face close to her neck was Viper with her eyes closed, breathing calmly but still conscious.

Her toned legs were folded on the sides of Skarla's abdomen, and she was panting lightly as her huge cock was resting.

Hey…” - Skarla called lightly, and Viper weakly looked up, looking into her eyes.

I will be direct. I liked you, and I want you! Become my wife!” - Skarla said without hesitation, not trying to be misleading or anything like that, that she really liked Viper.

"Hmm?!" Viper, who is always cold and indifferent, showed a face of pure astonishment, with a slight blush appearing on her face. - “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Look me in the eyes!” - Skarla said seriously when he saw her start to look away, perhaps embarrassed; it didn't matter. With her serious words, Viper ended up looking as Skarla's presence became heavier. - “I'm not kidding, I liked you, and I want you to become my wife and, in the future, be the mother of my children!”

Viper swallowed her saliva, then said. - “It won't be possible; I serve the Veremor family, and I will only have my freedom in 10 years! Even if I am tempted by your proposal, I cannot break my oath.”

I see… then answer me honestly. If I can get your duchess to release you from that oath to come with me, would you come?” - Skarla asked seriously, and Viper shuddered, knowing that it was unlikely that such a thing would happen, as each Shadow of Veremor is an important property for the Veremor Family.

"Yes!" - Viper replied. She was indeed interested in Skarla, but she learned not to get emotionally attached so easily. She has had many relationships in her life to pass the time and admits that she has felt infatuation with some people, and Skarla is one of them.

But in the end, as soon as she moves away from Skarla, she will forget about her through the use of some spells and techniques. This is the way to remain focused on her work and not let useless emotions take control of her.

Good to hear that... another question. Whatever you did to your body and that of your companions, I believe it is no longer possible for you to level up, correct?” - Skarla asked, and Viper remained quiet, but silence was the answer.

Good to know..." - Skarla said, smiling, thinking of a way to bargain.


PART 2 – More conflicts!


Leaving the next morning!

Accompanying them was a group of three adventurers: 1 warrior, 1 rogue and 1 archer. 3 young beauties who were certainly deceived by Edric's sweet and brave words.

Skarla literally didn't care; Viper much less. As long as it wasn't a nuisance, everything was fine.

And Skarla or Viper can't even use their movement abilities because Edric isn't as fast as them. He has high resistance, but he doesn't match the two, and he doesn't have such precise control over his breath.

Not to mention that Edric is the type who goes all out during the fight to finish it quickly. In other words, he is used to spending all his energy at once, as it wasn't worth speeding up.

As a result, the three adventurers were able to keep up with them because of Edric, who was practically a slug!

And Edric, with an idiotic smile on his face, liked to evaluate the beauties around him, feeling like he owned a second harem since he has one in his house with five wives. There are five other women, and he only has sexual relations with three of them.

But anyone who looks will think the same thing—that they are all their women. This makes him happy and makes him feel even more proud.



Difficulty – D20 = 3

Danger Level – 3D4 = 8

Enemy Type – D6 = 6

Number of Enemies – ?d? = ?


Time passed, and the group continued to advance steadily.

Everything was going perfectly well. Edric is constantly having parties in his tent in the middle of the night. Skarla and Viper are having their fun sessions in a controlled manner.

They stopped at a village on the way before continuing on their journey. They faced small challenges; nothing worried the trio with 2-digit levels too much.

And one day, in the afternoon, with the scorching sun falling over their heads...

Heavens, it’s hot today!” - Edric said, sweating profusely.

The three adventurers agreed, panting as they felt their leather armor stick to their skin and clothes.

Skarla showed no reaction; in fact, she didn't seem to be much affected by heat or sultry weather; she has talents and skills related to weather resistance. Not including ‘Diamond Body’.

As for Viper, she is a trained assassin; even if she is hot, she will not show signs of being affected. In fact, she is taking advantage of the best location of the entire group, walking right behind Skarla.

Skarla, who exceeds 2 meters and has a broad physique, ends up creating a large shadow, allowing Viper to follow her and receive everyone's envy.

[Perception Test (Smell) – Difficulty: 18+]

Edric(Advantage) – D20+11 = 19 (Success)

Edric, complaining about the heat, mainly due to his thick chain mail—that is, extremely hot—suddenly frowned when he smelled something.

He is able to smell his companions' sweat easily, especially because he is a Beastmancer who connects to wolf bestiality, so he has a very sensitive nose.

Something smelly is approaching!” - He said it seriously, already recognizing the smell. - “It appears to be an ogre!”

Which direction?” - Skarla asked, extending her senses.

"Left; the distance is indeterminate.” - Edric said it seriously.

They’re far away; I can’t feel them. Maybe they haven’t noticed us yet.” - Skarla said, evaluating.

Let’s kill them!” - Viper suddenly spoke. - “We cannot allow an ogre walking around this region.”

What’s worse is that we don’t have the tools and blood bags. They are quite expensive.” - Said Skarla, knowing that each ogre is worth at least 400 gold coins.

Viper narrowed her eyes as she looked at Skarla, who wasn't bothered; she just said. - "What are you waiting for? Go investigate and come back to let us know. Let’s prepare a surprise attack!”

Hearing this, Viper didn't respond and just walked out of his shadow and into the surrounding trees, disappearing from his field of vision.


[Stealth Test(Advantage) – 2D20+11 = 26]

[Perception Test – Difficulty: 26]

Ogre(x4) – D20+4 = ??, ??, ??, ??

Viper advanced through the trees without making a sound. She soon started hearing sounds, and as they approached, she found three huge, fat, smelly figures sweating profusely.

Looking at the three ogres, Viper observed her surroundings, detecting a fourth ogre nearby, but she confidently ignored him, and knowing its location, she turned to leave.

When she turned around, that nearby ogre heard something and looked, focusing his attention. Viper's invisibility seemed to disappear.


Roaring loudly, the ogre charged at Viper, who was frowning as he accelerated his run, knowing he had made a mistake.

Soon a furious chase began, with Viper being much faster, as the ogres began to bump into the trees, which significantly delayed her advance.

Waiting on the road ahead, Skarla and Edric, through their heightened senses as well as the shrill screams of the ogres, could tell that something wrong had happened.

There was no need to shout or anything like that; everyone prepared themselves for what was to come!

I don't know how many there are, but you four hide and prepare to attack at the right moment. Edric, I think it will be time to use your transformation!” - Skarla said this seriously while everyone was already moving.

Viper frowned, then came out of the trees, his sharp gaze scanning the surroundings, where he soon found Skarla and, seeing no one else, understood that it was an ambush.

She quickly went to Skarla and said. - “4!”

Nodding, Skarla watched calmly, until, within seconds, the rapid movement and sound of trees shuddering echoed. Soon a female ogre came out of the forest; it was a horrendous thing to see.

She has a voluminous body, breasts bigger than melons, and huge folds on her belly. - “Kiegueguegue~” - A strange and disgusting laugh came from the creature as it watched the two humans ahead.

She was full of confidence, not bothered by the fact that she was alone. She advanced against Skarla, who also went to meet her.

[Initiative – The one with the highest Dexterity wins!]

(Skarla: +8) x (Ogra: +1) = Skarla Won!

Skarla saw so many openings in the ogress' actions. When she saw the right moment, she skillfully dodged the first incoming attack, taking advantage of her body, ducking a little in the process, and then attacking!

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 16]

Skarla – D20+15 = 27 (Success) [Damage: 2D10+11 = 23!]

Wow! Guah!

Skarla's fist hit the ogress's chin like a hammer, to the point where Skarla felt that, at least, she dislocated her jaw, just as she saw her already hideous face become even more deformed after her fist.

The huge, fat body, which must have easily weighed over 500 kilograms, popped out of the ground as rotten teeth flew out of its mouth.

The instant Skarla sent her flying, she realized something quickly and quickly retreated. The reason for this? It's called force and rotation!

A punch to the jaw with enough force to knock her off her feet and send her back a few feet. The inclined trajectory naturally caused her head to go back immediately, and the rest of her body followed.

She has a huge body and a very fat belly; the chances of her belly hitting Skarla's face were high, and she didn't want that. Much less having the slightest possibility of her face getting close to her vagina, which must have all kinds of rotten diseases!

Ignoring sickening thoughts, Skarla charged at the ogress, who had just crashed into the ground, and she groaned in annoyance as she sat down.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 16-4]

Skarla – D20+15 = 27 (Success) [Damage: 2D10+11 = 23!]

A knee struck her in the face, breaking her nose and causing her to throw her head back, which hit the ground.

Indifferently, Skarla went down, her knees meeting the ogress's shoulders. She sat on those huge melons. It was a very soft and comfortable seat… But ignoring that factor, Skarla raised a fist, where electricity manifested, surrounding her fist.

The ogress opened her eyes slightly, seeing only a purple flash.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 16-6]

Skarla – D20+15 = 22 (Success) [Damage: 2D10+11+2D6+10 = 39!]


A muffled rumble sounded as the ogress's legs rose and her entire body shuddered. Skarla's fist sank into her face, and even though it didn't use up the remainder of her HP, it was more than enough to leave her incapacitated for the rest of the day.

But ignoring this, Skarla threw another punch, only ending the life of the ogress, and when she got up, it was at that moment that three male ogres arrived, who began to roar furiously when they saw that the only woman in their group was killed.

Soon they began to shout insults in their language, where the trio's gaze focused on Skarla, probably saying that she would be their new slut since she was the biggest in physical terms and thus would be able to handle their massive and fat penises.

But luckily for them, Skarla didn't understand a damn thing they were saying. But unfortunately for her, Skarla didn't give a shit about her silly, twisted dreams!

Skarla, snapping her fingers, advanced without fear, having already lost count of how many ogres she had killed in recent years. There are only 4 more; no big deal!

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 16]

Viper – 1st Attack – D20+10 = 14! (Failed)

Viper – 2nd Attack – D20+10 = 29! (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

(Note: She has the [Improved Critical] skill. It indicates that for her, if she hits, 19~20 is a Critical Hit.) (Only works in combat!)

Viper, with sharp eyes, targeted the one he considered the weakest—the one with the least equipment, to be precise.

All three of them focused on Skarla, not the small figure that stealthily hid in the vegetation. As a result, she came out of her hiding place and fell onto the ogre's back.

By instinct, he was able to move his face to the side, and as a result, the blade only grazed him, nothing that would symbolize danger for an ogre with thick skin and high regeneration.

But the problem was that his head movement meant that even though Viper missed a blow, the second one, which was a combination that aimed to cut his neck, ended up going straight against the back of his head, piercing his neck with relative ease, and...

[Sneak Attack(Level 2) = 3x Sneak Damage + Critical Hit = 6x Sneak Damage!]

[2D6+10 = 18*6 = 108!]

Such a perfect strike, but also accidental. The blade pierced so deeply that it stuck, hitting the ogre's spine and incapacitating him. To be frank, this absurd damage was more than enough to clear his HP. The problem is that ogres are somewhat special creatures when it comes to their kills.

Anyway, the ogre fell, and Viper frowned as she realized that her dagger was stuck. She soon noticed that she had become the focus of the two ogres' attention.


Suddenly, a thunderous howl sounded as, from the trees, a white, furry figure appeared, charging at one of the ogres.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18]

Edric (Wolf) – 1st Attack – D20+12 = 26 (Success)

Edric(Wolf) – 2nd Attack – D20+12 = 16 (Failed)

Measuring 250 cm tall, covered in silky white fur, and with the features of an extremely ferocious wolf. Edric transformed into something like a werewolf, with long, sharp claws, which he used to tear apart the enemy in front of him!

[Damage – 3d6+9 = 19]


The ogre roared as the claws slid across his chest, where he managed to dodge one of them. But it was still painful, and his blood sprayed out even though the wound was already closing.

But Edric didn't just stop with two attacks of opportunity; he advanced against the ogre, almost equaling his height, and tried to grab him.

[Strength Test – Grab – D20+4 = 16]

[Dexterity Test – Dodge – D20+1 = 11] (Failed)

Edric's claws quickly dug into the ogre's shoulders as he growled in pain, glaring furiously at Edric, who opened his huge mouth with rows of sharp teeth and brutally lunged at his throat!

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18-4]

Edric – 1st Attack (Rending Bite) – D20+12 = 25! (Success)

Edric – 2nd Attack (Rending Bite) – D20+12 = 13! (CRITICAL FAILURE)

[Damage – 3D8+9 = 15*2]

Edric fiercely sunk his fangs into the ogre's throat, trying to tear out a thought, and then came for another attack. But the ogre took advantage of this approach to grab its neck, resisting the pain of the sharp teeth in its throat and ferociously twisting!

[Strength Test – Twist – D20+4+2 = 10]

[Constitution Test – Resist – D20+6 = 24]

Edric trembled as the ogre ferociously tried to break his neck with its huge hands, suffocating him in the process and causing him some damage.

[Damage – D12+7 = 18/2 = 9]


Grunting, Edric let go of the ogre's shoulders and, taking advantage of the proximity, grabbed his biceps with the intention of tearing his arms!

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18-4]

Edric – 1st Attack – D20+12 = 29 (Success)

Edric – 2nd Attack – D20+12 = 31 (Success)

[Damage – 6D6+18 = 40]

The claws sank deep into the ogre's biceps before tearing into his fat, muscular flesh, almost exposing his bones. Blood began to gush out from the huge visceral claw marks on his arms.


The ogre roared painfully-

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18]

Archer – D20+6 = 20 (Success)

[Damage – 1D6+8 = 11]


An arrow hit the area just above his teeth, hitting his lip and inadvertently his gums and planting the arrow there!

The archer in the background smiled happily with her success, which only accentuated the ogre's anger and pain.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18-4]

Warrior – D20+5 = 6 (CRITICAL FAILURE)

Rogue – D20+6 = 8 (Fail)

The warrior, along with her fellow rogue, advanced along the sides, where the warrior fiercely swung her sword against the ogre's waist, where her sword stuck, going through the thick leather armor and hitting the even thicker skin, causing no damage.

The ogre looked at her, and she quickly tried to retreat, drawing her sword, but without immediate success.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 17]

Ogre – D20+7 = 27 (CRITICAL SUCCESS) [Author: WTF?!?]

The extremely enraged ogre saw that while facing this formidable enemy that was tearing his arms apart, a small ant dared to attack him, causing a cut that at most was burning, and that was it!

His huge fist, which was bigger than the warrior's head, rushed towards her face, and unable to defend himself, the fist sank and...

[Damage – D6+7 = 12*2 = 24]

The warrior was thrown backwards, falling to the ground and no longer moving.

Edric, seeing this, growled furiously. As for the rogue who came to her aid, when she saw her companion being hit by the ogre's heavy fist, she ran to help her.

"DAMN YOU!!!" -Edric roared as he began a barrage of attacks with his claws and teeth.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18]

Edric – Attack (Claws) – D20+12 = 25 (Success)

Edric – Attack (Claws) – D20+12 = 28 (Success)

Edric – Attack (Bite) – D20+12 = 17 (Fail)

[Damage – 6d6+18 = 46]

Edric's furious claws tore at the ogre's fat and exposed flesh, leaving deep claw marks, and when he tried to bite the ogre's face, the ogre, in pain, withdrew his head to throw ferocious punches at Edric.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 21]

Ogre – Attack – D20+7 = 21 (Success)

Ogre – Attack – D20+7 = 26 (Success)

[Damage – 2d6+14 = 20]

Wow! Argh! Bang! Aargh!

A fist hit Edric's chest, sending him back a few steps before another came into his face, causing intense pain.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 18]

Archer – D20+6 = 20

[Damage – 1d6+8 = 14]

A sharp whistle sounded as an arrow struck the ogre's neck; his face, already distorted in pain, became even more distorted as a figure appeared behind the ogre and…

[Attack Test(Stealth) – Difficulty: 18]

Viper (Advantage) – 2D20+10 = 17 (Fail)

Viper (Advantage) – 2D20+10 = 19 (Success)


All four ogres were dead. Skarla had dealt with the last one alone, who was one of the strongest among the four, but in the end, he was no match for her.

(Note: Due to the protagonist being extremely powerful, unless it is a combat that I consider truly 'challenging', I will avoid giving too much narrative to something that will last less than 5 hits and will be a one-sided confrontation!)

The XP reward for everyone was impressive:

[+304 EXP]

A very significant amount for everyone, where Viper received the message but didn't even bother looking; she knew she couldn't pass the level, regardless of how much EXP she accumulated.

As for the warrior who was hit in the head, she was still unconscious, but it didn't appear to be seriously life-threatening—just that the damage was so great that she may have gone into a temporary coma.

Skarla even used her energy to investigate and help speed up the healing. Even though it's not as efficient as magic, it's still better than nothing!

After that, she was only placed on a stretcher and dragged by Edric. Skarla dismantled the four corpses, taking what was precious, as their testicles, as well as hearts, are great sources of vitality.

The blood and fat can be used to make potions as well as create high-quality fertilizer.

Your heart, the source of your vitality, is useful in creating higher-quality healing potions, so it costs a lot. But in the end, it was not possible to collect the blood.

I hope-”-The rogue was about to say something, and when Skarla heard this, she quickly covered her mouth to everyone’s astonishment.

Don’t you dare finish what you were about to say!” -Skarla said seriously as she lowered her hand. The rogue opened her mouth to say something but then closed it.

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